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Show -- t e.EST MCXsTAINi T.MES West Valley candidates speak on the issues Brent Anderson Larry Bunkall Q: What do you feel qualifies you for this office? Q: What do you fed qualifies you for this office? Anderson Im running because I was asked by a couple of state legislators and some local people because 1 have a Bunkall: Educationally, I have a bachelors degree from the University of Utah and a masters (M.E.) degree in adult education administration from B.Y.U. Currently I am employed as the director of services for the Utah Retail Grocers Association. Most importantly, 1 have been a resident of West Valley for 31 years. in good money background management, budget generation, and expenditure control. They felt this is what the city needed. I have been responsible for budget generations and expenditure control. My organization is called Operation Planning and Control." ar Q: Do you think this years budget was adequate? If not, what are your budget plans for next year? Bunkall: Budget-wisI think we've got to maintain a status to stay within our budget, but whether or not this years budget was adequate, thats hard for me to say until Im in their shoes. I think there has been a lot of comment and questionable use of funds, but basically I think its cam- Ive always been relatively active in civic things: reserve county sheriff for several years; active in UTA advisor counsel. A lot of little committees like e, that. Q: Do you think this year's budget was adequate? If not, do you have any budget plans for next year? I don't have any budget Anderson plans for next year and I dont know if it is adequate. The only ones that really know are the insiders right now. The reason I say that is that we can stand on the outside and read all of the literature we want and ask all the questions we want. We don't get the true picture until we can dig in detail, and then we have to determine what the anticipated revenues are then buck that against our anticipated expenditures. I think the expenditures have to be reviewed again in depth to assure that there is enough there for contingency in a budget like 10 to IS paign rhetoric. When it comes right down to it, weve got to look at the budget for next year and work together as a group. Q: What do you think are the bask issues pertinent to this race? Bunkall: I have kind of a different philosophy there. 1 think the most critical thing we can do right now is the election of seven good people that can work together, be unified, and that make very competent decisions. Secondly, I believe their choice of a city manager is top on the register. When all of that is rolling, things just naturally lend themselves to have a unified community and they're not going to be fighting against the government. We'll all be pulling together. Then I believe we can address the specific issues. percent. By goodness, we have a gas leak on 3Sth South that those expenditures cannot be planned for. If your Brent Anderson revenues are equal to your expenditures you have no contingency and nowhere to go when you have an Married, four children West Valley City resident B.S., U. of Utah, electrical emergency. Q: What do you think are the bask issues pertinent to this race? A nderson Economics! Thats number one. This is how 1 explain expenditures versus revenue. I think another one of the issues is, can the City Council work together? One of the things that has been very disturbing to many of the residents is the contention that has been between the mayor and the commissioners. I think that we have to elect people that are able to get along, who can push and shove to get things done, but yet when you need to give in can give in for the benefit of the city. Keep this city as small as you can. Keep the expenditures as minimum as you can. Contract things out where you can. I think these are the major issues. It all boils down to economy. And one big item in this whole structure is that we have a common city manager. Now were all going to councilmen and mayors. be part-tim- e But we've got to have a stronger city manager who is going to take over the ange of this slate and makes sure it goes right. And it has to be under the direction of the council. Hes got to be confident, and thats a major task right off. Q: Do you think the government is open to suggestions and input from the publk? Anderson I dont think so. engineering Do you feel West Valley City government is open to suggestions and input from the public? How can you make it more open? Bunkall: Yes I do. I feel like the current form is open, but I think the new form will be even more open. The reason for that is that we'll get n the designation of four district and two councilmen. council administration Director of serv ices Utah Retail Grocers Association all of which will have an equal vote. 1 believe it is a very workable solution having four districts represented and the balance of the represen- - coun-cilme- successful in being councilman. I have already gotten five phone calls tonight What do you think of this saying, and what do you think of that? So the government has been closed to the people. The peoples desires can now be incorporated into government. Q: W hat would you like to specifically accomplish as a man widely represented? Anderson First I want to see equality. Capital improvements and services. I sat here in the county for so long and watched all the big libraries built on the east side. I watched all the big highways be put up on 7th East and I saw the minimum amount of effort just to keep us quieted down on the west side. Now I don't want to see our city split into a Hunter and a Granger and Hunter not get the same kind of treatment that the Granger area gets. Of course, thats one of the reasons I I feel there are things went that need to be in Hunter before those things in Granger happen highways for instance. Q: W hat do you fed qualifies you for the office of councilman Bright Well, I feel that through the years Ive lived in this neighborhood 17 years and I've seen things come and go, and Id like to change a few of the things Ive seen go. Like sidewalks for the kids to walk on, you know, going to and from school. Im a little upset over that. My kids have done that all through the yean and they've walked to Whittier in snow up to their Q: Do you think this years budget was adequate? If not, what are your budget plans for the next year? Bright There again, I think to give a good answer I think the council has to meet and decide what is prevalent in disbursing this money, whether it be the police department, the fire department, the parks, schools, whatever. It is hard to say the budget being adequate till you see where the money is being allocated. I really dont think I can give you an answer directly. at-lar- PHOTOGRAPHERS: ENERGY SAVINGS! SAViNG NOW! We've been installing insulated siding, win- dows and carports for 6 years for people you! We g.ve bids with no obligation, end with winter on the way there's no time to g.g-jQ- PETERSON ENTERPRISES Q h7 Cr 566-023- 6 What do you feel are the basic issues pertinent to this race? Bright: Well, this is something new to all of the candidates I think all of us want to make this city go, as long as it is a city, through the candidate meetings that we have had, we all have about the same feelings: that is, to make the city one we can live in and be proud to live in and not just have a name. There again, I cant give you a definite answer because I dont know tj: PIEW. IlKN IOPM.E6 AMATUER OR PROFESSIONAL Join the sss Phone: 6 at-lar- FOR wnst' III PAGE at-lar- WEATHERPROOF YOUR HOME CCUD PLEASE 11 RN knees water, mud and my kids are past that age now, but I would like to see it for youngsters who are just coming up because they are going to be our tomorrow leaders. 1 think that is one big thing. I'm really not sure about some of this stuff because some of this would have to come up in council meetings and it would have to be discussed. There is no one way to change all of this myself. For the next two issues, the West Mountain Times will interview West Valley condidates for mayor and city council. Competitors will each be asked the same questions, and their answers will be taped to ensure accuracy and thoroughness. (Text will be edited for length, council candidates will however.) Only be interviewed. This week, candidates Brent Anderson, William Bright, and Larry Bunkall answer questions. Next week, mayoral candidates Jerald Wagstaff and Gerald Malonev are scheduled, candidates Claude Jones and along with Uoyd Sedtllo. Dale Lobato, who was a candidate for the four-yea- r seat, has withdrawn for moral convictions and personal reasons. " Q: You lead your opponent by quite a large margin in the primaries. How do you intend to keep that margin, or do you think it is going to be a close race? Anderson I shouldnt predict that at all. I find that the fellow I thought was going to be my competitor in the primaries didnt make it by a long shot, so I really don't know how to judge that. I will tell you one thing. I'm not weakening my campaign at all. Not one bit. YOU tames. William Bright e. Q: How do you think you can make it more open? Anderson Me, over commission form of government, that's easy. Ive got seven folks now from the and one city. We have two from every district and a mayor. The thing that weve got now is a mayor and two councilmen from Granger. from There are two commissioners Granger. So even though they try their darnedest to show equality throughout the city I dont think it comes across to the city folks that this is going to happen. 1 may not be successful or I may be West V'alley City resident 9B.S., U. of Utah, political science 9 M. Ed., BYU, adult education Q: Employed 20 years by Sperry Univac Member, UTA citizens advisory larry Bunkall Married, four children and buy Kodak Film fhoto for per roll All film is processed on Kodak paper "For a good look For details on these savings call 487-854- 4 i: |