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Show AWFUL GRAVEL ATTACKS. MINES AND MINING NEWs | Truth and πι Cured by Doan’s Kidney Pilis After Suffering. astern — F. A. Rippy, Tenn., says e Depot Fifteen ney me. ait 1 ne was i sive tions are Cire for work a ινέ with nd a. | ΐ J « t » dow ne nual or we i w! : bette . ; ᾿ be b $100 the ,000,06 Βο]ὰ by all ὦ 0 Foster-Milburn Co., ΄ i no λ Buffa i Eliot on a λ N. ¥ ness she eithe of feeling. If worth of good, i or if i they I she sewing face and these two names ate te Howard @& as k his had asked Ha 1 ices taught the tead of the After he had Man and Beast Alike those who have ffered t gony of eye afflictions can appre hlessing to humanity in Dr. \ nous Kye Saly Introduced pe far “4 . 2 all back as ir 19 of the dumb a Fort Mitel e. Price τ 1 ywery in ΠῚ 8 pe $ are $ of a zone fy Troughs district ‘ fifty Clifford mine, : he of Ι W : : miles mint at $350,000 Denver ; older its camp the eloped the by the and old owner clas second Τ class. i In-<Sme or mill t of Prince at l€ M workings ynily In a 1 Chauncey hin at Shero, n the exclusive where the town immun Starbuck, orme lent Cincinnat of in of tha if ¢ pal f tl con erty i n ] I t W ma tal 7 in } WV dir { h b 1 us ' al T ms ͵ i ‘ Peruna proved | t of her inabl { f “1... their breaking months yet 55. f been in my grave to-day. I wish every suffering woman would tryit.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-downfeeling, flatulency, indiges- . * wt ase : tion,dizziness,orne rvous prostration. "6 ; τ Whydon’t you try it? a Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. They also relieve Die tress from Dyspepsia, Im a ee ee A perfect remEating. edy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad “ es Positively cured by these Little Pills κ Taste in the Mouth, Coats ‘sins Biba, thumb the f vem individual is ea Clayton began 1| by Sa dale le be . : the jointed self-controlling nd Pain in the Tor LIVER, TORPID Side, Purely aed They regulate the Bowe Vegetable ‘ gpenathrift, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, op money, en of time, ur’ Ifi . firm portunity and all things. keatn, saaaiacy 1 watchitil: icles fly Cosi acne i he isSa cau in planning, con s t and sure of success, sdakpoleed fident Genuine Must (CARTERS Soot ρ PILLS. nee Bear Fac-Simile Signature ITTLE iVER | REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, Important to Mothers. 5 3] - ᾿ In 1 ihe ' [Cy I | 1 Ov You The e of bodily movemen ‘ AN in ; Bough ars Always Usua “Ὁ vy ER S, j : oeν.δ] ; A 4 ONE core OILED CLO Φ(ΚΕΝΔ'δἱ out 1; ν τ . Every = loveliest ‘ woman Mrs. ¢ + pour it which tir s out , ing get f et Those jon't Tired, the best of it, make Aching Feet . ts DON’T LAW | £2: os of Yours κκι5ὶ In the » Cation | ᾿ Syrup he { pot: eart Winslow's S ec ad tien Sian Ww { b Aisy πρ 8 15 : ‘ VU if that i ‘ } } : I y bottle of remedyfor i see and cl big ) sure and {iA a infants : | e Τ Ww very Examine care Sl Ye never The i i llowed it as directed, and took Lydia E. Pinkham’s εν. ‘ »ound and it has restored me to perfect health, Had it not been for you I should have W. GLEASON PUBLIC. NOTARY 4, uke 1 and acts t ta Cure of the . t or test aa " ὦ 1 J CHENEY & ©0., Toledo, O ill WE doctoring scan Sor etn wollen [OUTOF DOOR WORKERS the dividen continually spending lots of money for medicine without help. I wrote you for advice, HEADACHE | . it } plaints, women to write her for advice. x $F “T can truly say that Lydia KE. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound saved my fe, and I cannot express mygratitude o you in words. For years I suffered with the worst forms of female com- ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (tor ecch and every case of Caranru that cannot be cured by the use of CUE HALL’s CaTaRRH PRANK J, CHENEY eee eee my presence, scribed me before t Sworn o of Decem this 6th day nion Co .. ot handle lit CHENEY makes odth that he {8 senior FRANK doing & Co., NEY ¢ J. of the firm of F. partner edo, County and State business in the City of pay the sum of wi that said f aforesaid, and 1Hobbs M TEA a in rab or Mrs. T, C. Willadsen, of Manning, Iowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: ed Linger ᾿ it. 1 1 wa 1 The f aniane ; ace STATE OF OHIO CITY oF ToLEDo As COUNTY mu ‘ 9riginally, but that cupat had to ab: sh¢ ee eeyn ἃ : née G 1 ym and I said to and eave at once, ae εν ‘ I rgu Ν ποποτ.-1 i tt ( ting i tically : min n Mr. ne tells a trained She Style Requires Das con said s Family Pills t vhen nad most efficacious fy -- Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound saved her life. Read her letter, } "egy When nd ¢ r ; arrh he ) a y | | “It's the accidents happen ‘most She was a dair ymaid simr to be a the man ates °λ “You see, she isn t the ι Thi oe he the my ba pecun To. Mokaw 1 si 9 Ga Ο3Θ rose from his| ; . fled from the 1 in his left Sa ying ever of day,” farmer Youth’s Youth's I Rorer, What do you mean t ; πο : ; that way asked tt Se ti iy t hed 1907 Sa ithe beer vesterday.’ “These little ἢ ΕΗ . e hat curiosity is not confined to fair every ¢ ᾳ mo re he had brought bac and ( i | a i id Said: of ες amaie Ῥ eak a beautif platter at a di recently, says Everybody’s Ma ne The host did not permit a trifle like this to ruffie him in the least using His Mind Was Made Up. Tat tay ; 1 trial in an Alabama | , chat a He ir t } After and Mrs. was as smooth as any 12, June and ment I her i 115 ; have The See Too Rough for the Cows. πτωώξ Αἱ would ery a third of a peg τ. τοί». 7 1 Ϊ nothing. same inquiry, showed reac without Τη ha witl n. ndS ahe I, the the you the cows borns.” Ϊ ] She re- Theren ὶ he sai hereupon since ee- old his face can 0M Becount knew Wilbur Balthazer Martin, halfback ot the Waterbi Conn., High school football team, is in a rious condi tion as t ' It in i y to his football postmaster now two years and a ϊ ex fatally wealthy 1 asloually re half old and no eczema has reappeared. Alton, Kan., May Mrs. M. L. Harris, 1 | the No.” with month de of He was } y wore See ee day she made the 4m, can out Cuticura. isis ( I the r 8 mr broke ; when one ΠΕ 83 2d next y Peterhof ion of game ot h ist weel Altl lr once he had lost his mor I He » reported | ( widely n on recommended abv’s baby's. { holdir ited 4 : This woman says Lydia BF, the rail ceived if there was anything for out when I bathed t parts t were sore and broken out I gave him , hree months’ treatment from a good doctor, but at the end of that time the child was no better. Then my doctor considered | nti a of ind e been residents themselves Alexa 1dv¢ have I ; —" box of Cuticura Ointment, and half a bottle of Cuticura Resolvent he was hi well} andad his face . was as smoothasany has made its al pearance in the upper classes of Twat ciety in the ezar’s domain alone . 1dge, τ a cake of Cuticura Soap, ar was taken to jail Asiatic cholera cases boy ffor three μάν ἀλοκίὴ 1 a mob hanged the negro to a tr ἵ eaving him for dead Next mor ing he was foun i to be still alive a four gir! : size of a nickel was nt ating the One place I Texas, leiephone . baby “Our Clark, a negro, shot C« H. Taylor, who attempt 1 arrest a zema on his face ' M a In Doctor Found Cure was to an χροὶ - station, a pos card from my f e, written in a kind of shorthand our own. One day when a cousin was going to the post office I asked her to inquire the na- Lasted Three Months—At Last rete! rried W. o Buck- l Ῥ Rey The deal by whict Consolidated Mir ΓΙ -----------.....---- ‘ when a Do scale t any ευ sh« After Other Treatment Failed—Raw | postal card addressed to m¢ Eczema on Baby’s Face Had En a 1 tl Ἐ M 5 ta, yf nyw publ you understand call [οτι PRESCRIBED CUTICURA _ widow fnnm question about the very large, nor tl utilized some day uj 15 é An the it is said, the very be emer steel making b« discovered report of 9D I I Sa for fields of long been portions . é ving the mine and dumps shipping ore sold up was over $100,000 The iron Utah, have among th« at I Aug Seven and twenty wound moned and shot t § f See ture on were issued at the war partment last week directing Colo William F. Stewart, now at FE rant, A na, to rt at Wa t 1 go bef retiring boa i has attracted widespré t ‘ rhich 1 ) t} lion, which will.t r n par something oye? $79,000 is a substantigh increase ove πρι! Οὔ. any month fo some he pre fiction having 1 un from 000 to 75,000 from 1 M wee last company Mit fight were ( were Tonopah, in Νγο σουπίγ, Νι ; , ᾽ peen sold by Edward ( and his sons, who discovered ar McCoreloped the propert to J. ¢ 1883 first Sin shrewé PAINT . road the ar ind ran an hrough a crowd that was assemb] silve started4@ap. The oil excitement has also refhed that camp and_ they think tlfey have as good a showing as any of them The Independence mine, two miles south of tchum and fourteen nce from Hailey, has been publ : essfully a ιο I whers Οι 1 roughs mine and directly he Cleghorn group, is on ‘ae sensations in the being d Β . Museum mation h¢ t f nel fis : that hy ft ( i ° y ; 8 - nact > nae, Ne» ~~ ™* Tr a Ras lS Bs AA REA! M. πι sia RARGAT OK Ἀ} nie ὁ 2% LOEB PUBLISHING COMPA RB ἶ ; ην eee ‘ eons : she ‘ skin, N¥jvada, are of the best is certain at the people there are sure they ha acamp. New mines are D. ws take a neralization in the Gold sroyp of elaims, west of t Repof#s {νο nage 8 i μι money a widow . by enough t kind of gage in intro eins ak I mack of Goldfield for payment of $25,000 The Consolidated > well regulated Wat slonn < marry Hon i as cl we fi t nd a σητἰοι TESTING copper been saying it for a month to h mother’s satisfaction, he said to h . le aving ir the one night as she > was‘ room " “Mother, I am not sure I say that i prayer just right. Is it Howard : be 7 1 φ thy name or Harold be thy name sas } We w tha } net the les carried mother to sig prayer at night childish “Now I lay me Only do received of on « 1 rule ( and n a mine near Lead sendent am ré« Wanted to Be Sure Howard's father i 1 1 to her are often cor J Every 1 it will show in her ta n, it w all sa ( ] it is stnot safe to pre @r te fiuctuatior consideratior vixe what her e— : ¢ wa ar urities p cent pine pir isked e being n ea, to have loans on mi I ha worry her and how to make ten ar μιαὲν ἜΝ 5 ί i its known* Ὠ a 4 } aving min ena ore rking 1 and « and ok fee]s she rece! hant the f st are n, λ οὐ. . heart. If she is hap or possibly slover she may smile and parts han debilitating and naturally and The g organs de ν ere Μ her fac tells the sewing as a lax τέ Μ tha woma truly their natter leanses. it having to increase acts pleasantly was “I cast the vete of the N George acts without any Tommy in ce i and ‘i . Sometimes Hard to Te sion h and famil ter e Ss. A it and relieves 1 It hildrer : . ( quantity from time to t τ The κα, anent il t alter effects and wit t tt ͵ best on which it ; proc every remedy of any rea 9 the is sweetens ket . K t is the laxatives ᾿ i in standing. that S and Elix f Senna is the known value, but or f ean Smelting is as ) > years of of ΓῚ Gue -Well-Informed to the success and creditable 4 s not cla day i “ state 2 1 pa appeal Be Successful Politician walkof life and are essential to whict ni Nine | opp fina t Ne GOOD ADVICE. Every Indication That Tommy would Quality put of the ters am The pail back finar informat Ave., Ga years ag disease Φ Ce aa Years of YOUNGSTER AN APT PUPIL. |