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IN THE LIMELIGHT AY SIO} t ] ' J at Au » 2 New fleet i will arrive nd, on August Z Γν he ( εἰ τοι ΤΕ; mp aw 7 i “EATS PIE WITH A KNIFE” fair fe Μ 1 from a I : Frank the st ju t I ij 6 thing tw Box ¢ ν the ui ure off eing αἱ ( n, t qua r Salt tt to around Melroy the most W while t measures in the But tl American was Refining company, ‘ e An City I ΄ eld lad was fectual os Mill company t drowned ave of t Mil Brook to Governor plan to ests 1 Salt t r Flora a Lake last mam ( ar I ( Lé i are making victin they solicit their occupation entrance oc’ fo of 1 a to use Within a un after eating a and quantity of beer al vear in operation canyor time a power there the whole history indissoluble, ‘ A Ἔκ of wi hou whict | mere applic I wrote | a vivid pic put it was ; 2 In en ΑἿῚ on ‘ { Ϊ he years ol wher € | most every ince he he Fr n ‘a ¢ € 1 I Amiens N out or a F talist, f t in g a » ο The Necessity of W t I car I} x I ν neigt f f k π f f r λ ΄ t 1h How n t i 8, π᾿ nan Rows ‘ wl ΐ , his Μι bank f « Alta 1 F One Comfort for i “Ve id my 4 Mr έ nny r ] pu th ᾿ f tl { Italians and at Nata I flight fre 150 é g t 7 8 Ame La,, COMMON ym W on er 4 to due e Who cent f € ig, gold it The ! gu co even ou trains Is There Among ἱ W Escape from Worry? The ng to a ne into effect South Manc é been placed officia partment Japanese of con ications government The of 8 the weekly service between Darien and Shanghai will be inaugurated August 10 It is learned that three, instead of two, negroes were lynched at Cata hola parish, La. They were Albert Godlin, a “prophet,” and Samuel and Miller Gain brothers, whom God lin urged to burn a cotton gin Nineteen business men were up in police court of Topeka, Kans on Monday, for violating the Sunday labor law Fifteen of these were fined $2 each, which they paid. The others will make a fight in the higher courts. Presidert Castro has expelled J. H. Derus, the minister resident of the Netherlands, from Venezuela, declaring that the minister was incompetent to serve as a friendly medium in his relations between Venezuela and the Netherlands A bomb was exploded fn a tent in which Governor Deneen was addressing a political meeting in Chicago. A panic ensued, but no one was hurt, It is thought the perpetrators of the outrage intended robbing the people during the excitement veterinar Andrew D. Cropsy, a_ Beac Bath surgeon, living in the wif shot his section of Brooklyn, Gertrude, from whom he has been separated since last { Can Servants fa Leslie Combs ister to Peru, who was Guatemala during the minister t i whe Cabrera was 1 Enjoy ea a fears us é€ and hyster- days Horace leged to } { contributed $10,000 to the ἡόνέτωι campaign, and who is now Lexington, Ky., says he never [1η heard of the matter Three hundred children, bound for pleasure to Belle I in charge of a | Jewish Relief society, were throwr TOW escapes Νίο 4 panic and had 4\ Fletche [ these qualities even m« than chewing, in the attainme health The beauty d 8 858 t no cosmetics will avail I wrinkles and preserve y without calmness and serenity, and they are said to be the most potent of a charms in her whd would be pleasing to the opposite sex ΒΘ serer maid,” says the € “let who will be vivaciou It all sounds very simple, in order to follow such advice it w ] be necessary to be a h t en what would be the use of bei well or beautiful or attractive iow can anyone be serene who pla golf, or has cantankerous relatives, who wants to argue about woman a f al, and regard Υ 8] Tair I are often 1, when it to attend a funeral, each other a pleasant time garde of a family in the wn of G — once went to Charleston i visit of a week. Upon his return e lady for whom he worked . Calmness and serenity are mended for almost everything sweet misdemeanor, punishable utes a by a fee or imprisonment, or both, went y I $18 19 will ort έ Central Pacif cor Pacific § MANKIND acoast t uve | the hasty of at y t posi! ) LOT OF ALL betw ns by rail ‘ ras t he ‘ a S I wh wreck 5 was f | | Prgsident except for this « Ν \ fom death when three street cars eve mary period whe I be ne an wild down the Griswold street an illegal qhing. Ff ber of uni hill, Detroit, from Jefferson avenue inic llowed, unt the restc 1 της sit old order of t was and crashed together The federal grand jury, restored A divorce law was again passed 70 οἵ years late when rupture between thestate | just completed an investigation and the church was becoming acute, and now the gover sul the French parliament | order to empha- } island of size its hos y to th 18 q a to a elu f the n Ss κ a € n eighteen the young lady’s answe keynote to a tion is th euriches our mental cavi ud Rox and prince Paul Bourget, the French author, has made himself conspicuous by his irreeoncils 0. sition t just been passed by the French lizing divorce. D : Syr an, Οι shr i A J. { 1 su 2 1 It 5 MAKES WAR ON DIVORCE gain rawberries ng an de 7 ν dierg v earnings persons They 1eans 1 Ogden, s. a Duque first class of Spain, duke of Wellington to residences, and while the are not watching, purloin Hinn, Fork the E emp! he Ya tu Duque de Vittoria of Portug atin in Salt of clairvoyants that ] t 8 ¢ tior hrinks notified the police, who found Cropsy waiting for them at the door of the house estate, Sirethfieldsaye, in Hampshire, at a cost of something like $1,300,000 n arbitr China is to have In addition he was granted an annual pensic $2 t he appears ate treaty with the Un to have been fairly well fixed in a financial wa Unf how for preliminary negot in now Ar the present duke, who is the fourth to hold title Vas arranged t the progress and as soon as the terms pension, whict granted I Duke, w I t n fi e gen are agreed upon the erations, and {1 εχρὶ Μ € h of ‘ l ike in 190 So the e Τ M be signed 8 state department offic present holder of the title is “strapped St fieldsa is closed and ing a tenant, and Apsley house, the big Hyde park mansion so « ] Ὁ ington ciated with the great duke, is in the market for any fair price that can be ob The police have instituted a sear tained for who is alleged t for James Rush, A way out of the difficulty, could it be arranged, would be to pe e have ‘left Pittsburg with diamonds duke to sell his surplus titles. With these he is so heavily endowed tha y at Fashionably valued at $1,200 cannot be anything but a ckery to their pecunious holder ro begin with | tired registered at a prominent he is K. G, G. CG. V. O nd D. L Then he ns y of is Baron Mornington, « of | hotel, Rush ordered a to Mornington, Viscount We y, Vi nt Wel ton, B n Dou ea of | sent to the hotel from Wellington, Marquis Dui Conde de Vimier M 1ez de Torres Vedras i a selection n an inef the )younger Ne vritten cerning 1501] Mr M was A trie Gaynor, of the appellate ] New York supreme court, | movir picture show man h violating the Sabbath, who had been « in a lower court. The law pro f of a “Christian Sabbath I G or declared that when Johr Ca founde of the Presbyterian church ve Sunday after the sermon, he es i hed a precedent which will prevent the yppir of harmless sports and recreation on Sunday Gaynor's decision will probably permit Sunday baseball Few American jurists of the day enjoy a higher putation than Justice Gaynor, both as te i and personal charact Upon the bench of New York's t 1est court, his rulings uccepted without question by interested litigants on gpnera renown attaching to the name of Justic Gaynor is as a the greate of power rupt rings He began this pleasant pastime long » had donn the judg s ermine, when he broke up the water swinnuicted New Yorkers out 0 sveral millions of dollars, under the. dibf the all-powerful Boss Hugh McLaughlin. So greatly was the latter nat jit was with the utmost difficulty Gaynor could find a man who Tinjt the use of his name as a party to the court proceedings against the end, however, Gaynor triumphed and McLaughlin was un Then Police Chief John McKane, political boss, was made the targgt. unfortunate almost d attempt t I Robert he and Thomas wi t he I trict nt and pub \ ] Ο Hand was dé ttle and to make ΕΓΟΒΒ ist 3urton on youth while fishir n the Jordan river, f {nto the stream eight northwest Lake of J t was on his ns = fc Sar he sat s DUKE IN NEED OF MONEY Salt t two Jacc z s « Can You Underst run down by a charge car and fa tally injured, death ensuing |! ' he could be rushed to the hos llision between a trolley car In a alt and a buggy on Main street, pec Lake City on Sunday, four were injured Heilman Gold, aged being so badly hurt that he may not recover. During the temporary absence of | the night clerk of the European ho tel in Ogden ghortly before 11 o'clock at night, a lone robber boldly walked behind the desk and rified the cash drawer of its contents, securing about $25 Over 500 men are now employed by the Utah Light & Railway com smash pany on street railway and construcbefore tion work in Salt Lake City. Since dle tha the first of January over twelve miles of track have been relaid with rection heavier rail. feared Jack O'Neil, a miner working in a frift of the Wabash mine at Park City, at the 600-foot level, sustained a puissant debaucher of the ballot boxes of New York, and he ΜΝ; serious injuries, owing to the top of the tunnel caving in. O’Neil’s partner in the Jenitentiary with 16 of his principal lieutenants. heard the rock falling and escaped Gaynor was offered the nomination and election for mayor of Brooklyn, without injury. and refised it. Later he was offered the mayoralty of Greater New York, Justin A. Goodhue, president of the and this, too he declined He was elected justice of the supreme court first Utah Nursery company and for over in 1893, by the Republicans and Independent Democrats, although he was and twenty years a well known and high- is a Democrat in his own politics He has refused the nominations for govly respected citizen of Salt Lake, ernor of the state and for other positions, but was elected to the appellate didied very suddenly at the Alta club vision, his present position, two years ago Thursday night of last week from a paralytic stroke. The commissioners of Box Elder county have fixed the salaries of county officers as follows: CommisProbably the present duke of Wellington, sioners, each, $350; clerk, $1,100; surwho recently availed himself of the privilege, veyor, $200; treasurer, $1,100; aswhich he inherited from his famous ancestor, of sessor, $800; sheriff, $1,200; recorder, standing in the presence of the king of Spain $900; attorney, $600. with his hat on, would view with equanimity a Miss Fannie Thorne, a teacher in plan for more nearly equalizing his honors and the Salt Lake City public schools his purse. For it is no secret that he has more has been appointed by the governor than he will ever need of the former and less as a delegate to the Industrial Conthan he often desires of the latter. In other gress on berculosis, the next seswords, he is one of the “hard ups” of the British sion of which will be held in Washpeerage {ington in September The present duke may be said to have been With every member of the state treated pretty bac by fate Chere was a time board of dental examiners appearing when t title was wortl h to its possessor as witnesses inst him, Dr. H. L rhe first hold 16 ΟΟἹ of Nap had Stonecifer of the United Dental comnot only honors t money as we wered pany of Ogden was convicted in: the upon him The British parliament gave him police court jury, last week, of $2,000,000 and the grateful people of his country bought his cent practicing without a license. of I 1 but governor 1 2 ough he ar kee sible Ret was it were ‘ ffairs in the hou i as one of t state audit it the nomina I boys ] ‘ ha Stetson, Cc She He stands i auditor of | the legislatu imentary practic ye B. οἵ \he Arabic literature, and the ex act title of which is “The Book of the Thousand and One Nights They werefirst ade } WI I pe by Antoine Gallar ween 1704 and frames ken Hiccough alr 18.1γε ο rhe Ν x } suppose RULES FOR “OPEN SUNDAY” employe at the Garfield plant of the and R 1871 } K ] τη W town of Madis« in 2 Pp he ry 8 relic by the } ξ alia of | Philip Hand, Jr., aged 22, shot and killed Arthur W. Craft and seri ν wounded Craft’s mother ut Lou of urd Bougaard, f increase the tax hem bear a m¢ ance He tax of the railroa Ju continu ment is ta to n in and Ϊ ; beaten by One of 1 ye late running empl but {101 1 nneé unti] now i 1 ttle when he wa men of eservatior this R49 ¢ N« held t tened 1 he *W little ab rently and i ὦ gislatur first t He { h for Smelting τ I f Willard laborers I t by B for will be 8 born in mplement wi Square dea hours who tarte winte City, S..D fun I 11 1 The cobson is a etc fficer red ir ta ! t ν ke his hold ) wiv that he died few The Ute Indiar escort i ( d a! Πρα]βτίηε is sé so was ( From r be Kraize ge t Jot irried Ogden, a numb goods, bic hold been reported to thé h of having much wi is ir At 5 € Ὁ ast wives, t in t Τ a Several guest ud narr¢ 6 from death building at Vad jorth Carolina summer resor was oyed by fire } Elizabeth Stet h th had t hipped aga) lightning the glasses The “Arabian Nights” Is an exten sive collection of tales forming part Crow t in \ unanimo to Say . called > n ΠΡ t τ TY r been give et 1 se indictment,” s2 has follow é he itial Ed 1 t - he by 1. of was 1 the the piaying man ! s bold | the Republicans In placing his nar Congress} that Jacobson’s the J the t AC ΠΡ + α € R τε wt become a ne ] τ Y { to the avail ] I ‘ of Ir Mont: UTAH STATE NEWS etruck were 8] escaped g UTAH . . CITY LAKE SALT = Original “Arabian Nights.” During a recent sto; Stoke-onTrent, Eng. a young w had a parrow escape. Her spectacles were suffrage r re ligion, or who has not 2, sure and cer tain and adequate income? Man that is born of woman is born to worry, as the sparks fly upward, and it is only adding irritation to hig other woes to tell him that all goo@ things may be his if he will only serene I lid you have a pleasant “No, poor ma'a ne one had not d ed wt e I was there I would not have enj« ed myself at all.” rhe 1 law offic of State Repre entative Harry J. Robinson are in ms 2-1 lereantile Bleck, Salt ( Utah, to whom all who need of legal advice are re Taking Advantage. An Atchison man with a few drinks to the bad went into a store the other day and tried to show off. A lady clerk didn’t do a thing to him but be extra nice and sell him stuff he had no use for whatever.—Atchison Globe, COUNTY Clerks, write to Pembroke Stationer y SAVE WIDOWERS FR@M replied Sam, “a very 1 if one of my friends (Οἱ ».. Salt Lake County SNARES. Rec about the ord Book, A Home Index. We experienced great difficulty in keeping track of bills, receipts and The crash of cannon rned the old other important household papers, until we got an indexed letterfile, such death colonel’s thoughts tow: Now, when ques“T know of three mill aire septua- as {6 used in offices. is it genarian widowers,” he id, gloomily, | tion arises concerning a bill, “whose sons killed them because they quickly settled by producing the file. were about to mar ry young girls of These are inexpensive and occupy 20 or so. It is a vy jlangerous thing very little room—Harper's Bazar. for a rich old man to marry @ young girl. | Is your Jewelry worth what it “Were I a legislator, I'd propose a new law, a lawto protect Gobsa Golde cost, or don’t you care? If you buy or Potter Roxe, with their 75 years, |of .us, our guarantee settles the their millions and their vigilant, mid- | quality and price question at once. dle-aged, grasping sons and daughters, | ©from the peril of wedding some beau tiful creature of 9 summers. | “This law sh simply that nc man over 65, if | rried a woman| Elderly Passage Colonel of Most Stringe pre than 15 ye iger than him- | self, could leave | wife a cent οἵ his property nor cou time he make trar lest in his | | to her handle part of his es after his marria The colonel chuckled rather sadly “Such a law ] uid, much to prevent beaut men CHILD, COLE CO. BROKERS Friends. 1 for for their goodr wisdom, but for or she be of any question which many do with us grizzled, Useful People are loved their “would ny pretty girls from fall ir tottering capit Dess, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. me.” tate save only the and wit ility. or their “Can he to me?” is the n the minds of women duced, and if the ς negé » there is the acquaintances} when intro- | er is in tha ontinuance of Gentlewoman. The Only News. “The only news ve to tell you,” wrote the Billvi tizen, “is—the river has riz an’ drownded all yer cattle, an’ yer unclehas broke jail an’ his right leg; also lightnin’ killed yer two mules ten minutes fore the sheriff came to levy on '¢ SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Our facilities for handling your account unexccliled. We make liberal advances on all Utah Stocks. 100 Atlas Block, Salt: Lake City. EE GALTAIR iia UTAH’S FAMOUS Coney Island of the West Finest Bathing in the World Bicycle Races twice weekly; admission 10¢ Largest and finest Dance Floor and best Music in the State. Held’s Band all Summer. For recreation and pleasure go to Saltair, Trains every 45 minutes. ΗΕΝΛΘΕΒ5 BUSINESS Η!} 84111 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Get 8 Practical Education. We have thé targest and best equipped Business All graduates get good positions College in Utah. the ill-f } 1 FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER Ι. Al N Write for full information. se } | subjects. t n e died λ 222 S. W. Temple St. Jas. C. Henager, President, ——__- PUBLISHED EVERY BY A Narrow Escape. NEWS SUMMARY ERGATIS |