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Show THE BEAUTY OF ANY WOMAN NEWS SUMMARY fs enhanced by the judicious ues of jewels for adornment. We have beautiful jewels ef ali kinds, from inexpensive, tasty little An typhoid epidemic of fever things up to the very expensive diamond r2zing im the city prison at luster pisces. I more than 20( All reasonable in price. \ ESTABLISHE -ᾱ 9 t f I 7 we 4 7 Ark., at Hot continued of miners the and tenants to loss i wisline $40,000 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Five young men out of a party ol nine were drowned in the Ohio river || : East Liverpool, when their gas | launch went down | Tributes to the memory of the late | Representative Adolph Meyer of | CHILD, COLE CO. BROKERS COLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE siete Jane Sulto the- house of | eee esentatives on Baroness Our facilities for handling 100 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. ; b il ἃ h wit mal y | Ruxileben Some people call Peruna a great tonic. Others refer to Peruna asa great catarrh remedy. Which of these people are right? Isit more proper to call Peruna a catarrh remedy than to call it a tonic? Our reply is, that Peruna is both a tonic anda catarrh remedy. Indeed, there can be no effectual catarrh remedy that is not also a tonic. In order to thoroughlyrelieve any case of catarrh, a remedy mustnot only have a specific action on the mucous membranes affected by the catarrh, butit must have a general tonic action on the nervous system. Catarrh, even in persons who are otherwise strong, isa weakened condition of some mucous membrane. There must be something to strengthen the circulation, to give tone to the arteries, and to raise the vital forces, Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attention from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. The wonderful efficacy of this herb has been recognized many years, and is growing in its hold upon the medical profession. When joined with CURERS and COPAIBA a trio of medical agents is formed in Peruna which constitutes a specific rem- who | Hanging Scaffolds. A GOOD COLD. With the modern skyseraping office Pod 11 atlot mud herself, at their chat 2s building has come a new form of | rg, Germany, is dead building scaffold. Instead of constructFour young women, from 16 to 20 ing the scaffold from below, which is | irs of age, were drowned at Hart4 ν impossible in the cases of buildings ford, Kans., as the result of the capranging from 10 to 50 stories high, g of their gasoline launch platforms are suspended from the ment | As the result of the embezzle steel girders above. On these swing: a book- | ing platforms the bricklayers work $40,000 by J. W Sharp, i er, from the Citizens’ bank of and the scaffold is raised as the work | “That seems a very bad cold you've itherford, Tenn., that institution has progresses.—System. got, mylittle man!” sed its doors “It's a very good cold; it’s kept me The lower house of the Oklahoma Beware of Ointments for Catarrh | away from school for two weeks now! ' that Contain Mercury, ature has killed the hotel bill mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell which required nine-foot sheets on as and compistely derange the whule system when Kill the Flies Now your account unexcclied. Opping Sunday Von Is it aa Catarrh Remedy, or a Tonic, or is it Both? nd Siliad her husband and then We make liberal advances on all Utah Stocks. Sh Udo Whatis Pe-ru=-na? Ready te Pay Fine. “I know where 3,000,000 in cash lies concealed,” said a New York law yer. “This vast sum lies concealed in the inside vest pocket of the 30,000 automobilists of New York state. Each man carries $100 of it in one crisp note, ready to be paid out in afine, if he should be arrested for speeding Fines, though, don’t appear to stop speeding,” he continued. “Perhaps the rich automobilist regards them much as the Suabian woodthief did The thief was arrested. The magis trate said to him ‘You are brought up on the charge of stealing wood This charge has been proved against you. But you are old and poor and you shall be let off this time. Only don’t do it again.’ ‘Nonsense!’ retorted the thief. ‘Let us not have any false sentimentality here. I steal my wood, I pay my fine, and there's an Mrs. John Kirk, R. F. D. No. 2, De troit Mich., says “Five years ago at a critical time of life I was on the verge of a collapse with kid ney troubles, back ache, dizziness, puffy dropsy swellings and | wu‘nary irregularities I lost flesh and felt languid, mnervoug or | unstrung all the time. | As my doctor did not help me I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills. In a few weeks all these symptoms left me. I now weigh 163 pounds and feel in excellent health.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. end of it.'” journal suicided because TIME, Women Are Likely to Suffer with Dangerous Kidney Disorders, 38 health he miners’ union hall at Globe ma, has been destroyed by fire MAIN ST. - prominence, ngs, η ‘ CRITICAL ΚΙΕΥ, | a Chicago s Matthis, ( 1862 ; AT A edy for catarrh that in the present state of medical progress cannot be improved upon. This action, reinforced by such renowned tonics as COLLIN- SONIA CANADENSIS, CORYDALIS FORMOSA and CEDRON SEED,ought to make this compound an ideal remedy for catarrhin all its stages and locations in the body. From a theoretical standpoint, therefore, Perina is beyond criticism. ‘the use of Peruna, confirms this opinion. Numberless testimonials from every quarter of the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over enthusiastic. When practical experience confirms a well-grounded theory the result is a truth that cannot be shaken. Manufactured by Peruna Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. the F. J. Hill Drug Co., : “The Never-Substitu-| ' . tors,” Salt Lake City, beds and provided a penalty for the entering ‘* through the mucous surfaces. Buch before they multiply. A DAISY FLY articles should never be used except on prescrip tlons from reputable physicians, as the damage they KILLER kills thousands. Lasts the seaof cracked cups will dois ten fold to the good you can possibly dethe overwhelming vote of 167 to rive from them, Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured son. Ask your dealer, or send 20c to H. Somers, 149 De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer46, the house of representatives has cury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In gone on record against the re- | The Reason. buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the establishment of the canteen in the | enuine. It {8 taken internally and made in Toledo, “Wouldn't you be better off without ξ F.J Cheney & Co, estimontials free, National soldiers’ home Lold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle, your husband?” Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, ο German reichstag has adjourn“I don't think so—his life isn’t in twenty ed until October 20, about sured.” Bees in Block of Stone, and appropriations plemental While workmen were sawing through Garfield Digestive Tablets other bills being adopted in thelast a block of Bath stone at Exeter, Eng- From your druggist, or the Garfield ᾿ a two hours of the sitting land, they cut into a cavity in which Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., 25c per botΕ ; of By the explosion of a charge was found a cluster of two or three tle. Samples upon request. the of lynamite in the gangway dozen live bees. Draper colliery at Pottsville, Pa., AnAlike. The incident occurred at the works contract miner, Working for a living is like Shake of Messrs. Collard & Sons, monu @'°’ Cavalage, ἃ praised, but | mental sculptors. There was not much speare’s plays—always ind four foreigners were killed sign of life in the bees at first, but avoideu as much as possible. Thirty-five thousand coal miners 0} use assures you of good! © κ Cheapness vs. Quality service and just what) you write for. aa . Point Agalnet Him. . Strong: “You say you have known this de κ fendant for many years? “Yes, ever since he was a boy.” . sound : “Do you consider him to be of mind?” that anything his actions Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma April 1, have returned to work on a two-year contract with the mine since you to the belief he was weak men- tally?” “He married the daughter of a poor Every male in Russia over 15 manufacturer | years of age smokes 150 cigarettes a who would have made him general | \e0; according to a British consular manager of the business.” | report on Poland and Lithuania. One τ Cause for Alarm. No “I can't understand my husband, doctor. ΚΕ 1 1,000 for suffices tobacco of cigarettes. A ferry boat on the river Dnieper I am afraid there is some thing terrible the matter with him.” capsized near Bykhoff, Russia, boat and The 120 persons were drowned. “What are his symptoms?” when I get. their through he hasn't the least idea what | from church. | ‘Phe entire front of the I've been styinz” αἱ building “Do not worry any more about you | Sunnyvale, patient ease.” returning children, and wives postoffice , and the husband. I wish I had his gift.’— | blown out by an explosion wrecked, building the of interior rald. Chicago Record-He | when a burglar made an unsuccessful aie DP Prejudice. “Robert, this spelling paper is very poor,” complained the small boy's teacher. “Nearly every word is marked wrong.” ” , “It wouldn't have been so bad,” pro- attempt to secure the contents of the safe. The working time of the employees of the Reading railway roadway dedispatch to a ‘been according partment, te fa. tas Mending chek cribs. Arrested in Denver as one of the pair of bandits who held up the Nanterre, France, the dispatch-bearing William $3,000, of 17, JAQUES MFG. CO. Chicago. Guaranteed Pure and ‘Wholesome. W.L.DOVGLAS' Oyo -ΚΙΏΝΕΥ΄ SHOES AT ALL PRICES, FOR EVERY EMBER OF THE FAMILY, MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. <= w. LPow tg makes and sells more) than any whyμος the Ras” world, because they hold thelr "GQ sha, fit better, wear are shoes The next morning I found 46 Fast " Color ater value than any other the world to-day. a” Lvelete Backaie D W.L. Douglas $4 and $5Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Bo Equalled At Any Price lt SAS TSO. au L. Douglassaene ane ee ae saad oe χνοῦδι, ee 0} ie shoe dealers everywhere, oes mailed trated Catalog free to any edie. from factor Ὁ ΒΤ’ ΓΈ Ο - Ww. L. POUGLAS. Brockton, Mase. Onetrial will convince you that CAUSE FOR HIS HURRY. the Citizens’ cashier and robbed gtate bank of Chautauqua, aKns., on April is economical—not Cheap. Try it. The best at any price or your money back. aoe the dis-| for parts unknown, I have cleared many farms of the pests in the same way, and have never known it to fail.” being affected, but red _ little letter that I got wrong ® 48Y, 1,000is men anticipated. she crossed out the whole word.”— | 10 trouble Dogs Give Valuable Service. In the dog tests recently held at nature cures dead rats, and the rest left the farm | to ten hours hours e ee ine ai ee κνήμας || creased from nine : _— 8 an paper, my Lippincott's. while How He Got Rid of Rats. ; A farmer describes his method of clearing the premises of rats in the following manner: “On a large number of old shingles I put a half-teaspoonful of treacle each, and on that with my pocket knife I scraped ay small amount of concentrated tye. I} then placed the old shingles around under the stable floors and under the was Cal. KG POWDER SOREEYES, weak, inflamed, red, watery and swollen eyes, use PETTIT’S EYE SALVE, 25c. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. “Medicine is the art of amusing the | and “Well, I often talk to him for half | Was overerowded by peasants an hour at a time, and is right and good but inferior food products are dear at any price. A New Definition. | ator Harte, who has introduced Living well is the best revenge we at Albany a bill against the sale and ean take on our enemies.—Froude. manufacture of cigarettes, has many original views. These he has the talMrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. uces inent to express in terse and striking For children teething, softens the gurus, flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 10a bottle. terms. Discussing medicine, in which he A well-informed physician is fre places none too great faith, Senator quently ill-informed. Harte said neatly at a recent Albany banquet: owners ™man when he might have become the son-in-law of a wealthy when air was admitted they gradually revived and after a few hours several of them were able to fly. Arstrike on been have who kansas, lead woald In the matter of food you can’t afford to sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Economy ' “Well, I don’t want to say anything against himif it isn’t necessary.” “But you are under oath to speas the truth. Have you ever observed in Ny Tenant competition was won by a Swiss dog | made a confession and returned all and the searching for the wounded that he still possessed of the loot, prize was awarded to a German dog. | about $350 Thirty German police dogs have been In a fight at Crockettsville, Ky., ordered for St. Petersburg to guard | pq Callahan, former sheriff and feud the palaces against assassins. leader, was stabbed and fatally in- Headache and Cold Feet. Often it is found that a chronic sufferer from headache also complains of cold feet. This shows bad circulation and it should be strengthened. A simple and helpful remedyis to bathe the feet in cold water night and and rub briskly Turkish towel morning with a flesh brush or With th idly nearing that railway le ing for a alties of the A cow eats corn and grows milk. Hepburn act session of congress rap- At, Phoenix Arizona,, Maggie Wagner, aged 14 shot herself because of parental restraint in her love affairs, all he does grow. and when = : Woman and Her Wants. Woman has mnany wants—not for! the wants themselves, but for the fun of wanting and the sweet misery ot —Chicago Record-Herald not getting ΕΕ be Though th 3,000 years τ sides, yet re live destined t many myriads beman no hat r ich ymi- other tt liveth Au Marcus The Shrinkage. of moisture has United States from of shrinkage even dry volume in to ot WGon. i loss from the i been f forest service to range 26 per cent. ferent species of the as you see fit.” The reason this lady was helped and predigested therefore ach as the by natu does not tax stom- | it also contains the elements required for building up the nervous system, if that part of the human bodyis in perfect working order, there can be no diana has dum vote of the house ‘mat f &.000,06 Hitchcock of Ne- | made in the} week, charged | t ἀκα γα phat” the κ oq out of the gale 1 ratified by a referen- | locals peech one In e than $57,000,000 by| interior department | f timber and stone | and at the minimum price. ! down, the n ry of the body works badly e-Nuts food can be used by children as well as adults It is perfectly cooked and ready for instant use Read “The Road to Wellvi in pkgs There’s a Reason.” Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true,*and full of human interest, My 2-in-1 Harrow Will Do the Same Work Better in Half the Time—or Don’t Keep It. ! Take All the Risk PARKER’ HAIR BALSAM ville, Colo. Reference. Carbonate National Bank. & five or ten acre fruit ranch in Utah. in Millard County, PAT obtain a patent. f e tract sel round. my free p», and had you es and Spike Tooth Harrow will give you a better seed-bed? Think of it—anactual saving of half the time of man and team in prepering your ground. It onght to be mighty interesting to you if it’s true, now that hired help is so scarce— and you can prove at my risk that it is true You see, Gne Man Can Do js. TWO MEN’S Work oor ho operation. with Y The book I'l] sen Fifi "S805 $3 a Day and Pays (°°, 75,72) for Itself in a WEEK 308 over SS patent it 1 acta pay for itself in 5 ft het. for re and years, t than BoGar M. Kiteuin, Ouray Bldg., Washingtor If afflicted with } Thomps on’s Eye Water sore eyes, USC ) W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 20, 1908. Ὁ δὰ τ .: money or it is. o br Harrow he spring When I get my farm ready for wheat will want two more sections to make a four-horse Harrow then I can put 4 soil muich on wheat fields so it will hold moisture Yours truly, Gre. T. Buiss. SendIt Right Back if Pepember that It Doesn’t Do All | Say responsib i have made—and if my harr 3 © ay~—or if yon just don’ τ trial, send it back and get ε ent you've paid. If yon’d rather have your money than my harrow—it's yours by next mail Big Saving to First Way. κ at ᾿ My Harrow Saves The 2in-1 h in the orchard ay 2-in-] Harrow. my2-in-1 rowing. leaves a fine soil m teeth are just what is neede ure crust that sometimes f. mulch in en Each Locality et"): ς t 1 seeder—the work and n t Send for Where your What's the use going over your fields twice when once over with my Combination Spring Mailing envelopes and full pricelist sent on application. Control and umpire work solicited. Lead- the kind of a ranch you want, γ Wr and particulars, HOMESEEKE COMPANY, Greenriver, Utah. County, Kans., ¢ Harrow wu three feetwas of m Adjoining land w tomakeawheat crop. On our semi-arid plains we must keep a seil mulch Cyanide tests farm tis. orchard in Thomas » Septem ber. Trees we Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, $i; Gold, Sil- Oran Sacre nee, eased with my 2-in-1 GENTLEMEN Cleanses and benntifies the hair. Ῥτοπιοῖθα luxuriant growth. Never Pails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. scalp diseases & hair falling, SOc, and $1.00 at Druggists Gold, ite; Zine or Copper,$1. Puts the Soil in Proper Condition Kans. March 7, 198. to conserve the moisture. Harrow. whic HOWARD Ε. BURTON, *°242m7s3"° ver. ' Throw Old-StyleHarrowson the Junk Pile! ; Horton NAYLOR MPG. Oo., La ¢ food she had been using; on 4 PRICE 25¢,50¢, & $1.00 Grand Rapids, Mich. Eastern Office. 105 Water St., N.Y. City. it f 3 Dr.Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass.U.SA, The Alabastine Company : ; la a» Or colic and insect stings. or the workmen. processes the joints, cuts, bruises, burns, cramp Sold by Paint, Drug, Hardware and General Storesin carefully sealed and properly labeled packages, at 50c the package for white and 5idc the package for tints. See thatthe name Alabastine” is oneach package before it is opened either by yourself ] by| the use of Grape-Nuts food, is that is sprains, contracted muscles, stiff Sample tint cards free at dealers. Write us for free color plans for decorating your home. well america that the two-year wage condyspepsia, for nervous energy reprelast Toledo sents the steam that drives the en gine. tract entered into at of | month by miners and operators When the nerv us system is run braska, in ; amentirely Way for rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache 16 beautiful tints and white that combine into an endless variety of soft, velvety Alabastine shades which will make any home brighter and more sanitary. “The whole family like Grape-Nuts,| we use four packages a week You are welcome to use this testimonial United Mine Workers of Βορτο561 κ tions and now I in love with the girl and they had qnarreled, he having made the threat | sight, which he did at | to kill her | the first opportunity ed from the headquarIc fs anr than that which he western Pennsylvania, Ohio and loseth other life liveth, nor he loset! over, he placed the muzcould not in his mouth and blew zie of a @ off the top of his head. Wagner was| a nurserymar William Carmen, a theatre usher, | shot and ed Lovisa Galla, a wait home in San Francisco, | ress, at h Carman was | d himself and then } ters of the The Life He Liveth. her father found that she awayfatigue and gives strength Thousands use Sloan's Liniment comesin It is worth knowing that a change in food can cure dyspepsia “Tl deem it my duty to let you know howGrape. Nuts food has cured me of indigestion. | “IT had been troubled with it for years, until last year my doctor recom.| mended Grape-Nuts food to be used | every morning. I followed instrue- postponement of the pen commodity clause of the ‘quickensthe blood, drives and elasticity to the muscles. Works Wonders in Health, be the Elkins joint resolution, provid- sold for that purpose. It penetrates to the bone, You can decorate your home with Alabastine year after year at onehalf the cost af using either wallpaper or kalsomine. CHANGE IN FOOD the end, it seems evie will be no important lation passed, unless it | hog eats corn and grows fat A sheep eats corn and grows wool. A man eats corn and grows tired of it, and that's stiffness quicker and easier than any other preparation Cut the cost 4 Russian premier, who was So seriouswas attempt ly injured when the “Ah, I love to see a little boy in| made at the Stolypin residence in St. | such a hurry to get to school!” Petersburg in 1906, to kill the pre“Yes, sir. Me little brother's got de mier by a bomb, has fully recovered measles, an’ I'm hurrying up to get | and was m irried on May 4 to Lieuexcused!” tenant Dock The Difference. A goose eats corn and grows feath ers. A horse eats corn and grows hair. fur. A coon eats corn and grows ͵ This Patience Not a Virtue. “A lot o’ folks patience,’ said Uncle tben, “resembles dat of de man who stays in de house an’ waits foh de snow to melt regard ess of de people dat’s fallin down on his sidewalks.” will relieve soreness and Spyer. Callahan's son, William, shot hfs father was and killed ited.Spyer when t occurred in Calassaulted. The figh e lahan’s stor {πο of Mile. Stolypin, daughter dent A John brother-in-law, his by | jured _ ~ Another Hero. A suicide left a letter stating thar death. him to his wife had talked dic not believe her who did as a a hero Her ere was ] York in divorce. New fork } Hers ald ve ae You can't « this wondiesinl arson, od pointers Write now id bet e the mong your neighbors Hiede by J.R.NAYLOR Σ NAYLOR MFG. CO. <j ¢ Le Grange, Ills. it wil in a bank the ploture —see how it works eaLiveDe aler oyirict Wauseon, Se H. Bolton, Twin Falls, Idaho |