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Show ERGATIS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY P. SIORIS. SALT LAKE CITY ee UTAH STATE NEWS| DECLARED WAR ON TAMMANY The people of Lehi have declared against the consolidation of county schools. The heavy frosts at Ephraim the Senator Patrick H. McCarren, better known as “Long Pat,” has declared war upon Tamma ny as a result of his defeat in the New York state Democratic convention, and declares that never again in the lifetime of any member of past two weeks have done considerable damage to that convention will New York elect a Demo- the fruit., The next convention of the Utah State Postmasiers association will be beld in American Fork on June 18, 19 and 20. The taxpayers of Santaquin, at a mass meeting held last week, were @ unit against school consolidation in that county. The report of the health depart ment of Salt Lake City shows deaths and 177 births during 92 the month of April. The property values in Ogden have fncreased over half a million dollars during the the report past year, according to the assessor. of The people of Park City are making @ fight against the consolidation of the schools of that town with the other districts of Summit county. Felix Long fell from a ladder at Lehi and broke both his arms. He is a clerk in a store and was taking down some goods when the ladder slipped. In a mix-up in Tom Cullen had chewed from his assailants. After the member was a saloon in Ogden, one of his ears head by one of his the fight was over found lying on the cratic mayor This is no mere idle threat, for McCarren has a memory that is longer in proportion even than his body, and never yet has he forgotten an ill turn, In his early life McCarren was a cooper, but he saw a way of making “barrels” of a different kind by entering polities. He got his start as deputy collector of customs at New York, and he gladly gave up his Massachusetts home to accept the job. A few years later he got into the legislature and later was elected senator. Hugh McLaughlin, the Democratic boss in Brooklyn, stood by MeCarren, recognizing in him a coming man. In the end McLaughlin was kicked to one side and McCarren became the leader of Brooklyn and a power Tammany had to reckon with Long Pat” was accused by Tom Lawson of having found a place for his name on the pay roll of the Standard Oil trust to the tune of $20,000 a year. He was accused also of being in the pay of the sugar trust to an even greater extent. Several of the other big corporations are said to be very friendly to hin What does “Long Pat” do with the money he rakes in so easily? He does not spend it on riotous living; indeed, he is very abstemious, a econcesto a bad stomach. He is a devoted son to a decrepit old mother, but she was brought up in poverty and her wants are few. His one extravagance Heis an inveterate is race horses, upon which he has spent several fortunes plunger, both on horses and on cards NEW DUKE UNAFFECTED COMPLAINTS ABOUT PAINT. THOUGHT IT NATIONAL TRAIT. The time to complain about paint is before the painter applies it. The man who puts up the money should not shirk the responsibility of choos ing the paint True, the painter ought to know paint better than the banker, the professional man or the merchant. The trouble is, the house owner too often deliberately bars the competent and honest painter from the job by accepting a bid which he ought to know would make an honest job impossible Secure your bids on the basis of National Lead Company's pure White Lead and pure Linseed Oil and see that you get these materials. No one need be fooled by adulter ated white lead. A blowpipe testing outfit will be mailed to anyone interested in paint "" Address, National Lead Company, Woodbridge Building, New York City. Driver Couldn't Understand American Not Being in a Hurry. MEAN TRICK OF THE PARROT. And Just After Its Mistress Had Made Neat “Bluff.” Young Hankinson (making a call)— You have had that parrot a long time, Miss Laura, Miss Laura—Yes, we have had him several years. Young Hankinson—Quite intelligent, is he not? Miss Laura- Very. Can imitate al most anything Young Hankinson—They have a remarkably clever parrot over at the Casterlins’, Miss Laura. It can imitate the sound of a kiss to perfection. Is that among the accomplishments of our feathered friend here in the corner? Miss Laura (indignantly)—No, sir. He does not attempt an imitation of a sound he is not accustomed to hear, Mr. Hankinson. Of that I can assure you The Parrot—Wait, George, dear, till I take this bird out of the room.-—— Tatler. In the new duke of Devonshire, who has just succeeded his uncle to the British title floor. and the vast possessions that go with it, the The dry farmers in the vicinity of house of commons has lost one of its most re Nephi are rejoicing over the recent | spected members. Although lacking the usual rainstorm. Not in eleven years had incentives for hard work, as for many years it there been such a dry spell as was was certain that he would succeed to ‘the Devonexperienced prior to the rainstorm of shire dukedom, he always “sweated” conscienBOY KEPT SCRATCHING. last week. tiously for his party during the 19 years he repThe windstorm which struck Mt. resented West Derbyshire in the lower house. €czema Lasted 7 Years—Face Was Al! The new duke is expected to win an enviable Pleasant on the 4th did considerable Raw—Skin Specialists Failed, But place for himself in the hereditary upper chamdamage to trees and electric wires Cuticura Effected Cure. ber by his solid qualities of mind and heart. Broken branches of trees covered the MA One could hardly say that the present duke sidwalks from one end of the town “When my little boy was six weeks was born with a silver spoon in his mouth; but | old an eruption broke out on his face. LT om to the other. SED ins My iy fate soon made up for the deficiency. As a mat AD While she was kneeling in prayer I took him to a doctor, but his face ter of fact, he was born the eldest child of the kept on getting worse until it got so fr a Salt Lake church a young woman third son of the seventh duke and there seemed only the remotest prospects bad that no one could look at him. of the capital city was the victim of of his ever succeeding to the great title which his grandfather bore. Death, His whole face was one crust and @ sacreligious sneak thief, who got however, removed those that intervened. The eighth duke, who has just must have been very painful. He away with her purse, containing a died, spent his youth and his early manhood in casting sheep’s eyes at a scratched day and night until his face small sum of money. woman who was married to another man; in the course of time it became was raw. Then I took him to all the Ogden's chief of police has ordered tolerably certain that, barring his premature death, Victor Cavendish, fabest specialists in skin diseases but a rigid enforcement of the pew liquor miliarly known as “Vic” by his friends in the house of commons, would be they could not do much for him. The ordinance, barring women from the ninth duke of Devonshire and the owner of one of the largest estates in eczema got on his arms and legs and wine rooms of the city, and has in- Great Britain. we could not get a night’s sleep in structed the policemen to arrest the But despite his great expectations, Victor Cavendish always retained the months. I got a set of Cuticura Reme‘women as well as the saloon keepers simple unaffected ways that made him so popular with all who knew him. In dies and he felt relieved the first time who break the law. that respect he bore a remarkable resemblance to the late duke, who inspired I used them. I gave the Cuticura Senator Smoot has introduced an an extraordinary amount of respect, not only among those who enjoyed his Remedies a good trial and gradually amendment to the sundry civil bill to personal acquaintance, but also among the common people. the eczema healed all up. He is now Besides being the holder of one of the proudesttitles in the British peerage. make available during the coming seven years old and I think the troufiscal year $5,000 for the purchase of the new duke of Devonshire is allied by marriage with another of the great ble will never return, Mrs. John G. Jands and sheep for the San Juan families of the land. He married the elder daughter of the marquis of Lans- Klumpp, 80 Niagara St., Newark, N. downe, leader of the conservative party in the house of lords. Piute Indians, and $10,500 for the J., Oct. 17 and 22, 1907.” The position of a British duke is not always an enviable one. To be support of the Kaibab Indians. fHi June 23 has been set for straw- berry day for Provo. Each visitor and every passenger on the trains passing through the city will be served with berries in a beautiful souvenir bow! bearing the inscription: Strawberry day, Provo, Utah, June Wi “dead broke” and the holder of great titles is one of the sorriest plights that can be imagined. But it is safe to say that such an experience will never trouble the new duke of Devonshire. For with the title goes the ownership of about 200,000 acres and an annual income a little short of $1,000,000. RISE OF EX-BALL PLAYER. 23, 1908. D, J. Thurman, a Lehi attorney, is exhibiting a curiosity in the form of a shrimp, which he claims came from the bottom of his flowing weli, 200 feet deep, Finding his lawn sprinkler clogged, he took off the nozzle and found the cause of the troublq to be a live shrimp. The Cactus Club at Newhouse has 200 members and since its organization has built an opera house at a cost of $7,000 and a cafe at a cost of $6,000. It has a reading room, billiard hall and other conviences for its members—showing what the members of 8 small club can do. The people of Park City have de cided to celebrate the opening of the Ontario drain tunnel, on May the day o celebration to be a recognized holiday througacut the distriet. Three years labor and half a million doilars has been expeaded on the tunnel Word has been received in Ogden of the accidental death at Juraez, Mexico, of Joseph H. James, a former resident of that city. While at work at a saw mill in the mountains near Juraez a large log slipped from the chute and rolled over him and a Mexican, both being killed, A movement has been stated by the Ministerial association of Ogden looking to the organiation of a Young Woman's Christian association, an organization similar to the Y. M. C. A., to furnish homelike conveniences for young women on do young men do so much loafing? Go to work. Push ahead! I am but a young girl, but I clothe myself and have money in the bank. I lay up more money every year than Antone Foster, a Frenchman, shot and killed James Story, a tallow manwfacturer, who, presumably while drunk, was attempting to break into his general store in Salt Lake City. The shooting occurred at night. Foster has been acquitted by an examining magistrate. 13, A Kansas Girl’s Advice. A Lincoln county girl writes this advice to the Kansas City Star: “Why their own who are thrown up- resources, The finding of the body of Joseph H. Stevens near American Fork clears up the mystery of his disappearance ea vigorous when @ last December, since when search has been made for him. There was a bullet in his body, which indicates that while rabbit hunting he accidentally shot himself Former Chief of Police Sheets, of Salt Lake, who resigned while he was being tried on the charge of being in collusion with the men who succeeded in buncoing the MecWherters out ot $10,000, and whom a jury declared innocent, has been appcinted a spe eia] detective by the mayor. any A traveler returned from Jaffa tells Having expense tale at his own journeyed to the historica] seaport on his way to Jerusalem, he succeeded in hiring a conveyance to carry him to the station. By speech and gesture he informed the native driver that he | wished to be carried in a leisurely, sightseeing fashion through as many| as possible of the principal thoroughfares of Jaffa, and to be delivered at the terminal just in time to take the outgoing train. He had no sooner seated himself in the vehicle, however, than the driver whipped up his horse and whirled the dismayed traveler at a furious pace Moses E. Clapp, United States senator from Minnesota, better known throughout the northwest as the “Black Eagle of Minnesota,” is an Indian now—not the kind of Indian city-bred men are acquainted with, the kind that one meets after hours—but a genuine Simon pure Indian of the Crow tribe, having been adopted by the tribe in acknowledgment of his services towits chiefs who went to Washington to tell its troubles to the government. The ceremony consisted in his being invested with the war bonnet of Chief Plerty Coos. The senator is now serving his second term in the senate, but has made no particular mark for himself there. When he settled in Minnesota, in 1880, he looked around for the tail of some political kite to attach himself to. Senator Nelson was then running for congress and he looked like a winner, so Clapp chose him. He constituted himself Nelson’s champion, and when the latter In Use For Over 30 Years, The Kind You Have Always Bought. Aristocratic Disease. “From phat Oi hears these society women sa-ay,” imparted Pat, the coachman, to Bridget, the cook, “they do be dyin’ off at th’ receptions!” “An’ phat is ut kills ’em?” inquired the curious cook. “A disease they calls ‘ennui.’”—Illustrated Sunday Magazine. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE, stitute. Trial cures painful, smartand ingrowing nails. comfort discovery of new shoes easy. A sweating feet. Sold 25c. Accept no sub- package, FREE. tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Whydon’t you try it? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Insist on the Genuine—Reject Counterfeit. the += DESERVED TO WIN HIS CASE. Really Able Argument Put by Accused Sailor. They also relieve Die tress from Dyspepsia, Ine digestion and Too Hearty” Eating. A perfect rem- A very good story has recently been told in the fleet of an incident which happened when Admiral Evans was in command of the Indiana. An old-time bluejacket was at the mast before Capt. Evans, charged with getting edy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER, ey regulate the Boweis. Purely Vegetable, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, food out of a mess chest outside of meal hours. This getting of food for night watches is a common and strong | desire on the part of most men aboard ship. chest. Why, captain, weren't no food in that met a cockroach coming out of that chest with tears in his eyes.’—Harper’s Weekly. CHLORO- | NAPTHOLEUM DIP Kiils out scab, ticks, lice, and all sheep diseases due to germ infection, and puts animals in prime order, no matter how badly infected the flock may have been. Proved by thousands of practical tests in the field, and during the past fifteen years, and now Permitted by the Government for the “I was pardoned, mum.” One of‘the Official Dipping of Sheep for Scab Mellowsthe skin, binds the fleece and retains the yolk, thus making a whiter, tiner, softer and heavier staple. Antiseptic and healing tor shear cuts, barbed-wire gashes, stump tails and all wounds. Made by scientific chemists who test all materials used and test every gallon sold— the standard preparation for filteen years—ever Essentials of the happy homesof to-day is a vast fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world’s best products. Products of actual excellence and (VeuKQooed from your sheep, get more pounds and better figures, keep your band in good health and fine condition by using looked in that chest, and, captain, I “And you say you are looking for work?” asked the kind lady of Frazzled Franklyn. “That's right, mum, but I can’t find anything to do.” “How did you lose your last posi- Fac-Simile Signature Clip Bigger Profits I Laid Off. Genuine Must Bear wie REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. there chest! CARTERS IVER PILLS. Capt. Evans asked the man what he had to say; and the man, sizing up. the delicate situation, said: “Captain, I didn’t take no food outer that Positively cured by these Little Pills. Forward the same and always effective. Agency near you to supply your needs af once —no waiting. We wantan ageni in every section. Onegalion dip makes 100 gallons solution—$1.s0 a gal.; $6.75 fors kal; $12.50 for 10 gal.; quotationson quantity, Freight paid. “Making Sheep Healthy and Keeping Them So” isa book every sheepman should send for—/ree. | West Disintecting Co., Inc., 43 £. 59th St., New York City reasonable claims truthfully presented Distributing Depots: Chicago. St. Louis, Omaha, Denver andthroughout Wyoming and Arizona and which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-Informed of the World; notof individuals only, but of the many who have THE DUTCH BOY PAINTER known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and commended by the Well-Informed of the Worldasa valuable and wholesome family . IT IS FOUND ONLY ON ASSES , PURE WHITE LEAD E84 laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs| and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial| effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, andforsale byall leading druggists. MADE FOR SERVICE IN THE ROUGHEST WEATHER of this paper deSiring to buy anything advertisedin its columns should insist upon havin z what they ask for, refusing ail tsubstitutes or imitations. AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY (ο WATERPROOF SOWERS | | | It is no disgrace to be mistaken; it is a crime to be a hypocrite. That is the sin against light—the worst of ali.—John Oliver Hobbs. TEA for three terms. Then he ran for governcr, but was defeated. Hecontinued to take part in elections on behalf of others and when Senator Davis died Your grocer returns your moneyif you don't like Schilling’s Best; » pay him He is 57, of imposing appearance, with flowThose who await no gifts from chance have conquered fate.—Richter. MADE BY THE QLO DUTCH , PROCESS. READERS Ad- The wayto buytea is in packages; somebodyis responsibleforit. {pg black hair and pompous though kindly manner. sriodic pains, backache, that bear- ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges- dress A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, Ν. Υ. was victorious Clapp shone in his reflected glory. He gained some more prestige attaching himself to Senator Davis, and in 1886 he launched his Hy own little bark on the political sea by running for attorney-general, had made many friends and no enemies to speak of, and he was electe Clapp Was elected in his stead. tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, One of the products of that class, of y A powder. It ing, nervous feet It’s the greatest the’ age. Makes certain cure for by all Druggists, For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and haspositively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- same reason. the happyfacultyof selecting and obtaining the best the world affords. SENATOR NOW AN INDIAN Mrs. A. Gregory,of 2355 Lawrence St., Denver, Col, writes to Mrs, Pinkham: “I was practically an invalid for six Goods? Good moneyis made by the Governmert in which you have implicit faith and confidence. Good goods are made by manufacturers who are willing to stake their reputations on the quality of the material offered to you through the medium of their advertisements in this paper. Counterfeit goods are not advertised. The reason for it is they will not bear the close scrutiny to which genuine advertised goods are subjected. Counterfeit money pays more profit to the counterfeiter. Counterfeit goods are offered to you for the ‘and Australia, for he was a member of the Chicago aggregation who made a Bears the Signature of sick years, on account of female troubles. I underwent an operation by the doctor's advice, but in a few months I was worse than before. A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it restored meto perfect that?” “You American,” responded the health, such as I have not enjoyed in driver, with an expressive shrug. “All many years. Any woman suffering as I did with backache, bearing-down American like go very much fast.”— pains, and periodic pains,should notfail Youth’s Companion. to use Lydia BE. Pinkham’s Vegetable. Compound,” You Would Not Accept Counterfeit FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Money, Why Accept Counterfeit tion?” tour of the world under Anson and played exhibition games for the delectation of royalty and others. On retiring from the national game, Tener setiled in Charleroi, a small town about 4¢ miles from Pittsburg, and entered the banking business in a small wa He developed and sold rea! estate, gradually enlarging the scope of his operations until he had madehimself a millionaire. To-day his check for $1,000,000 would be honored without question in any banking institution in his vicinity. He has been an Elk for years, and it is said his laugh has aided him greatly in reaching the office of grand exalted ruler of the grand lodge, Which he nowholds. that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound asshe did. through all the dust and over all the stones of the notoriously rough streets of Jaffa. The passenger was too busily employed in saving his bones to be able to see anything of the interesting town. Arriving at the station, he found that he still had two hours to wait. “Why in the world,” he demanded, indignantly, “did you ever hurry like John K. Tener, one of Capt. Anson's Chiyoung man within three miles of my cago “Colts,” has pitched, batted and fielded home. When they get a dollar they and run the bases of the political diamond in go to a dance and go home a dollar championship form, his most recent feat being out. 1! advise all girls to cut clear of a four-sacker that has landed him on the conloafing boys. Stand by the boy who gressional home plate. The Pennsylvania works, and never put your arm “fans” gave him an overwhelming majority over through the handle of a jug.” Ernest F. Acheson, commonly called “Our Erny,” who for 14 successive years has been the chamA Hard Loser. pion of the people and considered by all except First Cheap Sport—I saw McGann Tener as invincible. *comin’ out of the poolroom lookin’ like Tener, in his baseball days, was & star of a hard loser. the first magnitude. When Anson signed him Second Cheap Sport—He lost all he he was pushing an unwilling pen up and down had. the ledgers of a Pittsburg steel concern. He First Cheap Sport—How much? stoo@ Bix feet four in his hosiery, and had a Second Cheap Sport—The price of smile that “wouldn't come off.” He was a raw, his morning's eye-opener.—lIllustrated overgrown boy when the captain saw him pitch a game, but the experienced Sunday Magazine. *| eye discerned in the mighty reach and powerful muscles of the amateur player a possible star, and without more ado Tener was signed and put into §mportant to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of training. His name became a household word and he was known in Europe CASTORIA safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it This woman says women should not fail to try ΣΣ ish thisa hi ook slicker from | | | wanted to seli the original $1.00 box of Native Herbs for 35 cents. Beware oi imitators. The Patent Office has recently decided a trademark cancellation case in my favor, cancelling & registered trade-mark on “Native Herbs” which was issued to my competitors, on the ground that they were not entitled to such trade-mark. For sample and terms and the Patent Office's decision, write | P. E, MELROSE, Columbus, Ohio ANAKESIS relief. 8: αἱ αἱ Bample cires instant 18 A BIMPLE CURR ‘iste or by mail. EE. Address, “"“ANAKESIS*’* Tribune Bidg., Nzw Yorm. ELECTROTYPES LIVE STOCK AND Learned by anybody at home. Small | MISCELLANEOUS In ereat variety for sale at the lowest prices by cost. Send to-day 2 cent stamp for | 4-5. KELLOGG SEWSPAPER CO., 72 W. Adams St., Chicago particulars and proof PROF. A.A MERIPOLSKIE 453 Vou Buren St. Apt. 2, Le Grang Bidg. PENSIONS by JOHN W. MORRIS, CHICAGO, ILL Washington, D. G WIDOWS)enterwew Law obiained |