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Show ERGATIS PUB LISHED EVERY SATI 5 en 2 TAH STATE NEWS Ἴ | { THE CZAR’S BEST | is ray] y The senate G. - } j W. Young, | SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Ι postmaste at TREES Wanshiy from his office . PLANTS, SEEDS, Best on earth biee aiog. Intern’! Nurseries le er, 4 Agents | Wanted Oscar Allred ar n Utah est guards on the forest reservé Kaysville break of 1 WOULD Fish Brother ot between stockmen and dians The state board of land comn ers has made a loan of $ Otter Creek Reserv I Ils building a large re r in Arthur Bowen Salt Lake and hich Piute 1 a end prisonm open unexpected up In a the a safe atter in the ! offices 1 to Ϊ Then the { Cud happy baby’s ¢ inspiration, ther fe litt got a i ahy Packi but were ¢ | ‘ vent their securing any was making its heard wi in aba don that was getting on brother's nerves as well as those of the others While riding a tempting to run down a coyote, Lo renzo Christensen of Ephraim came near losing his life He was thrown from the animal! and sustained internal injuries, present A large number of cases where dog have been poisoned have been reported to the police of Ogden. It is also by stated that ground glass is used those engaged in the slaughter of dogs in that city. | “ΤΊ tell you what you do, pop,” he suggested, “just give him that milk bill you got the other day You know you were kicking about milk going up in price, and mabbe when he sees the bill he'll quit hollerin’ for more.”— Cleveland Plaindealer MADE HIS LISTENERS SMILE. Remarks of Reverend Gentleman Altogether Too Apropos. More than 125 shopmen wiio were laid off at the Southern Pacific shops | Of all places, the most difficult {π In Ogden recently, have returned to} which to preserve one's gravity, when work, and the indicationg are that an absurd incident happens, is church. they will be kept steadily at work The worshipers in a certain chapel from this time on. had some trouble to keep their faces straight a short time ago Roy O, Johnston, a brakeman run During the service some commotion ning between Lehi Junction and Top liffe. was shot and killed in the Elks | was caused by a gentleman who accldnetally ignited a box of wax matches saloon at Lehi by Nightwatchman in his pocket, and was trying to put Charles C. Trane, Johnston was intox them out, while his alarmed neighbors icated and resisted arrest. struggled equally hard to help him. John Crowther, who had been engi: ab a The minister, being short-sighted, could not make out the reason of the disturbance, and thinking to diplo matically cover the incident he inno- neer at the Logan temple ever since its completion, died on the 28th, About two months ago he was hurt through falling from a scaffold while assisting in the making of somerepairs, A transient workman named Lund, hailing from the Sanpete valley, was found on the tracks of the San Pedro road, about a mile north of Sandy, with one of his legs nearly severed from his | body. He will probably recover. Harry Shuber of Ogden became angered at Mrs. Pantone, who had dis charged him, and attacked her with a knife. Before patrons of the restau rant could interfere he had slashed her severely about the hands and arms. Jorgensen Bros. of Sandy, Utah, owners and proprietors of the Co-oper cently said: “Brethren, there is a little noise going on. Until it is over, let us sing, ‘Sometimes a Light Surprises.’ ”’ Some of the congregation were unable to sing. Novel Medicine Chest. When sickness occurs in the country it means, unless medicines are in the house, that a doctor must be sent for, and in many cases it will be hours before he can arrive. Every woman should have a small medicine chest, provided with at least 10 to 25 cents’ | worth of each of the following medl- ative store at that place, have failed The firm's liabilities are estimated at $19,000. It is believed that the stock of goods on hand will cover the liabili ties. cines, which often will has been arrest ed in Salt Lake City on a charge of | murdering a girl in Niagara, B. C. It| is claimed Ciddia exploded fifty | ‘pounds of dynamite under a_ hotel | building, killing the girl and injuring several others While at work loading cars with ice for the Alaska Ice company at Gorgoza, Erick Lambourson had his arm cut so seriously by being run over with a box car that amputation was founda| necessary, and he also received three ugly scalp wounds. ] Ν Bulgaria and an npt A check for $1,511 has been presented to the widowof Charles 8. Ford, the police officer who wag shot and fatally wounded by desperadoes in Salt Lake City, as a testimonial of the esteem in | which the officer was held, The check was made possible by giving a benefit dance for an oriental potentate. a Fleas. The part played by fleas tn the spread of plague is dealt with in an able manner by “J. W. W. S.” in “Na ture.” A Latin writer, Avicenna, is quoted to show that about the year 1600 it was known that there was some definite connection between rats and veyed from the rat to man through the agency of the flea. Experiments which he tried with fleas from rats dead of the plague showed how this is possible. Other experimenters have obtained similar results, while others have been led to doubt Simond’s generalization. “Gun-play Maxwell and L. L. Reidel, | In the Language. who engaged in a pistol duel at Price “Some one has said that a kiss fs last September, met near Las the language of love,” remarked the Nevada, last week, and as a result young man in the parlor scene shot through the lungs Maxwell was “Well,” rejoined the fair maid on and stomach and is in a critical con dition, while Reidel was but slightly | the far end of the sofa, “why don't you get busy and say something?” injured , Limit to Speed of Autos. The authorities of Shanghai, one of the busiest towns in China, have passed a by-law allowing motorists to maintain a speed of not more than 30 miles an hour while passing through the city. K vy W his how ab six dollars Hardap ‘Let me t poor village octor m it Was a y felle Well, by heck, tell him 1e was a first-class critter and worth every cent of $50.” “And come to think of it, Hiram, his automol was almost as long as a steamboat, with glass windows, six lights and a horn that you could hear five miles.” “What? Then write and tell him the cow he killed was a genuine im ported prize-winning Holstein and worth $500 if he doesn't settle up every cent ash I'll put the law on him.” First Postoffice Scheme. The first postoffice scheme was @ private enterprise and was inaugurated about 1464 PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, PAZO OINTMENT w ranteed to cure any case tf Itching, B i, Bleeding Ρ ruding Piles ip Lilo i4daysorr Some 1 We finished orators don’t seem to candidate for t first and second dumas, but th NEW OWNER OF LONDON TIMES at night, a round trip of 60 miles. He won the prize and found the job a sinecure, but he made it something different. He acted as understudy for everybody until he had the whole details of the business at his finger ends. In two years he was made manager. A fortunate trip to America aroused his ambition for bigger things. He found young men of his own age managing big businesses, and could not see that they were any more intelligent than himself. On his return he threw up his job and started Pearson's Weeks, which was a money-maker from the beginning. His keen eyesight (aided by his spectacles), an excellent memory and quick decision are three of the qualities to which he owes his success. When he was in America Pearson heard of a certain railway that was likely to be bonght up. He invested every cent he had in its stock and before he returned he had cleared $24,000 by the deal. He has never been afraid to take chances. Pearson is nowin his fortieth year, and looks even less, He is a strong radical and affects to be democratic, but he entertains in a princely way at his country seat in Hampshire, and a strong odor of money is always with him, although he says that “after you have a c¢ rtain amount the rest is only a nuisance.” He is the son of a poor clergyman and was intended for the ministry himself, as the head of his family had been for generations, but he felt that he was cut out for business. Joe Chamberlain pronounces him the greatest hustler in England. HEAD OF SUGAR TRUST Washington B. Thomas, who has been designated as head of the sugar trust, to succeed the late H. O. Havemeyer, is one of the most remarkable figures in Boston’s social and businesslife. Mr. Thomas, who thus becomes chief executive of a $90,000,000 corporation, will draw a salary at least twice as big as that of the president of the United States, in addition to his dividends as a stockholder, which in themselves represent a handsome fortune annually. Yet Mr. Thomas is less proud of his money and supremacyin the business world than of his two beautiful daughters and his skill as a golf player. Society still is talking of the splendor of the Afete at the Somerset given by Mr. Thomas in is seven feet in diameter, and is said to be the largest ever executed; it | has been in the hands of the workmen | for over a year. el ¥ 1 The tray| An Ogden attorney has begun anac.- | Sure. tion in the city court against J, H “After all,” declared the wise guy, Crawford, a negro whom he defended “there is no nature faker more dana short time ago when Crawford was gerous to the community than the on trial for his life, to compel the pay- | geezer that sold my wife a sealskin ment of $150 for professional services. The negro was given his freedom at jacket for $300, and which was found to be rabbit hide worth $29!” the trial At the annual meeting of the Utah | Fair association the report of the sec- | retary showed that the total receipts | from all sources at the last state fair amounted to $26,047.10. The disbursements from this amounted to $22, 090.80, leaving a balance on hand ot the cause of popular govern Was up and arou ae sharp twinges « e me, and for fifteen yea ἢrs the the ftrequen secretions 1 passages of ki ney noyed me But Doan’s Kidney Pills have given me almost entire freedom from this trouble and I cannot speak too highly in their praise.” Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. buried decently and in order me two weeks af the funeral it oe ( Π technicality declared 1 launted by curred to Mrs. Brown that she would hostility, he presented hims in for tl 1 duma and like a photograph of her husband 1 i. 1 “ it once chosen as the | of the ups which stanc having none that did him justice Im rar ited by the ezar, the groups which committed the mediately she petitioned the Bronx ] ] npertinence of taki ted that the czar meant health department for permission to what he iid when he made the promise |}exhume Henry and snapshot him The health department was somewhat dazed, but granted the request, and so, with a photographer and an undertaker, Mrs. Brown went to Cyril Arthur Pearson, the new proprietor of (~~ —— "> Woodlawn and had the three weeks’ the London Times, is one of the greatest new corpse dug up. Brown was taken paper owners in the world. Besides the Times both profile and full face. he controls the Standard, the Express, the Even ing Standard and the St. James Gazette, all leadIT SEEMED INCURABLE ing London dailies, five dailies in other cities four weekly newspapers, nine weekly periodicals | Body Raw with Eczema—Discharged and six monthlies He is believed to be to-day from Hospitals as Hopeless—Cutla multi-millionaire, yet 12 years ago he was earncura Remedies Cured Him. ing $1,500 a year. He was then manager of Tit Bits, of which Sir George Newnes was the. pro“From the age of three months until prietor, Tit-Bits had started a general informafifteen years old, my son Owen's life tion competition, the prize being a $10 a week was made intolerable by eczema in its job in the office Pearson took part in it and | worst form. In spite of treatments the used to ride on his bicycle to Bedford to consult disease gradually spread until nearly the library there and then return on his wheel every part of his body was quite raw. Ιι just been made by a firm in London Plague and ess, and judging by the applause which relieve and plague. In more recent years it has The state board of health has been | been a matter of common observation asked to assist in eradicating a con- | in India that in times of plague a large tagious disease which is alarmingly | number of dead rats are found. And prevalent among the swine herds of | these are found to contain the plague the North Ogden, Pleasant View and bacilli in abundance. In 1898 Stother districts. The disease is highly mond expressed the view that in the contagious and fatal majority of cases the plague was con- $3 952.36. Was, | sion of the ished legislator was fulfilled Milyoukoy has suffered in liberty’s cause if ¢ OPENS GRAVE FOR A PICTURE, any man has 1898 he was ineulcating a spirit of reverence constitutional liberty in the minds Sorrowing Widow Had to Have Picof the students of Moscow university when the police sudde1 natched him out of his chair and after a summa trial He utilized his time writTo be exhumed after he had been of Russian Culture.” After two years of close confinement buried for 20 days and told to sit up ut oF is return to | pean Russia he was deported to and “look ple nt the expatriation warrant i 1 against him. Denying the right luck that befell a corpse out at o drive him out of | wn country, he returned and was lawn cemetery, New York, the on without trial, He emained five months and was day. Henry Brown, a train dispatcher 1 that he leave the ( He came to America, where on the One Hundred and Twenty of | rty ! the val in Russia ] ni stree vated road, died D W forced upon He t advantage of ember 6 ¢ ri gout an cure what might otherwise necessitate a doctor’s visit: Sirup of ipecac, caster oll, sweet spirits of niter, arnica, witchhazel, sweet oil, olive oil, bicar bonate of soda, licorice compound, Alexander Kershaw, 64 years old, camphor, vaseline, paregoric, mustard, one of the stonecutters who worked on the temple in Salt Lake, died at his | small roll of antiseptic cotton. home in Salt Lake last week. The de- | Immense Silver Tray. ceased came to Utah in 1877 and tor | A gigantic tray of solid silver, several years worked as a stone-cutter | weighing more than 10,000 ounces, has | on the temple. Franeesco Ciddia lilyoukov, formerly of the Univer member of the third duma for and leader of the constitutional Russia, at the solicitation of the of New York city came from his t upon the topic, “Constitutional Russia.” more than 5,000 miles to present ] we H | | | greeted his words from the 4,000 present, the mis was Ϊ if noise counts for ar bd ment in Russ and riot Prof. Pa sity of Chic St. Petersb democrats of civic forum home to add Government He traveled 4 in a single : Had Great Scheme to Quiet Crying Infant. out, sents pate BILL. vanted still another drink The fond and dot 1 ried to pacify it with a d f wa but that didn't That was wl) t nted, And » child ex ed it f n a that left no doubt about its le in the premises There was ag t dinner party see county been THE The two-year-o!d baby tn Pend family was showing its pleasure at dinner the the over the fact there was n on the table The milk su Juan county to Investigate robbed BABY Measies in some dist been dispensed with the SHOW | | Lake experiencing Indian Con send an agent ENEMY € t wasn't becor growine tmburse ] ΣΣ ΣΣ ΤΠΕ she in 5 τ as 1 tel ΕΕΣ ΣΣ ΣΣ ΣΣ ΞΕ ΣΣ ΣΣ ΣΣ Sanpete county A Fearfully Long Siege of Daily Pain and Misery. a ESTABLISHED an apple Rapid Rise. IT. Ha ὁ What reascnable prices for Jewelry are if you do not consult us? Our goods are the finest obteinable at any price, and absolutely guaranteed )ΑῚ THIRTY YEARS OF SS SSSSSSSSSSSSS Se SSS SSSSS 3 HOW OO YOU KNOW honor of one of his debutante daughters some months ago. Rumor placed the cost of the evening’s function at fully $30,000. Mr. Thomas laughs when asked about it, and doesn't care. Money to him is of value only for what can be done with it; in consequence he is one of the most liberal figures in Boston's ultra-exclusive He used to tear himself dreadfully in his sleep and the agony he went through is quite beyond words. The regimental doctor pronounced the case hopeless. We had him in hospitals four times and he was pronounced one of the worst cases ever admitted. From each he was discharged as incurable. We kept trying remedy after remedy, but had gotten almost past hoping for a cure. Six months ago we purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies. The result was truly marvelous and to-dayhe is perfectly cured. Mrs. Lily Hedge, Camblewell Green, England, Jan. 12, 1907.” Midshipmen and Marriage. Midshipmen and marriage are interesting the navy department at present considerably. In the last three years more than one midshipman has Seen dismissed from the service for marrying before he has been graduated from Annapolis. Also there have been increasingly numerous requests to the navy department from passed midshipmen asking permission to marry. The department has been thus far lenient with Cupid and has grant most of these requesis. and outdoor life account for his name on the Country club roll, and personal ability as an athlete drew him to the Tennis and Racquet club's select mem bership He dwells in pastoral simplicity at Pride’s Crossing and in urban splendor in winter in the old Frederick Ames mansion in the Back bay. Heis a Harvard man, has seen 52 summers, works ten hours every day when he’s working and plays golf ten hours every day when he’s playing. CHICAGO’S PAROLE JUDGE others living “is: last session. Foolish Limerick. There once was Who chased a a foolish young spitz black cat and her kitz. His mistress exclaimed: ‘Well, now, I’ll be blamed, I'll spank that darned dog sitz!” where he You must wear MAYER HONORBILT SHOES,to appreciate their superiority over other makes. They have the style and Constipation laxative when no longer needed agthe best of remedies, when required,are to assist nature and not to supplant the natur. al functions, which must depend ulti- mately upon proper nourishment, proper efforts,and rightliving generally, To get its beneficial effects, always uy the maa finally to send 74 to the bridewell, but 1,145 “made good.” Twelve have dis appeared. Judge Cleland’s daring and originality when hefirst took office was some thing of a shock to Chicagoans He began by fining and sentencing to jail Mayor Dunne promptly the mayor and pardoned the liquor men and Judge Cleland then subpenaed Prosecuting Attorney Alexander whom he accused with the aldermen of influencing the mayor, he ordered from his court. It was shown the mayor had the right to pardon and the affair was settled, but the judge had clearly shown that the political interference with the administration of his office would not be tolerated. “BUILT on HONOR” and look good to the last. w ich enables one to form regular Of these it was necessary certain aldermen for contempt of court. women to write ber for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. wearing qualities, and feel right Habitual | the one truly beneficial There a number of saloon-keepers for violations of the law. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills andhaspositively cured thousands of women whohave been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling,flatulency, indigestion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try it? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick from thefirst; wear long and well, personal efforts with the assistance were wives whose homes, they said, had been redeemed from the curse of drunken husbands and fathers through Judge Cleland's plan of reformation. Some said their own reformation was due ιο his system. Judge Cleland inaugurated his project December 27, 1906, and since then 1,231 have been released “on promise.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Mark Twain, 150 pounds; George Ade, 147; Jerome K, Jerome, 143, and W. W. Jacobs, 132. O. Henry is really a great humorist, | but he is in the 180-pound class.— Home Magazine. habits daily so thal, assistance to nature may be gradually dispensed with the ‘“‘T suffered from female troubles, a tumor and much inflammation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago decided that an operation was necessary to save mylife, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound entirely cured me without an operation.” Great humorists seldom are fat. F. P. Dunne is the heaviest, weighing about 160 pounds. The weight of said, the other judges did not approve of his methods Many who never before had entered a police at Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 154 Oleybourne Ave., Chicago, Ll. writes : own merrymaking. remedy, Syrup of ligs and ENixir ofSenna, present “T was a great sufferer from female troubles, and Lydia E. Pinkham’s γερο. table Compound restored me to health in three months, after my physician declared that an operation was abso~ lutely necessary.” Laugh and Grow Fat; No. system, ended recently with his transfer from the Maxwell street branch to the civil branch of the tribunal. He was switched because, it is were Mrs. 8. A. Williams, of Gardiner, Maine, writes: May be permanently overcome by proper Municipal Judge McKenzie Cleland’s efforts to redeem the fallen of Chicago, through the parole court woman from surgical operations. There is nothing in the maxim “Jaugh and growfat” or else the jokesmiths fail to grow mirthful over their society. His aristocratic blood made him a member of the Somerset club; his love of good-fellowship took him into the new Algonquin; his love of sports More proof that Lydia E. Pinkham’s VegetableCompound saves SyrupfFigss ElixirSenna manufactured by the CALIFORNIA Fic Syrup Co. ony SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGCISTS one size only, Tepular price 50¢ per Battle SEF THAT'S PURE All our seed is tested and warranted to be Teliable. our new Catalogue. Write for It’s FREE. 4... Β. θπεπθετ ἃ Sox, Marnvencan, Mass, AONORBILT SHOES FOR MEN are made with great care, of the highest grade material, by skilled workmen. They are honest through and through. You get style, quality and comfort in buying MAYER HONORBILT SHOES, Your dealer will supply you; if not, write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on thesole. We also make Leading Lady Shoes, Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, Special Merit School Shoes. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company MILWAUKEE, WIS. |