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Show NORTHWEST NOTES ] “Until Death Do Us Part” After being poses tor closed more 11 Nevada, may be next few months parently sti the situ n ind rhe of the threw is Ι you I Β Not a bit,” are kept siut How ΐ ᾿ chickens? did was uy you 1 le 11 it he ! * I manag Why, every night t ? he 1! put eggs in the gra ver every mornir when! lot caref I y, bor of and and was | th 8] * Mm t and brought them } Ten} ii τ ife, t j Whole Body Covered with Cuban itch —Cuticura Remedies Cured at Cost of Seventy-Five Cents. sien |} “My little boy, when only an infant ! of three months, caught the Cuban | Itch. Sores broke out from his head to the bottom of his feet He would itch and claw himself and cry all the | time. He could not sleep day ornight, | and alight dress is all he could wear. | I called one of our best doctors to | treat him, but he seemed to get worse j He suffered so terribly that my hus-| band said he believed he would have | to die. 1 had almost given up hope | whena lady friend told meto try the | I and the train would ssession of band’s @rm rose him A | | Oct ild she not was inmort i tall, swee ed girl ern bound laughing eyes I I ir wh ng gown ha inutes. If he could i h the station withthe words of thé’ minist Whor well Once God hat ined together, } aboard εἰ 4 nd nothing could Pu! ! a few week stop her She moved about quickly, 11 a tearful par the speeding away with a lonely, yet res packing a few necessary articles in a small valise Cloak and hat were olute ma Since coming to this far western donned hurriedly, and with a swift country, he had taken up his cross farewell glance at the room behind bravel) His life had been one of her she walked out only to hear her Strugel but he was doing the Mas | husband's voice saying to Betty: ters will, and Laura would come to Where is Mrs, Brooks? I want her.” him as soon as he was well estab Laura's heart beat almost to suffoca!ished. Happy in the thought, he tion and her chee ks were scarlet with Worked wit’: a will, and now, after excitement ] THOUGHT CHILD WOULD DIE. at more t home ote part and had passion lay unhad sent He was alin a time ith a few s wife, he cl t looking, 1 went out in v am wh I twe A I called. “Oh, you are here,” as his glance fell upon her. “I Ointment and he at once fell into a| coming. What if, in her two years of met one of the Bentley children besleep, and he slept with ease for the | easiern college life, she had grown fore I had gone far, and she said her I have reQrst time since two months. After 4Way from him! What if she should mother needed you badly. three applications the sores began to not be happy? And love, pershaps she turned for you Will you go?” dry up, and in just two weeks fromthe Would not love him She stood a moment irresolute, the day I commenced to use the Cuticura With a prayer in his heart he hur hot blood surging to her cheeks. Her Remedies my baby was entirely well. ried out upon the platform, just as the | lips moved as if she would speak. The treatment only cost 7ic, and || trala came shrieking through the John took her hand tenderly and said: would have gladly paid $100 if I could Mountains and pulled up at the little My Laura will not refuse the renot have got it cheaper. I feel safe in | S!ation quest of this poor woman, who persaying that the Cuticura Remedies Yes, it was she, the tall girl in haps is in great need of a woman's saved his life. He is now a boy offive tender hand.’ years. Mrs. Zana Miller, Union City, With bowed head she stood. R. F. D. No. i, Branch Co., Mich., May “IT will go,” she said at last, but Cuticura Remedies. I used the Cuti cura Soap and applied the Cuticura more than two years of battling alone in this mountainous country, she was “Laura,” 17, 1906.” there was no smile in her face and her voice trembled. She dared not meet her husband's eyes. Late in the afternoon when the sick woman was comfortable and could be left with her children, John came to take his wife home. She was silent and constrained, and even her husband’s kind words and affectionate NOT TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY. Colored Deacon's Prayer a Wonder of Poetic Imagery. “Between emotionalism and formalism in religion,” says a Washington | clergyman, “there is a golden mean— | a reflection that came to me reeently upon the conclusion of my remarks to | a colored congregation in Richmond. | manner failed to “I had invited an aged deacon to | Glue his hands to de gospel plow. Tie | his tongue to de line of truf. Nail his yere to de gospel pole. Bow his head ‘way down between his knees, oh Lord, an’ fix his knees "way down in some lonesome, dark and narrer val ley, where prayer is much wanted to be made. ‘Noint him wif de kerosene ile of salvashun, an’ set him onfire!’” | “Oh, You Are Here.” PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, PAZO OINTMENT| aranteed to cure any case of liching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to Id days or money refunded. Se. brown coming toward him. With a glad cry of “Laura—wife!” she was in his arms and he was kissing the upturned face with rapture He was full of eager questtoning and talked on happily as they made their way along the quiet road A light shone out from a distance, | and John, pointing, said: Despair is the paralysis of the soul. —Helps. Habitual, Constipation ae permanently reecome μερα rsonal ο effo ors wethe he assistance vithe one ruly mefic “There is our home, yonder. It is 4 only a poor one, as IT have told you; | | only a little white cottage among the | | pines, but now that you are here Laura, all will be changed. There will the desired was spiritualized His audience were eager, expectant, up into his face | while a few heads bowed in meek rec whic εδ eS one to form = ha ade tae looked lad tears “atiining,F, she ον ognition of his powerful words. fe anc ξ * giac ‘ars Β Diek Bentley's face sho wed signs . aay ee Ὁ πα” drew closer to him and realized for ure may grad uy ispensed with the first what her homecoming had anger, then gradually the look changed and the great tears welled from his been to him yes and dropped.upon his coat. sleeve remedies, when required, are to assist When the news spread over theset Tetscales gs and BixirofSenne, || Se ps ise PY aAi ty fine face ~ a ν auty about it that was never \nxative bring smile. His tender heart was grieved, and that night long after she was fast asleep, he sat thinking. What did it all mean? Why was she so changed, so cold and silent? Thoughts cameto him that were banished instantly and almost fiercely. Laura was his wife, and with a prayer on his lips for her, he slept. When he awoke the sun was shining, and the pure air and balmyfir | trees spoke peace to his soul. A holy | Sabbath calm seemed to rest every where He was busy with thoughts for his morning sermon as they walked on to. | ward the little church in the valley He knew Dick Bentley would be there on the front seat as usual, for he never missed a Sunday, no matter howhard | he had been drinking. What should | he say to him? Howhelp him? | An unspeakable joy came to the minister as he opened the Bible upon the little pulpit, and his eyes bright ened as he announced his text, ‘Until death do us part.” The words came easily, as by divine inspiration. He forgot everything but his subject and the man before him, and preached as never before. His eyes glowed, his offer prayer. ‘Ch, Lord,’ prayed he, | ‘gib dis pore brudder de eye of de eagle, dat he spy out sin afar off. | before pag there when no longer weeded agthe best of nature and not te supplant the natur. tlement that Rev. Brooks’ young wife | and his heart grew tender On the other side of the roon had come the meeting house was crowded to its fullest capacity on Sun- young face was bowed in grief regret and suppl ication were writter day morning there. It was the face of Laura, She saw how her husband was be loved by the honest, warm-hearted minister's wife. She had listened in al functions, which must deepend ulti- mately upon proper nourishment, proper effor tsand riphl living βονιεταὶὶἐγ. Fro get its eneficial e fects, always buy the ee 3 Syrupffigs Elixird SeTG there CALIFORNIA = Fic SyRUP Co. ONLY ently miners, and she spoke to them kindly for his sake, as they crowded about her, eager to clasp her hand. But manufactured by the was something so rustic and | rude about the whole scene, some} thing so unsatisfying, that sent a chill | over Laura \s she walked home by SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUCCISTS | (he side of her husband, he talked to ove size only, reputar price 50¢ per Bottle SICK HEADAGHE Fea |Pesitively cured by | these Little Pills. her of his people, of their kind hearts: of the women, who though seemingly "η were tender and true, and told what good she might do them, now that she was come all as in a dream What she saw was a broken college They aiso relieve Die | ife and kind faces of friends. She tress from I spepsia, Indigestion ar Hearty LW 1 strong and handsome face with Eating. A ect remshining dark eyes that could take on edy for Dizz Naw a world of tender ness sea, Drowsin Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Side, " They regulate the Bowels. Pain in the LIVER. P urely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature (ieae# τ μονές,Suan de SieOh, he REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. DEFIANCE STARCH ou: | But she heard it Weeks went by, happy, delightful | weeks to John. Everything about the house was changed; the plain furnishings seemed to brighten and take on a new aspect if Laura but laid her | | hend on them The new country, new faces and ex- | were perie neces interesting to the | young minister's wife, but soon the novelty wore away, leaving a void, a dreariness and unrest. John was too full of joy and happiness to notice it | at first. to her husband's words, her eral fie yurtmartial This order time ) tbe ns be wk " \ ould ( it gs, Aunt Cecilia. Washing 2 if on G acted how could yer Ca Why nowadays? Miss Annie,” : east vB 5 8 I FIT 18 Γιο. replied oe ᾿rial - [dq ix a 93) Ay Kit t I : ' A Mistake. “Tt o be learn buy everythi BH time “You are wrong: it is everything to my credit.”"—Houston Post ts — aded disease that science ο Mais pre ‘ ady a Catar Ca t at he ΝΛ 4 acung sme 80 Judge Bo of » state district court at Butte tructed the jury to acquit A. B. Clements, cashier of the failed Aetna bank, on a felony charge growing out as ( $100 Reward, $100. The read aper Wil be pleased to | tha: ‘a ν i f dis way, a en, that the troops now on duty| at that place would be held therefor | ¢ 80 I known v Way { Aunt Cecilia, indulgently, “I's been out o wuhk so ¢ dat now when I could wuhk I finds I's done lost mah taste fo’ it.”"—Lip; tt's, break in the transmission wi Nevada Power company, which Goldfield to darkness the striking to was charg velops was caused has ordered a gento convene at Goldwould indicate, say town m I 1 a of the } alleged receipt ms 1 One Hu cure ed 5 Add i + J. CHENEY & D Take aa rt F. Bo : Doliarsa i Lia )., Toledo, O 15 Fam jiy Pills for constipation. of In the Tavern. “Well, it's been raining for three days. Seems as through water isn’t A dispatch from Denyer says that | wanted even in heaven!"—Translated James R. Barber and Summer G. | for Transatlantic Tales from MeggenMoon, the millionaire lumbermen ot | dorfer Blatter Eau Claire, Wis., indicted with Sen | It is wonderful what strength of purator Borah for alleged conspiracy in pose and energy and boldness of will land frauds, may be taken to Idaho deposits when he insolvent knew the bank was | are roused by for trial Colonel William Crooks, assistant | the simple assurance AR KE i that we are doing our duty.—Scott. to the general manager of the Harri- i For Over Half a Century man lines in the Pacific northwest, Brown's Br onchial Troe hes have been died in Portland on the 17th of comunexcelied as a cure lor hoarseness, plications growing out of a cold con- | coughs and sore throat tracted about six weeks ago. He was 76 years old. Wisdom is the olive that springeth the The supreme court of Montana has from the heart, bloometh on granted a writ of habeas corpus in tongue and beareth fruit in the ac; the case of G. 8. E. Wisner, an Ana- tions.—E, Grymestone. conda bank employee, who had been ONLY ONE “BROMO QUININE” convicted on the charge of receiving That is LAXATIVE BROMO τ ININK. Look for deposits when he knew his principal the signature of BE. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Oure a Cold Im One Day. 2c. to be insolvent. κοκ. μετα. The Smelter City bank of Durango, Colo., a state institution, @apital $30,000, has closed its doors. Lack of con fidence, due, it is said, to the indictments of prominent citizens on the charges of land frauds under the fed eral laws, led to the suspension A bluff is all right as long as you ean keep the lid on. Powder Restore Gray s Youthful Color, HOWARD E. BURTON, *SSAYERA452 Gold, Silver. Lead, $1; Goid, SilZine or Copper.$1. Cyanic te tests. res pr e; Gold. We; Malling en elopes and fvll_prigelist sent on applica~ tion. Control and Ump:re work solicited. tea τ ville. Colo. Reference. Carbonate National 4auh HAVE YOU READswedenbor He!i, four but aeare nand an pa.es, ir ie bel Pastor Laudenberger, 's “Heaven and revealing © cents Windsor Place, St. ἡ «ΘΠ 8 Louis. me in stamps “eeeyensene|Thompson’s Eye Water For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought ‘ANesetable Μονlords :| Boars the similating the FoodandRegula Lingthe Stomachs andBowels of et for three ἐγ᾽ςΟΚΤΤΠ company’s works blew up Sunday morning at Departure Bay, B. C. The loss is $40,000. No one was killed or injured. In Vancouver, thirty-five miles away, houses were shaken so badly that it was be lieved an earthquake had occurred and many persons rushed to the street in alarm, Se Pelia Di Ria was arrested at attle, together with two discharged the Seattle Electric employees of company, charged with a conspiracy to take the life of Tony Restove, fore man of construction work for the Se Electric company, who dis attle charged the men for incompetency from tbe construction gang. Signature Promotes DigestionCheerful- of ness and RestContainsneither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Nor NARcoric. Recipe ofOil[ΕΥΠΠ In an address issued by the exec utive committee of the Western Fed men eration of Miners, labor union are urged to rally to the defense of officers and members of the federation charged with the murder of former Governor Steunenberg of Idaho, and other crimes, and of the Goldfield miners who are on strike. Michael C. Carroll, a pioneer guide, died at his home in Laramie, Wyo., last week. He selected the site for Fort Sanders, three niles south of Laramie, in 1866, when the Union Ρα: cific railroad was being built, and acted as mediator with the Indians, going unarmed to meet Chief Friday, who was on the warpath, and prevent ing a slaughter of whites. week In an opinion rendéred last Galen Attorney General Albert J ruled that Citristmas songs cannot be urred from the public schools of Montana on the ground that “such [n Use For Over Aperfect Remedy eee tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions.Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. | Thirty Years Fac Simile Signature of Geez| rr eae aaa ky yetabia ——— muaranteed under the fess THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORE CITY. SHOES AT ALL PRICES, FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, MEN, SOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN W. L, Douglas makes and sells more - BES” men' $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 shoes “G2 se constitutes denominational or se manufacturer In ΒΕ" world, came they hold Thole “ap tarian teachings.” The decision was made at the request of the state superintendent of public instruction. heart rebelling, till at last her will James R. Kirwan, who had beep was broken and she saw her wrong Till death do us part.’ Had she not | acting secretary-treasurer of the West ern Federation of Miners, tendered his promised that? How was she fulfilling resignation last week, on account of her vow? ill health, and Ernest Mills, a member The minister knelt in prayer. A ray of the executive board from British of light ole in and seemed to rest Columbia, assumed the duties of that upon his head in benediction. office. When the prayer was ended and he Martin O’Brien, a prominent lawyer arose from his Knees two figures knelt of Rawhide, Nevada, while under the side by side at the altar steps. The influence of liquor, shot and killed woman's lips moved in prayer | Bessie Gardiner, a woman of the hhilf “Oh, Lord,” she said, “« uur sins are world, and wounded ‘a bystander rievous to us. Remember them O’Brien had become infatuated with inst us no more.” the woman, and the kiliing was thx She is praying for Dick Bentley, result of jealousy they whispered ᾿ Neither the Colorado State bank of At last she arose and came toward Durango, and its branch bank at Pa her husband with shining face and out gosa Springs, nor the Smelter City stretched hands. “My husband,” was | State bank, also at Durango, both of all she said, but it was enough fo; | which closed their doors a short time John, for he took her in his arms and ago, will be able to reorganize and wiped her tears away. reopen, according to H. M. Beatty Dick Bentley arose and with glad | state bank commissioner tears and a “God bless you,” for each A Denver dispatch says reduced exof them, walked quickly away. press rates for Uteh and California Laura turned her happy face to her | may be secured by George J. Kindel husband and, with arms around his after he has attenited the session ο neck, whispered: “Until death do us the interstate commerce commission part,” and John, with radiant fate, in Washington, February 6, when ar murmured: “Amen.” guments will be made in the Denver express rate case filed by him vever Hair to. Cures scalp diseases & hair falling, Soc, and $1.00 at Drugyists CASTORIA The state board of pardons of Montana has approved the action of Governor Tooele in granting a pardon to Elizabeth Morrison, a Lutte woman, who, upon conviction on a manslaughter charge for the killing of Richard Finnegan, had been sen- The Hamilton and beauilties th ὁ 1 τβπὶ oe W. N.U., ‘Salt Lake City, No. 52, 1907, O. C, Dallas, chief clerk, and J. D. McLeod, at the head of the survey de partment in the office of United States surveyor generalin Helena, have been arrested. The indictment alleges forgery and conspiracy to defraud the government of the United States. tenced to the penitentiary years. HAIR BALSAM Cleans 8 es mt Are D right. One ember the It's ga and now he γιί Sc< it off gle to a finish whi 5 the ,;bom ona. wed in w 1 « y te Aunt Cecilia { The « Μ o m about ifew ΐ ears. within had t ties Bitesoe= PeRca po 5 Upmannomen Yomese ti he si pur- Ca reopened The sek ] time ur labor the between the hous Negotiations mnions of Butte and the Rocky Moun- | Ge tt tain Bell Telephone coi 11 are ap aren t 1 By BLANCHE DALE saw « twelve United States mint at . soon for yinage A Lost Art RE Nite ¢ GREAT SCHEME. aronf fit pation, wear longer, and re ΣΡΙ, of value than any ‘other he world to-day. π΄] ; ἐψιθμωνιοῖα, ολων $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes cannot be equated at any price. t#CAUTION, — W. L. Douglas name and price is stamped on bottom. Take No Substitute. Sold by the best shoe dealers everywhere, St s mailed from factory to any part of the world. Illustrated catalog free. W. L. DOUG LAS, Brockton, Masa. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IR . We : ᾿ Capsicum-Vaseline. Se EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE Hh | Wl | PEPPER PLANT ‘TAKEN \ | == DIRECTLY IN VASELINE | === DON’T WAIT TILL THE PAIN | μα σα ee A _TUBE HANDY blister the most d article are won ache and Sciatica, irritant knov and all Rhe we claim f | | | | Sind iyour addres: ces and we will mail our Vaseline eianiae descriping our preparations which will interest you. 17 State st. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. Now York City |