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Show t w k A Local Newi, Local Adrcrtliln The far Local Yaoplo their son Ray off for Fort Ord, at second class mail rmiwuoea AUTwosirio PUBLISHED BY Itai EOT. THE ROY. PRINTING COMPANY Weakly th Wtatpapar asrfc publUhad Tkui com muni Ue of HOT, Hi urroundm KANEAVTU-HOUTH UCbKH, UUOfAh. ALL INTERESTED AHJEAtt OGDE. OOuifl, BOlTTH U 1X7 AM aod Tak-ahash- NATION IOITOIAl 1 AiTocfAllON y U BTHrfTwg'imri SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.50 PER YEAR ICE LOCATION 5380 So 1900 West, Roy. Utah, Pb EX 2 1184 J HOWARD STAHLE Owner Publisher, Res EX 2 9441 BETTY LOU STAHLE Manager terlal) practically the whole month June slid by with little or no WEST POIIIT HEWS of Many thanks to all of you who phoned, sent cards and came to visit me I wish to express my gratitude. To Mrs Mary E. Dalton of Roy who wrote such a besutiful poem in tribute to me I send my love. Somehow I cannot find the words to express my feelings when my emotions are deeply felt. It was the nicest thing that ever happened to me and I want to say thank you with all my heart Knowing such a wonderful lady has brought me so much happiness To all of you whom I missed wishing a happy birthday or wedding anniversary 1 send btlated wishes for your continued hsppl ness notice from me. The West Point Ward bishopric recently reorganised. Bishop Orlin R. Oleson and his two counselors were released and with their release all of the presidencies of the auxiliary organisations were released, however, they were told to keep on with their activities until contacted. The presidents of priesthood groups were no treleased. Those relessed were Bishop Oleson, his counselors, Lynn Criddle and Grant King, and Reese Montgom ery, wsrd clerk, Leland Patterson, assistant ward clerk The new bishop, Loy Blake, chose as his counselors Chester Montgomery snd Dell Singleton, wsrd clerk, Blaine Thurgood We wish to thank Happy birthday to Jackie Putnam the outgoing bishopric for their on the 2nd. Bessie Bennett, Gregg many years (seven) of service and Noel Jones, Johnston, Lenore to congratulate the new bishopric Zaugg all on the 3rd, Vplney Ed jnd wish them happmes in their wards the 5th, Elaine King, the labors 6th, Darrell King the 9tht, Sher The day following his release rie Dawn Ross the 11th I a ire 'r on his duties as bishop found on also the Patterson Joan King, Lolabel Oleson departing and ()r!in 11th. Karin Kirkman and vhiiol for a tnp to the eastern states Burnmghatn the 13'h ev have been corresponding with Hippy anniversary to Mr and d fferent persons in the east for Mrs llarvev Brown on tin 2i d Miiue time snd hope to be able to Mr and Mrs Dean Moss on tn o tain much valuable genealogy on Uth. " In trip .siting in West Point during the Many things have hapjwnid sum were Vern and Leona I "did things up brown with two .seikend icd They had come down to see kinds of pneumonia virus and bac was 1 ROY AUTO PARTS PI10NF, lUh 1900 VV, Roy, 5316 So EX 4 6939 AUTO (JLASX INSTALLED AT TO (JLASS AND PARTS BRAKE ACCESSORIES Sew and Used SHOE EXCHANGE SUMMER DRESSES r.FAt'TII I L, ( M)I A , VIRY PRINTS for hot summer days wide selection to choose from Roy, Utah 5651 South 1900 West LOOK . . . LISTEN Want to soil or trade your home Want to buy a home . . Want a loan on your home a 'A boul w.y Want an appraisal on . . . . . your home . . . . . FIRE llenH some good low-coInsurance and AUTO Insurance st PERSONAL SERVICE! Ileal Estato and Insurance Co. I YOU... Call or See Us Now REALTORS ROY. UTAH weeks vacation of INSURANCE PHONE EX Roy, The City With a Future." in CLASSIFIED by Mr ADS - 3 8618 First Baptist Church SUNSET NEWS - Clinton News SEE US for SAVINGS On YOUR Familys Furnishings !( Hi is ijui Mr and Mis loud parent' I and Judy Patterson reporter - Dei of a In rm.iii II iimimn .ire ! Suse daugher Mrs 11 i has bu I ill tl i k w ub v pmieinon a sirs Mi Km Stewart rieeivi .infill i r ei r to his hind alien I' jo Shuiv aid Suse rm now is r mb' m the has bah r on hi' .even vuiks old fh w up uid an IK rt I rl Bodily I The est P oint Dairy i 'ub is the only boys 4 11 group in Wnt Point They are led by Wilford Zaugg wp J Roger Holbrook is president Wilford Zaugg vm priMiieni f irm 'I i sda n m id I.' nn H BudiK has Ned Zaugg secretary. Ki n Gardner to Fori Calif Ord mt from are' "'There boss in eigh' reporter 'u,t " h ,he club Hu Armed Forces and Air to annivfP-arHappy Mrs Im.oln Ross ii'irtamd Mrs Harvey Brown on the 2nd dim mbe rs of the Clintonian Mr and Mrs Dean Moss on the Club at her home on Fridiv The Sunday School supermten Games vuri played and luncheon eu dency was released Sundav is the new Stoddard Howard ning superintendent Stanley Dahl as the first, and Glen Flint second as sistant, Bessie Bennett continues to serve as secretary Leland Pat terson was sustained as assistant ward clerk, the position which h formerly held Our deepest sympathv goi s to Mrs Mae Butters on the loss cd her husband who was buried Fri '.on D C to the Nation d Congriss a stroki day Mr Butters suffertd while attending North Davis Stake 411 program He gavi a wonder nl talk on m.iiy if " interesting Conference Uni gs hi saw ii i In ' u. of United week Thought for the States be true must thyself Though Mrs Fv.i It ic of O, icn is v.sit If thou the truth would teach, soul muset overflow, if thou rig w ith Mis Bum Uj Rice , 1 hy A ven rnjov.tble i ning was Another soul would reach. ".pen' .it t'u ( n'nn Park and a it needs the overflow of heart 'iiviK Mippt r was sirved to the To give the lips full speech following pioplt Mr and Mrs AIK Walton and Think truly, and thy thoughts f.nniK and Mr1- - Ira Jensen and feed. famine Shall the words ( a f Mrs Row of . mils of Grid'i word each and truly, Speak Marline of an Rici daughter ina thine Kacramt nto ' ahf , Mr and Mrs Shall be a frui'ful seed, Lave truly, and thy life shall be I, R Ross and fanuK of Orem harles Rice Utah, Mr and Mrs A great and noble creed and familv of Kearns Utah, and Horactlous Bonar from Clinton. Mr and Mrs Charles Rice, Mr and Mrs Fielding Rice and familv and Mrs I oretta Rice hTe Clinton Ward boys return Ph TA5 0122 II a Dee Ashton ed home fiom (amp Kiesel after Six new candidates have entered one weeks visit While their they (he Miss Clearfield contest They won the camping award 16 Mr and Mrs John 1 Child en Selleneit, Sharon include at a family W Stl tertained on Ihur-di- v daughter of Mr and Mrs S hild son of Mr Ka id for 17. supper daughter Sue Lindsay. lcneit, est Lindsay, Mar and Mrs Austin Child who left Mr and Mrs lene Hill. 18. daughter of Mr and Saturday for the Nrthirlands Mis Mrs LaMar L Way man. Ellen Gnr sion don, 16, daughter of Mr and Mrs M R Gordon, and Linda Rae llil ton, 17, daughter of Mr and Mrs Virgil T Hilton and Ila Do Ash ton, 17, daughter of Mr and Mrs J E Ashton The sucen and hei attendants will be chosen at a dance Wednesday at 8 30 in t he North Davis Junior High Brent Brown, son of Mr and Mrs Willard K Brown of Svra cusc appeared in a piano recital Sunday .June 30, at 2 p m in the Third Ward chapel Clearfield student of James Pin Brent is grec of Roy. The public is invited The North Davis Stake Chuck Wagon breakfast will be held to morrow at Como Springs, according to Mrs Melvin Wilcox, stake his torlan. The breakfast is for all BecHivc girls and scouts Girls and boys are requested to be at Como Springs at 7 30 a m to start the morning activities Mrs Wilcox said that each ward will be re sponsible for its own transporta tion. Josh Ashton recently returnee home from a stay in the hospital We are very glad that he is home now and we hope that he will b up and around again real soon Mrs. J. E Ashton, Mrs. RuD lloggan. Mrs Divina Snow, Jim Snow, Kenny Snow, Linda Snow, Thel Day, and Ila De Ashton all enjoyed a trip to Provo recently While in Provo they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Day. p D- umnnn was Shitlev Kn,ht daughter of Mi and Mrs U nu r Knight and Dm J is a si n of Mr and Mrs (.rant Ham ve in The voting couple ii oi Mill tain View ( df whip Dee J h is a nu i h oi ( d i ncir ring nn ton secretary tin ti- . i i Ie ' v 1 ,r'' . ! i for a fi ti V f th bu' h itid,. m un fru nds wiiks , Sin if ii w 1 ii i t s in i li ($5130 v'- - i M "Where Quality is Ineijicnsue SHOP in I)Y and SAVE! kill 1 i 1 and n ric I Jae k III W if ( . Vi. I ( M iduw s mm ss om r an a Star Sum! will li ivi Wulnis dav for Hu Ni'ional Bn Scout I imboree at Valhv For.o Pa 7 In v vs i ' he amoiiL the ti buvs and leadi rs who will a"iml t e ji'nhorie from I.aki Bon iville in S inset to i nt They both er Mt' D 'i ( h until rs if f In r t hidri n ( and sili R iK and Valorv win v 'siting n Sunset over the wikind She is yjWP r W1 DEPEND ON US for repairs on your R-- i he firmer RiNie HiiVnin Dae statmnt d at M ri h F'k Id ( dif in Riverside Calif and is nuking his career in the Air Forei having six years smed alreadv TV, Radio or s Don Reid had the his face near his cutting Phonograph me of lift eve while playing baseball Siturdav at the Sunset Park It reqnred stitches and some plastic surgery to fix up the damage done Don Reid was released as ward priesthood ehorister Sundav evening and Robe rt B McQuarne secretary of the Priest quorum was sustained in his place Bunllc Buts was presented for leader of the Guides FRED'S Radio & Television PHONE EX THEATRE BI IK. 4 5 203 Individual Aaromc Priesthood awards were presented to Joe Par i nt. Craig I.avender, Danny Eg bert, Terry Williams, Garv Clark Kenneth Bov ell, Joel Izatt, J F' Meadows, Robert Lovell and Barn Christensen They received the awards for 75'; attendance and participation in activities of the ward The following were the XI award Stanford Reid Kent Scott Lyle Mason William Doc Robert Stettler, Dean and Dion llaellock Dale Barmtt Richard Volt and Robert I McQuarr.c The 100'. award was given to Lindsay Work man m rgg?gi2OTl5 Complete Family Laundry Fast Service Launderette OR ANY KIND OF QUICK BUILDERS ers, water lines, big job or small, Summer recreation will be held see us. Work by the hour or coo Montana was enjoyed and each Monday and friday from 1 tract. Bert Robinson and Sonr Mrs Parley K. Belnap ami their to 5 p m. for Clinton children bePhone EX Hooper, Utah. daughters, Kathleen and iktiy II. tween the ages of 6 12. Eueh one Accompanying the Beln.ips with is Asked to bring their lunch. PICKETS, Plywood, used lumber, l in Mr. relatives from Salt Mrs. Mr. of boxes, scrap lumber. East of Frank and Patterson and Mr Obe Morgan ami their Navy Base. Rear UJ. Surplus two children. We hope tint they Huntsville spent Sunday visiting Expiditers. Use aoutheaat children. with their here And wiare enjoyed their trip only. FOR SALE glad they have returned home safe Mr. and Mrs Warren Stewart TWO THE BEST locationa for OF iyand Alfred Stewart and daughter, homes in Roy. Each 102 ft. (rootMOVING NEXT WEEK Those who had birthday this Ella Jean, spent the past week MUST SELL age facing the new park in the Robert E Vlson, week were center of three fine additions. visiting relatives in Pocatello, Ida M Crouch, Merlin Payer, Terry Mrs Laura Stewart had many of Kelvinator refrigerator, llotpoint Inquire 5329 So. 2300 West, Roy. Piggie Searles, Linda Ka Ryan, her friends call to help celebrate range, take both for $100, sofa VJfl Beverly Steed, Ralph J Clark and her birthday on Saturday June 29 and chair, $50, combination radio Faye Chandlder on the 30th RobMiss Carol Frew of Clearfield, and record player, and 45 rpin ert L By bee, Sybil Allbnght Onie has spent the past week visiting record player and stand, all toV Couch, Gloria Nelson Lorett Marilyn Muir. gether, $25, table model Phileo Anderson, Joan Stuart, la she B radio, $10, Child's table and Otte on the 1st David lioelter, chair, $5 Everything listed in James R- - McFatrldge, John J Strlngham. Duane c Stok very good condition 25'XJ W 2050 West 5704 Booth er and Dorcas Johnson mi the 6000 So Phone EX 3 3410. LETUA McQUARRIE 2nd Clarence A 1 human and PHONE 51835 Gary' Peterson on the 3rd Rose51 rONTI AC 8, 4 door, good cond , 10 No. Burns St. mary Fessler, Don Ray Hinder, 48 Pontiac 6, good second car Ellis W Starks Barbara McLntire, In Roy No reasonable offer re Jo Venice Poll, Anne Albert Bonham is again at home Joyce Slater, fused Phone- FA 2 1778 or EX Gardner and Thomas Hagsx on the after a second operation He is 4 7377 4th Happy birthday to all of you getting along fine in a wheelchair since he has had to have both IF Y'OU HAV'F digging to be done f any type, farm drainage, sew legs amputated He. enjovs and the kindness and appreciates thoughtfulness of his many friends ROSS Bv F.RM and relatives Phone TV 5 2IG5 ( arl Grei n is now getting about Mr and Mrs William Irerson after several months convalescing and daighter Slurb v and Mr and fri m an operation Carl S one of Mrs Dwavne Montgumiiy aid fain the good genealogical workers of ily are at V cllows'oiie P k this Sunset w 1 k spending their aco" un Mr and Mrs I.e Roy Stettlerand Mr and Mrs Mi Km M.r are family are enjoying a vacation for a weik in Yellowstone Park Young & A Bub Stettler is alwavs thrilled at JI.iL the tups to Ye llo.vMone and the bn: t r out he is abh to elite h there A Clearfield News JO' REA STOP Calif. Leona visited me and we had a nice chat. She had been to see her brother, Golden In Roy, and he took her for a plane ride which sbe enjoyed very much Lake most folks who leave here for other places, Leona feels that Oregon is all right, but "I could move back." I guess that's just the way I would feel too If I couldn't look out and see the sunset on the Great Salt Lake. The 4 II clubs are all organized and Bows" now. The "Buttons group ia being led by Midge assisted by Carolyn Criddle. Susan Blake is president, Caroldean Edwards, vice president, Claudia Davis, secretary; and Colleen Dahl, reporter. There are seven girls in the club "The Five Little Sew and Sews" are fortunate to have Emerald Loveland as their leader The of fleers are Gayle Loveland, presi dent, Linda Moss, vice president, Janet Flint, secretary, Dons Ole son. reporter. The "Happy Hardy Handy Her mils," are being led by Beverly Montgomery assisted by Karen Zaugg There is nine girls in the group. Linda Singleton, president, Jackie Putnam, vice president, Ei leen Zaugg secretary and Judy Jones, reporter "The Bobbin" Beauties" have as their leadtr Mar Jorie Criddle Sondra Twede is Isabell Oleson, vice president, Carol Millgate. secre president, tary, and Pamela Van Brotkhn, re porter. Eight girls belong to this Ror, Utah, Thursday, July 4, 1957 Sun-Chroniel- e, ins. mail I Ease Her "Trips Io Market with an Electric Freezer Cuts shopping dips wav down Huy in Save quant its at low in season pines tunc and vvmk picparc favoutc foods in laujc quantities, and licec fot the future. foi l.at bet t ci elcctiic allv less live licttci ' ARM BETTER5 Now Buy From Your Dealer UGHT CO. UTAH POWER I |