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Show N Local News, Local Advertising for Local People Hooper News Marie V. Haws Phone K 4 4708 Throe Hooperites wore among he group of 96 Boy Scouts, Ex plorers, and leaders who left Wed nesday evening for the national at Valley Boy ijeout Jamboree Forge, la They are Boland Park or, (pretty widely known these uays as "Bob) an executive of the Lake Bonneville group, Douglas Cox, young son of Mrs. Tony Co.x, and James Johnston, scout loader in the Hooper First Ward The group left Ogden by bus Wednesday at 6 pin In Morgan they were to join a caravan from Salt Lake, and the two groups were to travel together Their plans called for a 4th of July stop at Grand Island, Nebraska with other stops at Atlantic, Nebraska, Djv enport, Iowa; Chicago. South Bend Indiana, Greenfield Village, Michigan; Niagra Falls, palmyia, the Sacred Grove, Albany, New Yoik, Boston, New York City', then on to Valley Forge, arriving July 11. n July 10 they will leave Valley Forge for Washington I) C. En route home they will visit Columbus, Ohio, Richmond and Indianup oils, Indiana, Springfield, Ohio, Jail, Canton, Missouri, Carthag .Nauvoo, Illinois, Kansas City, Mis souri, Norton, Nebraska. Denver Colorado, then home. Services for I.DS boys will beheld at the Sacred Grove and at Nauvoo, Illinois All in all it should lw a very wonderful trip The cost for the trip will be plus spend mg money Als oeach one has a new uniform. Douglas Cox was viry pleasantly surprised on Sunday evening whin lub presented the Hooper Lions him with $25 The prest ntation was made by Janie Johnston, an offi cer in the club I.lovd Last Sunday evening I J C NOW IN UTAH Broadway and Metropolitan Opera Stars University of Utah SUMMER FESTIVAL ch(j efi Vctuaij 8 13 through SALOME July 7, 9 and 20 1 1 UNIVERSITY STADIUM Spaulding was sustained as second counselor in the Hooper Second Ward bishopric. Clyde Lowe was advanced to first counselor. The vacancy in the bishopric existed due to the recent appointment of Frank lfawson as an assistant in the stake high council. It s family reunion time again witlj several being planned for the near luture. Last Sunday the family of Joseph and Josephine Manning met at the Hooper Park. 97 members of the family were m attendance. Simpson, Lorell Widdison, Elaine Walker, and Valeda Jonea. Fred and Ruth Dawson entertained a group of friends at a party at their home on Saturday evening Gamea were played and a buffet supper was aerved to LeGrande and Beverly Belnap, Don and Donna Arave, Merrill and Martha Mae Widdison, Don and Virginia Widdison, Eldin and Josephine Simpson, Jay and Charlene Simpson, Lynn and June Christensen, Orson and Beth Christensen, Bob and Janet Hansen, DenzlI and Charlene Hansen, Gene and Faye Fowers, and On Saturday, July 6th the family Fred and Ruth Dawson. of Geuige and Nellie Parker will meet .also at the Hooper Park. Here to attend the reunion from Hawthorne, Calif., are Jack and Hu Parker .id children, Stan, Verla ft Hull Phone EX 4 5831 Jolinie, Patsy, Jean and Woody. 1 he J'aikers are guests at the Ted The month of July Isa month Parker home and also at the Lew of outdoor life and aporta. It Is .vlitchell home. a time of to national independence, and also to honoring here the with Newell Visiting those stalwart pioneera who were Widdisons, the Alton Hulls, and motivated by faith great enough the Lee Stoddards are Preston and to leave established homea and, at W lddison and Gay family from personal sacnfica unheard of In Portland, Oregon. Also visiting here our day, establish this haven in from West Covina, Calif., are the of the mountains. tops Bun" and Vermce Stanford and daughter, Marian. They are stayThe Daughters of Utah Pioneers ing with Vernice's parents, Mr. and of Riverdale area will present the Mrs. John Belnap. During their program on the evening of Sunday two weeks vacation, they plan on a July 14, to honor the pioneers. The fishing trip to Island Park, Idaho. DUP is national in scope, non secDarrell and Betty Garner and tarian and non poliUcal. It was orfamily are leaving our town to ganized to perpetuate the names to Mesa, Arizona. We all regret to and achievements of the men, womsee them leave, and we hope that en and children who founded our someday Darrell's health will be beautiful commonwealth. May wr, such that they will return. their descendants, ever remember large group of Hoopernes are then and pay homage to their greatin Yellowstone Park again this ness by living lives of fortitude and year. Perhaps when they return courage, sprinkled with a little we can hear a few details of their of their brand of faith. annual excursion. This month is known ss Picnic Florence Manning is now at Month" too and "Ice Cream Festi home alter spending nine days in ugly-heathe Dt-- Hospital She became ill val" month. Polio raises it's to scare us all at this time to her lleber City following trip to the postal convention. She is of year, too Possibly one of the reasons it Is more common in the much improved now. 11 4 Another club has been organ summer months is because we let en d in Hooper with Ruth Nelson as our body defenses down by over oursel-vetheir leader They call themselves exertion, and then gorge P Sandler, foods with Joseph S ce Dimpled Dollie Cookers the M D., autho rof the book. "Diet Joann Maathius is president, with t iiimicRubins as vice president Prevents Polio," says this concern RoseAnn Kilts and Jolene Allen lng polio "Polio epidemics are low su an- the secretary and treasurer, unknown in countries with " to Something gar consumption Baibara Nelson is reporter and Kay Robinson is chaunan of the com think about, eh Relief Society President Ilene inittec s Henderson mentions the fact that I he llomehuildes in the Hooper Second Ward Primary held a party the Relief Society lj still sewing welfare dresses and need lots of recc nth (or their mothers Attend-help Anyone with a talent (or de : wile Mali and Cora Powers, do no better I im Ann and Arlean Hooper, Shar- sire) for sewing could and on .i nci Ruth Bailey, Ann and Lll than to attend Relief Society bit (There's no their contribute it ,i Simpson Kathleen and Betty ihon i.mnie and Virginia Widdi better company anywhere, cither, son June and Lyncttc Christensen, than these sisters) MIA plans were Tuesday's to ilee and Nell Beus, Yvonne but were still slightly, changed Jen Diane Hull. Carol Bying'on Charlene Fun. The time, following opening1 son. Loretta Wilson, exercises, was spent in recreational activities at the Town Park. Ball and other games were plsyed Friday, July 5. is stake temple excursion day Saturday at 7 30 p m. will be held the baptismal services at the Riverdale font. Kid Lanes citizenry is under going a change. We welcome the newcomers, but Oh how we hate to see our neighbors, people wc know and trust, move sway from us hTe Lou Zito family is moving to a larger place, a farm near BrigWINTER CLOTHES ham. The Donald Bingham family are also moving from Kid Lane We wish them luck in all things and only hope they like their new neighbors as well as we like them1 When people decide to move away, you dook at them with the eyes of new appreciation and won der why yu didn't enjoy them more fully while they were living close Riverdale News e - tinging in July 6 and The OF UTAH ( BOWL cm" roffnrero - mrrrnfrrrr, GQiS0f Moth Prooi Bags FINK FOR STORING .... 30c by. The Gerald Lees are back with us once more, and we're happy to have them. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Call and daughter are also back in Riv- erdale. Welcome home' Four daughters of Mr. and Mrs William Poll of South Weber, Bev-erly, Donna. Lola, and Marie, appeared on the sacrament services Sunday evening at Riverdale. Two of the girls. Beverly Poll Warner and Donna Poll, are returned missionaries, both having served in Australia. Beverly and Donna reported on their respective missions; their sisters, Lola Poll Brake and Marie Poll Cash, sang In a quartet, along with Iola Ukena and IT'S A BEAUTY AND ITS YOURSr UmDTV Mad of Unbreakable COME IN AND PAflB. Polyethylene SEE the Exclusive "Rag-Rest- " Handle LaRay Stoddard. Their ccompanist was Dorene Loehm. The new MIA theme la worthy of note. It la taken from John 17.3. We should all famlhalze ourselves with this scripture, if we haven't already done so. And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jeaua Christ, whom Thou hast sent." The activities of Speech Director have been somewhat enlarged this year, to include supervision of the Public Spesking Merit Badge in Scouting, if this is ao desired. In giving a talk in any public meeting, it is well to remember that reading the "talk" defeata the development desired. A talk Is just that, not areading. (As speech director, I shill be hippy to assist anyone in preparation or delivery of the addresses they are cajled upon to - Leslie Davia gave the 2x minute talk customary for Sunday School give ) exercises. These speaking opening Mrs. George (Lillian- Manning, are Invaluable to the experiences of Idaho Falls, Idaho U visiting now and later. young people, Mrs. Alexander with her daughter. Riverdale Primary boys are playCarlsen. The Gordon Fife's of Riving for wins They won over Tererside, Calif., visited with Gordon's race Second Ward on Saturday, parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Adrian Fife June 15. And Mrs. Ethel Hunter's son, Bill J. Hunter, spent one night here, on a hop" in from his technical sergeant duties in Santa Ana, Cal. Bill will be out of the Army in By Bessie Bambroagh Phone EX 4 3543 August, and will rejoin hu wife and family here then. A happy birthday this week to Vacation trips have been enjoyed by several Riverdale families dur Robert t isher on the 5th, Gary ing the month of June. The Heiko Clark and Karen Wilson 6th, BarBoekweg's went by plane to Ply- clay Earl 7th, Linda Kendell, Marimouth Rock to see the replica o! lyn Ray, Justin Young 8th, Billy the "Mayflower." They also visited By ram, Michael Johansen, Jane New York and Chicago, and came Poll 9th, LaVern Poll 10th, Arhome via Los Angeles and San chie Hill and Karen Ray 11th and to Cyril Slangcr on the 12th. Francisco . A happy wedding anniversary The Willis Mitchell family vacs tioned In Wyoming They visited to Mr and Mrs Marvin Kap on the Carter, Little America and came 12th. home via Lava Hot Springs, Idaho A surprise party was held last Witlias is vice president of The Wednesday evening at the home Of Gem adn Mineral Golden Spike Mrs Dale Poll in honand Bishop Society, so his interest was more or of their son Lynn's 14th birthblue rocks in petri(specifically were Games played and reday fied wood) than in other aspects freshments served to the followof the scenery. Reed Poll, Tommy Thorpe Mr and Mrs Golden Bingham ing and family spent an exciting and Fred Manger, Iae Nix. Ralph Bin California Merrill Bryan, Roger Banihrough, in time enjovable Glen and .l.ynn Poll The honored Among other sights, they saw the Forest Mwn Memorial, Disney- guest received many lovely gifts The last of the polio shots will land, the Ms Angeles LDS Temple, and Cinerama They v isited in Ana be given July 12th at the North 7 to Hollywood and Davis Junior High School from heim They will be your 8 30 pm This to also went to Knott's Berry Farm, tamed eating place, and to Clif last chance to get your second will not be ton s They took the coastal high- shot hTe. third shot until six or seven months given to San (where they'd Diego way now lived during the war) and then from went on to see Tijuana, Mexico Mr and Mrs Raymond Rav en Jeffrey was particularly impressed tertained their son and his wife and En route with the terry rides family Mr and Mrs Evan Ray and Ye Mrs. home, the y came through Ray's parents, Mr and Mrs gas and St George and saw Zion's Jack Harbertson ,to a lovely dinNational Park ner on their lawn last Friday eve Mr and Mrs Richard Ensign va ning rationed in Washington and vicin Congratulations to Mr and Mrs ity. They took a boat trip to Vie toria. Canada while there, nd saw John Hill on th carrival last Satthe sights around Seattle Mr En urday, June 29, of a new daughter entertained Roger Bamlgrough sign is stationed for two weeks wit hhis Reserve upit at Tacoma, for the Kiwams Club at Clearfield last Thursday evening Also at the Wash. at Monroe Park Mr and Mrs Sedley Brough Iritchett reunion afternoon .Thursday July Sunday chose California for a vacation 4 he will sing at the Lake View-Stakto Ms vio Vegas, site, traveling program at 11 am. m HoopIxis Angeles They visited relatives er then in the evening at the in various parts of California, saw South Ogden Stake program to be Mr Brough's brother, Clarence, Park at whom they hadn't seen for 15 held at the South Ogden 7.30 p m went the gorthrough years They Mr. and Mrs AH Peek have been geous L A Temple, the largest temrelatives from Idaho were and in entertaining world, the very ple week We would like to eximpressed with not only its beauty the past but its convenience Going by the tend a get well wish to Alberta coastal route to San Francisco, they Peck, who has had infection In saw Carmel by the Sea, and other her arm. "You will find the A Thought scenic spots I'pon their return alarm home, the Brough's took their fam- key to success under the Franklin. clock. Lake. to 3 Bear for day jaunt ily wt-n- t your OUTDOOR LIVING ROOM Colors YOUR OLD TIRES Pink Turquoise u Iti In beautiful Utah Concrete Patio Block and you can lay them yourself! Enough Patio Block for a 10 x15' Patio cede only approximately 324.751 SPESBAD. 9 DAVE'S $1.59' jftm to s" ' v um -- A J u Choree Municipal School Building not. ntJt Sacrament meeting on July 14 is under the direction of the Individual awards will be presented to the girls. Speaker will be J. Duffy Palmer, asst, county attorney and counselor in the Clearfield Third Ward bishopric. Special musical numbers have been YL-MI- Re. Arthur E. WlcUlraw Phone EX AJL Biuday Bated Worship 1100 Services BENNI0N DRUG EMERGENCY PHONE EX 2 9665 PHONE EX 2 3160 fcl&d, accutate&i New Store Hours: Sundays 1 P.M.-- P-- HEY KID Dont forget the kids show each Saturday at the ROY THEATER Cartoons 4 PLUS Public Pigeon No. 1 DOORS OPEN AT 2:30. The show Vs only run once and doors close after. Be sure and be there by 3 p.m. 15c ADMISSION OPEN 2:45 DOORS BEN FRANKLIN for BEACH or . BACKYARD n ploy! VINYL PLASTIC WADING POOL 40x10 in. S49 8 Keep the kiddies happy, cool tubu54 gal. size with lar wall plug type valve in each ring Easy vacuum cleaner inflating attachment. fli gf Boys knit swim trunks, size lastex Boys' swim trunks. Sizes 2-- 69c 4-- 1.00 G 1 r 1 s cotton swim suit. 4 8. 1.98 Boys print twill swim trunks. 4-- 1.00 Using colorful Utah Concrete . . . you can lay walk end slept at a low cost that will surprise you. Many idea end aid free! Black a URI Pay AT jJ-0- N Up to 15 Months to 5 La low FOR DOWN PAYMENT Yellow Yourt for only ft' - Budget Terms tertors Our -Enjoyment for fh whole family oil summet long a beautiful, In Utoh permanent Outdoor living Room, toetefully done Concrete Blotkl The cost it low, th pleasure greot. Free plont, for the otklng. building instructions, eslimates-yo- ur Convenient 3 Beautiful Sunday evening, the 7th of July, the services will be under the direction of the AH Club. as Legs That Eliminate Floor Ringsl p Our girls softball team have arranged. played two games this season and Play night was held at Mutual have won two. Congratultaions Tuesday evening. A treasure hunt girls. was underway at 7 p m. Games and The Trsil Builder boys hive also entertainment was provided for entered a team in stake competi- ill. Hot dogs and cold drinks were tion. They have two games to their sold. This was a night of fun for all who attended. credit with one loss. - Use Utah Concrete Block for j Hoy, Utah, Thursday, July 4, 1957 le, South Weber and the .Choice of Logan, Woodruff and Randolph. Herman and Perneica Fiet apent vacation time in picturesque Yel lowstone Park area of Wyoming They traveled with a trailer house, along with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hadley. An exhilarating experience was when, in the middle of Yellowatone Lake a storm blew up which almost blew the mall overboard. They did catch theit limit of fish, though, and even the atorra was fun. Perneica said that it was pleasantly cool, but must have seemed cold to some Californians who were camped near them. These people were dressed for Alaska, It looked like, with grey hooded outfits that made them resemble a bunch of bunnies." The Fiets and Hadleys went into Montana also, to llebgen Dam on Madison River. Sun-Chronic- SERVICE world like good food cooked outdoors! Enough Utah Concrete Postel Lava Split Block fora simple Barbecue cost Nothing in th FOR TIIE ENTIRE FAMILY! 29c to 98c only approximately JII-W- I Free plant, construction detallsl excellent loo for Fences, Utah Concrete Block utl Flower Boxe, Fireplace-o- k Retaining Wall, ! GLAMOROUS SELECTION of plastic styles for women and misses in vivid colors, flattering new shapes! All plastic l or styles for men. Fashioned with curved green or smoke color lenses. New kiddie styles with unbreakable plastic frames, shatter proof green color lenses. plastic-and-meta- Highway 91 Roy, Utah mm We Bell nothing but Quality Product of"' GLASSES |