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Show I T v iflMte, Samuel Walkers Enjoy Local News, Local Advertiaing for Local Paopla Hoy, Utah, Thursday, Juh 4, 1!37 Weber Old Folks Hold Successful Outing at Park D You had to be over 70 years of age to be among the honored guests at the annua) "Old Folks Day" cele bration held last Wednesday at the Lortn Farr Iark There were near ly 1500 of Weber Countys older citizens on hand to enjoy the pro grains, the food and each other There were 814 present of those between 70 and 80 years, 610 of those 80 to 00, and 68 who were overl 00 years of age The three eldest citizens were. Mrs Ida Strat ford, of 635 21st St; John Farr. 501 Canyon Rd and Havkcl Shurt liff. 648 Oak St. All were 04, Mrs Stratford being the eldest Mr Farr is a son of lorin Farr, Ogden's first mayor Mr. Shurtliffg father was president of the first LDS Stake in Weber County, the old Weber Stake . Roy Bank Gels New Manager ; A'i Those days spent last week at Postmasters Convention m Heber The couple married longest (70 City added pages to an index to re years) wue Mr. and Mrs George fer tu in idle memory moments London, ot 1159 Rushton St Run ners up were Mr. and Mrs Wiliam Page 1 was the rught the Heber England ot Plain City, with on r iiuntaineous air made me goose crawl years together Mr and Mrs Jowp., ri.iply and shivering cold Ogden, ot 3712 Ad.iins Ave utc d into bed and tried to curl up ' i a personal ball to keep my parents of the most child', n .. number. The mother pie cj., v.i'i 'dneas from rubbing on to my most children was lie o i u.i I . (muster roommate Stic- - reached r and drew me close and wrap Bingham, of Clinton, w.ti, lo cm, dren I d herself around me and put my feet between hers to warm me t' c P s The oldest pioneer wj, strange the fraternity we post Peterson. Mr. Petcrsn t., n.vter seem to belong io and the Utah in 1863 Guest , ,l fm ( odage we have towarrd each Urn Dinin'-- ' dis 0 having traveled her, fanned only by a once a tance to attend t he outing w,r e. r visit at convention time It's Mr. and Mrs Fred Nts-iicf golden thing this friendship Washington DC Mr F A Iarkin i ,iong us is general chairman id tin iwit Page 2 was the trek into the Kim There was a general program bcrly mines A "blackened ride in given during the afternoon at the metal tube like cars that clacked band stand, with canons forms of 3'--s miles into the earths innards entertainment being carried out Conversation was gagged by the by the lndividuad wards throughout dm of the clanking little ehe day. The prize winning people roaring cars A morbid thought possessed God Bless America tosang me that the cars resembled the gether, to prove that they stall could sing (It was sung very nice ly, too ) 1 I ;, 1 Accepts Vows Rates on Postal In Logan Temple Services Raised metal vaults of an undertaker. We aat with knees interlaced because of apace and watched the light on the littl ehear engine pierce the black, black of the mine's tunnel We ewre told we were riding on the narrow rails over a river of water that drained from the mine and onto the farms for irrigation After 3'i miles we purposes stooped out of the cars and walked further into the mine's funnel The air was dank and cold and the ground we tread upon was soggy and puddly; the light was sparse and furnished by the miner's lamps We were told there were four levels below us and three above us where mining was and is going on, a porous catacomb of diggings We ',aw rich ore veins that resembled streaks of colored rock and fissures of crusty crags poised precariously seeming to be waiting to come down upon us Above us was a raw constructed frame they called an elevator shaft where a miner very recent Iv lost his life in a bad pocket of air We looked down j bottumless chasm where the tnnbirs had rot ted and let the earth cave in The holes made barren of ore are later filled with the rocks that are waste, iL solving a disposal problem Beverly Kay r flL 8 h . 'n CT X'r. - X s- - '"A-- i , i , his Ru two and Sixty five years of marriage were-celebrated In Mr and Mrs Samuel Walker of 767 26th St Ogden June 16. 1957 at the home of their daughter and sem in law. Mr and K Holmes of Rov Mrs . 'AC ' dinner was given for the fam ih and later in the evening other 'relative's called to wl-them well Tin long table was n n'ered with a four tier cake with large gold let lers at the top reading '65' and decorated with gold rov s Bowls of gold roses adorned the table with yi How tape red c .unlli s ," i .,fc . : f.Vs V ee . i 1 ' i Mrs Rose Walker Is one of the last surviving granddaughters of ' Captain James Brown, founder of Ogden City She has been a visiting teacher in the Relief Society for ov er 40 years Mr Walker was an engineer on the railroad for mans years At one tune he presided a branch president of the Northern Cahfor nia mission He i now a High Priest in the Ogden Fifth Ward where they have lived for (he past 25 vears C I pot, u Paged was a personal page but turning from h s mission means so much feel a need to .n Ip'll he jo. m d the U 8 Air write it At the banquet when Mr F ore e at d was sationcil at San An Brewer gave me my award, I lost ton. o 'lexa.--, Denver, Colo, and all composure and felt as if had Spr.nt i Id. Mass He was dis lost complete ,up rv isin of inv-ei- f barged from the Air horn at Hill My legs seemed too weak to cjriy AMD and a short tune afti r that me to the speakers place I found joiind the staff at the Bank of myself looking into the Kegiona. I lah as a teller in ( Igden. Controllers face with a great in lie v as a teller for 10 months tensity Almost ,(s if I toukln I hear, i heard his words to me ani Din' I was transferred to the In Ixian Dept as a collector s'.illin It all had a feeling of unreality I wanted to cry and knew could which p isition he held until he was not before all these people I had a assigned the managership of the bl.iMh ,d Rov wild impulse- to wan tto be comlort cd and to throw myself into InMr Jones married Helen Stark arms I saw the kindest look in Mr 14 1952 and now is tin ug Brewer's face, a look you cl givt a fa'hir if two daughters, Teresa small child ill always remember Ann, who is 4 years old and Laura it Perhaps he sensed my feedings win - ! months old Future plans 1 had no pal phrase to reply to tins arc' to aild a home in Rov special thing happening to me, m Mr oleman was recently pro stead I said something very fact, tious and anything but creditable muted to cashier at the new hank ned at Five remits the to a pastmaster. "I I weren't .suchiju-- f d kiss you in n imi'ind Bank a staid old postmaster, and Mr. McDonald for this." Half embarrassed and scared and thrill cd 1 dashed back to the sanctuary of my chair. 1 remembei saying "your welcome" instead of "thaiiK you' to many of the postmasters who congratulated me. 1 floated through the rest of the evening on some sort of pinkish cloud, airy bright and warm. 1 hope Mr. Brew er and Mr. McDonald understood Iml.Milual awards were handed my lack of proper protocol. Id 35 giils and their leaders Sun Page 5 was a brief page and con d.iv iviipng in the Roy Second cerned remarks made by our ho1-ud sacrament " The services postmaster in Heber His face wa.i awards arc given to those who at visibly lined and tired with the tain a h gh attendnee record in all strain of extending himself ove; Dine of the church meetings and beyond for our wonderful stay We hau warm Jhe awards his were presented by in country city. seen him during the days of thi Bishop Joel Richards Jr. and each convention dashing here and help was presented a corsage. Mrs. ing there, guiding, supplying, oi Gladys Harbertson of the YWMIA ganizing and worrying and now In General Board spoke following the was thanking others and. especially a.v.ni piescnting. his wife for the assistance he had I hose had In entertaining us. His voice receiving the awards were broke with gratitude and his eye., JeamMie Terry and Lynda Richards filled with tears To sec a woman both having 100 per Cent attendcry is touching but to have a man ance records, Marilyn Grover, Carcome close to tears is forever en olyn (Dover, Dianne Schulz, Nancy Slater, Valeen Belnap, Carol Brew-.cduring and endearing. Marie Medell, Judy Peterson, It was adieu until another yeai Margaret Thompson, Joan Wallace, Vicky Baird, Linda Pfunder, Linda Bowman, Geraldine Code, Karen Gitenwood, Linda Iarsen, JoAnne YOUNGSTER INJURED Smith, Rose Marie Barry, Karen Barton, Marjorie Code, Glenda Ingram, Eleanor Zaugg, Carol PeterDeneice Pollard, 3, daughter of son Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pollard, 5323 Leader awards were given to So. 2200 W., suffered a broken leg Mrs. Kathleen Dunbar, Mrs. Lavon when she fell from a glider swing Dunbra, Mrs. Nellie Hall, and Miss last Sunday night. Joan Sodenkamp. 1 - . V , e 1 - -t ': 1 Girls Receive Awards in Roy Second Ward 35 if THE MOTORCYCLE rider was injured seriously, and the two occupants of the foreign made car received minor Injuries and shock last Saturday when the cycle struck this car east of the city limits of Roy on Riverdale Road. Dennis Lawrence Scow-crof24, was riding the motorcycle, of 2862 Jefferson Ave. SL, and hla wife Ogden; Franklin B. Woolley, 69, Harriett B. Woolley, 70, were riding In the car. Photo courtesy Insurance Investigators of Utah t, 422-31- - hTe Walkers are parents of (our Mrs and one son daughters Charles Resell ilattnl, Jesse Walker of ( hiragn. who was here for the occasion. Mrs Leona Schu 11 J Mrs I.eishman rnman, Irem) of las Angeles, Calif and Mrs W f. Eugene llolnns (lauru) of Rov Thev have 11 grande hildren. 2f) great granelchil dre n and one great great grand daughter 1 ln( June wedding was that Miss Rose IaNae Call, daugh if r t f Mr and Mrs Iioyd Call and Paul R I by son of Mr and Mrs Elmer Eby The double ring cere mony was performed at the home A of HUT j Sam D. William Reunion Set At Roy Park Mrs Monty HEWS Rigby, was hostesi (o a stork shower at her home at HW3 West 4400 South, in honor of j A h v 1 J Funeral services were held Wed nesday ,. July 3, in Salt lake City for Thomas Hicks, 70, who died .Sundjy alUr a months illness He is survived by his widow, mother ,two daughters, a son, Ion Hicks, of Rov , three sisters, brothers, 12 grandchildren, three great grandchildren x Sunset Miss is June Bride FRI, S JONKS When the sun beat down once more on us I was filled with an Appoin' d to replace Robert C awe I hadn't had before The treColeman is manager of the Blanch mendous danger the miners con Dank of "e Bai.k of Utah is Karl stantly face with a poise of a deb utante and the kind of 'folk" the 4 Jones miners were, educated fine, comud Mr Joi s was bum on April 11 politan citizens, your neighbors and 929 ill S,f!t Life ( t later his mine I'll never again think the to when Innved family Ogden miner receives his just pay cas five of age afs Page 3 was an aroma We rode to a pavilion, spaced on a He at ruled sc Ik ml at law is Jon green car pel and canopied by shading in' mr High and n.ibn 11 gh S.hoil lonwoods A smell eulogized in where h was ' m in school "Home on the Range" was floating ports all around u.s The firemen of He her City cooked u.s a cowboy sup In pi.l '40 Mr Jones left for per, smoked ham. hash brown new a two yar mission for the LDs potatoes, fresh ranch eggs, Iiiui.i hurt I. in Great Biit.un While made jam and piles of local butter with hot cakes done to a toast) then he spurn the last 10 months brown and a large helping of in as president of the Iaeik In- -' it formality ! k Services Held In Salt Lake ' Miss Simpson, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold of Hooper became the Rising costs on special services Simpson in the Postal Department became bride of Douglas Jay Adams, son effective July 1, states Postmaster of Mr. ar.d Mrs Norris Adams of Clinton June 20 in the Logan Tern Emma Russell pie President Nolan P Olsen of Because this will mean another Delated at the ceremony. extra dime or two from the pocket The following evening a recep of each of us individually, we may be inclined to regard this step tion was held in the Hooper Second with disfavor If the price of but Ward hall The bride wore a full ter goes up or gas is raised so much length gown of silk chiffon over per gallon, we accept it in our satin and net It was fashioned with stride but seem to feel postal prices a filed bodice, bateau neckline, should be immune from dailly liv- short sleeves, and a dropped waist She wore a veil of brides illusion ing costs. which fell from a tiera of pearls, Such is not true. The operation rhinestones, and sequins She carof the Postal Department goes up ried a heart shaped bouquet of the same as the cost of living in red and white roses the home, the factory or business Arlene Trcase was maid of honand means to defray expenses must with Cathy Goodwin, Ann Cox, or be met Marilyn Child, Carolyn Olsen and The rise in postal services is Maureen Call standing as brideslong overdue and is a must to in- maids. Lorraine and Loretta Simpsure adequate mail delivery to son, sisters of the bride were flowUncle Sams growing boundless er girls. Clark Adams, brother of the bridegroom was best man with population. Adams and Max Simpson The change will effect those ex Blair tra services attached to our mail, serving as ushers. The newlyweds are making their insured, registered, money order some and in Ogden. home lists others. fees, mailing ;T7 65 Years of Marrage Vol. 4, No. j were Mrs Gordon Clark Game played and the guests were entertained with guitar and vocal num-b- t r.i by (he hostes, her two sisters, Mcrlcnc and Sharon Bowman and Wilma Schultz A delicious lunch con was served to the following gut is. Mrs Agnes Bowman. Mrs Amt Mlmpson, Mrs Mary Elliott, M.ss Wilma Schultz, Mrs Verna Olsen, Mrs Lenore Gardner, Mrs N'orem Shephard, Sandra Clark ami Mrs Royal Harrop, the Bowman sr.it i, and Miss Schultz Hooper s postmaster, Mrs Flor-eniManning, was taken to the Dee Hospital last week to be treat-ilnr a b ood clot in her leg Mrs Edward Porter is at home again altir another short stay in the hospital Mrs Verdi Pingree, of Roys Ma'a ,,nd Pa ristaurant. fell at Little alley near Promoter) Point, while getting oul of the car and broke lnr wrist last week. Tickets for the annual production of "Ail Faces West ' are now on sale in the wards of the Lake View Make The performances are scheduled for July 12, 13, 14 at 8 30 pm at the Ogden Municipal Stadium General Admission $1.50, reserved seats. $2 00, box seats $2.50 and children 50c This outstanding production ha won national acclaim. It present a sensitive and stirring portrayal of the trek of the Mormon Pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley New members of the lake View Stake MIA board were introduced Monday evening at board meeting Mrs Grace Parker, secretary. Mrs Jewel Widdi.son, Mia Maid Leader, Mrs Ardis Parker, Gleaner leader and Mrs Erma Gardner, Bee Keep e Sam D. Williams reunion, early moneer of Samaria and Malad. of the bride's parents in Sunset, Idaho, will be held Sunday, July i r w.th B'shop Hal Bailey of the Sun 7, a in to 6 p m at the Roy Park The outgoing members of the si t Ward officiating All friends and relatives are in lake View Stake MIA board will Bring your own be honored at a party to be given A reception honoring the young vited to attend he available For by the members of the board, at will lunch Punch was held that evening in couple the Sunset school The wedding any other information call EXport stake camp in North Fork, Friday 4 216(1 evening July 19 party received the guests beneath an arch of pmk gladiolas and carnations centered with white bells Baskets of pink gladiolas stood on either side of the arch 1 1 THE LIVING The bride was lovely in a gown of nylon lace and net The bodice of lace over satin featured a sweet heart neckline ami short sleeves PHILOSOPHIES Bv R I COTTLE Copywrite 1957 The ballerina length skirt featured three overskirts of nvlon net over satin with large medaltons of lace MAXS XKWKST KKKnlfT TO LKARX circling the skirt The fingcrt.p veil of bride's illusion fell from a the first The gri.dist of .ill detective hunts in history start small hat of lace and pearls She 'I he search is for common knowledge. m week July carried a bouquet of pink rose To explore space . . - secrets of glaciers and ire ages . . . buds centered with a white orchid secrets of the oceans . . . better ways to predict earthquake Miss Ixirraine Call, sister of Hie and hurricanes . . . knowledge of the dust of dying motor bride, was maid of honor, with of potent cosmic rays. of gravitv Rosalie Call, Margrc the l.v All this because the international geophysical year starts with ' a.i as anil N'm.ne Rada Elmer 500 million dollars to be spent and a working force of 5,000 scientists. bridesmaids They wore dnv-i- v of Ages ago men went to the desert to laern The desert has two nylon dotted Swiss fashioned alike fues, it is a place of both death and refuge, of defeat and victory but in pastel shades Each famed 5n ii'v'um alike for the righteous and the rascal Through sand and I , a basket of carnati os m hath sol. moil it wa.s the way back to paradise In the desert men lost di match their dresses. The mother themselves to find themselves of the bride wore a gown of rose In the midst of poverty that we can hardly imagine ,the crepe and lace. Her corsage was of of the desert deems himself rich. Indians learned the man pink carnations Boyce Morion was farther from the highway they lived, the higher their moral best man and Boyd B. Call, brother standards became and the purer their traditions. They carried of the bride was the usher The with them from one part of the desert to another everything couple honeymooned in Idaho and and rationed everything. There was no escape from the disare residing in Clearfield of desert life, and no compromise with city ways. cipline The bride was honored before Arabs were among the first ti think city civilization a terrible her marriage with showers given Hung and their only hope of opposing it lied in escapting from its by Rada Elmer, Margrethe Evansen reach Indians had no metropolitan cities to worry about. In more and Rosalie Call- modern times pioneer groupus such as the Quakers and Pilgrim futhers and the settlers of Utah have been driven into the wilderness against their will. IT IS SIGNIFICANT that all three of these chosen and rugged U of people were to suffer and dwell in the wilderness before the dayi rejoicing. Now the idea of pilgrimage through the desert did no toriglnat with these people who came later or with the! Christians or even the Jews. For it has been the religious memory of the human race from the earliest of recorded history. Let us hope that the greatest of all detective hunts, will key knowledge for a better lit cfor mankind. Shall we meet again next week? m-e- . ... ... Ju- - |