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Show THURSDAY JANUARY 20, 1955 Edna Ilazen Brown. Ira Directors and Raymond La N ier, speech director. Emmett Wiggins, special interest group leaders for the Lake View Ward MIA was released with a vote of thanks for his fine work os class instructor. CHURCH NEWS The M Men snd Jr. M Men o the Lake View Stake will hold their basketball round robin Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next two weeks. Of special note is the fact that the Marshall Eastman has been gymnasiums heating system has sustained as secretary to the Roy buildbeen completed and the 4th Ward YMMIA and Gayle heated. be now will ing Hartman has been named assistant Scout leader to Troop 188 Judy Peterson and Valine of the 4th Ward. have graduated from the Roy 2nd Ward Primary into the The Lake View Stake Primary BeeHivc department of the MIA Assn will hold a "Snow Frolic Park-er, and Paul Thomas, George the Stake House Thursday, , at Wayne Barton. Delmar 27 at 7 30 p m for all Jan and Robert Behllng have and their parents. also graduated from the Ward and other activities are Games and are now Boy Primary being planned for tin evenings Scouts entertainment Dei orations will the winter Tile following new depart- he carried out in will be refreshments and theme ment leaders were appointed to serve in the Lake View Ward .served MIA last Tuesday night The Gold and Green Ball, the and Jean Parker, William dance directors, Delbert G and most gala event of the MIA season will be held by the Lake View' Stake Saturday Jan 22 m tin. Stake House recreation hall The event is semi formal and refreshments will lx- served A floor show under the direction of Eugene and Mabel Wallace, Make dance directors will lxa feature of the evening Gol ten Oleson and Mrs. Melba Ta lor, stake activity directors, are in i barge of the event t Bel-na- , Ham-son- home-builde- rs - - The chairs of the Hooper 1st Bicycles Repaired OUTBOARD MOTORS 55 A WEEK Five Month BOOKS PRIESTHOOD MANUALS C. Stringhom Jewelry Theoter Bldg. Roy was home over the week end visiting. Carol is attending the BYU. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Saunders, are the proud parents of a baby boy born last Saturday. They have four girls. Mr. Saunders is the manager of the new Western Auto store in Roy, located next to the post office. Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Clark have moved from Roy to their home in Ogden Mrs. Clark has been captain of the DUP camp 40 in Roy. Bob Folkman and Don Hull of Roy, have been elected as Buz zer personalities at USAC. President Rulon Peterson is improving after being kicked in tiie left leg by a heifer behind the left knee, New Years Day. He is managing to get around on crutches to attend to his many responsibilities. of the Lee Caine, principal in tfgdcn. Graniercy School opened a series of lectures on E Child, son of Mr and adult education at the PTA meetRu Mrs John T. Child has been ing held Thursday Jan. 20 at called to serve in the California the Arsenal Villa School A to mission He will enter the mis tal of six lectures will be given sion home Wednesday Jan. 19 one each week for tiie next five Mr Child is a graduate of Da- - week's Parents of Arsenal Villa School children are urged to vis High School, Barns LDS inary. Weber College and the '52 STOP III FORD VICTORIA Paid Local Adv 65c up SWEET Per Per Pound Pound FULL Per Pound 1 JUICE CHICKEN PEPPER SCHILLING CAN BRAND BRAND TWO-OUNC- 3 46 OZ. CANS POUND 4 OUNCE Can Can I -- f i 13 GIVE AWAY THERE IS nothing like a fat, fluffy black puppy to bring joy into tiie life of a little boy. Robert Sanderson. 5268 So. 2000 W. Roy, has three of them that he will give, for FREE, to the first ones who apply and who promise that their parents have agreed to accept them TV WASHER O RANGE REFRIGERATOR Repair & Installation Call Union Furniture Atk for TOMMIE HOWARD 1900 West Utah 2 to 5 1 FANCY SMALL NORTHWEST FRUIT Per Pound E BAKED 100 ASSORTED FRESH BAKED DEVILS FOOD BREAD FANTASY A Deliciou Two-Lay- er With Mint Icing Each ' Cake STONE GROUND WHEAT A TREAT TO EAT Filled with Cinnamon, Nuts And Raisins Per Dozen V o FRESH BAKED COOKIES LARGE ASSORTMENT BRAND 95 C Phone APPLES PLIOFILM BAG OF JUICE FRESH PINEAPPLE For girl. CARROTS W1HESAP Each SLICED SIZE CANS ROSEDALE little 1760 a black DENNIS broken 4 Soturdoy 10 to Dozen an ole TODAYS BRAND GREY AND WHITE Persian cat lost first part of December In the vicinity of Great Basin Subdivision. Might answer to name of Skippy. Pet of Heart HONEY BEAR BRAND Per rorjiATO IN THE i v LOST AND FOUND 10 to 12 MRS. CONDIES SUNKIST YOUNG TENDER Three pound overage Hour: LARGE SMOKED LOIN END Roy, C. Stringhom Jewelry Roy Theoter Bldg. LEMONS LI V 5360 So $350 DN. SEE CAL. LUNCHES AND DINNERS UNSURPASSED WANTED TO BUY Food blender In good condition. Phone 2 0125. 20 FANNING CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC TOP SHAPE MA'S and PA'S in Roy ' New parking facilities sufficient to accommodate 1000 cars is being installfd, the old park-- ' lng area which was built on piling has been removed. The present midway area will be enlarged and contain dozens of thrill, lng new ride and games. The new midway area will be fronted by a modernistic new entrance. The tremendous dance pavilion has been completely reroofed and the pavilion Itself will be redecorated. The finest dance attractions in the nation will be featured during the 1955 season. In order to provide bathing facilities that will not be affected by the rise and fall of Great Salt Lake, a huge four foot permanent dike is being installed adjacent to the present pavilion. The dike area will contain 6,000.000 gallons of salt water which will be pumped continuously from a specially constructed pump l mile out in the lake proper. The resort officials believe that this will be the largest swimming area of its kind in the world. The famous ojxrn air trains are being rebuilt and will be put back into service for the coming season. Like the San Francisco cable cars the Saltair open air trains have a tremrndous amount of historical and sentimental background With the assured cooperation of the many Chamber of Commerces, clubs and institutions throughout tiie Intermountain West, the resort is looking forward !o record attendance for the 1955 season. 1 CHURCH 1 May, 1953. Miss Carol Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson, CLINTON LARGE Hie-tori- c ROY IIEYS n ADS Saltalr Beach Company has announced plans of a complete FOR SALE: Single garage $155; remodeling program of the good used plywood for floorResort on the shores of ing etc., windows, $1 to $2.33; Great Salt Lake. Officials say that work Is alsheathing $3.73 to $3 per 100 board ft. Salvage yard east of ready under way and present Ilillfield. Ileber L. Passey, P.O. plans are to have It completed Box 203, Clearfield. by the opening of the season In Mr. and Mrs. George Woody (Melba) Taylor of Clinton, are the proud grand parents of a baby girl born to their son Gene and his wife De Loine Taylor, Friday Jan. 14. Gene and DeLolne and their two children will soon take up residence In their new home in the Barrett Addition in Roy. . CLASSIFIED Present Remodeling Plans Of Famous Spot degree in industrial technology and education. e Mc-Phle- Sailtair Beach Co. LDS Institute of Religion. He is also a graduate of the USAC school of engineering with a BIS. Riverdale Co-lee- Third month fret, given to oil new Deseret News subscribers. Coll CHAPPELL'S Hordwore fir Lumbar Co. 5210 S. 1900 W. Ph. and 22nd Wards which furnished News the choral numbers for the Lake conferenView Stake quarterly The adult education commitce, Sunday, were highly commended by the apeakert and tee of the Riverdale school ds audiences of the two Sunday distributing a questioneer to parsessioos. ents of the students to enable them to determine what course of President Peterson said that study regarding problems of the and the adolesent while many people felt badly when the famed Ogden Taber- child would be of most interest nacle choir was discontinued, Its for study in the adult educational discontinuance had given the program. wards of the different stakes a wonderful opportunity to deMrs. Alta Peterson will be velop the talent In their wards hostess DUP camp 27, Thursday and had also given them addi- Jan. 27. The pot luck dinner tional incentive by having the meeting which had been schedof furnishing such uled for this date will be postmusic not only for their own poned till next month. ward enjoyment but for presentaElvin Carter, whose home in tion at the quarterly conferences Riverdale, burned to the ground of tiie stake. just one week before last Christmas. said he wanted to publically the many people who have Relief Society News thank helped him and his family since the fire All of the Carters beSocial Science lessons are longings, including their Christmas gifts were destroyed in the m heduled for ward Relief Society meetings to be held in the fire. Mr. Carter said they have Lake View Stake and the River-dal- received a great deal of help fiWard, Jan 23 at their reg- nancially and otherwise from ular time and place of meeting friends The young family is livwith the following teachers pre- ing with Mrs. Carters parents, senting their lesson in their re Mr and Mrs. Evan Kimber, 3405 Porter Ave , in Ogden. apective wards Roy 1st ward Mrs. La Rue Schoenfleld. The "Meet Me at Mutual proRoy 2nd Ward Mrs Kathleen gram for Jan. 18, has been postCritchlow. poned by the wards of the RiverRoy 3rd Ward Mrs Heva dale Stake until Feb. 1. Those of you who have been to mutual Lottie before, dont miss this program. Roy 4th Ward Mrs Shupe. Lake View Ward Mrs Lola The Silver Gleaner award was Combe. presented to Joan Child and Hooper 2nd Ward Mrs Nellie Fife, Jr. Gleaners of the Ileus Riverdale Ward, Tuesday at a Kanesvilh Ward Mrs Ada Silver Comradue held at the Thompson home of Mrs. Nona Slade, teachRiverdnlr Ward Mrs Eileen er Refreshments were served. lenderson ROY, UTAH Dozen |