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Show THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 Lake City has been visiting here with her sister Mrs. Ruth Keyes. THE ROY SUM PUBLISHED BY THE ROY PRINTING COMPANY Weekly newspaper published at Roy, Utah, in tha Interest of tha surrounding communities of Roy, Rirerdale, Sunset, Hoop r. South Weber, Uintah, Clearfield. MANAGER-EDITOJ. HOWARD STAHLE .... R BETTY LOU STAHLE o SHARON LARISON KYLE HARROP MARION STUART ASST. MANAGER-EDITO- R REPORTER DIAL REPORTER DIAL UINTAH REPORTER PH. . . SUBSCRIPTION $1,75 PER YEAR PRICE FQR INFORMATION CALL OFFICE LOCATION MANSFIELD REALTY Paid Therefore, and Repealing Ordinances and Provisions in Conflict Therewith, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROY. UTAH: Section One: Ordinance Number 19 of Poy, tJtah, passed and adopted on April 3. 1948, and Ordinance Number 57, Roy, Utah, passed and adopted on December 29, 1930, are hereby repealed. Section Two. t shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in or carry on. any business within the limits of the City of Roy, Weber Conn-ty, Utah, without first procuring a license from the City of Hoy for t tie carrying on. and gaging in, such business. Section Three All applications for licenses shall be made in writing to the City Recorder, apd all certificates of license shall be signed by the mayor after the consent of the citv council, and shall be attested by the city recorder under seal The application shall show Date of Application. 2. Name of person, firm or corjxiration desiring a li- NEWS DROPS Mrs. Grant Bybee was sustainBy Carolyn Gould ed as assistant work and business Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Higgs leader to Mrs. Percy Keys this and children, Diane, Karen, and week in the Uintah Ward Re lef of stockton, Calif , spent L,Bd Society. And she started her Job the chrlstmas holidays with off with a bang by bringing new! Mr and Mrs, parenU ideas for the work and business iThoma, HlggSi of Roy. Some of days their undevoted vacation time was also spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bybee jrs Florence Campbell, of an evenjng showing their dt,n moving pictures of Yellowstone Dr Higgs is an interne in the and other scenic trips to a group San Joa Qujn Hospital in Stock of young people in town. Mr. ton. Their son. Donald, and his Bybee has several very good Wife, the former Orlone Larkins, films, and this corner takes it 0f Washington Terrace, are the upon herself to say he is very proud parents of a baby lxy, accommodating about showing born to them on December 230 them to small or large groups, at the Dee Hospital. Og-spe- - - j Oil and Gas Stations (Service Station) $15.00 for 3 pumps plus (2.50 for each additional pump dered Posted end Published the City Council of the City of Roy, Utah, this 14th day of January, 1955. C. W. Rapp (Retail). Paint and Paper Stores and Mayor of the $15.00 Shops City of Roy, Utah $20 00 ATTEST: Passenger Car Taxi Elizabeth C. Morrlss $10 00 per cab over 2 Pool Halls & $30.00 City Recorder. Roy, Utah for 1st table- $15 00 for additional tables. $15 00 Poultry I Publishers $15.00 Restaurants $15 00 Second Hand Dealers $15 00 Shoe Repair $15 00 $15 00 Slaughter Houses Soda Fountain $15 00 Tap-Ball- et $15 00 Storage Warehousing 00 Smith $15 Trailer Courts 110 trailers $25 00 above 10 $3 00 per trailer. & Truck Peddlers $15 00 Wholesale Gas anil Oil. Fuel $13 00 $15 00 Vulcanizing Electricians Minimum fee $13.00 )Hr year For each electrician over j am starting My Own Dance Studio in Roy. Combination of Tap Ballet For They are excellent pictures, and everyone who has seen them have Cooks that the chores would have to go enjoyed them. undone before she'd do them The Claude E. Stuarts have had again, and the cockeyed pig Marion Stuart 307 would starve for all she cared. the pleasure of having one of Ph. By Kyle Harrop But Mr. Adams, who either felt their daughters, Marjorie, (Mrs. We have heard many complifor Stoker or the pig (prob- Ranson Hatch of Bancroft, Ida At last we know who wrote sorry about the remarks mentary was take to home fur a with them few ho) both) eager ably 3 S 5 00 corthe first two articles for Uintah over to contributed this recipes the noon duties. You can days. EmContractors enIt was Mrs. Elizabeth Gale. She have too. Plumbing ner. My family bet. Ellen wouldn't hear of it, $15 00 ploying 3 or less the inclusion of these delijust couldnt keep it a secret but its mighty nice to know that joyed his Art wife Kathleen, cious Comb, Each additional plumber $ 5 00 in their menus We any longer. With all the guessing you have such friendly and will and his recipes cense. father, just returned from farmers we did. no one knew but Albert your inter (Canning factor3 The kind of business of the ing neighbors. And we all want a two weeks trip through Cali- sincerely appreciate 2427 South 5600 Wert to the $15.00 ies) tst and your contributions Kendell, and his first guess was to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Adams and Nevada. Arizona, forma, applicant we like would but column Proor this But trust he Al!xrt Fruit, Vegetables, right. kept to our town. We hope they like hile on their journey, they visit4. The place where such busi duce Retail the secret, and left us to our guess- it and feel we are $15.00 j1tar from more of you Send Just as friendly ed with Mr. and Mrs. Eric is to on be ness carried and household hints Fortune Tellers $25 00 recipes ing game. Now we know, and as they are. tit who are spending the winter(to the Other fact neressary forJ,hotoKraph(.rvtran(lit 5Any Lizzie says that she'll not write Roy Sun, Box 120 A, Hoy, $50 00 at Lake Mead. Now they have ytah or cau 3 2607. Kennel $15 00 any more because the fun is gone, Our town is growing in popu returned. Art is busy getting his, rense fee and the propriety Class A, not consumed but she promised to let us in on not only are the new storage sheds filled with new f issuance of a license. lation, we of which bread, on prem. Speaking all the news she finds out about. $50 00 homes and new families on the trees and shrubs, preparing and, are doing for the first time, how Section Four. The rates of Herr. Class B, consumed on be, increase, but lots of new babies getting them ready for spring about trying my sister's favorite censes for businesses $100.00 Stray cats must be Jenny premises are on the the way. Mr. and planting. as follows She same are bread and wheat the whole recipe. Beer. Class C. Draugh $150 00 hobby, and its getting to Mrs. LaMar Barnes started is Mrs. Aubrey O (Gladys) Anthings be expensive. They are drinkGreen houses where pur' off by having a new baby boy on The Boy Scouts are planning delin of Idaho Falls She receives' chase is made for resale $15 00 ing her right out of house ami IS to come to the homes in Uintah our paper every week too home. But shes not complaining Jan $15 00 Stiop Plumbing for subscriptions to the Rov Sun The reason this recipe is also it's just that after feeding them Animal Hospital $15 00 of c The of bcc.iu South mine is Ogden Stake basket on Monday, Jan 24 Please tie a favorite a few times, she has become so all other businesses For not is nearing the ready and waiting for them The the low raloried content, the attached to them, that she misses ball tournament 00 mentioned $15 to make and! the ones that dont show up at finals and at this moment, it boys are looking ahead to their short time it takes Section Five. All licenses pro could lx- anybody's champ summer ramping trip and are because 3we like the taste. meal time. And now her littlest jt for in this ordinance shall vided Take cups of warm, scaled kitten got sick and run away icuiship, but odds say the 34th building the troop fund for such be issued for the year in which add cooled will be Ward and tins milk, tablespoon winners again T hat's a shame Jenin occasions They plan to use the Mich application is granted for but therell tablespoun molasses. year Two mole games will tell proceeds from this drive for honey; be another to take it's place and an annual fee charged therethe tale tnlcspn short that purpose Lets help make tablesjxion salt. fore cxicpi that if the license is pkg dry yeast omng. Dissolve their efforts worth while Not long ago. Mr. and Mrs .sill'd after the first day of Julv Mrs Mr and Albert Antler cup warm water A paper like the Rov Sun is in Edgar Adams from Clearfield son were hosts at a of any year, the licensee shah their into other stir in and ingredientparty what towns like Uintah needs moved in next to the Zear! Sick e requited to pay 60 per cent home Friday Jan 14 Many of It tells Add 6 cups sifted whole wheat about people we crs. and as Ellon Stoker was out things of such license fee. the oung couples in town were know mix thoroughly, adding and even about flour, doing her chores she was quite invited And if Sec tion Six Any person viola extra flour if needed Ret dough you think you've us s. rprised to hear a booming let it not Let's occasionally am of the provisions of tins a ting two loaf while stand good smeller, you should you grease 'Hello neighbor'" from her brand got been get away from us We can show ordinance sb.il! be guilty of a 2 loasis and because hase into there, amon' Sh.qx' pans new friend A day or two later our support and interest to the misdi meanor and upon convic the pans Ret rise to not other things, identifying the Eden took a mee fanes spill on as well as the Boy Scouts place in A turn thereof, shall be punished vs hole bulk smells double in in 12 different txittles paper quite the wav out to do noon chores next Monday by ti subscribing a fine of or less than 00, $299 if al is can be quite vexing when there not good wheat bread As you would exix'ct, she "de by imprisonment In jail for a are at leas! Id different opinions night when they conn around lowed to rise to much). Jared in no uncertain terms. xTlod of not to exceed 90 days hour Bake at 350 deg. for The Uintah Ward Elders are Sect, on Seven In the opinion There are a couple of characteI nljrge vour present home. of the city council of the City r-. who have invented a new planning to send the Roy Sun 11(1 loaves NOTE: (50 min You'll enjoy the extra space to the boys in the service It can of Roy. Utah, a pwbhe etner 24-HOUbaking time is sufficient in my im' for the roads m I'mlah Driv R and we can point out to keep them in contact oven ). gency exists ifi connection with mg real fast, then skidding all help how with is our This a town alone the matters of you tan do ir economherein and favorite Another my eontajied, the place, must be fun, as recipe ocr let for to reason us in that it is necessari to the peace, WATCH REPAIR ss ell as a contagious past time good you sister Gladys, is this simple but ically. Sec us soon! safety and general welfare of At least several knuckle heads ,on all the news, so (mr boys will delicious shrimp salad can the inhabitants of jhc City of cleaned wet large are trying it Well every body be in on it too. We know there, 1 Roy that this ordinance take has their own ideas of what is are more things happening in this shrimps 2 pks lemon jcllo cfbrt immrdintcb f..n. and there' hasn't Ix'cn any town than one person can hear C. STRINGHAM Section Eight That this ordi cups boiling water accidents yet. lint you tietter about, so please call in your 2 can tomator juice (2' 3 No. news 4307. n.im c snail take effect upon its watch out. there is always a first JEWELRY cups) diced celery (optional). luoplion, posting and publicatime Put into mold and place in reRemember the Boy Scout mottion In the Theater Bldg. Passed and Adopted and Or and be ire frigerator Mrs Ethel Willard of Salt to Be Prepared, pared to order your Subscriiv NOTICE tion when they come Monday ll!lllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllll!!llllll!l!!llllll!lll There will be a publ.e hear night ing at the Roy Municipal BuildPRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY Mrs Bowman has been con- ing. Saturday, 29. January, )955 valescing from a heart attack, at 6 00 p m on proposed ordiPHONE and has Ix'cn away from school nance regulating the Platting and for almost two weeks. While she Recording of Subdivision of Quality Drugs Friendly Service has been gone Mrs. May Bybee land in Rov Citv. has taken her place. We certainORDINANCE NO. 107 ly hope Mrs. Bowman recovers BENNION DRUG An Ordinance Providing for quick! v, and can be back soon. the Licensing of Businesses withPrompt and efficient service on your real estate listROY, UTAH in the Limits of the City of Roy. Free in Examiner. Standard SHOP IN ROY ings Daily advertising Utah, and Fixing the Fees to bv of appraisal any time. We offer a good variety UINTAH Comer Jolly 3-- Information Call 3-87- 1 60 La Rue Tulles - Pet-!you- r LJEED . ' SPACE? By-txe- s - - 1 1 1 1 one-thir- ADD ROOM MOW! 1 . . . 1 Year Guarantee ROV li , 1 LUMBER y HOY REALTY INSURANCE AND 1 H- - homes ond lots in Roy and neighboring towns. Tell us what you are looking for, we TAKE time to help you. Assk the folks who deal with us. ROY THEATER Office Open .Sat. fr Sun. Box HOME LOANS AND INSURANCE 2:45 1 DR. H. MURRAY CARVER OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 9 to 5 Every day except Friday's Evenings by Apopintment Phone 5 5519 SO. 1900 WEST UTAH ROY, 4-5- Mon., Tues Wed. 6:45 PHONE 3-59- Thors., Fri. Ph. Roy, Utah 11 Sun. Tues. Jon. -- By Theta Progressive 23-2- 5 KNIGHT Merchants C. CAL STRINGHAM JEWELRY A. Ladd P. Medina UNION FURNITURE Jon. Wcd.-So- t. SUPERIOR SHOE REPAIR 26-2- 9 FOUR GUNS TO THE ROY SUN DAVE'S SERVICE (Formerly Mel's Service) Music News Information "Your Friendly KOPP" KOPP THE BORDER About Your Town 730 ON YOUR DIAL At the news and music corner of scenic America R. Calhonn C. Miller PLUS DRAGONFLY MONDAY MORNING 9:05 to 9:30 THIS IS ROY SUPPORT YOUR TOWN 4 STORM J DOORS AT LOWEST PRICES, AS QUOTED IN THE BLACK Brought To You ALUMINUM SQUADRON A Special Invitation From Dorothy! Many thanks to the people who hove come into my shop since my opening in November. You hove meant more to me than just customers." The interest and friendliness you have shown in my progress has been commendable. I appreciate it! However, in comparison to the population of Roy and surrounding communities, I know I hove yet mony to meet. I'd like to get acquainted with all of you! It isn't necessary to wait until you have a purchase to make drop in anytime and say hello, ond look around. Some day you'll come back for that gift or merchandise, if you like whaf you see. me The important thing is lets get acquainted with you and you with me and my shop. I'll ogree that weather conditions this time of year, take away the urge to venture out. So, as an inducediscount an any merchandise ment, I'm giving a 10 in the store during my Get Acquainted Week." Jan. Jan. 22 to 29th inclusive. DOROTHY'S "YOUR NEW JUVENILE SHOP" In the Roy Theater Building SALT LAKE PAPERS CAPITOL" for the thrifty builder complete with frame, closer and catch INSTALLED Complete $58.95 ALWINTITE" Americas finest, complete, as above, . INSTALLED $85.00 SEE US FOR STANDARDJTPE STORM DOORS SCREEN DOORS AND ALL TYPES OF INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DOORS AT LOWER PRICES. i COMPLETE PAINT STORES" Yi!. M. BUSH & CO. ROY SUNSET Next Door To 675 So. Main Post-Offic- e Ph. Og. BOUNTIFUL 359 So. Main-Phon- 20 e - |