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Show A THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1955 VOLUME NUMBER 37 1 "SUN" Phone No. NEWS MORE DISAPPOINTING Uintah UUABLE SCOUTS TO MAKE Club There are mailing lists to be compiled and in order that everyone who wants a pajxT can le sure of receiving it, we need their names as soon as possible ask your cooperation in this matter, as the pajx-- will not to operate as be able it is We have tried to do our lest items by bringing interesting about you, your friends and your town, now it is up to you We r We feel that a Ixxia fide newspaper is the best and only way of serving you Already in our starting attempts of this subscrip tion drive has brought forth rec from the Publishers ogmtion Auxiliary, a national paper, and have called us a new newspaper This means others are also watch ing and will chart our future growth Clinton Native Weds New Zealander In Temple Ceremony Mss Polly Enoka of Wellington. New Zealand, daughter of Mrs Roko Enoka of Martinsbor ough. New Zealand, and Charles A. Rice of Clinton, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Sargent A. Rice of Clinton, were married Jan 5 in the Salt take Temple. They were previously married civil ceremony in Vancou ver B C., Sept. 2 0e of the lovrllct prtk-jpj,In the .Ute-widFollowing the temple marriage d D,tlnrt.Uhed Hersloe Award the young couple was honored bUInD. Iou.U,n. U olll nnd Mis. rUh for 19 at a reception at the Clinton h,Urrna,, of Week mml Jt Ward recreation hall. aIZou Tute chairmanlrft of UU the DSA, approve th program. The news Mrs Rice wore a full length white satin gown with the fitted bodice trimmed with seed pearls and embroidered Jaycf'cs 8C flowers Her veil of bride's illu- 35th sion was held in place by a scalFeed Lines loped triara trimmed with lilies of the valley She carried a Col Ik Ibert Blown president of In Roy orual bouquet of white carnaof Com Chamlier Junior Roy tions and hyacinths centered with mcrce. announced that the week a m.iuv e orchid. SUN EXCLUSIVE Ih r bridesmaids were Miss' "f January 14 21 is being New line construction and en "Junior Maun i n Olsi n and Miss Mcnlynj served nationally largemcnt of present power feed Child of Clinton, in green net Chamber of Commerce Week and white net formats, respec- Durmg the week, the United lines in the expanding Rov. Sun tively They carried Ixiuquets of States Junior Chamlier of Com- set and Hooper areas were under pink carnations and hyacinths merce will celebrate its 35th an- way this week. Orson M. Slack, Ogden diviPeggy Rice was flower girl niversary, with over 2.000 local sion manager for Utah Power of II Itiee, brother Fielding organizations joining with the the bridegroom, served him as Roy dub in staging its annual and Light Co said the new facilities will amply take care of the best man opserv .nice electrical Mrs Sargent A Rice, aunt of In honor of the 35th birthday the areas the bridegroom, wore a black for of the national organization, the demands mal gown with a corsage of pink Roy Ja veers will conduct their Costing some $59,000 the camellias annual Distinguished Ser vice projects include the reconduc Assisting at the reception were Awar(j Banquet Jan 20 Presenof a lLOOO-vol- t line Derrel M Child, Miss Maureen! tation of the DSA is made to toring from UP&Ls River-dalextending Olsen. Miss Carolyn Olsen, Miss station to an area two outstanding local voting man be Peggy Rire, Miss Lee Olsen, Mrs twen the age of 21 35 years He miles west of Highway 91 at Fielding Rice, Mrs John Rice, need not be a member of the Roy and the stringing of three Miss Kay Simpson, Mrs Dean Junior Chamber of Commerce. miles of new line into Kanes-villChild, Mrs Harold Simpson, Miss The candidates tins vrar are Teresa Child, Miss Ellen Child, Robert Coleman, local banker, Mr Slack said the projects Dean Olsen, Clair Stewart and of the Kiwams Club member Dean Child schi'duled for completion someLamar McMillan, dairyman, Out of town guests were Mr. time in March, would enlarge exchurch worker, memlwr of Kt M Child and and Mrs Derrel isting powirfeed facilicites in wains club a 35 square mile area family of Seattle, Wash. Delbert Brown Javrce presi Last year, Utah Power .spent The young Rices are residing million in the at the home of Mr and Mrs cent, telephone serviceman, town more than Wetxr-Davianti northern Utah Sargent A Child while they board member. One of these three will be pick- service area with most of the spend the winter in Mesa. Ari ed as the winner of the Distin- work centered on improving cusguished award tomer service by expanding powOIL HEATERS Local DSA chairman is Dave er lines and substations and Evans building new ones The local Javeec organization Mr Slack said particularly CAUSE MANY was established Sept 952. Past heavy substations and line buildpresidents have been Lewis R ing work was carried on in the area Riverdale Child, Domenick zntonietti. FATAL FIRES in a e tX M Celebrate Anniversary Utah Power Light Enlarging Area ob-a- s , e. Postmaster Emma Russell re quests all patrons of the Roy Post Office to remote the snow from the walks in front of your homes and the entrance to your house, to put a tittle salt on the iev steps where your mailman has to walk to put the mail in your box Have you seen your mailman trudging through the snow up to a mailbox with his fret and trousers wet and cold1 Multiply this by about 400 other steps each and every day and picture him as he finishes his route at the end of hi. heal on the edge of darkness after a cold snowy, day We arc asking you to lighten his cold beat by clearing the snow in front of your house There is enough snow on the streets and vacant lots to contend with tp'TViakc his tour unpleasant without adding to it by not clearing your share away. Your mailman isnt required to deliver your mail unlrss you clear him a path to your door; he can require you to call at the Post Office for your mail instead. But because he has a code, the mail must go through, he doesnt very often take advantage of his rights and plows on through to get that letter to you. Last year one of the carriers slipped on an icy stop and ended up with a badly wrenched leg and sprained ankle. He was off his beat for several days and could have had a broken leg. So, dont force us to restrict your mail; remove the snow and ice from your residence now. SUBSCRIPTION .. NAME ADDRESS s A -- spread of fire and loss of life Because of these things, the National Board of Fire Under writers has issued the following precautions: 1. Dont place the heater near a doorway where the could be blocked. 2. Dont put it where it can easily be tipped over. 3. Keep it away from curtains, bedding or other combustibles 4. Dont fill it when hot or when in use. 5. Be sure 120-- A Contest winner will be announced next week. There were so many fine names sent in that the judges hove been undecided at press time. Name? Fcathweight Club The Featherweight, a new and novel club in Roy met last Wedthe room at night nesday for their regular meeting The club is organized excluswindow. 6. Dont let children play near ively for ladies who want to lose weight, is showing successthe heater. ful results and wishes to invite anyone Interested to call PRICE $1.75 PER YEAR They guarantee you will never have more fun loosing extra poundage. Come on girls join up. All you have to loose are those extra pounds. Meetings, are held every other Wednesday night at 8 p.m.. The next meeting will be Jan. 26. theres ventilation in open a Star Mothers Ask Memberships Any Gobi Star Mothers desiring to belong to the National Gold Star Mothers Assn, are asked to contact Mrs. Elva Fox of 4242 So. 100 W Roy, or phone Meetings are held the last Wednesday of each month in the drawing room of the Hotel Ben Lommond in Ogden at 2 30 p m. The next meeting will be held Jan. 26. We smcerly wish that Stephen Winchester and Inez Bowman will make a speedily recovery and regain their health. There have been so many questions asked about the Uintah Whittlers Club, the following questions and answers, seem very much in order. What Is the I'tntah Whit-UrClub? A A club for individual plea sure and public service Q. n Q. Is the membership limited to residence of Uintah? A Ixirs No, vs e solicit good neigh as member regardless of geographical location (j. flow ran I become a member? Mail a dollar, more or less, to Uintah Ward Building Fund, in care of Mrs Sarah Dye, RFD No 4. Box 339. Ogden, Utah. Q. Will I et a membership card? A No. you will have the plea sure of helping a worth while z cause it necesary to subQ. I scribe for the Kojr Sun to become a member? A No, but we sincerly hoie you will We have long needed and now have, a paper that will pul our big. little town on the map, a paper that makes our news front page Well that's it neighlxirs. and this is George Hallns.iy hoping ourself a favor im will do Subscribe for the Roy Sun, and do all of us a favor, and swamp Mrs Sarah Dye. with dollar bills for the Uintah Ward Building1 Fund Lets all lx Whittlers. lets all send Sarah Dye a dollar tiwlay. Thanks Editor; Thanks to you (irorge! Posse Airs Plans Davis Counts Sheriff s R I'.held its annual pais at Ma's and Pa's Jan H in he fireplace dining room Long lm quel tables were set for 103 with vases of spring flowers renter mg each table Cactus Jim of KUTA radio, entertained with lus guitar and songs along with the -e Solldatres quartet, while dinner was being served Captain Ken Hammond 1st H Clyde Adams 2nd I.t Larry Kar kins, Adj Dovle Ni l on of the last vrar pel aiual A etc replaced with ('apt Hector Flint. 1st I.t I.t Fail Jacques. 2nd Dick Adams. Art j Ed Str unberg Elia,s Dawson was master of ceremonies. Capt Flint is planning t rips to shows in other states, also a ride m the I'mtahs There spring show will he held May 30th at the Kavsville posse grounds In hu opening remarks of the Lake View Stakes first quarterly conference of the new year. President Rulon P. Peterson touched upon several topics of importance for consideration Most imxirtant of all was the reminder of our dally dependence up on the blessings of God for all the comforts we enjoy and for life itself. Our dependence uxm the snow for instance, to drought keep from becoming stricken area The very air we breathe, which if deprived of for just a short time would be the cause of death Electricity, ujxm which we are so dependent in all phases of our life, though harnessed by man was created by God. For these and for the countless other blessings we rereive daily from God, we should remember to appreciate Recommend 'Gospel Doctrine "A great need of the people, President Peterson continued, "is ,i greater study of the gospel Most of what we give to others is what we have heard others say " More time should be spent studying the gosopel for council and advice in rearing our children and in the proper way of life lie especially recommended ' Gostx-Dix tnne" by Joseph Fielding Smith as a wonderful Ixiok for guidance President Peterson also com mented on the present TV craze While the television is a good thing in moderat ion, It should not take ihi- place of reading gixxl txtoks and while television is educational m some aspects, too munyx-oplstay away from i hurch to watch their favorite show This is not gxxl, for it deprives one of his own develop- e ment Credit In Emergencies He expressed concern over the constant advertising of "no down merit" and pay later practices. President Peterson said that credit is all right in an emergency Joy comes through antiipation in saving and planning for needs We should be thrifty and live as we know we should live ran lxcome such a habit that a dollar in the pocket w ill burn a hole in it A wife can keep her husband's nose to the grindstone by not doing the things she can do. such as sewing., repairing of clothing and feeding her family foods which she has prepared herself He recommended the Relief Society organization as a help to young mothers Presidi n! Peterson concluded Ins remarks by urging the members of the stake to pray, to teach faith and to study the gospel. President Rollin P Green chose for his text Mathew 22 21 ' Render unto Carver the things which are Carver's and unto God the things that arc God's We "render unto Caeser" when we pay state, national and local taxes This compliance to law Is not voluntary We render unto Gxl. when we pay tithing, which is a voluntary compliance. paid through Tithing has all the disensations of the gospel A person who can arrange his affairs to pay 10 cent of p. iv - Sjx-ndin- Ix-e- jx-- r Conference Highlights - r i Mr. Green corrected a misquotation in the Ogden daily newspaper a while back, which credited President Peterson with saying "The church doesn't need tithing " However, what he said was "The church doesn't need the tithing as much as you and I need the blessings obtained from paying tithes " ly The Hooper 2nd Ward surrendered the Aaronic Presthood plaque which they had lxen the proud possessors for the past three months, to the Roy 1st Ward, to have for the next three months The plaque is presented for the greatest percentage of improvements shown in a three month period in the ward's Aaronic Priesthood quorums Seeks Comprehension President J. Levi Beus posed the question as to whether it is within our human power to fully comprehend and appreciate the wonderful blessings that have come to us from the sacrifice, the great faith and the stamina and courage of our pioneer forefathers welfare plan was first given to the church 123 years ago when the church was one year and months old, for the of material increase and economic security. "One hundred and nine years ago. the House of Reprcsonta-tivi- s and the Senate of Illinois, revoked the charter of the city of Nauvoo and the great Mormon exodus began, leaving their homes, workshops and farms. In Florence, Neb., the Mormons took a temporary Vesting place in the month of February. In that place there is a cemetery for the 6,000 saints who died there. Tin- - pur-Ios- e The great blessings we enjoy, the life and blood of the greatest man of this dispensation, the Prophet Joseph Smith. No greater joy can come to us than Hie jo of service to our fellow took men Speaking of the missionary system. Pres Beus stated that it is more difficult to do stake missionary work than it is to do foreign missionary work. However, the Lake View Stake missionaries have converted and baptised 22 adults and two children last year. Those leaving on missions shortly were introduced at the conference Ray E Child, son of Mr. and Mrs John T. Child of Clinton. He has been called to the California mission. Richard Beus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Beus of Hixipor, who will serve in the Brazilian Mission and Jack Iiwc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lowe of Hooper, who will serve in the Hawaiian Choice of Queen parent, the church will Death Claims Utah Pioneer do so, with the following taken ENGAGEMENT TOLD into consider a tio a: 1. Thankful Mrs. Jemima Crittcndon, members of the Mr. and Mrs. Edsel J ,es of church; those who have consis-entl- y mother of MrS. Fred (Ina) West-to- n Hooper announce the eng? Vment and Mrs. C. E. (Erma) Petersupported the welfare projof their daughter Nada to Burt ect and have lived up to other son died last week at her home We Lamb, son of Mr. and Mrs. financial requirements. in Hoystville, Utah. She was 2. Person injured on the wel- buried last Saturday there. Burt H. Lamb, Roy. The marMrs. Crittendon is one of the riage will take place this month. fare project. 3. Persons of divided families. original pioneers, of Hoytsville Mrs. John Dawson of Roy, an- The young couple will make their 4. Partially inactive families. and she and her husband help nounce the marriage of her home In Roy. 5. Inactive members willing to found the town. In late years daughter, Lois, to Dee Reid Ged-deson of Mrs. Mosci Geddes of Mrs. Crittendon has spent much "Use what talent you have. work. r Correct MLvjuote High Interest For ' Elder Stewart emphasized the The woods would ' be mighty Washington Terrace. The young couple have return- silent if no birds sang except importance of the fast offerings ed recently from a honeymoon those that sang best." in providing for the needy. Each In Las Vegas. Louis Morris member of the church should Roy, Utoh net income, will learn through practice, wisdom in handling monetary affairs and temporal affairs, however, President Green continued, "the greatest blessings are spiritual blessings. Obey council and appreciation of the gospel will he increased and one caq overcome selfishness. He advised members to pay tithing as the income was received, leaving it till the end of the year presents the problem of one tenth out of twelve and Christmas. Inv Mission. fast two meals each month and to donate the equivalent the fast By Kyle Harrop Elder Stewart Eccles from the offering. To date the Lake View general welfare committee of the Stake is below church average LDS church was the guest shak- in this respct. He further stated er at the Lake View Stake Con- that we would always have an ference held Sunday. Elder Ec- abundance if wc live this simple cles stressed the responsibility law. Enthusiasm is high in the Rivof the family to itself, in the ward for the selection of erdale time of needvjf families cannot a queen and a prince to compete care for their own, such as an Riv- Couple Wed Make checks or money orders payable to If Gift, WhoFrom Roy Printing Co. Box Judges Undecided on Name, Fo Be Announced Next Week til New Club Starts STATE. CITY $li 3 recent survey made by the National Fire Protection Asso elation shows that oil heaters that is stove, range and space heaters cause about a fourth of fatal fires in dwellings Of these, one third arc caused bv portable heaters, which in many places are still in frequent use often in tenement dwellings that are eseciully vulnerable to the llalliway ship. e Snow Removal Dependence Upon Blessings Brought Out In Conference Serves Club Reporter We would like to bring the attention of all true Uintahites to their M Men basketball team They are small in number and need our supxrt After winning the 39th Ward, 42 to 30 they will battle it out with the 37th and 34th Wards for the champion i Postmaster Urges ROY, UTAH Whittlers By George The paper will come only to thoae who subscribe starting the Srd of Feb. 1M Duel Purpose CAUVASS We re very sorry to announce that due to unforeseen circumstances, the scouta will be unable to canvass the area for subscribers. but as individuals they can do so We encourage them or anyone else who desires to do so, to contact our office. We believe that it is well worth your time as anyone who docs will re ceive 50c for each subscription they obtain. Eight subscriptions is $4 for you. We would also like to encourage those who are not contacted by Jan. 27 to send in their subscription by mail or leave it at the office. 2-- 1 time with her daughers here. Mrs. Weston and Mrs. Peterson and was often the guest of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. - with the other wards of the erdale Stake for the honor of reigning overlthe annual stake Gold and Green Ball to be held Jan. 29 at the Washington Terrace stake house. The selection! will be by picking the names out of a hat. This gala event will be a semiform a 1 best dress affair with Fishers orchestra furnishing the music. A floor show will be shown at intermission under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Bate, stake dance directors. The Terrace 4th Ward will act as host to the dance. Admission will be by budget ticket only, , , i ' ' |