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Show I THURSDAY s EXCELLENT care to one girl over 2 yn. of age at ray home in Roy. Have two girla ages 3 and 4 for playmates. $1.00 per day. Phone WILL CLASSIFIED ADS GIVE day-tim- 30 SUNSET bedrm. frame, sprinkling system, water softener. storm doors and windows, Lifetime siding, gas. water, sewer. F1IA or GI. $8,950. 6 rm. older home, with ROY eoop. granary, 6 acres. 70 fruit trees, 2 4 shores Davis Weber water, 4 acres alfalfa. 4 rooms carpeted, auto, gas furnace, beautiful view Very good for subdividing, $13,000. 3 VERY CHOICE UJTS, highway locations in Hoy's commercial diritt LOTS & HEAL ESTATE LOANS ROY 2 REALTY INSURANCE A It 5!l 1 1 Mr A Mrs Carmichael 8843, Oleson O'l-ear- 2 0530 Jolly Cooks Comer - 30, 1954 For a delicious family cassa-roldish or for entertaining, try Mrs. Harold (Lauretta) Ambler's favorite. Lauretta is a counselor .ri the Iike View Ward Relief Society, loved for her wit and versitility Rone a plump ihuken, stewed with un onion, seasoned with salt and pepper and butter AI leinate in a gn aval casserole dish layers of chicken and crushed cracker crumbs, using buttered cracker trumbs for top Add can mushroom soup, Juvi-dibit d with milk, till Juicy, but not too thin Rake till brown, for about 25 min or until heated through e JANUARY CONTEST With the purvh.iM? of s GUARANTEED CUARJS Foundation Garment or Girdle A chance to have jour purchase price refunded Eviry ose wins in comfort and beauty Robber Gets Ironed One in every 40 gets a garment I .isadcn.i free. Call Ogden 3 5001 Elaine When a holdCal McCoaviU J 20 up man threatened to harm Mrs Eleanor Ann Dunlap's two small children unless she gave him her EF.M4IE HELP household money, Mrs Dunlap hi hun have it not the money WOMAN 355 as professional corn-t- but the hot iron she held in her ier Full or part turn' Roy tight hand The hot iron hit the Area. Not restricted Uluru (.'.or man right in the mouth and he poration Write Roy Sun Box or fled with $4 in small change 30 from Mrs Dunlap's purse. call Ogden 3 5001 READ THE CLASSIFIEDS In time, the country would have Boldies Proteat Feel a large force of trained hia plan would not be a JEWS REPORT FROM I'JASimiGTOIl men. Yet universal military training program and would train only a certain number of men a year. The plan seems to have more support than any other reserve program to be proposed since the end of World War II. WASHINGTON The strange fortunes of International econo- postwar years, It is not certain mics and politics are turning the that this drift will go far enough tables on the United States just to line either country up on the nine years after World War II Communist side. This countrys two arch enemies That is the possibility that , There will be no Relief Society of flow being depended must be watched although it upon as the second and third appe ars highly unlikely in Ger- meetings, MIA or Primary meetstrongest potential a'llies in the many at present, and only slight- ing till next week, when all will front, are wrack- ly less so in Japan It can be said begin again on a tegular schedule. ed with interal turmoil though that an era of almost The Lake View Stak-- i mad show In addition, external pressure complete cooperation and has been postponed from the date with the U. S. is about to largely economic and sometimes date to April 13, 14 and January become to an end in on or both of nationalistic in appeal, are ICth The stake preview will be to an role these former countries. play important enemy ginning 13th and the road show! held Germany and Japan, the two P rhaps that was inevitable will April be presented to the general of last the The more ball be will strongest opponents earrie!, foland more, in the, future, by nor- public on the 14th and ICth, war, are the stakes involved. Since the end of World War mal diplomatic personel in the lowing the preview II these two countries, each with i",ul.ir channels, and Germany a mighty industrial potential and ..ml Japan arc likely to be much KNOWS EVERYTHING some eighty millions of people, mm'' independent of the U S, Groom. "Now perhaps Ill be have been staunch U. S. allies. as tl.. viar passu to point out a few of permitted The Germans ore still allies, but defects." your the recent Paris Agreements, Tlu- new military reserve plan Bride- "It wont lx necessary, require Germany to give France worked out by Carter Burgess darling, I know them. They kept the riches of the Saar, are stirs won h.gh piame in defense me from getting a better man ring a hornet s best of protest in circles and lias even taken than vou " West Germany am out of some of the major For the first time in years UMT opponents It appears that NATURALLY there is a question whether) the new plan, which would be a Chancellor Konrad Adenauer mod fied form of UMT, retainA stranger in the West asked s can get the majority ing the draft, will probablv get a native, "Is this a healthy necessary in the upper house at through Congress place" Bonn to ratify the Paris accords The Westerner replied. "It sure Burgiss, called from a college which give West Germany job to the Defense Department Is. Why, when I came here I was If the agreement is not son it months"' ago, has helped l.ild iiiuldnt walk, nnd had to ratified, the vs hole West Euro- work up a reserve plan that be lifted from my bed. ' pean alliance may not shajH up would keep newly trained young Wonderful" said the visitor as planned stirs m 'In r serve for a consul ' How long have you been here With Japan tin situation is 1 able period of tunc. Each year "Oh. was tiie replay, "I was; more ominous Boosted ceonom ' a new group vvoulu be nt.one: oi n her-ically b the heavy U. S expend-iture in that country during the Korean War, Japan now faces an Saw economic letdown, and there is a serious unemployment problem The Prime Minis t r is replaced by a man vs ho favors trade agreements with, and recognition of, Communist countries The new Jap-anese leader once praised the dictators of Germany and Italy and. while he insists he is pro American, he represents a shift away from the very close ties of recent years The Chinese Communsts, and the Russians, have been making appeals to the Japs in the nature of holding out trade possibilities (the Japs need to expand their1 foreign trade quickly If they avert a real depression) and by offering to talk about a restora tion of Japanese fishing rights m waters Jap fishermen are now' forbiddi n to enter Meanwhile, it does not appear likely that ny huge U S aid program vs ill U- voted to ward off economic disaster in Japan mobile saw Is hers shown felling a large tree A And thus a r sumption of diplo In n 18,000-acland clearing project near Texarkana, Texas. One malic and trade r lotions wi'1' man sitting comfortably In a protective eteel cage end operating t tie Communists, by Japan. p any elmple control move the huge eppsrstus op to a tree from unit imminent angle and within eeconds has it crashing to the ground. The designed by R. G. Le Tourneau, Inc., of Longview, Texas, Is elecShould by some tw st of fate trically operated, producing its own current by means of a generator s iiui'.t: v ,;!. r or hot! driven by General Motor Diesel engine Commu-ni't tr.a1 of lai.,al anti it would countries ns alle-sr www S In a staggering blow to C a alhanci for uorldvvile plans DR. H. MURRAY CARVER against Communists It is entirely likely that the role played, by Japan and Germany in any OPTOMETRIST new war would tip the scales in Office Hrurs 9 to 5 Every day except Friday's on favor of the side they fight Eveninqs by Apopmtment Their industry is vital to the Phne 5519 SO. 1900 WEST free world, as are the fighting UTAH ROY, the Thus of their youth qualities Reds are making a great play to split these former enemies from their close U. S. connections, and while the drift is definitely away from the almost complete allegi ance to U. S. policies of recent CHURCH NEWS By KYLE IIARROP 1 -- DECEMBER 1941-45- orten-unio- Darien, .Conn. A committee of the Bald Head Club of America will Investigate fees charged by barbers. Members of the club hold that barbers should charge by the hair not by the head. 24-HOU- R WATCH REPAIR Y car 1 'Free Month Guarantee C. STRINGHAM Third month free, given to oil new Deseret News subscribers. Coll 51345. JEWELRY the Theater In Bldg. n The wormth, the soul of music dwells in o piano .. . a piano for you ond a good your children piano to be ployed for the very love of playing . . . enriching the lives of those who listen! Here ot the Piano House ... -- ect you-sel- pianos from the most respected craftsmen. Each instrument is a - masterpiece of tonal richness, of magmficient traditional or modern designing ! tin--- t THE FAMOUS two-third- sov-ereign- JANSSEN PIANOS 7 he homo piano of imot ica" 1 MATTIES CAFE " j Good Food, Reasonable Prices and a Pleasant Atmosphere have established our reputation NEWLY RENOVATED LARGE BLACKTOP PARKING AREA IN REAR Open 7 A.M. to Roy, Ufoh Brought To You By 8 P.M. These Progressive Merchants Mows Em Down Giant Tree I SAVE FROM $100 TO $200 DURING OUR JANUARY STOCK REDUCTION SALE! CREDIT TERMS UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY EASY Shop ony day or evening as late os you like At Your Convenience Dale Bingham Music Co, LI Piano House 77iu 2218 W. 4400 So., Roy, Utah Ph. 56 J O C. CAL STRINGHAM JEWELRY O UNION FURNITURE O SUPERIOR SHOE REPAIR 0 THE ROY SUN - O DAYE'S SERVICE (Formerly Mel's Service) newly-designe- d r Music News Information About Your Town "Your Friendly KOPP" KOPP (. th-s- At the news and music corner of scenic America MONDAY MORNING 9 05 to 9 30 THIS lo-- i 730 ON YOUR DIAL IS ROY SUPPORT YOUR TOWN , rrww vwvw ww-'wsw- ROY THEATRE Ph. Utah Roy, Box Open Sat. WELCOME Cr Sun. Mon. Tue., Wed., Thur., Fri. Sound llir fanfare; roll out (lie carpet to welcome in the bright New Year! We hope that 55 1955! 2:45 Office 6:45 Greetings to the glad New Year and greetings to all our friends and neighborsl Wed. Sat.; Dec. -- 29-Ja- n. 1 RACING BLOOD Bill Williams and Jean Porter holds great happiness and good fortune in . everyone, we wish full measure of peace, joy and To May 1955 bring the happy fulfilment of oil your dearest wishes. prosperity! Vl yv , Jf W FIGHTER store for all I ATTACK J. Carrol Noish and Sterling Hayden Mon. Wed. -- Jon. 2, 3, 4 SITTING BULL Ui. Robertson ond T Dole J. Carrol Noish ROY sun AMERICAN FOOD STORE Roy |