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Show c THE R VOLUME ONE, 30, 1954 THURSDAY, DECEMBER Stake Plans Bang-UNew Years Dance p Health & THIRTY-FOU- Iooking for a place to go to er in the New Year? Dont forget Sleep is the best beauty treatYears Eve dance at the ment of all. Lack of sleep over a Lake View stake gymnasium for long period can drag a person a celebration with all the fixins, down to poor health both mennoise makers, hats, confetti, floor tally and physically. Doctors are show, dance with Jensen's orches- even using long periods of artifitra and breakfast The menu, ham cially induced sleep to cure some and eggs, rolls, orange juice and types of mental disorders. hot chocolate. Time, 9 pm. breakThere is no cream you can buy fast 12:30. Make reservations now. that will erase the lines put into The M Men and Gleaners of the face by constantly not get-- t your stake under the direction of Mrs. iig enough rest. This is often a Given Stokes and Gayle Moore to young mothers. The problem are sponsoring the dance. in the world is to let Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wallace, best advice some housework go undone and stake dance directors are in charge take a nap during the day with of the floor show. your baby. Don't fool yourself into thinkSwift Co. ing that you will be able to cover those circles with makeup. At first this will ix- possible. $350 after a while you will look I.ko a hag. even under a ton of Rivcrdale Family makeup. One of the quickest ways to The employes of Swift and Co lose your poise and outprevented a check for $350 to Mr ward appearance is to couple late and Mrs. Erwin Carter last week hours with over indulgence in This was to enable them to pur- ilcohol and cigarettes'. Alcohol chase clothing and presents for has a tendency to dry the skin themselves and their 2 month-ol.and thus make a perfect breed son for Chri' tmas mg place for w rinkles. Smoking The Carter's lost their home and is bad for the cirt illation and all their belongings in a fire a 'health in general Anything that week before last. has a detrimental effect on health wall help to destroy mir good PTA CHANGES MEET DATE looks the-Ne- w Make - nn-nta- The Hoy School ITA will hold its next meeting Jan 6 instead of the third Thursday of the month, according to Roger t'ritchlow, president of the PTA. Mow-eve- l r, ROY NEWS Mrs. Frank Little entertained the officers and teachers of the Lake View Stake LDS Primary Board at a Christmas party at her home last week. Gifts were exchanged and games and carol singing were enjoyed by all Tree Lighting Scene ush- pmployes Gift To ROY, UTAH Busy Christmas Mail Slows Return of Pope Pius XII Beauty 'SUN" Phone No. R Max Glover, Aldoui Johnson and Robert L. Olsen discuss the Christmas activties plonned by tbe Roy Junior Chamber of Commerce. The members of the Roy Junior Chamber of Commerce and their partners held a hayride party last Saturday night for their annual Christms party. After touring the city Singing carols the group had supper at the Arsenal Villa Recreation Hall.. Mr and Mrs. Dave Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Russell and Mr. and Mrs Allison Ogan were the committee in charge. The engraving was temporarily lost in the Christmas mail rush. J C Photo Salk Predicts Doom Of Polio Dr Jonas E. if the The City of Roy welcomes two new residents who have moved recently from Sunset to make their home here. Dr. and Mrs. Arley Flinders and family. Dr. Flinders has been the practicing physician In Roy for sometime. The other new residents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cade. Salk, originator triple-vacrinwhich his name, told the Association for Research In Nervous and Mi ntal Disease recently that the cnppl ing form of polio will probably lx ended within five years Salk said recent studies have the most tom tricing cvi Sister Assunts wss beatified thus far liiat a VaiClllC (dillcr solamong those who attended the will the cr.pidmg form of defeat emn ceremonies were a sister and th( d.seaso as won as the popu a brother of the nun. VATICAN CITY, ITALY HU Holiness Pope Pius XII U shows kneeling In prsysr in 8t Peters Bsslllcs ss hs led ths Cstholio world In prsyer to ths newly testified blessed Msris Assunts, s Franciscan missionary of Mary who died in Chins in 190$. When pro-Vul-- I.itimi Local Clubs Join to Make Brighter Xmas For Need Families The best rule to live by is mod The Aprendcr Guild. Kiwanis eration Get t nough rest, enough nourishing food and exercise, Club ; r. I the Juvcecs Clubs joined you will he rewarded by a long forces m an effort to make Xmas and vigorous life. happier for the needy families of Hoy has ht-'-- j i r i j i r vacci- nated Tins is a most i 'uotiraging re. port end heralds the end of polio - a growing fir t to America's jhialth Salk aNo had other winds of encoui agenu nt, in h.s paper for the AHNMI) For one thing, he imhnF.i-immunity to he gamed from vaccination would last for many years and maytx- even for life This was contrary to r jxrts in In iint years that vaccine imimi i.ations would offer protection The National Education zssoaga .list polio for mils a l.mitcd n r ports that there will tx-I l. it period of time Salk said st i iii s showed that 30.1 71). 357 youngsters m . vhccuiv prepared from dead public m bools this car Already produced a longer lasting more than ,250.000 new pupils I a- A Report On The Schools - Food supplies, toys and wearing .tfp3rcl were taken to the less for .mate Mrs Emma Smith and Mrs. of the Aprender Ye i a Parker Guild, Leon Manning of Kiwanis a:.d Aldus Johnson. Domen.ck An tonetti of the Jaycees were in immunity than those prepared have enrolled in tjie nation's charge. from live viruses, which set up public i lt mentar.v ami .secondary This - on h immunization infection m n: ri i ari n s with i; nsrrri: possd ill. i a s ,dfi The increase which is the in Mr and Mrs So'nn ( H.itih of mg other ills, ases Dr Salk belast yi.ir's record Hiverdalc ate annouming the en lieves recent , studies showing i ri .m from hmo that the problems now gagement of their daughter. Mis-- . that vaccines prepared officials all most potent cm flouting i tux Mary Owen Hatch, to Muylen II (lead viruses .me livc-viruIh slop of Plain City. than vaccines mav over t In i ount rv That f igut i tile! gelllV Miss Hatch is attending Weber make possible the production b a si, shows' why tie College and NT r Heslop is a stu vaccines whiili would prevent teacher." who was expected to dent at the l'S.C m Logan eolds and influenza I "In This Corner" Plans Scries to Inform i ' 1 i - vir-uaen- Public of Weekly Task in Paper Business 1 ,.s 1 1 uir -- -- WHAT is the Lake View Snow Ball? A stake dance sponsored by the Lake View Ward. WHERE is the Lake View Snow View Stake Ball? At the House. WHEN is the Lake View Snow Ball? Saturday Jan. 8 L. The winter theme will be carried out Owen Ridges orchestra will furnish the music. There will be a floor show and refreshments will V. I. Folkman. who recently he served. received his commission as second Members of all the wards in the lieutenant in the Air Force stake are invited. Remember the his wings in graduation ex- date, Jan. 8 ercises held at James Connolly ir Force Base, Waco. Texas, Dec 17 The cereti omes climaxed a year of training in the observer pro gram Miss Nancy Patricia Bingham, Lt Folkman, graduate of Weber County High School studied daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward economics at the University of Bingham, to LaClead Olson, son F. Olson of Ctah prior to entering the service of Mr and Mrs. her is Dillon. announcing Mont., 1953 in His parents are Mr and Mrs. engagement. The date for the wedding has Clifford L Folkman. 2134 W. 5125 not been set. Roy. Folkman Keith Receives Navy Wings Ki-r- Engagement Told s I I Interest Growing to Ganvass Area Seeking Subscribers church organizations, Boy Scouts and other media Tin re have been many fine comments concern. ng tbe good of the papir. It can supply news of local interest and services that benefit the every day man on the street. An area the size that the "Sun" serves can well support a weekly newspaper if the people will pledge support. With our present circulation, if we were a bonafide weekly newspaper, it would make us the fourth largest in the State of Utah. Think of that' This is a Linotype. Named because it assembles a line of type." Here are the others who are larger: Salt Lake Times, 3,221, Richfield It assembles the lines just as you read them in the paper. It also is Reaper. (Sevier County) 3,143; Sun Advocate (Price) 2,886, Roy Sun. used in the production of ads. The modern pare set by newspapers 2.804 Yet we must be content with the treatment and consideration of is made possible by surh wonderful machines. a common, ordinary hand bill. Do you feel we arc no better than "junk" coming through the mail? The only way we can outgrow such a brand is through subscriber!! Mansfield commented that the paper was like a prescription Burt f f when you read it, it makes you feel good. We are sincere in our desire to make the paper such in every home. V We refused an offer to run liquor ads in the paper. This mrans a . great loss in badly needed funds, but it was turned down because it is not, in our opinion, desireable reading for younger people. They need clean and uplifting literature before them if we expect them to be good citizens. . .. ,t Therefore, we have placed a value on what families want in their homos. We have tried to publish a paper we and the community can I i( be proud of, and from a publishers standpoint we are proud. Yours re' ,. i t n ) J f'l't 'if i , r . r; mains to be seen. The paper at present has to be published out of town. The revenue thus far is not sufficient for us to rent and move the already purchased equipment to an office. Yet we cannot give the community the service it needs and desires without. We are. unable to be present to take of events taking place, to gather news, or catch the rath of somcone. I am sure you are proud of the particular place where you live. Did you know that every community where people are proud and progressive there is a newspaper. Whjr not here? pic-ure- 4 iut Printing Press. One of mankinds greatest achievements. Editor Stable sits admiringly at this piece' of machinery. The 'Sun has a press which will be shown at a future date. In this C6mer" to snow steps and machinery used to publish the paper each week. Photosby the Sun. s There are a reported 7,000 people in Roy alone, now the paper covers Rivcrdale, Hooper, Uintah, South Weber, Sunset, some in Kanes-ville- , Clinton and Clearfield. Did you realize there was such a growth in this area. Dont you feel the need of a paper, not a hand bill, to deliver you news of folks you know, county events, city change?,. The government recognizes the newspaper and legal notices will be concerning changes in the law, etc. You are all Interested in these things. 5 Starts Oil Drilling - 1 On Virgin Dome Utah Galena Syndicate stockhappy to know are in progress in the Virgin oil field. (Virgin is located approximately 26 miles north and east of St. George Geological reports indicate exceptionally good possibilities for big oil production in this area, esXTially on the "local high at he town of Virgin where the Of this holders will 95.565 persons number of xrsons qualified for that drilling certificates, regular teaching only about forty per cent of them or 38,000. actually enter the teaching profession A majority of them enter other professions. The bad part of all this is that make-shifmeasures, emergency teadiers. and ialfdav sessions forced on many communities, will short change about 700,000 children in the coming year Tins is a heavy penalty to pay in citizenship education and this problem deserves the earnest attention of every citizen and every State legislature because of- the fact that a country's best investment is in an educated electorate. t - Cheaper xf The Doxen" By St. Louis. Mo. Mr. and Mrs Joseph C. Pauley, are determine rd to find out if its true that children are cheaper by the dozen. The birth of. a baby, boy brought their children up to 12 ten boys and two girls, the oldest 23. tx- - s I SUBSCRIPTION NAME--ADDR- ESS CITY . present well is being drilled. The well now being drilled is the Galena Syndicate B &. B No. and is located in the heart of the town of Virgin. The well location is approximately 50 feet from the Zion National Park highway. The well was "spudded in December 16th and is now near the 200 foot depth. From all geological reports, oil and gas should be encountered at the 1000 foot level. The Virgin area boasts five producing oil wells and an refinery which is located in North Creek, approximately three miles from the town of Virgin. pper-atin- PRICE $1.75 PER YEAR STATE. Moke checks or money orders payable to If Gift, Who From Roy Printing Co. -- Box J2q-- A Roy, Utah ; , g |