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Show "1 ) V f THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1954 THE ROY SUN Contest Announced to Gain PUBLISHED BY Further Area Interest THE ROY PRINTING COMPANY WwUy published at Ray, Utoh, in tha Interest af the surrounding communities of Roy, Riverdale, Sunset, Heop J. HOWARD STAHLE j 0 BETTY LOU STAHLE CAROLINE GOULD SHARON LARISON KYLE HARROP . . MANAGER-EDITO- R ASST. MANAGER-EDITO- R DIAL REPORTER DIAL REPORTER DIAL REPORTER , 17 The Aquila Nebekers have Mrs. Baraba Kimrose and her son Randy of San Diego, visiting with them Mrs. Nebeker and Mrs. Kimrase The following Riverdale service- are sisters Mr. Kimrose Is men who were home on a holiday expected to join his family Christfurlough are: Airman' 3C James C. mas Eve. Davis, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Davis, Airman 3C Harold J Stephens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stephens, Pfc. Noel E. Rees, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rees of HighA Christmas party for members land Dr. and Airman 3 C Vernon S. Atkinson, grandson of Mr. and of the Hooper 2nd Ward, over 70 was held last week in the ward Mrs Sam Atkinson. S. Sgt. James L. Cramer, son of recreation i After a short program ahd cerethe late Harry and Mrs Sal Cramer of Highland Dr has been dis- mony a turkey dinner was served, charged from the Air Force after Santa Claus was on hand with gifts, four years service in Idaho, Mam candv and nuts The party was sponsored by the land Japan and Korea Hooper 2nd Ward Old Folks Corn mittoe. composed of Mr and Mrs Remember the big New Year's Glen Powers. Mr and Mrs Leslie Eve dance to be held in the River-dal- Powers and Mr and Mrs Thomas stake house by the Stake MIA I.owe Dec 31 Owen Ridges will furnish the music Noise makers, confetti Trace Wheutly of the Hooper and all the fixings for a gala New Second Ward was the winner m Year celebration will be on hand the Lake Vk-Stake Speech The pubic is invited held last week at the MIA leadership Hatting It wa-- a Christmas Toss" ,m original ( !"-- o race nu r mx other con play was presented at the River-dal- test.iuts ITA meeting held Thursdav Dec 10 The piav was presented Mr. H!a a Rt was hostesbv the 1st and 2nd graders under to tile Rpv 3rd Ward Primurv the direction of Mrs Thelma Black offa ers and teachers at regular burn. Miss Ruth Fowers, Miss ward After preparation meeting Ixiuise Holmes and Mrs Arlene the lesson, Christmas stories Edwards Riverdale School will let were told anti a social was held out for Christmas holidays the Refreshments were served News in-la- afternoon of continue Jan. Dec. 22 School will 3. css to the holiday' party of DUP Camp U of Hooper. After a short program under the direction of the camp officers, the members enjoy ed games and freshments 4-- H ROY NEYS ' tha Naw Yeor bows in, let us look backward, for a moment, to our accomplishment in 1954. Let ui dwell on tha worthwhile thing let us recall the wa have don friends w have made. Let us b thankful for all the blessings of the yeor post, let us look forward to 1955 . . . with the hopes high for its 365 tomorrows. Let us resolve to fulfill ouf dreams of achievement ... . . . to renew our faith in Mrs Coral Jayne Terry enter tamed Wednesday evening at a party of a friends, honoring Mrs Sherrie Strayley and Mrs Shirla Olivers Montgomery, who is here from California visit mg with re!a lives and friends during the holi dax Mrs Montgomerv is tin J daughter of Mr and Mrs G Oliver trip to 3-44- nb-eque- nt as well a embroidered pillow dish towel, and dre-w- r scarf. apron, slip, Union Furniture -- re returned Brown Mr Stuart home to spend Christmas with his familv after traveling extensively m the western states for the Ogden Arsenal Newcomers to Roy are the Ariel Hulses who have just moved into their new home Mrs Frame Clark. Mrs Myrtle Russell. Mrs Erma Peterson and Mrs lone Cotley were hostesses to the DUP Camp 40 Dec. 16 at the home of Mrs. Clark Following the regular lesson a Christmas social was held and gifts were exchan god Refreshments were served The next meeting of the camp will be held Thursday, Jan 27 at Gillen. grrei; B.'-iio- jrd Mis Mirim N tci "'ook of Roy :t:e ihe proud grandparents of a new fi Iti 111 o grandson Born lo CHAPPELL'S Hardware b Lumber Co. 5210 S. 1900 W. PH, Kofflj 7 ('four Verve DOROTHY'S "YOUR NEW JUVENILE SHOP' In the Roy Theoter Building eak hlue-rtbho- Maurice baa learned to operata the tractor on farm. He ha ilys 850-arwon tractor operation contest five time and mad five demonstration M auric ha been club president threw time. II won a achnlarrhip to Utah Slat Agricultural Coilcgo on hi Dairy project and plan to uw it this winter. Hi dub leader i Mr an- - condin Bicycles Repaired ;; a 4-- H All three program Extension Service. Vincb.it.r Jcrtnt Excellent work in dairy production and management ha brought recognition in Utah to Gene Winchester, 18, of Morgan. Gcr.e, as Dairy Achievement winner, will atClub Corgres tend the National In Chicago a guest of the National Committee on Boy and Girl Club work. Gene' prize winning beef and dairy animal hava won ten chamr. He ha pions and 109 twice been county Dairy achievement winner, and last year won the Utah State Jersey Calf contest. Other honors were a trophy from Ford Motor Co, for heng Mate achievement winner, srd Standard (b! scholarship. Verl J Poll is Gen rlub leader, lie has held ever, o.'bce in h.s local dub, was av jnt leader and has been presides: of ).: eounty ProducL.ua coat ou U, Mather farm naar Smith field hava beat kept low because tractor repair hava b n minimized by aon Maurice, 19, who waa awarded an 11 expense trip to tha National Centres in Chicago a a guest of Utah Oil Refining Company. Tractor Utah winner in tha Robert NuKcl tn-e- 4-- H SAVE TIME AND MONEY-HA- VE YOUR DOCTOR PHONE YOUR . ur,d r tht d.rection J t) ( PRESCRIPTION TO .tt.ve l US BENNION DRUG augg. Pal B rgener. ( oleen Workman. Don Hall. Will Call. Dell Folk man and Vauna Vee Berrett Roy, Utoh fieir daughter, Meilene and her Phono 60 husband J Oakley Moore Tney are Thursdav and Fridav, Dec. 23 24 living in Spanish Fork The baby the Roy Kiwanis Club along with was born Dec 10 Roy Javcets and Apoendec Guild delivesed to several needy families The paternal grandparents of the a Xmas box of groceries, candy babv of Mr and Mrs J Oakley and toys The toys were furnished Moore. Mr and Mrs Joseph ( by Roy Jaycrcs and Apprender Moore of Hooper arc also the proud Guild They jointly wish all a very grandparents of another grandson happy holiday bom to their son Gayle and his wife Inoy on Dec. 11, Sgt Donald Ast, son of Mrs Carvie Ast of 4001 Riverdale Rd Young students from the A C is home after being released from in IOgan. who are visiting at home the armed services Nov 30 Sgt during the holidays are Margaret Ast, received his training at Fort , FANNING CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC The Christmas party scheduled for Dec. 16 by the DUP was postponed until Thursday Dec 30 at 2pm The party was held at the home of Mrs Effie CampbelT as cohostess Gifts were exchanged The next meeting of the camp will be Jan. 27 at the home of Mrs Carol King Boeger 5360 So 1900 West Roy, Utoh Hours: 10 to 12 Saturday 1 2 to 5 0 to 1 ATTENTION the future, let us welcome the New Yeor with ALL HOOPER confidence! RESIDENTS! Brand new 600.16 B Tires $12.95 ''Your Pitlsbury Feed Dealer" SPARROW CO. Roy, Utah Installation 4-- 4-- H Denver The Windsor Stewarts are abo in Idaho visiting relatives, Mrs Stewarts parents plus Lake Uiew : THE BIRD WITH THE BARGAINS Phone b Call Tunning, elect.ng anil preparing nourishing food ha been a challenge to Janice Iauhrk. 18, of Tooele, during her eight year in 4 H Club work. Due to her outstanding record, the ha been named s. Me winner in Food Preparation program the and will attend the National Club Congrwi In Chicago as the guest of Kelvinator. Janice ha cooked nd nerved 1.1C4 meal and 261 baked product during Club career. Becauso her her mother l employed, Janice ha taken over all meal preparation at home. She haa county winner four time in Fowl Preparation, atata wiener once. Janice dub activititw include thi following: every office in her loca. club including junior leader wssiitjrj her mother, Mrs Joseph M. Pauli'-k- . Club During her eight year In work, aha hi won a total of 38 I lue ribbon in county content, 12 1 hi ribbons In slat contest, and 12 medal for her project In home improvement, food preparation, clothing, garden, livestock, and leadership. career by Marilyn launched her raising a calf. After wiling the raff hi tha Junior Livestock Show, Marilyn ha financed all of her project. In aewmg, Maniyn has made drew, pajamas, and Sunday For - your - feed - needs Coll us! Delivery in your area made every Wednes- day, at no extra charge H. D. Jnic u athev e nter J C t ained Mr and Mrs Straylev and Mr and Mra J Leonard RumcII Mr and Mrs 8pm As MtW In home economic b bmugijJ gh honor to Marl'.n M.v.;, s, of Abraham. She h . been named it la Girin Record winner in the ISM presented with a program, and Club Con-r- i trip toLotha National Chicago by Montgomery Miss Opal Mrwnv, the niece and ward of Mr Wayne Wrssel is in Salmon, Idaho visiting with rela tives through the holiday season D HEAL Repairs time M.ufic son-in-la- Mrs. Hat- - Ask for TOMMIE HOWARD Ltlnndiiii Mr. and Mrs. George Symons if Henrietta, Texas, visited their Mr. tn4 daughter and Mrs. Willie Masters of 80 S. Main in Sunset over the holidays. REFRIGERATOR 4-- M.rilr" Murrty Robert Kleixes of 92 So, Main Sunset, won the first prize, a Monarch Cycle King Bicycle at a drawing held by Big Verns Service station, recently. O RANGE 4-- H :i Mr Stravlev is a 'member of the Wright Patterson Air Foie Band at Dayton, Ohio anti Mrs stravlev is the head rashier of the t ity Bank and Loan Co of Duvtun collide were m..'rM ! The youhere last Malta and aa.e Cx it nv me in Ohio s nee April. SUliSET HEWS TV Members in Utah Win Trips Bill Stravlev Sher rie Russell) are visiting with Mrs Strayloys parents Mr and Mrs James Leonard Russell at this California with friends and rela tives during the holida) season Private Parties Banquets Receptions Private Rooms Dining Room Coffe Shop open daily Finest in Pies and Cooking The place You Never Forget Phone Roy, Utah Richard Gibby, son of tie Gibby and the late Ilyrsu Gibby is visiting with his mother in Roy for the holidays. He reeewUy received his PHD. in electrical engineering from the Northwest University in Chicago, 10. Mr. Gibby received his B.S. and U.5. degrees at the University of Utah. He expects to leave shortly far New York where he may accept position offered him there. WASHER and Mrs Mr Mr and Mrs Peter Etklund of N44 Arsenal Villa are visiting m Church Portie Ot-tow- a, 4-- a MA'S AND PA'S HEARING SET A public hearing on the adoption of the 1955 city budget will be held Wednesday Dec. 29 at 7 p m. in the Roy Municipal Building. The public is invited TOP the holidays Shortly after her re turn she and her parents left for cat in a place that homey? Where you con relax and still get the best in food and service. Such a place is Mo's and Pa's in Roy. The surroundings ore pleasant and there's plenty of parking space Kays-vtlle- Among those present were: Mrs Albert Mitchell. Mrs. James Mrs. Zina Fuit, Mrs Larison, Dwight Bush, Mrs. A A Layton and Mrs. Micheal Bursen. Ord, Calif., and wa later stationed at Okinawa where he spent the last 19 months of his enlistment. Dr. Irvin Gibby and his wife Ann returned recently from Can., where Dr. Gibby was a guest of the Canadian government at a series of meetings with representatives of the Canadian, English and United States governments, concerning national de- On their return home the Gibbys visited friends in Batamore, Maryland, New York and Cincinnati. They also visited Mrs. Gibbys mother, Mrs. James Gibson, In Wise, Virginia, whom they have not seen for five years. Dr. Gibby is the acting scientfnc director and chief of TD and E. at Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. He is a medical bacterialogist. Dr. and Mrs. Gibby are residents of Roy and are living in their home at 5540 So. 2230 W. 1954 honors In Utah were presented to four Club member who exceptional work In tha National Dairy Achievement, Food Preparation, Girls Record and Tractor programs. Their rewards will b Club Congress In Chicago. Sumtrip to the 83rd National maries of their accomplishments are as follows; Sharon Wilson, daughter Mi of Mr and Mrs J R Wilson of 5(500 S in Roy, who is attending the AC in Iogan came home for WHY NOT Mrs. Rulon Waite entertained members of the AAW from Sunset and Clinton at the annual Christ. mas party, at her home In with your entry. HOOPER ai served. Contest will close Jan. 15, 1955 The paper coven areas such as Clearfield, Clinton, Hooper, Uintah, Sunset, South Weber, Riverdale, Kanesville, besides Roy The new name should be one which would iertain and be of interest to these communities. The paper has been received in over 2,800 home-- , of late, There should be many fine suggestions come from so many deliveries Address your entries to Roy Sun, Box 120 A, Roy, Utah Be sure to put your name and address m tin envelope along FOR INFORMATION CALL OFFICE LOCATION MANSFIELD REALTY Riverdale Mrs Sargent Rice gave the lesson on pioneer stories. Gifts were exchanged and refreshments were $10. 95 Mrs. Ivey M.' Johnston was host ess recently at a Christmas party for the Sego Lily DUP Camp of Clinton. Mrs. Eliiabeth Patterson gave a history. of Alexander Pat-teno- Because the "Roy Sun covers many communities outside of Roy and the name of "Roy Sun" is restricted. It has been suggested that we change the name. Therefore, we are setting a contest with the winner to be given or. South Weber, Uintfh, Clearfield. Clinton FEED Ph.3-876- 4 am AND SEED CO, Roy.Ut. ! tax SUPER PRICES ON ALL PREMIUM TIRES Gambles in Roy Real Estate & Insurance ROY, UTAH PHONE -- r 19 - ; |