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Show Q VN. f 4- - V i 4 - the FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1954 OBITUARIES t Arsenal Wilford Lewis, 58. 7 heart ailment a died of Villa, 6 a.m. near at Wells, Saturday Nev. where he was prospecting. He was a miner most of his life, and he was a veteran of World War I. He was bom August 29, 1895 in Hooper, a son of Horace E. Maria Christensen Lewis. He was a member of the LDS Church, and VFW. He had maintained residence in Provo and Roy the aat 10 years. He married Florence mith July 4, 1943 in Los Vegas, Nev. Survivors are his widow: two sons and a daughter, Jack W. Orem; Mrs. John JKeva McLaughlin; Fred Chase, Twin Falls, Idaho; his mother, Provo: nine grandchildren; three brothers, and three B-1- f I ! sisters. Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Berg Mortuary in Prom Burial at Provo Cemetary witfp dlitary rites by the VFW Pou,ii62. Vernal Frank Bowman, 49, Roy, died Friday in an Ogden hospital. He was bom July 29, 1905 in Riverdale, son of William Andrew and Alta Rebecca Spaulding Bowman. Married Lenora Russell in Brigham City Dec. 12, 1927. He was a member of the LDS Church. He was employed at Utah General Depot, and before that had worked at Clearfield Naval Supply Depot and for Utah Construction Co. Surviving are his widow; a son and a daughter: Cpl. Vernal Dale Bowman, United States Army, Sands, N. M.; and Miss Sue Bowman, Roy; two brothers and four sisters. Funeral sendees were held Tuesday at Lincoln and Sons Funeral Chapel. White Linda roV sun ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Allen of Los Angeles visited with her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Dalton and other relatives of Roy on their way to West Yellowstone on a fishing ' James H. Crane, of n Logan, Utah, trip. A dinner in their was fined $10 for a red light viola- honor by Mr. and Mrs. John J, tion. Draayer of South Ogden. Roy George McKenna, of 3557 Porter Avenue, Ogden, was fined Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Berrett have $10 for a red light violation. just returned from a delightful Harry Kent, of 2540 Jefferson weeks vacation in Yellowstone NaAvenue, Ogden, was fined $50 for tional Park. Accompanying them reckless driving, were a and Albert L. Klein, of 5921 So. 2G00 Mr. and daughter Mrs. Fred Gibson ana W. Street, Roy, was fined $10 for children, Lloydene, Lynne, and a stop sign violation. Rick. Another Vauna William Gardner Erickson, of Vee, and a guest daughter, of the Berretts, 171 So. 13th East, Salt Lake City, Zaugg, also was fined $25 for speeding, 6540. Migs Margaret the Berretts. Rulon F. Weaver, of 1438 Childs Avenue, Ogden, was fined $10 for a All ward Drama Directors, or stop sign violation. their are urged to Amidor Rios, Clearfield, was attend representatives, the Stake MIA leadership fined $25 for speeding 6540. meeting to be held Aug. Jose Rudy Cordova, of 160 East 12, at the LakeviewThursday, Stake House. 7th So., Salt Lake City, was fined Important changes in the drama $25 for following too close. program for the coming year will Bonita Nicholas Price, of 1139 be discussed. Harrop Street, Ogden, was fined $20 for following too close. Roy First Ward girls will attend Ralph Verne Pelton, of Orem, mutual on Monday, August 9, at Utah, was fined $10 for a red light the home of Mrs. Harry McCool violation. at three thirty p.m. From this Robert Clvde Newson, of II. A. meeting girls will receive . beauty F.B., Clearfield, Utah, was fined aid. $25 for speeding, 6540. Barbara Ann Hancock, of d W. 5500 So. Street, Roy, was fined fined $20 Street, Ogden, was for an improper turn from the $5 for an improper left turn. Russell G. Pierce, of Salt Lake wrong lane. was fined $20 for speeding, City, John Van De Graff, of 3258 6040. Fowler Avenue, Ogden, was fined Charles Edwin Showell, of 3520 $10 for a stop sign violation. Riverdal Road, Ogden, was fined Willie Watkins. H.A.F.B., Utah, a for $10 red light violation. was fined $25 for speeding, 6540. R. Young, of 423 Grand Jerry Donald Lee Beetolshofer, of h Boulevard, Park Ridge, Illinois, Street, Ogden, was fined $5 was fined $10 for a red light violafor blocking a driveway. tion. Sidney Warner Rodda, Jr., of Max R. Pinkham, of 2001 W. 2626 Quincy Avenue, Ogden, was 5600 So. Street, Roy, was fined for fined $10 for an improper left turn. Mark Gordon Kellerstraus, of an improper right turn. Norma M. McGlone, of Ogden, 2185 Wall Avenue, Ogden, was was fined $40 for reckless driving. fined for improper parking. E. Richards, of 3869 Ralph Matha Packer Ingram, of 2375 Ogden Avenue, Ogden, was fined was-give- son-in-la- w. 870-23r- 303-15t- Bryce Jensen and Dean Parker returned Saturday from a fishing trip on the Grays River in Montana. They had especially good luck and came home with lots of fish. As they were leaving they ran Into some of their Roy neighbors, Mrs. Fred Roberts and her daughMr. and Mrs. ter and Workman just entering the area. What a small world it isl THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO MADE OUR GRAND OPENING LAST WEEK SUCH A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS. The Roy Sizzling Cooks, club directed by Mrs. James M. Larison, has met requirements and are attending the H camp at Monte Cristo this weekend. Mrs. Larison and club members Judy Meldrum, Ann Larison, Bonnie Bambrough and Linda Holtry all went on the trip. (See Stringham) Theater Building PHONE son-in-la- H 4-- 1 Watch Ropairing Guaranteed One Year C. w, 4-- 4 j r t r Stringham Jowclry i Roy . 3-d- ay FOR SALE OR RENT UPRIGHT PIANO in excellent condition.' Phone 4-03- 98. FANNING CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC A ROY. UTAH Hour. 10 to 12 2 to 5 PHONE Saturday! 10 to I 1? Miss Arlene Gould is beginning Ted W. Higgs, son of Mr. and the second of her two week visit Mrs. Thomas Higgs recently rewith her cousin, Shirley Neiwert, turned from ordinance at Aberdeen in Burley, Idaho. Proving Grounds in . Maryland. At the completion of his assignment he received his commission, that of 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Army. SHOP IN ROY I Miss Kay Harper, who has been visiting her cousin, Penny Harper of Roy, has now returned to her home in Butte, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ressler are home from a weekend of fishing near Dell, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Venable, and Sharon have completed their vacation trip to Yellowstone National Park. SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE SUN J J 4 4 SUMMER BARGAINS 48 PC. DINNER SET 32 PC. DINNER SET COVERED CAKE PAN COFFEE PERCOLATOR . ANGEL FOOD CAKE PAN EGG BEATERS f TOP AT'.OUR Odds and Ends of Dishes - HAWAII TAIL Water Glasses - And Other Household Items ALL ON SPECIAL VISIT OUR GIFT DEPARTMENT Complete New Display of COPPER WARE - VASES - PLANTERS - i I CERAMICS - ETC. We Also Carry "MEL MAC", TEXAS DINNERWARE Guaranteed Two Years Against Chipping, Cracking or Breaking J r r r I ' ' |