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Show THE ROY SUN FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1954 Old Timers of Roy Will Parade For Quick, Economical Television day or night. Repairs call 4-31- Any type of Hand and INSURANCE our precision machine. All work done quickly and' accurately. Your mower will cut like new. A few min- utes here , FIRE in Eav. Jay ' . Ha and Mrs. Bryce Jensen are enjoying a visit from Mrs. Jensens sister and family fronrSacramento. The Scalleys have five children and with the Jensens own two, it makes a verv lively household and neighborhood. Up to 25 y ROY Phone LAKEVIEW FEED - Phone 3-- Beautifully 5635 So. 1900 West 90 ' Your Ixcal FIBERC.LASS INSTIGATION DEALER BICYCLES CHAPPELLS PHONE AUTO CLASS PHONE 4-25- 95 AT THE ROY, UTAH TRY OUR FOOTLONGS OR A HAMBURGER AND A MALT A little over a week after the time you read this, lovely Nancy Bingham will turn over her title of Miss Roy to some other lucky girl to reign over the Roy Day celebration. From the beauty and talent weve seen around Roy the contest should be close this year. Shirla- Oliver and Sharon Wessel both had their pictures in the "THIS IS ROY" every MONDAY at 9:00 A.M. on K O P P RADIO 7:30 on the DIAL MUSIC NEWS INFORMATION ABOUT OUR TOWN - INSTALLED Standard J3RAKE SHOE EXCHANGE NEW and USED PARTS 1 support it and help the celebration Interesting guests and customs had two guests last weekend, my cousin and a friend from Reno, Nevada. Fashion there seem to include short hair, together peddle Indian moccasins, and horts for summer wear. For school, (they will be seniors this year), wool skirts with box jackets that can be worn as suits, cashmere sweaters. and accessories and small 1 pu.-hor- HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCE FRESH FRUITS 3 CUCUMBERS for 10c UTAH SWEET PEACHES, lb. ......10c Fresh, Crisp CELERY Hearts, bu. 19c BY THE announcing to grow. Dial 9639 5224 So. 900 West Examiner, their candidacy. Roy Day promises to be a big affair this year. Lets ROY AUTO PARTS TRUCKLOAD s, earrings for everyday wear (its the custom there). The thing that seemed most different to them was seeing ankle sox with flats for school. They always wear hose out there. The favorite entertainment is to go into the expensive hotels in Reno and order drinks (Root beer and cokes cost 85 and 90 cents), reserve a table and stay to watch the floor shows, which often include such headliners as Eddie Fisher, The Four Lads, Jill Corey, Rosemary Clooney and many others. Fun, huh? Standing Offer By the way, the offer still stands by the driver of the car to Weber College during the school year, for girls who "would like to ride in. It would make a good chance to go in together and to save some money on 5666 SO. 1900 W. - transportation. ROY Marshal Dan to Ride In Roy Day Parade Phone 4-59- 15 Tfturray Gatver Optometrist to 4 ay except Fridays Evenings by Appointment 5519 Souttl 1900 West Office Hours 9 UTAH FRED GORTCINSUY By Sharon Lari8on Hi! HARDWARE CO. ROY (Dr. UK. - 31 TEEN TIMES REPAIRED RIFLE SCOPES MOUNTED Roy PRODUCE ROY- decorated pan or Phone FREE ESTIMATES at Regular Prices All Work Done by a Skilled Technician 19 FOR SALE OR RENT Upright Piano in excellent condition. PHONE 04 s MAXINE MOORE A. M. TRIBE' PHONE 01 Evening Service Call layer calces for birthdays, weddings, and all special occasions. "Try before you buy" " GUARANTEED REPAIRS CAKES COSMETICS b FRED'S RADIO & TELEVISION 64 BEAUTY COUNSELOR -- Less INSURANCE & W. 5600 So. MI AIR CONDITIONED -- REALTY 1931 Open 7 MANSFIELD BLANCHE PARKER Phone Roy. Utah AUTO Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Baker and their daughter, Verlecn, have completed a vacation trip through Sun Valley and Salmon City, Idaho. Verleen enjoyed a visit with Opal Messervy, who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wessel WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR VACATIONS FROM AUGUST 2nd TO AUGUST 9th Roy, Utah Bring in your lawn mower and have it sharpened on 19 MATTIE'S CAFE 50, A. KLEIN Power LAWN MOWER Sharpened the factory way time residents and early settlers of this community will be honored quests in the Roy Day Parade. They will be carried along the parade route in flashy new convertibles furnished by owners and nearby auto dealers. All Old Timers are requested to to call Mr. Burt Mansfield at reserve a place in the convertible section of the parade. You are requested to get in touch with Mr. Mansfield no later than Tuesday, August 10th. Old Paso 8 Every ROY Featuring THE OUTSTANDING CITIZEN OF THE WEEK jportsored by ROY DEPT. STORE ROY LUMBER CO. THE ROY SUN BENNION DRUG CO. BETTER HOMES CO. OF UTAH PORTER FLORAL CO. UNION FURNITURE CO. The clothes you wear we clean with care. DE LUXE CLEANERS West Roy, Utah PHONE Come in and visit our plant. 5600 South 1941 2-24- 18 PICK UP AND DELIVERY Outside IThite Paint, Gal. - 2.98 Pure Boiled Linseed Oil, Gal. 2.15 15 Gal. Lots lb. bag, lb. - 11c Painters Thinner, Gal. - 48c Hails, Box or Common, 7 lbs. $1.00 Cement Paint, Special - 20 off The Complete Paint Stores Graphite, 25 Marshal Dan of local T.V. fame among the six gun set will be among the colorful figures riding in the Roy Day Parade, August 16. He will be mounted upon a fine steed furnished by Mr. Vem Thompson, local subdivider and home builder. Well bet that every lawrider within miles will be lined up in Roy Saturday morning, August 15, for a real close-u- p look Former residents of Roy, Mr. at Marshal Dan. and Mrs. Neil McCrary of Sacra-SAYOU SAW IT IN THE SUN Y lento, dalif., are visiting friends nd relatives in Roy. !AY YOU SAW IT IN THE SUN" |