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Show v VOtVl T 3100 W. A 5 foot 2 inch, honey-colere- d brunette with big brown years old and a graduate ijoyi 'ter eyes, 18 of Weber High School. Her talent is sewing, the. same talent Miss Universe displayed. She was chosen as a representative on the Daughters of Pioneer Float for the July 24th parade and wore a formal she had made hereself. She is a 3 year blue ribbon winner in sewing at the Utah 4-- H State Fair. She intends to enter Rrigham Young University this Fall to further her education. She has been a Sunday school teacher, President of the Junior Cleaners and immediate past secretary of the Girl's Association of Weber High School. All the letter carriers and clerks JR Kn' 17' -- I ROY POST OFFICE LaVERN FAYE EMPLOYEES CHOOSE RUSSELL WEDS QUEEN CANDIDATE Mr. Mrs. The Roy Post Office has chosen Miss Carol Peterson as their Roy Queen representative for Roy Pay. August 13. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson at 4(100 S. . Blood Bank Opened By Church Group Pete Russell, Roy, and opened at the Dee Hospital by the Priests Quorum of the Lakeview Ward under the direction of Bishop Lloyd Berrett. Donors are requested to refrain from eating for a period of four hours before offering their blood. Hours are from 12 to 5 P.M. Residents of this community are encouraged to make a donation to this project so that an account will be built up that wall be available in case of immediate need or a Cowperthwaite. The marriage took place at 7 p.m. July C at the I'irst Prespeterian Church in Ogden. Rev. Garrittson performed the ceremony. The bride wag gowned in a light blue ballerin length dress with a matching blue hat with veil. She had a corsage of pink roses. disaster. Mrs. Roy Hartman, matron of honor, wore a red and white ballerina length dress. Roy Hartman BIRTHDAYS OF assumed duties of best man. THE WEEK A reception at the Church fol- -. lowed the ceremony. The couple Mary Elizabeth Kinsley enjoyed a wedding trip to Yellow- - Susan Lynn Seifert stone park. They will make their Hon Hull 'Joyce W. Oliver future home in Ogden. Marvin Venable Bill Medell Post the and Postmaster of Roy Office have pledged their support Kathryn Marie Behling Carolynn Gould in Carols behalf. Alan Carver 1 . A IK Roy Day A blood bank account has been the wedding of their LaVern Faye Russell to daughter James Edwin Cowperthwaite, son of Mr. Joseph E. Cowperthwaite, Chicago, 111., and the late Mrs. announces M and up We have a complete stock of many models for you to. choose from Buy your Piano in Roy and Save some money -- Celebration Just Around the Corner 3-13- CJ n M WE MUST SAVINGS IUJ Inlo The Bird with the Bargains PHONE 3-44- 64 3X233: ROY, UTAH area-comple- coverage. - CALL THE ROY SUN 4-24- for Rates You will be surprised how ine f pensively you can tell your story all the people in this vicinity ROY, HOOPER, SUNSET, CLlh TON. PIVERDALE. Published weekly in Roy, Utah I Phone Allen Browning. We solicit your news items ar helpful suggestions that will mal1 this paper more interesting 4-2- 47. YOU. Letters to the editor must fc signed, of 100 words or less, an must not violate cannons of goo taste. Address letters to: The Ed tor,v- - Box 5, Roy, Utah. IIW " ' n"TTT HI brought to a fitting climax writ a dazzling fireworks display. Everyone is invited, and a specif welcome is extended to Roy neighboring communities. Its fu for everyone on Roy Day! Roy First Ward Girls Encamp At Lakeview Stake Camp I With thread-bar- e bined with dirt clothes com hunger, and ex haustion, thirteen girls drug inti the Lakeview Stake Camp las Saturday night. It seems they hac spent all day blazing a pati throught the mountains. Steep smooth rocks and mountain oak. that pulled loose at the slightesi touch, became common obstacles were Jeanetto Troop and Jeaneeta Fage and Carol Hamblen, Carol was also the expeditior' leader. Sliding down waterfall! wore out more than peddle-pushe- n for Carol Smith, Renada Gertz Barbara Howe, and Carolynn Gould Larrene Moncur, advisor, and Rose Mary Holley sadly discovered thai Hank, the camp dog, was more trouble than good while being Carol boosted up high cliffs. Jensen and Linda Holtry, the youngest of the group, were' experienced hikers after the eight hour walk. Also tired and exasperated were Lynn Algiers and her mother. Upon return to the camp the girls were greeted by a reception committee consisting of Myra Sevey, Molly Grange, Dawna Gould, Marla Fage, Connie Greenwood, Sharon Seamans, Charlene Nelson, and Karlene Brenchley. Also waiting at camD with a tempting meal were Lucille Fage, Myra life-guar- Holley N te 74 ds and Annie Russel, camp advisors and cooks. Leoda McCool was thrilled to sec us safe and sound when she arrived Sunday. CLEAR THE FLOOR FOR NEW MODELS. EVERY SET REDUCED FOR TREMENDOUS 0i . IW ALL SETS NEW, WITH FULL FACTORY' WARRANTEE. 61 4-2- 41 orches-trabetwee- SHOP IN. ROY 56 4-3- night August 13, through Saturday. Activities get off on the jump with ,a pancake supper, Friday night at the park, followed by the Miss Roy Pageant and Community Dance, at the Lakeview' Stake Recreation Center. This promises to be an outstanding event, with lots of talent and figures already signed up. There will be dancing n with Shorty Ross enlarged phases of the pageant. This is a MUST for all interested n fine evening entertainment. Saturday morning gets started with a big parade. Entrants have )een Jined up from over the surrounding area as well as from toy. Many businesses in Roy are lard at work, trying to capture the coveted trophies which will be Tne nationally famous IVeber County SherifFa Posse will e on hand along with the South Junior High Band, VFW Drum and Bulge Cofp of Brigham City, and A1 Warrens Shetland Pony Stage, and other attractions. The forepart of the afternoon will be highlighted with a girls softball game and a baseball gatne Inapersed throughout the. day will be games, contests, - ana exlhibi-tion- s for' enjoyment and entertainment for all. Facilities will be available for eating at the park. A program will be underway J1 e.ght p.m., and the evening will be Kay Hazan Roy, Utah PHONE 2-9- The Roy Day Celebration committee, spearheaded by Calvin Siddoway, hopes that the people in Roy and surrounding communities are getting ready for a day and a half of relaxation and fun. The enlarged, completely shaded, Roy Park will be buzzing with activity and gayiety from Friday Harold W. Stolz Joseph W. Child 2218 West 4400 South Phone your news items to on the following reporters: Uneva Workman - - - Dial 344: Caroline Gould - - - Dial Sharon Larison - - - - Dial Dial The Editor Your ad in this paper will b d familk livered to more than-220in our immediate trade t Fisli Fry Planned Senior Members of the Aaroni Priesthood of the Lakeview Stak will hold an outing and a fish fr at the Lakeview Stake Cam Saturday, August 7. Members am their wives are invited for an after noon and evening of games am outdoor fun. |