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Show Group Homes of State Training School Program N yS S' W 3r. A v x o. v, ,J v I tVVV ; - r '- - ,, y 4 3 :; t -- J ' L .:.. "A.. Wr r, 'V'lrfe fffl p 4V1S j v;i I I -- f -- t ?,-- . T M' ft ? v. v 4 V ' f - :A i I IT i Hv. I XV i xfx' v . . . . J: fe g Av. w f v i $ ',h vV.i &. ' . !: '! '.,, '4 ', ' ,, ' r-a- f$5 ' i ? , ' , - I C4 , C a ;;s Vs jf j; - v-'- ' ". rfevj "T4 v s ' . 't K t'; '1 ff 'f' frf' XJ lr w.. $Vv"f ..' v,w V--1 & - v " f 7' t 7'7&h ' 7177 Vs i-- 4 i i ty " t ? v 1 ujU u I :;Jf f ; - v'- r', . a- - i J - f , A: v AV v w te, .. vx ... - 4 46 , v i .? v ft7'l'S5?;: uaMms 'fl f: V M -- L'''';. x' '.5 . ":r ' - v, ::$ t t 4 t . tv.v. .1 i v ' - A - fw : r i r v - ' 'X- - 'T v? t a $ .yX-w x .- VI. t; I 'i ji ' ' - ' ''.' .x - ' ' ? Xl Comfortable bedrooms are highlight of the group homes. Photos by Roger Taylor. Free School On March 1, the Jefferson Free School became allied with registered at the school . An afternoon program for the Community Education the Junior Services Department of the Salt Lake City Board of Education. They will sponsor the school for sixteen months, supporting the goals and overall program at Jefferson. VISTA volunteers established the school and serve as instructors but the objective is is High drop-ou- t expanding to serve the increased need for such a program. The Junior High group meets Monday through Friday from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. with classes to replace this staff with in mechanics, ecology, math and media. High school credit courses, basic skill classes and GED community volunteer teachers. Hopefully, by the fall of 1973 VISTA will be able to turn the preparation classes are offered Monday through Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. New Free School over to the community. Volunteer teachers courses in Business Skills, Science and Social Studies were added for include Ladd Holt, Teresa the spring quarter. Holmes, Lisa Wirthlin, Wayne The school is presently exploring a possible extention of adult education into the Central Starker and Roger Stroud. The Free School is a non-profiall volunteer, free educational program for the out-o- f school adult and teenager. t, On March 1, the school celebrated its first anniversary ending the Winter Quarter by awarding 47 certificates, 43 and 7 full credits. Approximately 300 students are half-credit- s City area. May 1 has been set as a tentative date for opening a program two nights a week. Volunteer teachers are needed and for more information on the program, please call or stop by the Free School at 1071 South West 359-496- 9 Temple. program at the Free School. over-al- i ' W The group home for girls is furnished attractively with Model Cities funds. J l The Arts and Crafts class is a favorite at Jefferson Free School. |