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Show of our political The basis neighborhood improvement has their constitutions governments part to respond to the citizens wishes. Others see the interaction as an extension of the conflict between the citizen and changed from the "full city government. Dear Editor: Please print the following There is no doubt that the citizen's role in participation with letter: local government for Dr. Knight B. Kerr, Principal West High School behalf of some parents who have brought it to our attention and in behalf of the Sophmore boys who attend West High, we are requesting and strongly recommending that the practices of 1. Pink bellying, 2. bombing(pouring wintergreen, etc. over the genitals), 3. towel flipping, 4. forced singing and other humiliation and 5. head shaving be discontinued. For a young sophmore to have to anticipate this type of humiliation repeatedly or even once should certainly not be a to belonging to West's Athletic program. In pre-requisi- We feel a f ter hearing explanations from boys and their parents that this type of behavior on the part of your and other seniors is sadistic, unkind, unfair, and certainly uncalled for. vice-preside- We would anticipate that above all West High would be Good SPORTS- teaching MANSHIP and this type of behavior aims the opposite direction. We feel your staff is responsible for the actions taken for or against students in the locker rooms as well as the rest of the school and charge you with the responsibility to see that THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR CEASES, immediately. We have been informed that ordinary pink bellying causes red extremely severe internal bleeding abuse that was caused. While boys are being bombed, they again are held against their will while private parts of their body and other areas are covered " b We Cities says, consolidating existing programs such as Model citizen participation. While the lines dividing the two are not always well defined, the message of this administration is clear: The Model Cities program is not to be controlled by citizen Cities, Urban Renewal and Code and groups. Control responsibilities rest with the local government. Unfortunately, this administration inherited less attention and receiving philosophy Senate citizen participation because of this ... we have found it necessary in some cases to require substantial revisions prior to the tending of planning or execution of contracts. Whatever the formula is for and disposition of private land. The House Bill would not require citizen participation or developing the proper mix between citizen participation and local government control, it is the belief of many, that given proper local support and federal funding, Model Cities can reshape urban life. An enlargement of the Model Cities program was the addition of the "Planning Variations public hearings. Tne Administration Bill Department and the newspapers. We sincerely hope that there won't be cause for future letters citizen participation, although the city would have to make understanding of the problem public its plans for community development use of Federal Funds. From experience we know the peiformance of programs has ranged from frustration to very and your immediate attention. successful. Some view the future of sophmores. Thanking you for your Yours truly, interaction between the citizen Dorothy Pulley People's Free Way, Inc. Satelite Center gioups and local officials many areas of the extensive citizen control, and (Sparkman) limits Bill in a country dedicated toward priorities are placed on clearance, rehabilitation and new housing. What is the citizens role7 The provides no clear requirement for mistreatment , 1 the Salt Lake City Police to you regarding a recognition of the difference between citzens control and Enforcement . The trend today is on physical development. This means the social programs are himself had to bear it." A copy of this letter is being sent to the Board of Education, involves responsibility are aimed at he To understand this administrations (Nixon) policy position as to the cities ultimate programs deemed these changes necessary. Bills before Congress certainly because "representative" participation evidenced in many programs experience under the first generation of Model Cities INFLICT this injustice on a younger student Robert H. Baida, former assistant secretary for Model Sharing has brought about many of the changes. Practice and feel that some parents may also feel this way and that you must take action to pi event such an incident of retaliation. Those students who have been so treated and weathered it then when they become Seniors seem to feel perfectly free to RE participation" concept of 1966, it has slowly evolved into the today. The advent of Revenue and they must suffer this for approximately one half hour before being permitted to wash off. Some boys 70 - 80 pounds are held by boys twice their size and in groups. Some boys have stated they intend to get a gun and kill the of the people to make and to alter system is the right Allocations for Fiscal Year 1972. This is where the Model Cities Geo. Washington of government. area previously left out now feel they are part of the program and strive to give better cooperation. Actually, this is a preview of the Revenue Sharing program, which is to come. Hopefully, these programs will be bigger and better. The Administration is confident they will be the answer to our urban ills. Again the question, where does this leave the citizen? Truthfully, the citizen is left in a very important position. The citizen has to realize his position and the formal role he is to play. They key area for government improvement is the of fragmented funding The key area of citizen improvement is the fragmented system of citizen organization. The citizens must present a better system of organization so they can assume the vital role of "reviewer and "consultant. There is not a better voice for community awareness than the citizen committee neighborhood council, but it has to find a more effective means of delivery if it is to be accounted for within the Administration's program. The impact of citizen participation on individual residents is indicated by resident employment, examples of increased and awareness, political knowledge of how to participate in government programs, and at times increased disillusionment with government programs." concept is employed city wide. This variation is better received because representatives of the as healthy and a willingness on the marks to appear after a student has been held down and slapped repeatedly by 4 to 15 seniors. We are informed that welts in some cases have resulted and in I i "I ' 'If ,rY I b I' ' 1? i! i . salt lake mods! neighborhood nsws one I volume The Model NEIGHBORHOOD News is a publication of the Salt Lake Model Cities Agency under the of the Joint Board of and County Commissioners with editorial offices located at 1 19 East 21st South, Bldg 5, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 " Publication of the Model Neigh borhood News is made possible through a grant from the ment of Housing and Urban Devel-CitDepart-supervisio- f- - n 4r y opment. Marlene Marie Young, Editor Jim Phillips, Circulation Jerry Carter, Staff Reporter and Photographer Kirk Terry, Staff Reporter Donetta Fluker, Editorial Assistant Joint Board of Commissioners Ralph Y. McClure, Chairman Conrad Harrison Jennings Phillips Phillip R. Blomquist William E. Dunn Stephen Harmsen i's $ $ , ILt H i s S HK ( 4 - v' t & L if i y4 by yflky y A & i ' i'' , fiBtJwhi ryyyt ty or f tempi |