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Show Coordinating Council Decides Priorities Representation in a national citizen participation organization was discussed by the Model Cities Coordinating Council at its April 6 meeting. Leo Adams, Housing Task Force Chairman, outlined the purpose of the organization, stating that membership runs about $350.00. Three delegates, Jane Civish, Leo Adams and Kim Wennesland will attend a citizen participation conference in Trinidad, Colorado on April 14, 15 and 16. Usage of possible reprogramming funds was the main topic as projects which had been cut to fund PAM RS needed to be prioritized. I Bryan Gardner stepped down from his position as Council Chairman in order to state his feelings about the projects to be considered. "I feel first priority should go to housing projects. One of the main goals of Model Cities is to prevent slums, he said. Projects approved by the Council for funding were listed by priority as 1. Emergency Home Repair and Housing Development, 2. UTAP (citizen supply $50,000 to use as matching funds. Adams discussed eligible areas in the model neighborhood for inclusion in the program and some of the questions raised by the Housing Task Force. The program would cover rehabilitation grants and loans, minor site improvements, demolition and relocation. Every home in the selected neighborhoods would have to be brought up to code standards, either at the expense of the owner or through grants and loans available through the program. getting Become it active in together one of the s. wen ARY 9 A working Front dust and dm o f world outside the gate. Where stark reality on failing feet Id'anis late and long in search of some sad mate, (an cottth rt me in their tv. shelter-shade- s When thinking finds me bitterly depressed With men who make inhuman human trades hid in them ignorance leave mankind oppressed. task forces , Families with annua! . incomes under $3,000 would qualify for grants and loans For Pete Grundfossen, Model Cities Director, advised Council training program), 3. a Manpower project, and 4. the Northwest Day Care Center. Adams brought up another project, the Federally Assisted Information Call approve the Code Enforcement proposal and place it just after the Northwest Day Care Center in Code Enforcement program, priority. which had been approved by the Housing Task Force for funding. Salt Lake City would receive $500,000 if it participates in the program and Model Cities would parks project was presented for zero funding Model Cities be met. The Council voted to -- . into high priority positioning, HUD would accept this as showing good faith and the April 15 deadline for acceptance could know a place , and call it what you will It is for me a haven where J may Without regret, regard the passing play Taunted by my colleagues Jaek and Jill, it's not without, beyond the busy mart . . Its here within the sanctuary of mv heart. I would be available for families with higher incomes. members that they were only approving a concept at this point, as many specifics would need to be clarified and worked through. He told the group that if Model Cities would move this proposal ehastered garden, alcove, or ret real 467-941- 6 bv Dank Howard HUMAN TRR TO ONE AROTIII R It 'ou have known me. And yet not known me In true fellowship I'm living Seek me not when I ease to be Hail me not! While Raise me not!! A C)y not one tear for me Atone not my ears with Trifle breath ; Tor I'll not hear you. My ears then tune to the still quiet of Immortality. approval by Lorna Lee, Physical Environment Task Force but was dismissed for lack of a motion. do my thing And you do your thing I am not in the world to lire up to your expectations And you are not in the world to lire up to mine. You are unt and i am I. Audi by chance we find each other It beautiful. I e Northwest Center Faced With Probl m Multi-Purpos- Residents of Northwest Salt Lake living around the Northwest Center are faced with somewhat of a dilemma. The Tony Mitchell, Director of the Northwest Multi-Purpos- e the Center, described the reaction of the Advisory Board and staff as follows: Center were set ''We could either wait aside for a community park to include ball fields, picnic areas, etc. However, neither the City nor the County will make a move around for federal funds, or we could try to generate some community involvement in the to develop the park. County development using volunteer Parks and Recreation will not develop parks in the City and the City Parks Department is using its groups and donated labor and materials. Subsequently, the staff of the Northwest Center, with the support of the Advisory Board has been contacting a number of community groups to assist in the development of the park. Last Saturday, a major effort was made by the Utah National Guard, Engineer Corps, under the direction of Captain Haws, to do Multi-purpos- e 20 acres surrounding Multi-purpos- e funds for the Jordan and Glendale Parks. The proposed solution was to use Model Cities funds as a local match by the County for a Legacy of Parks application and for the City to maintain the park once it is developed. However, no Model Cities funds have been earmarked for the project. park, and at least start major earth moving and preliminary site work. The guardsmen fulfilled their National Guard obligation during the weekend training, by bringing 3 scrapers, 2 tractors and a grader to the field and did much of the preliminary shaping of the bail fields and the sleigh riding 20-acr- e hill. This community b The Rose Park Junior Chamber of Commerce is fortress for kids to play in, the Juvenile Court has assigned some of the youth with whom they counsel to work off their fines by working on the park. a by Marsha Gale Boyd Moods are kinds funny, Their different day by day, You'll never have the same one twice. They never come that way. service project will be used by the Guard as part of its training for heavy equipment operators. Other groups have also been assisting, or have pledged to provide assistance in the development of the park. planning MOODS Sometimes you'd be happy, Then others you'll he sad Outside You'll be smiles While inside you'll be mad. At times you'll want to sing Then again you'll want to cry. Then all at once you'll spread your wings And fly up in the sky. Everyone has sorrows When things are going wrong, Say, things will be better tomorrow, But the hours seem so long. |