Show CAN T HANDLE BUSINESS ra inroads not keep ng pace with de of the west chicago that it will be useless to attempt to develop the west with in adequate railroad facilities was the as bertlon ot transportation officers at meeting in chicago on thursday the conference was of general passenger agents of western railroads and the question for cons de ration was low home seekers rates during the coming winter and spring it had been pro posed that for the sake of develop ing the trans missouri coi the usual low round trip fares should be author iced which rates have had the effect of helping to settle the great district during the past few years after a thorough discussion it waa the consensus of opinion that it loulu be useless to go ahead with low rates and attempt to populate the western states when transportation companies are entirely inadequate to handle the present business it was a frani confession on the part of the railroad men of the ie plo rable condition of transportation lines showing that while the west needs people the railroads are not in a position to handle the traffic |