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Show 2B Vikings Drop One Too needed. 2 children and 1 Infant. Davis, HAFB area. 6:30to 4, 5 days a wk, Call 773- Wildcat Jinx Continues 6187l reliable child care, home atmosphere, fun Indoor and outdoor activities, 2 years and UP, Roy area. Fhavo good " 825-r- What can you do if you're Woods Cross coach Clyde Jack-so- n but put your head in your hands and wonder why? After starting region play Jacksons Wildcats have now lost four straight games by a total of seven points. The latest loss to Highbeing a land Friday. And Viewmont coach Ron Johansen, elated last week over his 3-- 0, Robinson could not break free for the shot but passed to an open Jr. Avei, whose last second jumper careened off the 18-fo- ot Woods Cross plays host East Friday at 7; 30 p.m. Viewmont also is at home against Davis at 7:30 p.m. EAGLE SCOUT, INFORMATION IN 2. Lakeside Review AT week there was a tie for second in the re- -. and this week there is a gion, tie for third. And no one is out of the race to the state tournament. Its just a region war by closely matched teams. The Wildcats versus Rams game was a typically close match. The score was tied five times in the final quarter, and was knotted at when Highlands Scott Grim scored on & baseline drive with seconds three-wa- y ht 1 1 lpft. - The Wildcats got the ball into forecourt with five seconds to go and called a time-ou- t. The inbounds pass came to Woods Cross hot handed Steve Robinson, who tallied a East is a very good team, and their sophomores can play well Waterproofing of water invour Tired ment? Call Dayton Davis Grapplers Finish In First Schools wrestling team captured four first place slots on their way to a team I Davis High LOST SO 7. Davis four region champions Shawn Robinson, 115 pounds; ' Mike Gerrard, 135 pounds; Nate Hinckley, 158 pounds; and Greg McNabb, 88 were: class. We came back with a lot of hardware and a smile, said coach Jim Dickson. The Darts also took four second places and three third places at the meet to win the team title our of dog. Male, brown, white and black Sheltie. 4 vr. old. Answers to the name Ricky. Last seen at 5035 S. 2800 W. 40 PERSONALS Acrylic nails, wraps. Solar, your home or mine. Cindy AIR FARE SPECIAL ROUND TRIPS S398 S278 S278 S348 SLC-NY- C D.C. 101-pou- 1 1 n cat. black tabby and white, brown9. nose, Farmington area. Found: White and Black Mixed, Female Puppy, vicinity of Smith's and Gentile. Reward for the return Lauderdale-534- 8 SLC-F- t. Thru 22984. Some off peak fares Airline discount coupons , buy or sell. or MORMON - Cult? Check It out New message Each week. transportation. Hinckley was also named the outstanding wrestler in the meet. ' Socialist countries have a big advantage ' in most Olympic sports because the governments of those countries support the athletes. This is particularly true of the minor sports and the team sports, Marsh said. The U. S. has a good system of developing young athletes in sports like basketball and track because of the support those through, high , sports receive schools and colleges. But lesser known sports, such as the luge, get help only from private donations. Socialist countries, on the other hand, pour money and re- search into all areas of Olympic competition. You watch during this years Olympic games.. The Socialist countries will completely dominate the lesser known, less popular events. They put far more emphasis on those events than we possibly can in this country, Marsh said. Socialist countries have their countrys top medical and scientific consultants available for help, Marsh said. For example, Soviet scientists are currently doing genetics tests on infants to decide which ones will have the best early athletic ability, to help them fill spots in sports like gymnastics, where athletes reach their peak as early petitors, because they will have a head start, Marsh said. The Eastern Bloc countries also employ their best engineers to gain every advantage for compe- tition. For example, the East Germans put some of their top engineers to work designing luges. Every year the Americans have to wait to see what the East Germans and Soviets are using and then try to copy it, Marsh said. You can see what were up against, he added. Marsh said he doesnt anticipate an end to the continual abuse of drugs used to improve athletic performances. Athletes have been using steroids for years, but now there are tests that expose users so the athletes are going to other types of drugs that dont show up in the current tests. One bad effect all the publicity about the use of steroids by world-clas- s athletes has had is that younger athletes are also using them. ' When the elite athletes use steroids, and the news filters down through the masses, the developing athletes, who want to become the elite, start using them too, Marsh said. A Purdue University study Flexible hours, little or no investment and free training. Donna , , showed that are us- ing steroids . . . and these kids are stunting their growth. Steroids can cap the bones growth as 14 years. The Soviets have found that plates, stopping bone growth. Marsh, who was the certain blood types and certain skin types are more likely to desteeplechaser in the world in velop their athletic ability better 1983, thinks his drop to No. 2 may benefit him in the coming and earlier than other types. This gives those chosen as pos- year. It makes me hungrier, he sessing supior potential will have a head start over all other com- - said. top-rank- ed . 4 DIRECTORY Cot a job to do? Coll on someone who knows howl 100 CHILD CARE Floor Coverings Babysitting Mv Home, : blocks below Lakevlew Ele Old Hardwood floors made mentary in Roy. Phone Bookkeeping serBookkeepineTvping rates. vice. Reasonable like new. No wax, polvura- - Phone thane finish. Sanding, and Art Brick Work work, Hauling We Haul any kind of trash or fireplaces, stove pads, and houses. No iob too small. Dependable quality work. Licensed con- e tractor. For Free estimates-phonevenings. New-- York City. Salary S400. per month. Call collect eve-nln- Child care in Kavsville-- a all in home and a HANDYMAN 7. one. All kinds of home repair from floors fo roofs. GuaranDependable, experienced. teed work. Fred State Licensed child care home. Ages Monday HOME REPAIR SERVICE Friday. Inspections welcome. plumbWallpaper, painting, ing. Senior Citizen Discount. 479-67child care, Early morning full time in the Layton area, weekdays. Household Cleaning pro Professional Men and Wom- Experienced Day Care vider has opening for 2 chien. Have your home cleaned ldren, any age in the while vour at work. Refer-encClearfield area. Slate lis 7. applied. Vicki 6. WE CLEAN. Wash walls, L'.enced. woman experienced ceilings, windows. Senior Cit- Mature in child care will come to izen Discount. your home and care for your family while you vacation, References. Income Tax Need a full time babysitter? CAN YOU SAVE TAXES? Let Fran babysit your chil6, E.B. Ellis Let's try! dren at her house. Anytime and Company Inc, from 6am-4pMonday- -. INCOME TAXES: I will do Friday. I have experience of all ages. Call yours as carefully as my. with children M-7am-3pown. 15 vrs. experience of in my homo Need babysitter fesskmVl servicesSatnreason- 3 for year old, weekdays, able rates. Guaranteed, Call west Roy area. Call after 9. 7. Chimney Cleaning Top Hat Chimney Sweeps Licensed 8, Insured, no mess. Clean work professional. S35. ' Construction Dennis Falk Construc- tion, remodeling, new construction, residential, small commercial. All carpentry work, basement, finished, addition, kitchens, decks, concrete and aluminum sid- -' Ing. Phone Oberg Construction, new or remodeling, free estimate, any size lob. Santerra Construction . and Drywall Complete Remodeling Service, All types of remodeling and new construction, large or small. Free Estimates, very competitive prices. Call 8, 4:30, Steve Painting & Texturiilng and Painting, vinyl28 hanging yrs. experi-enctexturizing, Data Processing COMPUTER SUPPORT Affordable, personalized service to make the most of your computer. 6 years6. call Mark e. 394-31- SPECIAL WINTER PRICES! Quality work yrs. experience. Drywall texturing-al- l from basemertts Senior Izen Discount. Fencing FENCING-chai- n Residential and industrial. In- surance repairs welcome. We Install all winter. Most fence parts in stock. 6x12x6 high portable dog run. 193. Free estimates. ROYLANCE FENCE CO. 100 North Main, Lavton I 15 Plumbing INSTALL WE Sump Pumps, and extract water Cit- - kinds of drywall and patch jobs. No Fred iob to small. For 1 1 Home Repairs and Repair. Call anytime. Mike immediate employment. year stay. Near LDS church. hour from Minimum iunk, fast service, or 479-67- Carpet installation Carpet Installation Bob care for 6 year old bov and housekeeping for New Jersey professional couple, Child TL. ne Dargaifl5 to bp I f..mr -arc -- :n HactlfipH real Stoppers: hpart Pleas let mo tend vour chil dren. I have alot of TLC to share with them. Excellent meals and snacks. Kaysville area, very reasonable. Call or before after 6pm, 8. at licensed area, day care. Roy Close to Valley View School. 8. Call Sandl Stato Lisenced day car in my Rov home. Nutritious 5. meals and snacks. Will tend vour age children, Clearfield area, close to everything. Phone Would love to tend 1 or 2 children, day or evening Live In Clearfield area. 776- - , 2354. Would love to tend v kids. 2 years and ol Clearfield area. double wide Sahara, den, 76 bedrooms, 2 baths, garden tub, wet bar, fireplace, storage shed, drapes, fridge, china cabinet, dinette set, 0. garbage disposal. 3 $188 Down Payment 0. '74 Concord, 14 X 66, 3 bed- room. Set up In choice fami-I- v park, with skirting, cooler, awning and shed, VA financed. Lakeview Estates 260Q N. 400 W Layton NEW HOMES 10.55 E. Layton, large lot, secondary water, 3 bedrooms, wood rails, Call Glauser 773-26or Construction NEW CONDOS ROY all brick, close to school, church and shopNEW HOMES ping, iust minutes to HAFB. full Interest starting at 48,900-65,00From payprice 43,500 payments ments start at 430mo. S330 per month P & I. If you have had trouble Compare quality. See models, 3 bedroom, ramblers, qualifying call us we have Financsome new inovative financ1. ing begins at 10.55. ing programs. Valley West 7, Evenings or Realty, after hours. New Kaysville 3 bedroom Take vour choice, 2 Here- - for sale or lease. Air, dishwasher, disposal. 20x40 fordshire Condos for sale bv dance studio. Perfect for owner. Each very unique, Seventies or S500. 9, priced In the S80's. Call 9. or month. no agents, trades considered. Nice Duality Colonial Rambler, 1,055 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, Townhouse Condominium, full S650 down beats renting, basement, double carport, beautiful cabinets, save on taxes, Owner carextras. $62,500. As2 many bedat contract ries 12, in421 payment. 10 rooms, lVa baths, covered sume New terest. Clearfield Caparking, fully carpeted, Call Subdivision, By Owner. ble TV. Don't Miss This One! 6. 3. $43,500. Phone 546-294- 3 bedrooms, Self! $34,000. 12-- 6, rage, Downl weekdays after 6 p.m. 235 payments as low as $260 mo. $8,000 to buy my equity. After 5 Assume 6 3A V.A. loan on Assumable Larry ED tiWU ' ROY, assume new FHA loan. Appraised $76,500. Loan balance (72,500. Pay 875. Make offer. 3 ments bedroom brick, garage, many extras. 190 DAVIS COUNTY ACRE All brick home in Clinton, by owner. 3 bedrooms, 13A bath, large kitchen, dishwasher, central 2 car vacum, microwave, carport, 1 share of water, full basement. 82,500 Phone AFFORDABLE 3 bedroom Clearfield with room for more. Well maintained and only 4 years new. Assume existing State Money loan. Call Harold B341-121 Century 1. Barlow Realty ARE YOU FUSSY? Then you'll want to see this 1264 square foot brick rambler with partially finished basement. West Lavton loca5. tion. $95,000. Call Dan B326-1- 5. Century 21 1. Barlow Realty 3 bedroom Bountiful home, unfinished basement, large backyard, close to schools, shopping. Asking 64,000., 9. Save Realtor fee. 1 owner-Clinto- 1750 n sq. ft., rambler, 3 vr. old, fenced, landscaped, shed, large patio, air, softener, 4 bedroom, W bath, 2 car garage, fireplace, close to school, park, church, neat area, $85,000. 776-66for appointment., NO AGENTS! Bv owner, 43,000, negotia ble. Nice 2 bedroom brick home, Roy area, Full base7. ment, 3A finished. Call By owner-Shar- p 235 assumable, twin home, low pay- ments, 2 bedrooms, I3 bath, fully landscaped with sprinkler system. Quiet culdesac In Kaysville, 4. 52,000. Bv owner, Terms, 3 bed room, basement, acre, landscaped, Farmington. Don't Pay Closing Costs Just assume this below mar ket rate VA loan and pay very reasonable down to buy out sellers equity. Who says Its $81,500. a bad market? Call me for more details. Matt at Century 21 Barlow Realty. 544 B349-1- 4. 2121, or East Layton bv Owner: Con- - temporary 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Vaulted ceilings, ceiling fans, 1500 sq. ft. upstairs, basement 60 com2nd pleted including fireplace. Outstanding view from every window. 85,000 Call By Owner-- t months old, 2 bedroom, fireplace, fencing, landscaped, sprinkler system, patio, garage. Transfered, must sell. Utah Housing-$56,30- Farmington 7030, refrigerator, range, air conditioning, large deck and awnings, shed and many other extras included. Westwood Village Adult or Park. Call Bill 1. Sundown Sales 1981 14x70 mobile home. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, excellent condition. Appraised for $22,500. Asking $21,900. Available immediatelv. All adult park. Monte Vista. or RENTALS 280 to rent share nice Ogden apt. and utilities. Call Wade or Roommate Wanted to share spacious 5 bedroom home, with 2 other people, S 150 825-85Plus. 290 About 5135-uall sizes, most utilities paid, Ogden ar-e- a. 394-96or Adorable 1 vr. old 2 bedroom in No. E. location, carpeted, carport, storage, S350. plus utilities, 150. deposit, 3 Affordable bedroom house, fenced, hookups, carnear port, l2thHarrison, or4W ' SPACIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL Relax In this lovely rambler, with room to spare, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 sun decks, extra large front room with huge fireplace, and a full basement. Situated on 1.83 acres, with fences, barn and corral. Flexible 8. terms. MH404 Scott Manor House Realtors, i Bountiful-- hood. 105,000. Farmlngton-Cali-forn- 3. 345. All utilities paid. Lovely 1 bed Condominium. Best S.E. Area. Indoor pool and Club House available. after 5. An opportunity to move up. Off street parking, laundry cable available. facilities, Roomy-ov- er 750 sq. ft., one bedroom apt. with appll- -' , bed- Beautiful E. Lavton Bench. 3 bedrooms, 13A bath, dining, gas fireplace, all appliances, hookups, cable. 1 child OK. bedroom bedroom apartment, 3 gles prefered, utilities or 2 3 sq.ft, rambler, East Layton area. 6 monihs old, custom decorated, 3 bedrooms, l3 bath, family room, triple glazed windows, extra insulation, wood burning stove, only $82,000. Call 2 1 10.55 jlauser Const. Two thirds acre in West- point area, 5 bedrooms, garage, full basement, 2 fireplaces, was listed at $77,900 has been reduced $72,500. Call after 3 p.m. Owner will consider helping with financing. West Point. 1 acre, 3 bed room, large family room wood stove and fire- Place, 2 stall barn. $72,500. By Owner. WHY RENT? Buy this nice 2 bedroom condominium located In Rov. Includes range, dishwasher, refrigerator, garbage disposal, drapes, fireplace, swimming poof and private g. P: "y v9Ql . monthly payment Includes taxes and insurance. Call Bill r Clear,ield Real,y WHY RENTI when you can buy your own home. No down payment. For information call Great Basin Realty 3, Ted or Arvllla 225 INCOME PROPERTY LUXURY Kaysville-112- TOWNHOUSE 0 Jl3 sq, ft., 2 hath, full 4 bed-r?"- basement. Call Joe Marrs at Marrs Realty & Group. t sin- includ-e- d. 4. bedroom apt in Rov. Near schools, washer dryer hookups, 275 plus utilities. Cali after 4PM bedroom, 2 bath, 2 carports, private patio, stove, refrigerator. 1061 N. 1250 E. N, Layton. 350. lease, phone 1. Val 479-38or bedroom, carpets, fire- place, hookups, carport, no pets, $265. Ogden area. 6. Phone bedroom clean apt. 145. Laundry room, parking, senior citizen discount. 336 27th 4. STATE MONEY New 1200 sq. ft. 2 bedroom, vaulted ceiling, wood rails, family room, garage. Low down payment. Priced to sell quickly. $54,900. Call Lvnn apartment in newly built plex. Located in Lavton. Electric stove, refrigerator dishwasher and disposal. Fully carpeted and draped. Covered carport with extra space for second car. Abundant storage, $315. per month. 4 ia design, view, perfect for large family. Full unfinished basement, oversized garage. MANY LOTS both residential and commercial. For these listings and many others, call Dawson Real Es-ta- te Company. Special: 2 lots for the price of 1. Under $12,000 cash. Nice East Layton area. 773-29Owner Agent or S355. ! room, 1 Va bath, family room, patio, deck, formal dining, 2 car garage, great neighbor- - drapes. 4. room, 2 bath, family room, 2 carport. Large fenced yard on bus line. Bountiful-Old- er $72,500. bench home, large lot with fruit trees. and pine 1350 carpet, Starting at $210. See at , bed- 3 Adults S3 50, Affordable 1 bedroom apt., close to town, large fenced yard, 1 child OK. 170mo. ances, SPECIAL LISTINGS $81,500. UNFURNISHED APTS.& DUPLEXES Unique new homes, Ross Realty 4 ROOMMATE WANTED Male LDS Preferred, Vi B325-1- 7 Bountiful-- 0 bedroom, yard, 2 car driveway, deck, new carpet and curtains. Will be available 2. March 1. S6500. Call 1975 Titan-1- 4 x 70, priced for quick sale. Wash-erdry- Farmington, By Owner, 1600 sq, ft. rambler, 3 bedrooms, oaths, large family room, i 7. yrs. old. REDUCED 5,000 Large family home. A unique 3 sfory contemporary, 4 bedrooms, (more possible), 4 baths, sunken tub, inter com, 2 fireplaces, 2 car garage, many extras, beautiful wooded, setting. 7.Only 104,900. Call Jim Century 21 Barlow Realty 1. $69,500. heme-12x6- 2 Champion, fenced 15,000 5&94 starter Nice RENT TO OWN Impeccably decorated, with custom drapes, levelors, and chair and crown mouldings, has 3 bedrooms, fireplace, air conditioning, new kitchen appliances, plus more. It can't last. $60,000. MH403 8, or Scott Manor House Realtors, 5y down moves you in. 2 275. a month. 2. Cute fixer uppers. Call and State monev financing. if no Call Diana at answer call ' FOR THE DISTINCTIVE BUYER of a kind ranch style home, Hill-ga- bedroom, GREEN CONSTRUCTION We'll build to your plan or help you adapt one of our plans to your needs. Your lot or ours. VA, FHA, Conventional 6. l2 bedroom, Homes left at Terrace near HAFB. S500. 7, Reduced 3 3 Mobile John Agent 0. bath, Kaysville, $17,000. Our Specialty Bv Owner: 3 vr. old 4 bedroom, PA bath split level on Great neighborhood. Large family room. Air cooler, large lot, wood fence, sprinkling system, low equi-t- y. Call after 5 Clean 1 owner, on 1 acre lot, all brick, double garage, fully 3 bedroom, 2 landscaped, baths, full basement 3A a mil v game large storage room, bv owner. ' 58,500. Immaculate QUALITY BUILT CUSTOM HOMES totally remodeled cottage style home. Asking $39,500 new everything, must see to appreciate. $5,000 down. Call Ron at Bv Owner, Riverdale Area. 3 bedrooms, 2'a baths, family room, cathedral ceiling, fireplace, drapes, 2 car garage, sprinkler system, wood fence, air conditioning, beautiful landscaping and swim-min- g pool. $79,500. Call 1 Set up in park much outside south gate of HAFB, 11 contract, easy to qualify. Beautiful executive home with 3 bedrooms, fireplace, 2 car ga- Low 2 bedrooms, new awning, cooler, metal shed, water range top, heater,more. 4,000 down . Must 12X65 Mobile Home, Parkwood OAK FOREST 180 WEBER COUNTY Anxious 2210 bedrooms, fenced yar ered patio, gas barbecue, 4 For Sale Bv Owner: 9, has openings for you whether retired or a homemaker. Call for appointment we want you. Apply in person for a one hour interview and test between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at 6507 So. 400 W Murray WANTED: Full or part time Licensed Insurance Agent, town for a North 6 p.m. 4. 0. STOKES BROTHERS If you are an experienced qualified sales person and you know that you are the best at what you do, then 57,500. or sonable down. 3 bedroom 2 bath, only 231.25 monthly. evenings. payment, price, assume Interest loan. Clinton 3 bedroom, full basement, family room, large lot, fenced, sprinkler system. Asking n. Lav-to- x 70 mobile home with rea- 92 outl Assume a 100 month. Beautiful lot in 260 MOBILE HOMES Assume our low interest 14 NEGOTIABLE Everything neogtlable, down interest with payment of S34S. Custom decorations, bedroom IV bath house. Just perfect couple starting out. end of town. Call after available. B354-1- 5, agents. Just Starting 73A 9. INTERESTI evenings. View lot in Brown's Park surrounded by beautiful homes. 35,000. Call Low Interest Mortgage 3 bedroom, with 4th bedroom finished In basement. Close to schools, shop Jim ping and interchanges. 7. Vllson, Century 21 1. Barlow Realty ville, 13x19 master bedroom, l3 baths, formal dining etc. Swimming pool and tennis court. Assumable balance of Interest. Re68,000 at 9.5 duced to 82,950, for quick No call sale please Christmas is comming. Avon - BUSINESS SERVICE Brick JOBS OF INTEREST Become a "Sucker Shap er" representative, demonstrate sucker molds, have fun, and earn extra money. Marsh Continued from page IB. own Before S67.500 170 CONDOMINIUMS bedroom condo in Kavs- - SALES LaDsesudl Oassfififleafl pounds. while UT 84033. , 84 1 Mom needs IQAMafter 6PM. DRIVERS For $5,000 down we will sell New York City Suburbs, families looking for several '78 Kenworth a or '77 you n plus salary cabover and put you to work Nannies, live-iplane fare paid. In our fleet. Call C.R. England In Salt Lake ask for Now accepting applications to work In mv appliance Gene, Bill or Dan England store. Full and part-tim- e positions available from OF INTEREST JOBS 80 S380. a month GENERAL part-tim- e salary or profit sharing, vacation, 18 years Are you overweight? or If older. interested call Bored? Need extra money? Let me show you how to Resident managers for large change all that. complexes, Weber and Needed, Rov ar- apt. Babysitter Davis Counties, semi-retirea, 2 boys. Weekdays couples preferred. No children. Must have experience COUNSELORS and be bondable. Send reLeading women's figure sasume to Box co Ogden lon seeks highly motivated Standard Examiner. people to assist clients with our unique exercise proSpeech-Languagram. Applicants should be Pathologist enthusiastic, and helpful re- - M.A. ASHA-CC60 time carding nutrition and fitness. permanent position. Benefits Positions available in Ogden Included. State license not and Bountiful. Please call required. Pediatric Diagnos0. Michelle, at tic Position with the Utah Dept, of Health In Ogden. InEarn extra money, own terested applicants contact hours-phowork, no sales. Collette Logan, 44 Medical Disabled American Veterans Dr. Salt Lake City, Ut. 84113. 4. by 22284. aerobic Experienced Equal Opportunity Employer Instructors for Kaysville Fitness Now. Good pay. 334 N. Main, Kaysville. Experienced nail person wanted Fri. and Sat. only. STOKES BROTHERS Apply at Hair Designs 23 E. If you are looking for a good Gentile, Layton. part time job and you own permanent Experienced your own truck and can part-tim- e travel agent hours per week, work 10-needed. March 84, ZCMI you have found the right job. for apTravel, call Some physical work. Apply pointment. in person for a one hour inHairdresser and manicurist terview and test between 10 at wanted to work full-tia.m. and 4 p.m. Monday Beauty Haven. 329 Wash. through Friday at 6507 So, Blvd. Clientele preferred. Call 400 W Murray ask for Judy The newest in home fabric Housekeepers to clean New crafts! To see and hear Lodge Suites at East Canyon about this exciting new comResort. Please apply in perpany, call Diane at son on Wed. Feb. 15, beafter 5:30 p.m. tween 11-- 3 p.m. or Fri. Feb. Part-tim- e Weekend Wait7 17 between p.m. ress, Apply in person 6024 S. d Managers-Retirecouples 1550 E. Ogden. for elderly housing proiect in Brigham City. Must live on- Wanted Immediately Exec utive Housekeeper. Must be site. Pay modest rent. Janiforial and light maintainence experienced in Condominium Housekeeping, Purchasing, work required. Salary negotiable. Send Resume to 650 S. and working with personal. 3rd E. S.L.C. 84111 Attention Salary Is negotiable depending on experience. Send ReDiane. Equal Housing Opsume To East Canyon portunity Employer. Resort P.O. Box 228 Henefer FOUND & baby In my home. works out of home and someone to watch kids working. Must have 4421 S. Harrison, Ogden, or 140 N. Main, Clearfield. base- Construc-tlo- NANNY TYPE SITTER Caring for 3 yr. old and 6 mo. terms Great 3. Call 8000 sq, ft. lots near Lavton ZCMI. Will sell trade one or all. 2i ESTATE REAL JOBS OF INTEREST GENERAL Bobby DOMINOS PIZZA Found-Mal- e easily. Dickson said he would like to take all 12 of his wrestlers to the state meet, but added that he was satisfied to be taking 11. Dickson said he was particularly pleased with Justin Julan-de- r, ,a sophomore who wrestles in the division. He was seeded third, but he beat the number two seed. He has really come on. He is a pleasant surprise, Dickson said. championship at the Region 4 wrestling championships held at Highland High School Thursday. The Viewmont Vikings eased into second place followed by Woods Cross, Highland, Bountiful and East. The Darts also placed wresof the tlers in the top four in 12 weight divisions to qualify for the state meet in all but the 122-pou- Opportunity to make up to $5.00 per hour, must be 18, have reliable car with Insurance, must work evenings and weekends. Apply In person after 4 p.m. ' Snow removal at reasonable 7, ask for Dave rates. SNOW PLOWING, REASONABLE RATES said. - MODELS WANTED If nof qualified for modeling, training available Classes starting Feb. 1st. Delivery Personnel even under pressure, Johansen ts. 80- JOBS OF INTEREST GENERAL If care- er-high 80 6 nancing available or assume FHA loan. Call Mel Maisey 7. 21 Barlow CenturyB331-15. 1. Realty Lavton 5 bedroom, bath, finished walk-o- ut basement, 2 fireplaces, many extras. Close to HAFB and schools. hr. 5 13,000. 2 car carport. Good neighborhood. Good fi- BUSINESS 18,500. Improved. EAST BENCH VIEW LOTS 13,500 will build to suit, High 50's and up. Great Basin 3. Realty bench of Building lots-Ea- st Layton adlacent to Oak Forto est. :3 acre, fully improved with Weber Basin water. (Buy now secondary and save) Farmer selling lots on existiPoint. ng paved road in West Terms available. 1 acre lots Si 5,000 and 'h acre lot money basement, OPPORTUNITIES from up-tem- 55-a- ll 120 LAYTON In Carpet cleaning and repair business for sale. 52,600 Soil extractor and complete car- -, pet laying equipment. Earn F y hard-foug- 3:30 P.M. 2146 N. MAIN, . VIOLIN LESSONS college student will teach 2. vour home or mine. Voice and singing lessons 145 N. MAIN, BOUNTIFUL They got ahead of us early and the closest we got after the first few minutes was seven points, Johansen said. He added that despite Easts Sewing 4 Alterations fine play, if the Vikings had just EXP ER E N C ED AND PROFESSIONAL made their shots within three Men, women, and children. feet of the basket it would have Tailoring, weddings, suits,uniforms, dresses. Call Dorbeen 9 different game. Reasonable. rie. Professional Alterations We really played poorly. We bv Doralene. No lob too large or too small! missed layups. We didnt shoot well and didnt execute well, Sharpening Johansen said. ecision Sh arpe ning: prSaws, chain, hand, circular, The Vikings game plan was scissors, knives, all cutting to play an tools. Complete small engine game with service and repair. Bosch East and go inside to challenge Saw Shop, Layton Shopping Plaza (Behind Ann's Fabric Easts big men, Reid Monsen Open Loft) Layton. thru Sat. 8 a.m. til 6 Mon. Ed and Petersen. p.m. Monsen was fouled out in the Snow Removal middle of the third quarter, and Act now, rooftop snow and removal. Free estimates. Johansen said his players ice Phone chance it, roof top thought then they could climb Don't snow removal and car dig outs. Senior Citizen Discount: back into the game. But a clutch performance by Easts guards If you've pot snow on your roof, that's vour business. dashed Viewmonts hopes. you want It off, that's ours. teacher, 544 2629. tat 3 Interest, homes, at 10.55 these payments or Interest will not fluctuate for the full 30 years. Prices start at 60,500. These homes are all new l large and spacious-alIs our ex- -, house pians-on- e bed3 with citing quad level, rooms, 2 car garage. Call Valley West Realty 825-26after hours. or LAYTON 59,900 3 bedroom, 1 bath, build In oven and dishwasher, disposal, cooler, full unfinished elementary subiects. PLEASE SUBMIT BY THURSDAY down. Last 8. hour lesson. per road. lot closout 13,900. 8. Tacre was 19,900 now Fully acres, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, Many extras. VA loan at Personalized-BeginnerVi Tutoring-cortifla- d after 5 P.m. lAcr Lavton, water rights, sprinkling system, fenced. Excellent location on private HORSE PROPERTY got LOTS fully improved Oak building lots boarding Forest Subdivision In Layton. 6000 assumes equity on this 'v I ACREAGE acre, 14 -- Vs 5. 1.6 Piano Lessons 3.00 But look at any other team in the league excepting East, which always seems to come out of any game with a win and each one will have a few lamentations in the key of could have been. it - THE- B352-1- Beginning Piano Lessons Your home or mine. Clear-fiel- d area Piano lessons In Kavsvill area. Beginning and Intermediate students. Adults and children. S3.50'a hr. Contact Melanie at MISSIONARY, ENGAGEMENT, REAL ESTATE 240 convenient to schools, Lavton Mall. 2 car garage, fenced yard and much more. 7, Call Jim Century 21 1. Barlow . Realty INSTRUCTION 110 DOWNTOWN UNITS OGDEN, LARGE CORNER LOT ON BUS LINE, 3 BLOCKS TO NEW CITY MALL, POSITIVE CASH FLOW. MAY BE ILLEGIBLE Ffi3R TAX CREDITS. FOR IMPROVEMENTS 12 COMPLICHAPTER ANCE COMPLETED , SELLING PRICE 6 x G.S.I. 10 WITH DOWN, INOR QUIRE JAY WRITE J. 8. D. PROPERTIES P.O. BOX 1331. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84110 OWNER AGENT. 9. 1, CARE ELDERLY PROPERTY 14 Treat family living 5 bedrooms, family room, can help ANNOUNCE YOUR WEDDING, 4. four-wa- child development. Preschool v activities. Layton area. or Handicapped? Elderly orwith home care or Need ielp housekeeping? Trained and experienced Nurses' Aide come-from-behi- 1 Loving caro, graduate of 105 nt 66-5- child care, mv home, Clearfield area, 776-35- Usenced back rim to give the Rams the victory. Along with Robinsons 25 points, Steve Juluson added 14 for the Wildcats. Brandon Burt and Cary Jenkins each put in 14 points to lead Highland. victoteams Highland was ahead by six ry against Highland, was disap- points twice in the game, but pointed with the Vikings play as both times Woods Cross battled back to a tie. they lost to East I dont know what to say to In contrast to the Woods the players, Jackson said. Cross game, the outcome of You figure sooner or later its Viewmonts was never really in question. got to go our way, he added. Jackson has a point. His team East, delighted that someone currently holds the most woeful would run with them, got off to string of near misses in Region a fast start and never slowed two-poi- sitter Christian Good Beautiful 3 bedroom, white brick Lavton Home. Custom everything Inside and out, Phone ForSafe by Owner. Assumable FHA 265 loan. Less than 2 yrs old. 4 bedroom, 1,000 sq. ft. upper main level, partially finished basement, split level entry, carport, corner location. Asking $57,000. No Realtors Please, For sal or 3 bedroom, rare, one acre lot, 3 car garage, historical rock home. Perfect for gentleman farmer or historical buff. 70'$ or 450. per month, t Al I 225-INC- OME DAVIS COUNTY 190 give would like loving attention while you work. ES Kt ML kcwl tblMlfc 100 CHILD CARE of 8 Experiencedto mother vour child Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1984 collect. 2 bedroom condominium 5250 mo. plus utilities. Near McKay Hospital. days or evenings. 2 bedroom, dishwasher, dis- posal, air, fireplace. In Lav-to- n. S280 after 5 2 bedroom duplex Roy area, $260. No pets. Call for appointmenllnformation 2 Cute Cozy Clean Apts. 2 bedrooms upstairs, $325 plus ights. 1 bedroom downstairs 225 plus gas. Washerdryer S125 deposit. hookups, 5. CUTE Large, 4 room apt. Roomy. Plur storage. No Deposit. $13dmo. plus gas, lights! 4. 242 Wall Ave No "toor Basement, Smoking Rent Fjr bedroom 29mo. Pets. 8. Kaysville-larg- Drinking, Harrison' in Lavton, 2 upstairs apt. plus utilities. No 2 bedroom basement apartment, 325. all utilities paid. 100. deposit! No smokers. Large 2 bedroom apt, now o carpet, washerdryer, .fenced yard. 3923)6 Large 2 OM79-944- 2 bedroom 1056 ut ll,,es' dUDlOX Deluxe features. Kaysville! Scenic. orjm-Bdn- 5 L?,roe 2 bedroom Duplex, 2 baths, many iiMetrkinBr pe,' |