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Show 8A Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1984 Daws County Art Winners Are Named ctea?' MisurideretaS BOUNTIFUL Winners of the 1984 Davis County Competition Art Show at the Art Center were announced recently at the opening reception. Bounti-fulDav- ' mm I'"""""" iimniMiii , - is Michael Manfull's untitled e lithograph won the award. Earning second-plac- e award was David Dornans oil titled Cup With Green Handle. Third place winner was Linda Wheaton for her oil and charcoal Fragment 8. lines for the working relationship of the two entities. Both departments are housed at the same location in Bountiful with first-plac- "I 7 VJ tEH e, Manfull is a Bountiful resident, and Dornan is a former resident of Bountiful. Wheaton AMY COLEMAN (left) of Kaysville. look at mention second-plac- e and Allison South winner in the 1984 Diane Tiirner, both of Bountiful. All entries in the competition are on exhibit at the Bounti-fulDavi- is Art Center. The exhib- - ROY Elder Robert Layne Dawson has been called to serve as a missionary in the England London South LDS Mission. A : son of Robert 1 Davis County Competition Show on exhibit at the BountifulDavis art Center. will continue through February 24, and the public is invited to view the art works of present and former Davis Coun- - it Man Called to Mission . 5TiTtmjl was awarded to Paul Barber, Kaysville; Mark Bangcrter, formerly of Bountiful; G.W. Handrahan of Layton; Colleen Parker and .' - Davis County Commissioners approved the amendments two weeks ago which set up guide- of Davis County. Honorable .Commissioner. Harry B.- Ger- lach said the annual audit of the county recommended the defining of the two roles in the agreement so each would know where its specific responsibility is. The amendments to the agreement mandate the recording of services provided, amplify auditing and justify services both provide for each other. ... The show features paintings, watercolors, drawings and prints by current and former residents is formerly the fire district of the public service sector and the association the private sector. FARMINGTON Amendments to the county's South Davis Fire District and South Davis Ambulance Association agreement will clear up past mis-- . understandings on how the two are related. ty residents. There is no charge, for admission. Information about gallery hours may be ob-.r. tained by calling 581-882- 0. Hoi? in Fashion,,, W H. and DcAnn Y. Dawson, he will enter ; the Missionary Training Center on Feb. 16. Elder Dawson will speak in the Roy Third LDS Ward chapel, 5930 S. 2200 W Roy, on Sunday, Feb. 12, at 9 a.m. Friends and family of the missionary are invited to greet him Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. at 2021 W. 6075 S., Roy. t 1 A member of the Roy Third LDS Ward, the new missionary is a graduate of Roy High School and LDS Seminary. DAWSON Library Board Chairman Ends 8 Years of Service FARMINGTON Davisj County Library Board chairmai Evan A. Whitesidess term exj ; pired tow weeks ago and thi Aboard bid the Layton mal .good-by- e after eight years of to the county. I have the highest regard , Mr, Whitesides and the work has done on the board, s; Commissioner Glen E. Saj ders. Saunders said the doesnt allow Whitesides reap pointment after serving two con secutive terms on the board and the commission will be seeding a . sef-vi- mission could not appoint a resident of Kaysville or Layton because the two cities are not in the county library system. Saunders said his own personal feeling is to find a replacement from either Fruit Heights or Farming-to- n because the two cities have not had a representative in some time. ; .replacement. ; He said the county attorney ruled about a year ago tha com ; The commission will appoint a replacement by the February library board meeting and the board will then elect a chairman from its members.' The board currently has representatives from Clearfield, Bountiful, and Centerville. Looking For Physicians The Air Force is lojbWinjj for more than 70 physiciansln' critical specialties during fiscal year 1984, said Captairu iohn J. Wells, Air Force recruiter here. I I f Currently the Air fqjrcC needs physicians with spectelfW in Orthopedic Surgery, (jeeral Sur f jt t s f 7 . ; ' TODAY'S WOMAN ' demands a hairstyle that requires a rpinimum amount of care and styling to look great, and a look that is as individual os she is. Great looking hair for the best looking you.. .only at... , rjftLJiIlIi "m. 74 W. 500 S. Bountiful 298-38- (jtt 30 Otolaryngology, gery, and Psychiatry. For complete information on air Force Health professions, contact MSgt Duane P. Lanoue at 715 East 3900 South, Suite 211 A, Salt Lake City, Utah, or call collect (801) Obstetrics-Gynecolog- y 524-605- 2. Art Cenier Helps Deer President Maureen One could woqjddr (vhat deer have in commoii with a local Art Center. Surely fthe deer are not regular customfrsj purveyors ,of post impression 4 rri or accomplished art nouvbaji Critics. Perhaps not. jii starving all alolni Front and th Bountiful Art League has defi led to address this problem injd gating $125 to the Utah Divjfei bif of Wildlife Management, j In a League Bj ard meeting in t;" i January, Miller announced her idea of helping the deer by collecting donations from Art League Members. Treasurer Judy Freeman stated that the collection was a great We gathered $125, success. which I have presented to a representative of the Utah Division of Wildlife Management. The Division will see to it that the money is divided equally over several feeding stations along the Wasatch Front. V i 1 sws? va; 4 ; :jfm b ifILVERSTEIN SEASON Ogden Concerts: Hilton Ogden Single Tickets ...$( . ' y J v' ' ' O p.m. 1) GIVE THE GIFT DELICIOUS for VALENTINES FRlDjjAr.lFEBRUARY 17 t I Rafael Druian, Guest Conductor and Soloist Winter from the Four Seasons f Vivaldis Haydns Violin Concerto in A Major k BarberB Capricorn Concerto Stravinskys Concerto for Strings in D Major f 7i it 1 Ifll' 77777! LAYTON HILLS MALL it i ll mi - 4 i it Jaiftioned Ckocotaiti. Feb, 14, 1984 ! 7T cMomt DAY CROSSROADS MALL 170 W. 500 S. BOUNTIFUL d |