Show MINE owners ano minry REACH AN trouble at goldfield may be settled men accepting the tonopah scale and work in open camp suit lake city A special fo to thy the herald from goldfield nevada makes the statement that members of 06 the mine operators association mostly leasers wha who have tired of the fight between the mining companies compa niesi and the miners have been in consultation with bilk mahoney vice president of the wern varn federation of miners and lefleve they have reached a mut ral tal understanding which will bo be agreeable to both sides s the proposition rs to adopt the tonopah scale chich aich Is to 4 50 tor for miners and 1 4 tor for buchers muckers the union to calf off the strike ind lud permit their members to work mork in an open camp this la Is the ilan now outlined which la Is said to meet with the approval of 0 mahoney and which will be submitted to the association in a day or two it seema seems likely to be accey accepted ted thus ending the strife which now interferes with the operation of many properties les the difference in the wage scale would be more than offset in the sav say li ii g in the hire of guards and would I 1 lermit e amit properties ta to resume work which are not so situated t that hat they can protect their men the oppose tion to the plan it Is expected will come from th tho consolidated company but it Is supposed by those interested that this obstacle acle can be overcome |