Show MAXWELL BREAKS LOOSE IN SALT LAKE CITY gunplay maxwell alias L bliss alias W H seaman who has figured some in emery county keeps well in the his latest exhibition was at the ahson hotel salt lake this week where he is celebrating his honey moon there he registered as W H seaman and was comparatively quiet until monday night it was due to a little affair in the hotel barroom that he was recognized for he has removed the mustache that he has worn for many years and that with a tha he has not shown since he was released from the state severa years ago made him almost ni zable to former acquaintances says the inter mountain republican he started in on a tirade against L reidel paddy mack and other rail road men of helper who ran him out of the railroad town after he had at tempted to kill reidel in a pistol duel and had beaton paddy mack over the head with a revolver he was talking with john foote an old acquaintance when foote suggested that maxwell might get into trouble if some railroad man overheard him look out maxwell there are two engineers standing right behind you whispered foote the gun man pulled an immense six shooter some who thought maxwell really might use his cannon made a dash for the door but foote went the other way and started in on a tirade against maxwell that would not be printable among other things he told maxwell that he was a coward qualified with a few picturesque adjectives and said the gun man was afraid to shoot any way A fred wey proprietor of the hotel started to pacify the belligerents but on second thought decided to call a pol ceman he had wv reached tha front door however before maxwell disappeared through the rear door and he was not seen again that night maxwell or W H seaman as he is cnown by the hotel register has brought himself in decided disfavor with the patrons of the hotel during ans stay in salt lake probably the most conspicuous act on the part of the pair was when mrs asaman lighted a cigarette in the cafe and persisted per bisted in the new york and pans pace until she and maxwell were ejected from the cafe press dispatches about two weeks ago said that maxwell had married the widow of the late balthy david hume of california other dispatches said that maxwell with his bride were in goldfield with the notorious diamond field jack davis and that they were investing some of the new mrs sea man s fabulous wealth in mines in the rawhide district in salt lake monday night some of the men in the wilson bar expressed doubts about the V balth possessed by the woman As conclusive evidence maxwell turned up his waistcoat from the bottom and displayed a string of jewels that would make a pawn shop window look like a bunch of broken bottles the sparklers which really looked like diamonds were arranged with picturesque disorder across max well s shirt |