Show GIVES FORTUNE TO OLD NEGRO ent re estate left to cervant to sat iffy a debt Ph Phil adeli iladell hia members of ome ol 01 Phila philadelphia delphias s oldest are an noa nosed ed by a remarkable act of one 0 of their rela re lathes tiNes the late mrs sarah sarab wain hendrickson a descendent of Vv illiam penn who in march at her home in Waln tord N J 91 doai old 11 Egure een cn months before hei he ceiaa cb been learned mrs hen ii frason signed over her estate in eluding the family homestead por traits jewels silver plate and antique furniture to a colored man john wil son wl 0 had been in her employ 40 years mrs Hendric Hendri evon teon was a chil childless dloss widow and gave her property to the colored man it is said to pay off a debt of upward of 8 which he claimed she owel him on account ot of mpa d wages and mall loans |