Show AGREEMENT AT DENVER the railroads make concessions and also certain demands salt lake city an unofficial re port from denver Is to the effect that the joint conference of the re presenta alves of the leading twelve western railroads and the representatives 0 their employees have come to an agreement between the roads and their yardmen the agreement concedes the 2 cents an hour advance in the wages of the aideen providing the unions agree to certain conditions r garding overtime and the right of th roads to employ and discharge men tor what they consider to good cause irrespective of the opinion rl union officials the railroad yep reser also demand that the conces shall not be used as a club the members of the telegraphers con dubois and engineers unions grand master P H morrissey ano has virtually been delegated full power by the yardmen Is quoted as saying that in his judgment an ami cable settlement would ba arrived it before the week was out |