Show forest reserve service pro pose a telephone line to connect via he main town ra both enery and counties rangers need it uncle sam proposes pro poes that emer and sanpete counties join him in construct ing and a foret reserve telephone service across the mountains the terminal points being ephraim in sanpete county and orangeville Orang eville or Cast ledale in emery county ranger J W humphrey sub n eted a ies to the county coar for a right of way on tuesday and the matter went over for further consideration we understand that the proposed right of way for the 1 ne is noi to be con fined to the points above named but it will be just as satisfactory to the government if the proposed enterprise should be built aiom huntington to mt pleasant or from ferron to manti petitions we understand have been placed in the hands of the rangers on both sides of the n and citizens asked to contribute means for con trusting truc ting and maintaining the system 11 contributors may have the free use of tl e air e for telephonic com munica tion the rangers basi ies having tel at their regular s atlon will stocked with portable instruments for gab bests at any point on the wire it is 1 kely that a 1 lively i valry will be worked up amongst the citizens at ae several points named to secure the telephone service J M featheroff farest inspector was here a few days ago and gave the matter of tree nurseries special atten tion he appeared well pleased with ranger humphrey u work in this dirc t on |