Show HUNTERS WHO USE THE CAMERA time in the woods tl at some tiers odd surprise the tribe of camera hunters has in creased prodigiously ot late years the craze has not penetrated the south where cameras are rare outside ol 01 big towns but widely spread in the north and west the camera hunter needs tor outfit a fairly good instrument some strings to tie it in place from twenty five to fitti feet ot rubber tubing and a lot of dry plates or films his objects are to beet pictures ot birds in air birds on nests birds on perches rabbit in t m etc camera hunting aas merits which even old hunters do not deny it Is practiced mostly in summer time with nesting birds for subjects and does no harm it takes the camera hunter into the field and teaches him the hab its of bird and beast it gives him opportunity to acquire a knowledge ot the points of the corn pass so that he will not get lost in the woods its successful pursuit requires patience ingenuity industry and some endurance flashlight pictures of deer on night runways of predatory fauna foxes minks polecats and so forth about chicken coops and duck roosts are in te resting and instructive sometime they give unlocked for illustrations ol 01 the habits of animals A camera hunter in southwestern wisconsin who had accused a fox 0 stealing a lot of his young indian game chickens found one day on th evidence of developed plate that th thief was a woodchuck similarly a tame ferret has been discovered OB his way to cut a lot of fowls throat instead of a skunk which had been judged guilty |