Show uck in aaa quantity vet liaise oi oil band sold oia an to the I 1 u the progress bureau green river utah pal 21 utah oil co has struck j the farst oil in its well 8 miles south west ot here t something less than 1500 feet the drill brol e through a thin labrot sand rack on tues day and encountered i body of water that rose within feet of the top of the well manager don robbins is phed tor and armed this morn ing your correspondent visited the well v ith mr bobbins to da ind found ummi indications of pil the ro e and tools aro de cidely greasy and hen the sand bucket was emptied i coating of oil sho ved on the surface of the waste water and pool here the water had o 0 previously emptied and hid soaked into the gro ind an oil scum formed that could be readily picked up at intervals while drilling the water was churned out of the hole and the oil came with it in very convincing quantity the drillers do not deny that there is oil in the well but cannot say in what quantity until the water is cased off and the hole emptied mr roberta vice president of the company ilbo to daiy diy in answer to a message sent him last night the last encountered is soda water and mr parker chief ler is of the opinion that the drill has entered a shale the w ell is now 1500 feet deep there was no expectation of striking oil under 1 feet and it is the opinion of all concerned that the main measure will be opened at that depth or thereabouts so that the oil they no v have together with the forma tion they are now presumably entering would seem to I 1 0 certaine taini indications that the will tap the oil soon the well was shut doan to day to clean out the hole and put don larger casing this will take about 15 days ord has been received here gh reliable reli ible parties that a cons demable bod of oil his been struck at whitewater a short d stance from grind junction the hid oil there some t me ego but it seems they have gone through the first sand and have come ui on a fir e body of oil in the second there has been considerable activity here during the past week denver man been looking over the ground for a number of capitalists in that cita and pueblo with i vie v to putting in a rig at once rumor has it ani pretty ft ell defined too that the rig will bo placed on some of wilker bros land be t veen here an the california utah co s well the parti in question re turned to denver today with nas samples of 1 etc to make final ar range ments tl e capitalists referred to who are all operators at isador wise has received roce ived several let ter from the eastern parties he depre asking tor detailed information concerning the lan I 1 locate 1 for them last fall th have taken prop os tion ind are al out to take definite action in the matter he has also re vord fro a chicago that a corn pany 13 bein torme I 1 to develop the land adjoining the above claims and that a representative ot the company will shortly vis t green elver to make a full investigation and deter mine the 0 putting in a rig at once wr quite a number of people from here will attend the 1 convention at price on may ath and ath big oil land sale thursday evena g s salt lake telegram says J davis who is in east has written that he his about closed a deal for the sale of 23 acres of 1 lin 1 in the green river region for sj an acre or ahe property is boned by mr davis daniel dunn walter fike and A R talamantes david L fulop representing tho liquor arm of L martin fc co of bar cisco cala was a business visitor th week and while here secured a section 0 petroleum land in the green river field vr judging from the tone of an editorial in the denver republican the prospects are not of the most roseate hue for the discovery of iny big oil field other than that at floreuce in that state to an outsider the colorado oil situation has looked bilious for some time huntington oil and mining corn pan with a capitalization of shares of the par lalue of 2 a share has been organized the principal place of babinc ss being at huntington utah among those interested are levi N hir H ir mon thomas hanford A M tru man oliver J ind iv ho v ard ahe company ans 1920 acres of lind adjoining the property of the san rit iel in the sinbad basin where there aro a number of oil seeps and springs fmc now that silver baa dropped to an ounce mining men 1 ly turn their attention to the develop ment of other re burces that promise better financial returns and of financial returns we be pardoned it we again asbert that there is money being made in the oil fields of the country than there is in her particular line of mining it is a positive tact that here in enery county the highest ity of crude oil ever discovered has been found what is most needed is a more friendly alliance bet veen our idle land and idle capital great fortunes would result fro n such a union the petroleum gazette one of the greatest 1 pap rs of the country pub dished at pittsburg pa in its late num ber is kind enough publish a t vo column relating to the oil fields of emery county but surely the whole country is brinning bg inning to realize that here in eastern utah we are oon ing up an oil field 0 great merit with so many spots in the country nov being prospected for oil and labost a the leid ing papers boost ng tor one par ticul ir i our people here may feel them selves bucl with a laige circulation among oilmen an I 1 will devote so much space gratis to a Iver our prom abing field |