Show WILL VOTE ON PEACE TERMS it ie lielie ved tl e er to end the war general deweal as gone to orange elver colony general botha the transvaal commander in chief has gone to transvaal and general delacey together with mr steyn ex president of the orange elver free state has gone to Klerks dorp flans vaal they have arranged to meet the burghers at different rendezvous and submit the british terms it is believed the Transvaal ers will everywhere accept terms as they are in no way anxious for a winter campaign the only difficulty diff culty likely to occur will be t is thought with the orange elver states many of whom are expected to prove recalcitrant in the meantime there will be no cessation of hostilities the delegates are expected back to pretoria the mid die of may and in antic pation of their return they have given orders for new clothes provisions etc |