Show spreads like wildfire vv hen things are the I 1 est the bp come the best selling abraha n hare a leading druggist of belleville 0 tt rites are the best selling bit tera I 1 hue handled in 20 years ou know win most dise sea begin in dis orders of etoi liver kidneys boves blood and i erves electric bitters tones up tl e stomach regulates regu lites lier kidneys and bowels the blood strength ens the nerves hence curee multitudes of maladies it builds up the ent re sa tern puts nev life and vigor into any weak bickle man or vvonne price me sold t Cast ledale dru stoe chamberlain s bromich and liver lib lets buee t atlon and headache iney are earv to take and pleasant in effect for sale by ill 1 er in patent medicines cines A village blacksmith saved ts little son s life H H black the well knon gilligo blacksmith at grah I 1 Y si s our little son five ears old has alvas been to croup ind b id hav e the attacks been that we have feared man times that he ioui die we have had the doctor and i sed mani medicines but chamberlain co agh amedy is no v our sole reliance it see ns to dissolve the tough mucus a 1 b giving frequent doses when the croppi symptoms api are have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled chere i no dauger in giving thia remedy for it stains no apiu u or other in inous drug a 11 be given as to i babe as to an adult sold bv all dealers in patent medicina medic ins MKE D acetylene gas plants tor in publia write them about it lie r 0 bain bt 8 lit L ako tko tit utah arc U ciuck of in editor for t vo eara all efforts ma 11 tie al us of my han fubel v rites editor N lester of sir cuse kin then I 1 ay holly cured I 1 buck len s dihe it s the noil 1 s best for emption emptio a sores at 1 ill skin dis eibes aji at the castled la drug store A worthy successor something new under the sun yai doctors hive tried to cure CATARRH tn the use of polders ac d gw s ikhil u and druga in plate form po v ders dr up the mucious membranes PH sing them to end open and bit d po erful acids used in the inhalers have eaten a vav the sime ain branes that their bakera haio aimed to cure while pastes and cincot reich the disease a old and x titio er who his for man adde a close st id ind specialty 0 the nent of has at list per fectea a treatment ment chich when 1 used not only rel eesa tonce but per cures b re i oving the cau ie g the abd arges ind cubing all it la the only ay knain to science that actually reach s the afflicted parts this von lei ful is knoon ns SNUFFLES the guaranteed CATARRH CUBE and is sold at the boxtie i ely lo 10 v price of eich i containing conti ining internal and e ternna nie dicine sufficient for i full treatment aid everything ceo esbar to its kerfeit use snub FLES is the 01 it perfect CA ever anide ai d is no v lecog nihed s the on kostue cure for that annoying and 1 d sease it tion an i per der fully quick to rel eve I 1 or coin coi n in the HEAD CAT vl en neglected often leads to will sive s ive ou if 0 i use it at ice emed I 1 ut a complete treatment vt ich is positively guaranteed to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if i sed ic cording to the directions which each package don t celii I 1 ut send for it it once and write f ill i bour cond tion abdou vill id vice fro n the discoverer of this wonderful vond erful reneda re girding 5 our case v to lou lebond the regular price f SNUFFLES the CATARRH CUBE sent prepaid to ai address in the united states or cilda on receipt of sl ad dept E ajl en VIN GILES co 2330 at philadelphia g tyvr s la on every box f the bonu laxative bromo quinine nets he remedy that cures n coll iii one daj bivs mckinley his life ind work by GEN CHAS H GROSVENOR the preside ts lift long frie d con ra ie li ar and coll ague i g ess who vas near 1 Is bide nith other great i e i vl en alse s closed 11 death followed the national capitol a d to canton the general requires a sl art of tl e proceeds from tl e sale of 1 Is 1 ook to be devoted to a mckenl t fu d tl us every u nl e beto nes tr butor to this fund be sold it orders for the ankli g nobody will elegant photogravure portrait of preside it last pc t ire take at tl white ho se lou an easily and q li kly cl ar taki g orders order outfit qu ck cl ance to proe sue coss secure yearly tract and b come n a age 0 talt free ae id 12 cents in stamps t elpe su ot wrapping and n aall ge ob ss assembly corcoran balg ftp U S lie wash D I 1 used chamberlain s colic cl olera and D re ned ind ali d it to be a great e sis mr E S PI ippa of poteau rk it cured me ot bloody flux I 1 cannot too I 1 highly of it this remely al ays wins the of n ion if n t praise of tl oie o ie ho use it the qu ck cures halh it effects even in the most bere aises make it a favorite for sale b all dealers n patent me lines hen ou feel that 1 fe is hardi borth the gin lie tike i dose ot cho nl eri nn s stomach iud alner tablets they mil cleanse 0 o r ston ach to euphur ine ail res 11 1 makino oi feel like a ne v man for sale I 1 nil dealer in t med cines CURRENT TIME T FOR price UTAH effective sunda october 27 1901 no G 1 or and 1 ji action denver ind all points east 1 aj p m 0 o 2 tor grind denver ind all points eabe 7 37 p in no I 1 for grin 1 jn action denver ind all points east 1 02 a m no 1 or salt bikov city 1 lod coitt points 7 20 i m 0 o like t aden ind P i boist point t 1 i m no 5 for salt lake cit ogden and PIC no boist points does not at price leabes helper 02 a in SCOFIELD BRANCH no ll 11 col ton for scofield and clear creek 12 lo 10 p m to j leaves cleir creek for aco beld aid colton 7 00 a m DE MR no 1 rou mounds de 9 m no 49 1 rom sun de to helper 2 00 p m bor information concerning routes connections r tos etc apply to or ad iress R MCDONALD agent price utah old vau J W dellb ALL SIZES large stock now on hand buggies plows farm implements 01 ALL KINDS IN sl ab repairs tor most adv bort ot mover or reaper kept in stock utah implement co LARSEN agent daie UTAH CASH PAID FOB ron dt the CASTLE DALE FOUNDRY THE CURE W ITS GENIOUS BY WHICH EE BE DG CUBED DULY IN OF no noxious doses no Weak enli of the nerves A pleasant and positive cure for the liquor habit it 14 v generally kno and under stood that brunkel ness is a disc tse and not weakness A body tilled with poison an nerves lately shat I 1 oy pen adini or constant use ol 01 intoxicating 1 quoos ires an antidote capable of ind ig this poison ind destroying the craving for intoci cants sufferers ma nov cuie them silvas at home without publicity or loss of liine rom b is nesa by this wonderful HOME GOLD CURE which has I 1 een perfected after dinv close stud an 1 of inebnit es ahe faith fi 1 use ac to directions of this discovery is os lively guir tochie the obstinate u no mitter ho bird a drinker our rec chov the canelous ma nelous of thoi binds of drunkards i ito sober industrious aud upright men clar OUR HUSBANDS CHIL CUBE our it 8 m e iv is in no sei se a i ostrum but is n 8 ec for tl is d onla and skillful lv devised and prepared that it is tl orough lv soluble in 1 pleasant to the taste so that it cw be given in a cu of tet coffee without the kno of tl e person taken it Is of drunk I 1 ir Is 1 ive cured them beves with this fremed and as more have bee cured and made temper ite men bv hiving the CUBE by lov ing friends ind relatives without their in coffee or tei and I 1 elie veto lav tl tt the discontinued drinking of their v n free will do NOT WAIT do not 1 e deluded b apparent and mislead anfe improvement drive out the dis e iso at once and for all time the CUBE is sold at the dextre aela lo 10 v price of thus placing vi athin the reach of everrod ever bod i treatment ment more effectual than others costing oan 1 80 1 ull di erections ions e ich package spec nl a ivice 1 skilled hysick ins when re quested without estr i charge bent pro paid to dinv inv pirt of the world on t of 1 address dept F 41 EDWIN v co 2330 and 2332 market st philadelphia all correspondence cond lentol look carefully to your kidneys dr bennets kidney pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should they build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys as no known remedy has been found to do before As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal as 50 cents ioe J W bortt force yow bowels with harsh minerals which elways leave bad after effects on ts entire system and where ahe r i is persisted in tend to corately core tely the stomach and bowels USE edgar s cathartic confections the only harmless vegetable bowel re gator and liver vitalice vitali cf knot n As pleasant to the taste as candy and 23 positive as the harshest miner no gripe or pain cents W huntington ubbie p jp u fr I 1 1 aspen i u gi ej m V lulf the t AC 1 dec iveli the p W iti na ay i atio 01 them lebl i 1 leti of tl lo 10 I 1 atia t a ast j of taci i V 11 1 l lul our boo eal I 1 01 biru js dilill tryve f f coil 1 t ll 11 tf dyspepsia 6 10 ac 2 AND J guaranteed salary YEARLY M i a d ivonian of rood address to rep resent s some to travel age is ethers for local work looking after our in teresta salary guara teed early extra and expenses rapid ad vau cement old established house gra d cl a ice for earnest man or worna to secure t penna nei t 1 berat 11 ome a d future new brilliant 11 es rite at ice STAFFORD PRESS 73 chunh sl isca llean o 0 on the rear of 1 the chicago special the list car of tho chifiko spec al 13 library car it has i lounge g room 20 debt long handsomely carpeted bril bantly 1 gated annl i writing desk in 1 ft well stocked buffet in the rear 13 i bawd brass ruled riat torm where ou cin litand smoke i D I 1 look it the while the huma over the rails at 60 miles an ho ir ahe chicago sleeper which leaves the R G W depot at 3 15 p dail reaches denver the next afternoon where it 14 attached to the chicago special drop in an 1 latua give ou more about in the eist or if ou prefer see our local ticket agent salt lilac office 79 west second street it b gentril agent DURING HOT WEATHER SE BLUE FLAME COOK STOVES new rochester a WICKLESS SAFE SIMPLE under these circumstances 14 a i leisure the rochester lamp COOKING co stake tl air reputation on the stove in question the bast evidence 0 the satisfaction enjoyed is testimonials gilore and duplicate orders fron all I 1 arts of the world benl tor both or the NEW ROCHESTER COOK i nd the NEW rochester ou will never regret hang them into your THE ROCHESTER CO 38 park place and 33 barclay st new york cita doing business in utah aratea a written in the best companies as low a silt lake city firms keep money at home all policies bought school bonds and written at price utah county farm loans R W CROCKETT PRICE UTAH E PEARSON physician and surgeon cabale DALE UTAH F E WOODS attorney at law castle dale utah WD Livingston MANTI UTAH wm howard land attorney and notary public laud filings proofs contests ind coil eliud entries perfected at any place iti cistern utah deeds mortgages and legal pa pers generillo ge dra bt 1 l flatern utah lar is foal I 1 a ids f r salt or trade loans g tinted collections alad a id i I 1 a v lal nesa conducted ip t r UTAH A good one colorado midland train no 0 leav ogden at 7 lo 10 a m salt lake at a in arriving at colo ado springs at 5 li a in or denver at 8 10 d m is i good train and the fastest trim between utah points ind denver the favorite one la colorado train no 4 leacio oden at 7 15 p m silt lake 8 20 p m arriving at grand junction it ca m gers the entire day to view the superb scenery in colondo arneice at Gleif tood si rings at 8 oo 00 a m leadville Leid ville rpm manitou 5 TO p m colorado sarn gs 6 10 p m and denver at 8 1 p in time to biake with all lines for the north cist or south both these trains carry pullman sleepers through without chioke sleepers tor denver omi ha and st paul leave ogden train no 6 each wednesday morning 1 or denver omaha and ordinary sleep r leaves on trim no 4 each wednesday evening write or cill on us for grecial lound trip rates to points east abey are on s ile every daiy diy W H bonnell Uon nell U S do enc al agent trav ig lass lit S ST dooh luil liu salt like utah A sure thing irrigated crops noi or ail thou sands of acres of irrigated lands in idaho chanco of a life time tor en ten rising of moderate means to secure a home in this floored country choicest garden spot west of the rocky mountains the oregon short line railroad Is the only direct nute to til idaho oregon montana ind tho northwest for rates matter etc otc id dresa U E G P t silt like city utah BOR ale 20 of 1 anil 1 mile north of cis worth of light in the mammoth anal alph to U 1 like 0 |