Show TN KEAT I 1 I 1 FAL calif california ornia syndicate secures options on acres of emery co oil land GIGANTIC OIL TRUST the ful folio loing ing item from saturdays salt lake herald vill g ve e our readers some idea of the immensity of ue tae oila oil boom coming our vay an ou on as made last i igl t of the largest real estate tra ever made in ural atala a tract of oil la dall ds it nil s sin ILI ie le ath and six I 1 li i vidt I 1 com prist g 40 ac es cs i ear woodside Wood aide in the G een alv alver er district of erne y county the property prop propel eity ty passed from the alito i I 1 ai at d ai at d oil compa y to L L bett belt s of or ga i francisco the consid era tion ale e Is kept a secret it Is said b a reliable source of info matlon mation that tl e onside ratio i la is I 1 11 i part of a ca i at ire and vill III cone con a from the profits ac so crul g from th t and tand operation of a I 1 uge trust tl TI a e milto i land and oil compa as i i corp orated orill decently lecent ly L NN fl the noted geologist alo nv I 1 0 made the al lo 10 batio s decia decla es tl it e se les ies ol 01 cla cia ms covers both sides of the san rafael antle linal for mat at on and Is tl it e richest oil la Is d in tl it e state the deal vas mas closed by D J aua m it hams liams pros de t and lew le Is T can 0 sec see rotary of tl it e milton muton company r mr ur bett bettis s ar ived I 1 li i salt lake C ty less tha thai I 1 ta two 0 weeks ago at that time he had 1 vast number of options I 1 lithe i the green RIN alver er dis brict out of which he selected the milton mitten company a property lie ile Is 0 e of t lies I 1 e s u c oil men of california I 1 abing recent I 1 closed a 1 wo deal I 1 11 i the oil fields of that state callior la capital sta a e und r stood to be behind I 1 im I 1 11 i the presed t ve it i re the canno i family ai at d tl ti air assoil a ates tes vill it Is understood retain a consid rable interest I 1 11 i the P v 1 mr betts I 1 las as returned turned rt from tie oil field alere wl ere he las 1 as b en actively engaged will ili experts in looking over tl ti e ground he lie declared last dighe that development would follow as as mad mael anery could be brought from the east cast lea tes fe sinking experimental veils v 11 1 lo 10 c selected at once and sev beneral eral started eouse to a herall ic ie mr bettys said les es it Is fine it 11 at a moo acre deal I 1 as bee i closed but I 1 do i ot ca e to tv go into details wl kiei e I 1 I 1 as here recently I 1 told the people of utah through tl e colun as ansof of the herald that tl 0 e finest kl ki dofollo d of oil asto as to all appears ces pi ticul in tl ti a e green elver river district ind tl it at r i as go ng after some of it I 1 lam art rio c firn ly co vinced of its tl an ever the prop arty I 1 have acquired Is 20 26 miles vest most of grce gree binar stat on and Is on the lindlof the rio gra are ide western estern N ra I 1 odd oad in I 1 imery mery county counts oil oozes to the murfa e i i places and I 1 gath ered sl ale ate that will bur after I 1 avi aSeer tal ed cd its quality I 1 lo 10 t v ant any tl it ng further to set me I 1 ai i motto i tl TI c experts have p it all tl ti at I 1 be I 1 eved it to be this deal n ea s a great deal to tl ti e uta i oil fields said aid mr nir LI wl e IS 1 8 cn in I 1 u see tl ti e 0 I 1 land Is close to the property of the california 0 1 co ala ni a a d ot lissant from the sal sat ratael rafael ton con pa ys hold the latter n be do clo e to il 11 and the cal to fo n a con pany s n acl act i 1 erv cry is be nr ng set up 0 no o if mr lur B s operations pera tiong it ill I 1 I 1 ot of bo be lo 10 g before a strike will folio v astree A str ke vill giveen give en coula ement to A I 1 the en cn all 1 0 a d set the district on fire v tl it e it rne transacts i n is 0 e of tl it e best hi gs that hat c could 0 uld have I 1 appended tl ti e district as it sho he vs tl ti at tl it horld is lear ing in v w I 1 at ae have at our doors V AN OIL STRIKE MYSTERY i the report of an oil strike in the bin san I 1 rafael company s well southe st of cis tisdale comes aiom price but s con armat on from any other son source ace is yet 3 e t our latest report from the ft ell ci no in tuesday when so were informed that a stung ngor of tools vere agi n fast in the well and fishing for them was in progress manager A J dah dasis had just then ar br rived from bait salt like it has been kno here be holever never tor for some tl ne tie that oil had been encountered in at least t vo places in thy the ell from one of which there waa was quite a flo v I 1 or re rosona csont best known know n to the officers of the company however no information is given the c aa as to the quantity of the flo v the oil is in evidence though thong h on the rope and all i it out the ground and it la is hoped that tho the mystery will soon be I 1 eted and the abole district will share the sin san rafael com company parly the joy of their success what appears to be a good to those outside of the conti lence of this company is tint that chev have organized another coap corporation oration and vill 11 ship in i t ne v pit pla t of a larger capacity than their present one A GREAT GAS GUSHER V L acord and hector evans re ra turne I 1 from the san laciel tel oil fields on saturday evening where aney located for themselves and a syn licate of 0 cas six sections of cho le 0 I 1 land on either side of the sin san rafael river bet veen lockhart c ib tb n and mexican bend not tho the least valuable of their cocat ons they consider is 13 a gas gel geyser ser la in one of the box cana cannons ong of the riv river er the existence of this geys beys r vas kno to mr nir aboid and es ex sheriff leamaster for some time I 1 ast but they sought to locate it when the tho water la in the river rier N vis is rov ib v so that they could get down linto into the canyon ard examine it closely but the recent rains s veiled celled the river an all I 1 1 thwarted a pirt part of their amb tion 1 it t least iho gas phenomenon conever is included in the latest acau s t on of land by the above named prospectors I 1 lor or two or three miles on either side of the ge geyser ser the river is solidly walled by binks banks b inks from 40 to feet in height that rise pel per from both sides of ty tro 0 nv riv erb marov be ile the edth width of which vanea varies from 12 to CO 00 feet ax ept in very low water or when the river ia is frozen over it is amt impossible isible to got get into this narro v gorge hence i i has held in secret for agea the abiding place of thi interest ng rig mite of her mill on won ders for at least 60 feet the swiftly flo ving is disturbed by b the force of gas escaping trona from the thu geyser caucino great bubbles to form and burst here and there N hile it the i of greatest grei test force the gis gas sei set ds the water high nto into air ahe bursting bubbles present tho the most beautiful of prism itt colors an ev evidence of both gis gas and oil A nearby pool tint that before the recent r nin lin and the visit of the locators loci tors vis vas a small dry bisin basin at the e ige of the stream via wis found to be 08 chatea with oil of a dark v or light bro v n color there is 13 a fine formation tion cross ng rig the country ind and on either side of its apex the prospectors made hei r locations which also include a bod bed of 0 surface 0 I 1 saud sand rock that smells of the leil real thing the geyser is about 45 miles southeast of Castl edalo and about 16 south vest of green river estatio i the locators bes lea leg thise mentioned in elude jude jodef F E 11 woods H P ottosen ex sheriff john learn Leann aster ster james peter sen u 11 T haines cirl carl wilberg and find chis chas S N these men behe believe 0 they haesel hav e sec ired some soine of the bestland beet land in the corn com ng rig great oil li strict of the country fr W THE WORLD IS 15 WATCHING W E R underwood understood an oil expert of salt lake cit came in tuesday to ex 0 I 1 land for outside parties and to obtain a p arso kno of the lay of the land in the i of the oil belt adjacent id jacent to Castl castledine edile rho visitor was as driven to the fields by b oscar larsen i a id completed complete his examination yesterday yest erda ile informed a progress man tt ti at the inter est in bilt salt lake reg rd ng dg the emen county count oil fields is approaching g an all ex similar to that experienc experienced ea in ill the eat biily y day das s in the near c ties to the pull 3 0 ol 01 1 1 belt elt the cal fornai colony coloni of 0 I 1 men is fill 06 n up the hotels of zion and the ere v I 1 is co f a pushing soar py lot ot of men who has have e al reid ready been through one or t vo oil boo ns all and are spoiling for the dentone next one ahey have expected exper ted the em ry county oil fie lie ds nd rid have hid had the surface 0 1 1 1 i 11 I 1 IN zed ind and found it superior to anything of the kind heretofore discore ed hence their belief that h here ere v vill ill be tl e next great grunt oil boom sou son e of these n en ell i 0 hive have opt ons ong on large tracts of I 1 nd in this county and are tire poking I 1 ill every day da aho most enco rig S ta fa t howe however er is their potion petion in keeling the wires hot in or lenng to ichibei v lu i I 1 er and casing for imme liate hate deli delivery Nerv PLANTS COMING IN los ogelee tuen men in I 1 capital me ale il it out t login legin bearch search for oil ja the green river district utah work wil will be done I 1 y the inter 0 01 1 corn pany organized recently by bv california I 1 leople eople J X oung of that city cit at adione lone time an employed of the kio rio grande av estern com comi I 1 an haa has lud had several tests made of oil from the local seeps and the result was so satisfactory t tr at several montha months ago he interested loi los angeles capital and s nee nce that time much land his been taken up the company has a secured about 1100 acres anin an 1 makin making 9 arrangements to begin drilling at an early date don C robb ns manager of the call ion fori la ia utah 0 1 compan tolls tells the ad i that hig his peo ie le h have ale clos josd d a cou con with ith r II 11 mitchell bell of 1 cala to s nit ok a number ot of wells I 1 otteen ot veen I 1 aarnham nn no I 1 green rn er and that mr mitchell Mit thell is tid tied up to expend lie ile is 13 to operate on sixteen quarter sec u eions of land bet between neen tho the two places lie haa has ordered a standard ns ria anda and a stir star rig rig the rast is 13 to be in ope operatic ratio i ebido of f nn oil ety dds days and the litter latter with in i e 0 I 1 aundrel undre I 1 and find t venty dai days s mr mitchell Mit choll has stated tint that within the next six montha he lie v w 11 have six or seven a in operation i 11 i this section of the st ito tho the material and machinery chinery ina of the Cili tornia utah 0 1 company 8 plant is being rapidly hauled fro it tho the railroad to the point where the first well w ell is 13 to be sunk 9 in lea leg south vest of green R ve station manager don rob rohl ins sent a carload c of coal do from castle gate during the week atef A A flo v of ane oil anig vi 1 struck near Kern wa wo 0 on tuesday in the I 1 oss I 1 consolidated company 8 well at a depth of feet tho the flo v is about 30 barrels 1 i I d dai a aa As the W cull ig and utah oil belt is one and th the e same the ne tie vs 19 13 ro re heie heia with greit great fac action tion ac new colip enles with laith a capital of in 10 cent shires shares the western 0 1 compan was organized zed in salt lake cit city last satur day to develop the jup ter an I 1 sevan other petroleum locations in sect ona ong 1 11 and 12 to v ahir 2 22 bouth auth range 15 east in almer courts cour h AV i hatfield is pres dent dunt A J divia davis D ivia vice NV 11 II clark joserh 01 obern der deifer ter secretary md aid I 1 asides the latter the d rectors tire C 8 S W oli 1 i d pitr loan ahe D B iku oil compan company 13 another new corpany a 11 king organized org anizel 1 to exploit 0 ii 11 oil fields 0 aning land in fen fro erv ery and cirl carl on counter count ea its capitali bation is divided into docent 10 cent shires shares the coal ally has locate 1 9 92 acres of petroleum p lan ian I 1 A 8 S chapma i is president daniel dunne vico vice 1 I rosi rest de it 11 II P misoo mason treasurer treis uror J T lynch linch secretary secre tiry and these with G D B Gre greened enod V k r loubard gustavo kro ger fill I 1 J AV I 1 ike are tl e airm tors S lit lake is the he titers |