Show the democrats of carb n county put up an exceptionally strong ticket yester day the old gang was completely rented routed it is predicted that the utah cunning factories would ship out th a fill vill 0 00 0 casee cases of canned products in montana Colora an I 1 missouri river points emery county democrats are to meet at huntington nest next saturday when the county ticket tillet will be named only the best men should be considered and then the b st of these no nominate 1 on the ticket governor theodore roosevelt evelt of new york york late colonel ol 01 rough riders and candidate for the vice presidency has come and gone A great many utah republicans republican sare are saying that theodore theodores e visit wasn gasn t worth what it cot president Pies ident mckinley accompanied by secretary cortelyou cortelyon left wash agton last night for canton lanton he will not take any active partin part in the campaign agn and will not make campaign speeches there likewise will be no receptions of visiting delegations sunday a tribune says preston nut nat ter and william W mccoy of price who were recently indicted at ogden bv by the federal grand jury for perjury in a government land filling cas were yea yes berday bro i ight ht before the federal court on a bench warrant an ani I 1 were rele rel isel eisei on a bond for 11 1000 each by a 8 J west aud ALA T W jennings Jen ninga director Directo of theCa the aanina M arum says that tha the of the jopila tion of cities is practically completed as no bulletin will bg issued for a town under 25 the tire bureau he says I 1 probably will begin next week girr announce ionne ing the population of the states the first will be arkansas and thereafter they will be ironed in alphabetical or der behnin bem nin with alabama it 13 thought that all vf the states will be given out before congress assembles the leturner from the several state will nill also show the 1 opu lation of cities nn un ler 2100 00 currency to the tural districts the past week a assumed large proportions the currency trana trans fer at the sub treasury amonn tel to include including inc ludi tair sir U 0 to new or leans POO 00 to st louis lonis and 00 to ch cago the total transfers for the week thus tar far are 3 2 these have been offset by pac fie coast checks amounting amoun tina to 48 9 the tha banks also report larga o 0 shil ments of c particularly to the south 0 ie bank on tuesday shipped to the south and seven binks have shipped b tween 25 and SOU the first three days of this week |