Show resolution proposing nn an to section 6 ankle article 10 of f the co relating to the coi lom tr arol 0 I 1 su d t maintenance of I 1 alic set ol 01 be it resolved and enacted b by tt I 1 egl slature 0 of f the state of utah two thirl thirds of all members thereof concurring conour rinK therein section I 1 the be following proposition to amend the constitution ot of tl a sta a of utah ie Is hereby submitted to the qualified electors of the el bbate late tor for their approval or dig disapproval approval name namely 1 y thai that section 6 of article 10 of the Cons titu tion of the state of utah shall be amended to read as follow follows see 6 in cities of the fit first st and second clas class the public school system shall be controlled by the board of ed cation of such cities be garate and apart from the count counties les in which sai said cities arelo abed sec see 2 the secrete secretary alry of state Is hereby ordered to cause this proposition to be pub it ina leei least one I 1 newspaper paper in eve v CO 11 nty t of the state where a new newspaper r Is ii I 1 published tor for two months immediately p ceding the next general election bee see 3 8 1 his proposition shall be bitted to the electors of this state at the next general t election lection tor for their approval or disapproval on s ll official ballots used at such elec ion ton there shall be printed 1 or the amendment to bee see tion a article 10 of the tit titu ution ilon and against ag a dinst the amendment to section s article 10 0 of t the constitution together with buch such other title designating such amendment as may be provided by law aw bald ballots sha I 1 be re calved and said votes shall betaken be taken counted c nv ased and returns thereof be made in the same manner and in all respects as ie is provided by law in the case of the election of state officers |