Show resolution P ra posing 1 amendments to sections I 1 and 2 or carllile of 1 I li i n of tir state of lilah I 1 lh tu to direct Legin tat ou on by tike tile 1 be it resolved and enacted by the legislature of the state of utah two third thirds of all the members elected to each house thereof concurring therein section I 1 that section 1 of article 6 ot of the constitution of the state or of utah be amended to read as follows lollo vr bee see I 1 legislative power ot the state be rested I 1 in a senate and house ot of representatives which shall be designated the legislature of of tho the state of utah 2 in the people of 0 the state ot of utah as hereinafter a abed the legal voters or guch such fractional part thereof of the stale state ot of utah U tah as may be pro vided by law under euch such conditions and in such manner and within such t me as may be provided by law may initiate any desired legisla aton and u cause the same to be submitted to vote of 0 the people for approval or rejection or may require any law passed by the legislature except those laws pitted passed by a two th thirds ads vote ot of the members elected to eam each house of 0 the legislature to be submitted to the vote s ot of the state before such buell law shall take efte effe t the legal voters or such fractional part there ot f as may be provided by law 0 any legal sub divi ion ton ot of the state under such con cond d tlona and la in such manner and within such time ai a may be provided by law may initiate any dej 4 sired legislation and cause the same to be sub to a vote of the people ot of said I 1 leea e subdivision for or approval 0 or r rejection or in require any law or ordinance passed by thi ill law making body ot of said legal subdivision to be submitted to the voters voter thereof before such buell law or ordinance shall take effect sec see 2 also that section 2 of article a 1 of the constitution of the state ot at utah bd amended to read ai follows sec see the enacting clause of every law jaw shall ball s be be lie it enacted by the legislature of t the he state of utah except such laws admay be pas ed by trie vote of the eleito elet tors ra us as pro vided in subdivision 2 section I 1 a this article and arid su b h laws shall begin as follows lie ile it Is enacted by the people of the state ot of utah shall be passed ex iso no bill or joint resolution capt c with w ith the assent ot of the majority of all the members m eel b ers elected to each 1 house or of the lealla ture and after it has bas been beta read three times the final passage of all bill bills the vote upon shall be by reas i n 1 nays and no law shall be its title amended by reference to revised revia edor or only but the act as revl el al or seel section ion a bl amended shall be re enacted and published at length sec see a 3 the secre secretary tary of state Is hereby 0 ordered to cause this proposition pr position to be the pub put lisben in at least one newspaper in every county 0 of the state where a newspaper Is pub I 1 lashed 1 g c tor for two t 0 0 thi immediately preceding t the next ext general e eral election be sub 19 proposition jitian shall 4 pr sec ec bitted t to the t a electors of this t state at the nean 11 ir general ral election tor for their approval or rejection the official cial ballots allots used at said shall thereon for the amendment to have printed sections I 1 and 2 article a of the constam ion etc eto and against the an en ament to sic S eions I 1 and 22 arti article cle 6 ot of the constitution etc ec and such designas designation des ignat ton of title as may be provided bylaw by law sold bal shall berecek be received ived counted can andraid and said votes shall be taken in the same made thereof be cassed as t d and returns maun manner er and in all ail respects as e la is provided aided by law la in case of the election elec tion of state orders STATE or OF UTAH aas I 1 office of secretary of state f T II ammond secretary 0 of state of I 1 james of utah do hereby certify that the the state copies of the are true and correct forego ng amendments to the proposing reso constitution unions of thie this state passed at the third regular session of the of this state in testimony whereof I 1 have hero unto set my band hand and sexed the great seal of tile th state of utah at L 1 salt lake city thin this day of au an lust A U V 19 I 1 0 J T secretary of bbate |