Show another smallpox huntington scare proves a hot air the the past week has been beautiful not hot but pleasantly cool it appears those little had punt ing effect upon the atmosphere sphere cooling the ground and letting the capps ripen more natural quite a dumber 0 our people are up at r among others our ex bishop bince his release from presiding he no doubt feels his freedom so he has token the liberty 0 an outing in the mountains for a few davs and while there he will assist on the flume for the reservoir wark at the sa v mill has shut down report bivs a government agent was there and forbid them further hiwing it this is true it would seem almost too bad when we can scarcely get a little lumber for improving and repairs there is no speculation in ft hat little that mill has been doing and therefore it looks bolish to stop it the case of mart jensen vs R L smithy ill be heard before justice how ard next thursday the complaint ching es smith with obstructing a public h gh B some six miles up huntington can ion on the south side of the creek mr smith having fenced his land across w bich the road runs he claims the roid is no longer a public highfi as the county road is north on the othea side of the creek on the other hand the complaining witness avers amt the road has for ears been used as a public high i vay and is of great benefit to number of people county attorney ernman tull prosecute the cise and geo M mil ler will defend another smallpox pox scare and i fizzle for several weeks past miss stella john son clerk at tha mercantile co a e has been ailing and some t vo weeks ago she left the store and remained at home her ailments were of the head the symptoms being akin to brain fever feeling better she returned to the store on wednesday ast then mr R an oil expert and specialist ame to town and upon entering the store he appeared to change his avocation to that of and pronounced miss johnson s trouble a case of pox and at the same time gave diorec that she should be sent home and quarantined as well as some other parties ilso that the store should be closed etc now we believe mr R was a little premature in this matter as it is but a very few days since he cams to hunt ington broke out with that dread dis ease and claimed to be ignorant of the tact it takes the medical fraternity some length of time v ears before they can diagnose a case of smallpox it sight specially before apostulos po appear of course a flig was and dr pearson was sent for who pronounced it a case of false alarm and the town pays the bill now it mr R is as wise in begird to smallpox ii he claims to be it the town might prosecute him for coming here and exposing the p opie of huntington and the mail poach passengers to it a tev davs since besides he returned to huntington Hunti in less time than the law of quarantine antine fles the health regu should be strictly enforced and the quarantine officers be on the alert but the cita dada should be wise ser bents and harmless as doves and not work hardships on the people or ex pense upon the town hustito justito please tran who are passing through our to n some of these birties m not have an of good will tor the people of huntington if so any little annoyance be imposed |