Show 1 AD COUNTY boil the water ind have less sickness I 1 rod his located in back loot blaho the schools ill op 15 mrs S shipp ot this cit la visiting in moab he daughter mrs parley larsen judge johnson finished ohp court cal on saturday and to monticello judge E woods is getting out a new lot 0 revised ordinances for ferron and bell tor the academy was tor by james petersen yesterday it wll bo a b g one the regular counts teachers examina t ion is to be held at Cast ledale on the and miller accompanied by mrs P miller and two children went over the mountain wednesday morn tor a MS it in mt pleasant mrs elizabeth alken who has boon visiting here with mrs D for gome time returned to her home in spring city last anda marriage licensee were issued by anun t clerk fox this week to delia 0 lie mon and jos petersen and hattie thomas and eugene henne all ol 01 ron consi lerable sickness town some of which is typhoid fever when people get in the habit of boiling nil drinking water the blo v will be dealt this disease wm A mills the richfield promoter has a small force of men at work dovel a large block of coal land up mud dy creek near emery near the emery and county line invitations are out announcing the coming of biag delis M lemon daughter of john lemon 0 perron and joseph petersen also of ferron i to occur on the p of sep at u dence of the bride s parents arom nil over the count con berning the pram crops are most flatter ing bhore will be a particularly large neld of wheat some estimating that the w ill got 0 bushel the acre on so no choice spots estimates of 70 bushels are quite common there will alao be a rood crop of onta e are in receipt of the new annual 1 bi the state which is tree to am one for the asking the management of this groat state tion 19 making 1 great effort this air to present the advin of the university before the public ani it is hoped they will succeed in obtaining a large number ot new students the primar will hive a children s fair on tuesday sept 2 be sides a program there will lie a d splay ot the best specimens of fruit vegetables vega tables gra n preserves or in fancy work it is intended to sell only such articles irti cles as ma be donated but no one will be barred from selling an thing exhibit to whom the please the don athons will ba thrown into i pond and fished out at so much a throw the pro beeda to go to the i D made a hurried visit in ephraim the latter pirt of lit week going over the new piece of road from lower joes vilify to ephraim upon which a state appropriation of has just been eapen led he i renounces ron ounces the road a most excellent aoe it folio vs ephraim a creek to the top of the moun bains and on this side runs along cedar creek to the boundary boun diry line betho n the two counties mr jthomas ier and fam liy expect to leive here some time next week for pins idaho where mr tho mander will assume the duties of regis brur of the fielding academy and hive charge of the business department of that institution dost thou go around the land at night an 1 rush the gro vier and with the feminine dost thou whooper up with the bos in I 1 finger the sub stance of the jak tot aid plant thy substance the eer slippery fi i ger dost thou puff a t 0 o cent gar or pull the deadly dirette hast thou lost thy grip on ft a a that ire right and wis dom which is good in tha world verily thou art 11 a bad ro v of stumps it will not long ere tho i art kno in the land no more chine heels will fly up and tho i wilt fall in the soup lyeen thy on the gun ind monkey not with the juice of the jug stand clear of the man with the ices iad ID the of ife thy bocket will bo full of the fruit of the earth while those who nind not these commandments lie a ns of the 11 h abit is soa was born this Sa morn ing to the wife of peter frandsen ahe annual baake sunday school con ference will be held it price to orro v sunday mr and mrs george brandon return ed from mt pleasant esterday the blue cut and clipper canal corn banies are acain contributing water to to the town 0 Cast ledale counti attorney truman and actor ne geo M miller came over from hun hington tuesday and to be bus the approved of the bistle val ley railroad were received at the salt anke and office from washington on great deal of flour rom the hun hington mill la cow being sold here it is pronounced by everyone a enuch bet ter article than an that was brought ir here from salt like city number of those who have been working on the coke oena at sunny side have returned to town the oena there are now in corn mission making mine work plentiful and other work not quite so good the democratic county central corn matteo met here on saturday and set the date tor the county convention which will be saturday august 30 at that time delegates to the elite convention only will be choden the convention will be held at orangeville Orang eville justice of the peace re signed hia job because people ahna up at night and insisted on decisions from ari upper window by moonlight he laid it made him sick to think at night justices out this way have a pre tor trouble of that sort they never think salina sun the stake relief society conference will be held at price at lo 10 a in aug 30 where we hope to be adored with the presence 0 the relief society officers of all the wards together with a liberal re presentation of the members of each salt like representatives are expected in attendance MART stake relief society president at last sunday a meeting here A G jewkes sr and herbert bahige spoke in the interest of the academy and church schools james Pete raon and 0 J andersen spoke on the same subjects at lawrence J P killpack at molen and J W and will beely at orangeville Orang eville all the towns in this end of the stake havenia been canvisser canvis sed and the out look for a gool attendance at the acad emy is quite favorable walter cluff ot the 1 academy provo was in to wednesday visiting prospective attendants of thit tion of learning mr cluff said the young men of this country aro taking more interest in education every ear it is interesting to contrast the present with i fe v vearsie past where there was indifference wo or three years ago mark ed eagerness is now shown salina sun D H leonard county tree inspector djs been here all the week making his last offic al abit he states that too many have neglected to spray partly because of discouragement occa signed by the killing frosts in the late spring the fruit crop is generally poor except at ferron and the apples outside of that town are generally worm he says the people began right in the spring but because of the frost they quit too soon he advises fall sprays ig and an unceasing on the fruit pests until the victory is won over in sanpete county a native of that section who hid reached the age of 40 years and had never be n outside of iho of utah was prevailed upon to take a trip to omaha some time ago on beholding the big river the old fellow was more than astonished even bewildered it the unusual sight he look d rubbed his eyes and looked again then spreading his feet fir nf art and taking a secure hitch with both ban as on the reir portion of his trousers he exclaimed all im in plum beat et thir aint land on the other side et ut s as b g over as on this here side this world s a whopper |