Show IN neighborhood E I 1 fi I 1 MINIM 54 w az 0 11 J 1 AND CITY NEWS BRIEFLY RELATED barch ath la Is the regular mooting meeting date of the baird of county commit dr A 01 reports about thirty cased cases ot of moralee in fit arit i and the disease asprer there are pr prie onet in the county jail As 1 time than for monte BA deputy sheriff fau tt wih milder weather work ork hae has 1 ou on the interior of the block at the corner of ninth d main slain walace II 11 petty recently avi 1 notice from NN ashington D I 1 C that patent hoa has issued to him for hm hw dirigible headlight for automo bile master haster james loofbourow ie is confined to hie his home with measles 1 there are also 1 several case at tho the homo of J W west four or five of the family having it special agent lindsey of the deliver deavor and illo orande grande recently ar rated charka roam at colton calton barged with boxcar robbery there ross ilot waa was taken to jail at provo frank groeso of 0 price who wan returning last week from california was a a taken III at salt lake city from and id Is now nou at fit holy cram hospital titter after an opera aloa the january term of court for carbon county convened on tho the next monday the t calar 1 dar la is a large one civilly bat but small in the number of criminal cases clarence Ol arence livingston who waa was taken to castio castle dale from price a few doye ago a suf suffering foring troia from smallpox ox is L reported to be about conval aice iceal at by persons comine over from the south helper a e state baak has ha declared a dividend of 0 G 5 tier per cent for the ear payable february isali cash I tr ir r jackion defalcation some few ago cut down don it 1 eastern kutait telephone company ll 11 asking for bida 1 for the hauling of poem between several points la I 1 rt emer E m erf county an extension of the fine south to Duck born late la 11 contemplated contoni plated ff F brooks heppler furniture coni pany pa ny ot price has jut just closed a deal ath courim diumenti for the furniture tor for the latter ut at th building recently completed anro nr out for tho the wed dine ding ot of lewla P I 1 arsea and mine allm mary ward ot of clevelan Cle tho same to take place at tao hone at tho the brides parent parents mr sir and mrs john E ward february cizl J C of 0 price will about kao eth of the month next thursday put an a dally tally automobile service from front thia this city to vastle dale and other finery county points potato lier here at 8 in the morning in tho the fish and game commissioner estimates that the number of 0 elk in this elate state will have to ron thousand UlOus ald in the course of ten year years by which time a limited number will bo be allowed to bo be killed by sportsmen charlas johanson Johan aen who has been over jit at mohrland Sl for some time put p acme to mt it early thi 4 week and la 19 visiting with ith ble his rela tire 1 friends he ile expect expects to return again next eek sit pleas ant 1 pyramid fth post atice supplies for the new town own of storrs up spring canyon have arrived A F gibson will bo be postmaster at the new now camp which ir c eal fial I 1 to hold tho the record for hat hay luc lic the largest amount of mall for nn ru town of Us its ale size after slate state veterinarian young had in the studebaker lorse at provo that had the he glanders gl andere the animal wad was taken ou and killed Off trem were instructed to tine the barn and it will rem alia un 1 til the place Is properly fumigated and cleaned D W working head of the federal department of farn faran management bureau of allmay industry arrived ka salt like city wt last monday it te is ills intention to study utah farm with a possible ble vica vic vie A toward the establishment of a permanent jer blanch of hia its a saya says castle dales daws progress of lut saturday it la Is reported that wint or and rimer elmer are homr home at lswrence Li wrence from mohrland Moh as L r A been quarantined for small p ox contracted acted while at that place vo liaty anty physician dr J C craham graham w t over to ahme caebe the largest and heo heaviest train that ever pulled out of the helper yards left there for the west last thursday afternoon at 1 45 clock there were forty loada loads of coal and boko amounting to twenty two hua dal tind and sixty four ton tons tho the train wa was hauled by thre e ut f the new neve mallet t joseph W gilluly Oll luly treasurer of 0 the denver and rio grande and an employed of that corporation since lla its organization in J died at his home homo in denver donver lolo 1010 suddenly last thursday death waa was caused by heart failure following an attack of bright brights a disease he ile way was born I 1 at shrewsbury Shew abury N J in 1851 chere la Is a deal under way tor for the purchase of the price steam laundry by F E dole of bait salt like lake cit T 11 II weston present owner will retire from the business dole ie As an experienced man in jr tbt laundry business bovine been amoc with hie his father in connection with the standard laundry at salt lake city aire sirs W J elwood entertained elx tables at five hundred last sat it being a valentin valentina affair mra mrs roland waa was awarded tho thu hrit first prize a framed picture and mra stra carloe carlos gunderson Ou the second prize a china 1 cup and saucer the Et atwoods woods have but recently move I 1 to their new homa on nort street V W knowles Know lea tecc or lias has juet returned to r rit it lak city lity front a trip to the lower cud end of 0 dugway valley acore lie found one band of sheep badly infected with arrangements have beu made to dip these sheep at once anu and it ie Is hoped that the disease may bo eradicated and the infection prevented from spreading reading ep to other hertia herds douglas II 11 held aged agold 18 3 amre ars the eon con of hugh and mrs marsh marah reid died last thursday at a salt lake cit hospital from injuries received at tucker the previous wednesday while working for the utah construction conar comp ny the body was taken to ogden for burial lie woo born lu in park city utah march 10 1894 2894 and la Is survived by bis ilia parents a brother and three slaters sisters living la ogdan S 8 W V mcclure secretary Boc rotary of the national association has on in his offices in the McInty ro building jull ding at lt salt lake city a bolt ci olive drab colored woollen cloth that he is says can be laid down for 1 13 a yard double N edth idali and weighing fourte eit ounces to the yard mcclure explains that by cutting down dom the tariff on wool the net saying to the consumer elji be only fifty cents centa a a ault suit and that he manufacturer will be the one to benefit by the change As is so much sickness go inoff about it nay not ie to adlas to publish thie this from sec see 2 of the school law teacher or board shall not allow any pupil to attend the district schools while any member of the household to which said sald pupil belongs is etch gick with any infectious or contagious disease ae nor during the period of two weeks death recovery or removal of such tick sick person and then only upon a certificate of a competent physician cr or written permit of the district board fro harmon Ilar nion is a entertaining the ladles ladies aid society this ay iy afternoon aften after roon at her home on oil coith th ninth street how ts a the date of easter determined ter mined te fa a question which we have been requested to answer easter fe is the first sund sunday r after the first tull full to following lie w ri the anul not nox of march 2 let the earI earliest lest ible date to in march this year easter falle falls on march march 2 let this year ta Is friday rhe rho i next day there Is a full moon and the fol following loing day la Is easter nearly a hundred years before there will wui be another easter as eairly a as alo feast day this year tte tl e principal topic of conversation out outside oldo of the and light project of myton said U 11 C means who has juet just returned from vernal la Is the price wool III be a abort time hence many blany grow era ers are apprehensive that when wil enri assume the relna reina of government wool will take a decided drop tho majority however do not believe there la Is going to be any eny detrimental legislation in this respect ct and nearly all the are holding thelt the product for aa an advance in prices byton record ath rev rey dennis clely kiel vicar general of thia this catholic diocese bioc we has been stricken with partial blind neu ne ceisl 1 eting giving up all work calculated in any way to strain strata ills his ece lie ile la Is under medical treatment and there aro are hopes of 0 his recovery although he la is now 70 lears ears of 0 ase age until recently father klelia eyes gave no indication of any trouble whatever it if there aro are no encouraging signs shortly bishop scanlan will have to return to salt lake city from front arizona and tako take attivo charge of the diocedo himself father kiely la Is quite well 1 kuzn throughout carbon county and eastern utah where he lalta in an ec ee capacity |