Show PRICES FIRST FACTORY PROMISES TO DO 00 WELL W ELL next saturday tho the will be opened price prices s first factory on 0 tnt lt date the price Alacar macaroni cint com 1 pany will make its initial bow to the public tho the in ii com exclusively of carbon county people ind will vall open under conditions chich should make its future euc cea ss n assured aured for not only has it come so me throe three or tour four hundred stockholders among the heavy aers u era of Mt caronA throughout the county but it has a plant superior to anything west at of chicago and except possibly in point of size see ond to none in ho he country the building of brick and con calto u Is absolutely sanitary in every respect and aud every precaution will bo he taken to keep tt it eo so as the cleansing and ventilating feature features have been well taken care of the machinery it Is la in itself worth warth a trip of inspection especially to one who hae has become accustomed to the antiquated macht machinery nery usually found in macaroni fr mortes and speaks volumes for tho the founders of the concern who have spared nothing in to the m mitter atter of first coat to secure the moat most modern macaroni machinery in the american market the flour Is handled from the flour room na tho the first floor through a sifter sitter into the mixer bitting otting on a raised platform in the baa basement ement from there the dough travel travels on an inclined chute to the kneaded and from ue tae kneaders la is taken to tho the laro larr hydraulic presses w which aich are of the aery latest model these presses have a capacity of ixta five hundred pounds at of dough a day all m michl nery ta driven by individual motor motors and entirely self contained contAl ned from the presses the mac macaroni aront la is taken to a model fan tan room and ead from here there to the curing room next to it and then by elevator to the drying roama in the upper part dart ot of the building the boxing and packing behig beang also done on these floors the output of the factory at the atari start will be about two hundred boxes a day which will be increased considerably utter after the plant Is brought to a thorough working basim from the amount of orders now stan standing dirig on the comp company anys bocka books from retailer retailers outside of the county courty it would appear that this concern la to eoon soon going to be an imbor tant factor in the macaroni macaro nl industry of kite west and ae as it U la is going to cantine itself exclusively to the manufacture of the litz highest hest grade product made entirely brora the beat durum semolina Boin olinn to he obtained there Is no reason why the product should not equal the baxt grade of imported paste II 11 it kirkpatrick who si 01 evev eral oral stars baa has bean been superintendent of coke ovene ovens for the utai buel kuel compa company ity li presly nt of the c 0 m pany and irn d has recently roe resigned ign t that li at position to take over ever the active of tho factory lie will hive as a his hi superintendent a mr gluffrida ho he for the past six year years haa has been the manager of the pueblo macaroni Itla caroni company and I 1 conceded to be ona of the best mac in the country |