Show ImS T iam FACTION FA C T I 1 U N I 1 LIES our aim al people dealing at our three stores are guaranteed guarantee d always the best in quality and the right prices in seasonable merchandise se buying in large lots very often carloads we are in in better position to make prices rices than are smaller dealers our stock stoc embraces about everything in 5 0 and furnishings asies S 9 mens misses and boys shoes ykhing in 9 and furnishings 1 13 and canned goods assets 78 chinaware house furnishings aw A jirs M t rs supplies hay grain etc we cater not only to the trade of the camps but to the farmers and the stock growers of the surrounding country NO TRASHY STUFF NO SELLING OUT OF STOCKS blit JUST OUR HIGH QUALITY GOODS we give you an opportunity to save dollars prompt attention to mail orders urbon 2 on emery EM cry I 1 oot stores co stores at hiawatha black hawk mohrland Moh and east hiawatha beatie beatle beneral zil manager lanager TV ia S i i 0 iiii M MILLER GENERAL merchandise COLTON UTAH i t N M i 60 store and new stock at new I 1 ideation location ca where you can always get iha liap j and grain at reasonable prices come coine to the new place and aud get fiet outfitted properly wv V hafi you are in need of MINE CARS IRON R ON OR BRASS CASTINGS woj ENGINE N gane AND BOILER REPAIRS MODERN HEATING AND PLUMBING BING f structural w STEEL AND IRON cj 3 dr 4 burnish estimates for you we build and repair AN ands of machinery prompt service in all cases all ST jag A I 1 9 FOUNDRY MACHINE COMPANY CON provo utah I 1 1 I I 1 III 1114 PW P W wa JOHNSON BROS id phone 13 4 M Erp OF pent entering ering and mill work of all ill J kinds get our prices ta esrice R I 1 C r al U UTAH 3 ee r u 0 thine thing in salt lake you should not miss the 0 HOT BATHS S in aa every form tub baths private poola large poole pools and turkish batha a ore are healthful the waters aro are invigorating and jalk bibs jibs TO ati THE E BETTER ELEMENT ONLY 62 2 third south salt lake city OLD AGE old age as it cornea comes in the orderly process of nature Is a beautiful and lind mauratic maj thine thing it stands for wisdom and counsel that Is as it should be but old age aa as it U otte la Is means poor digestion diee atlon torpid bowels slug elsh liver ard a general feeling of ill health despondency and misery this la in almost every lo IaL blance tance Is a w wholly holly one of chain berl ber alne lains stomach and liver tab lota lots taken immediately after supper will 1 improve the digestion tone up the liver and regulate the bowels that feeling of despondency wilt will sivo way to one of hope and good cheer for eale we by all dealers aalt 11 icings bw HI boothes irritated throat and lunge lungs stops chronic and hacking cough relieves tickling throat and tutee nice take no other baca used always used allu it at nil all jealeta Ic alers A year in a coal itne by joshua a and fascinating story of a young college graduate who worked as a miner for an entire year begins in thie this impression of the advocate and will run tor for five or elx six weeks school supplies in large or email small quantities advocate publishing co OR f P AM AMO eastern modem modern dentist all services guaranteed for fifteen years painless extraction EXt FaCtion of teeth tooth or no pay examinations and estimates given free of charge telephone lady attendant over oyer golden rule af store ore price utah HIAWATHA H A COAL COA LIZ 11 II S tilla 1 bear IT doka DOES NOT SLACK IT DOES NOT it 11 burns well it burns longer and gives more beat heat than any oilier COAL 1 on ia e luat ket on PROMPT SERVICE dray line K A THOMPSON proprietor here to serve everyone at reasonable charges for the best beat service lio iu ahti PRICE N 0 smoke eureka queen cigar J W mcgann maker sv THE HAT HA T WON ug T I 1 N FINDS ITS ANSWER ER HERE H E R E THE QUESTION another of the latest the question is the latest craze of the millinery world a swagger trimming for ladies and misses spring hats it is the th newest of popular priced novelties the question Qi jestion comes in single quill at a remarkably mar kably inov ov price also in heavier quality colors amber lilac war lavendar pink ciel clel blue and others see the line of new spring hats we are showing this week which have just arrived I 1 bessie 1 kennedy e n n oc d y j milliner |