Show q HAVE A au alo 1 coment borne nt the ladled ladies of the comment ity okd td a meeting monday night in the interest Inte reet of the tb humr rum democratic domo gli the principal feature of jhb th even lAg no so the advocate Is li informed nf ormed was an apology from iriceil former mayor W V olson as to hie his conduct during him fou foul dearee year tenure in n office olson M A P draffer and admitted that mr was abiol fi tn in hie his dealings with his fel logman man white while frank did not nay so I 1 in n so many worda words the audience waa was eft to believe that the only ta ang tang ng the fordner mayor had braffet ws wait because braffet had not een seen fit to taki ka the ex mayor under hie his poll wine wing |