Show jette u MAN LOOSE 4 ins sta tol C E loore chairman of the tate late republican cottral committee saturday appointed ble his executive and finance committees he ile had trev oust 11 II I 1 L cummings acre tary 0 other her appointments made by col cot LOCQ are john X hardy of salt lake first vice chairman and S 8 0 de of ogden second e chairman end and challem a R treasurer the executive committee choun by colonel to ast him in ning the campaign con consists sistA of senator cgeorge sutherland salt lake E it IL Call callmer Mpr palt lake 1 10 lynch salt lake george halverson bogde arthur 3 brown aalt alt lake J U el dredge jr ogden john II 11 dixon lagon vaso A ll 11 I 1 thomas sai lake 4 II 11 anderson And ereon manti C v frank emery salt lake horace hi eacker etc ker logan bullen llull cn jr logan john W Thor thornley tiley Xay oville and oen glen miller witter salt halt I ake tl TI bence committee appointed by colonel loose of W 8 mccornick Corn lck frank knoxie dad bad ger john C cutter cutler thomas II 11 cutler cutter all of salt lake ulas mann of C W nibley of salt lake thomae thomas smart mart of logan W mont ferry of halt lake C S burton an and 4 D C Jacki tackling ing of or salt 8 lake le roy of ogden 0 J salisbury X it walker beet thompson io seph geoghegan le david mattson Mat 0 U 0 kelt and II 11 U E hooch of or salt lake and X M pd ito I 1 all af f ogden A J 4 le lee Is the m anber from carlon of fhe oe tate state central coin mitlee |