Show 10 IV 11 liture tate k s OM ce salt lake city utah janu jabury art 4 1910 ejot act Is hereby glim that I 1 eon V hoad post ottice address in Is denver colo has ba made application in accord accord ance with the requirements requirement 4 of the compiled utah 1907 7 as amended by tho the fes e ilon I 1 laws a of utah 1909 to appropriate live five bun dred mo acre ac foot of water from in utah county utah sp ti 1 Is a point which bean north I 1 deree east 80 BU feet beet distant from the quarter corner of bee see 13 lap 11 south 1 8 tast salt lalus base and meridian oprina no 1 I 1 is situated ata at u point which be rs north 84 decrees 4 cast eat feel feet distant from thu the corner above described spring no 3 31 1 situated at a n point which bears north 21 i west feet distant from the south w eat est corner of bee I 1 aj J twit twp I 1 11 I 1 bouth south allanr e 8 aaa salt bake base and meridian 1 he water from these brings pr ings will restored be stored in rest designated its a I 1 ta 10 5 inclusive I 1 he center of 0 reer reservoir voir dam no I 1 bears north I 1 decree degree east bos feet distant from the south quarter corner of ecklon 13 alite ci c i er arof of darn no bears north 84 degrees eu east at feet distant from the torne lorne above described tho center 0 reservoir dam no 3 bears south 4 3 degrees degree west 1216 1 6 feet distant from south quarter corner corne of sec section tion 13 the center of reservoir dam no 4 beim beam be im south 43 42 degrees east 1282 feet distant from the southwest cornar corner of section 13 1 ie ae center of re reservoir dam no ft bears north I 1 do drefs west feet distant from the southwest corner ot of section 13 all in township I 1 11 I 1 south range 8 cast salt luke base and meridian iho water issuing from spring no I 1 will be stored IQ in reer reservoir voir no I 1 vart of the euceta how flow from uolar ir r no I 1 will be allowed cotlow to flow down the natu al a stream from reservoir no I 1 to reservoir 0 a 1 in which it together with the water issuing from spring no 2 will be stored I 1 be water stored in fn reservoir no 2 will be released directly from it into a ditch and carried to the land to be b irrigated rahe re water stored in reservoir no I 1 will be conveyed by a ditch to reservoir 1 nos 3 and I 1 and released directly from these reser olra into dideles ad carried curried to the land to be he irrigated I 1 tie water issuing from no 3 will be diverted by rese re senoir moir no 5 und and con V edl n ibby by a ditch to reservoir no and I 1 alence L e n to 0 land to be irrigated bald said wa er will III be stored from march I 1 until july 1 Ine malve 0 of each year the water so stored will ie re leased during ur the period from june I 1 ts t e 35 25 inclusive of each year from sa bald rd d reservoirs reser and conveyed by means of ditches to acres of land embraced in sees 23 24 and K astop 5 1 p I 1 II 11 I 1 south range 8 1 last sat salt like dase se and merld meridian hin I 1 ahls his application ir f dehli anted in the state eni a ulce aa no 2559 all protests against the granting Kr of said ap stating the reasons must be made att by affidavit in duplicate and lied in this office w within hin thirty 30 days after the comple tion of the publication of this notice CALL ianell IAN lAN SEIl ell state date datert of tar arst at publication jan 6 1910 date of completion of publication keb eb 5 1010 1910 |