Show misleading THE YOUNG IDEA eloquent El lecturer nothing more than a nature faker the eloquent lecturer was discourse dis di coura scours ins ing on the wonders ponders of nature digressing for a h bald did it eer occur to you ou that there la Is not a principle in mechanics not a single ingenious device in the application of power that has not been anticipated in the marcelous mane mari loua elous structure of the human body take the familiar instance of the cogwheel the first cogwheels cog wheels so to speak were N ere the knuckles of the human mind double your fists put i them together in front of you with the backs upward placing each knuckle of one fist in the depression between two knuckles on the othor other fist 11 holding them tightly together in this manner oscillate them back and forth and you have the original geared ma that suggested teI the cogwheel when you go home boys place the knuckles of your fists together in this same way put them under a heavy weight and you will find that by im parting a cogwheel motion to them you can cati lift pounds with perfect ease when the boys went home they tried it and found it true they had ustena pi to another nature taker I 1 |