Show INE IN TH L wards of one hundred men lose their lives TO IDENTIFY THE CHARRED BODIES PRIMERO colo fob feb I 1 up to noon forty two bodies iad been recover recovered d most of hem so badly disfigured that 4 the work of identification is is iro ro gressing slowly A large forsti of men ib en 4 aged in reclaiming the mine lo 10 0 ventilation no combus lible tible gas is being encountered awo wa ventilating fans hav have e been n operation since early last igat and blackdamp which 4 4 follows an explosion i is being anven riven rapidly back along the 4 n lin shaft i entries nos 7 8 9 and 10 have already been reclaim id ed it is beyond this point 4 hat that most of the bodies ably will be found 4 colo feb 1 fight madly to escape through the arrow row partly choked air shaft ping ruthlessly over their fallen brades in their frantic struggle life more than half the miners implored imp loyed in the primero mine of th colorado fuel and iron company aked by a terrific explosion yes lay ay afternoon were overcome by nes es and gas their bodies were nd in heaps about the bottom of air shaft where they had fallen he desperate struggle ine ne hundred and forty nine men known to have been in the mine en the explosion occurred it is d I 1 that seventy nine are known to dead one has hai been rescued e but dangerously injured heir bodies torn and charred alst beyond recognition it has been possible to identify the dead he explosion occurred about lock p m with a terrific roar d 1 a belch of flame the main shaft meled in blocking the entrance the he mine both fans with which prope property arty is equipped wei e shat red d and it 3 was not until p in t the fiailoa bete repaired and a cue pirty headed by general adent J F thompson was e to descend the air shaft they severed covered three bodies before they re forced to return to the sure five men one of them a hund yards away were killed at the ance to the main shaft by the assion rescue escue parties were hurried to mero from trinidad segundo gundo Sc ir kville and Co keville 3 worked desperately to open the in shaft it soon became evident aa ever that the shaft vv was as hope llop W sly caved and another rescue party scented into the air shaft short before 2 this morning perin thompson Thomp con who was as acting the rescue work k ork was as over no e by gas ard carried to the sure he lie boon u reco ered and again nt balow io nardino the one man found vc ve v v as beneath a mass of earth 1 I 1 timbers he ile declares that he lie over scores of bodies after explosion and saw no one who is not injured fhe lie rescuers say that the whole ne is a wreck and that it is a nl ost impossible that any of jhb en bombed miners aie ate still alive the fire aich which followed the explosion was confined closely to the workings near the main shaft and soon burned itself out with the cherry ills disaster freab in their minds frantic women and children surged against the ropes drawn to keep them from the shaft and wildly begged the rescuers to bring back their dear ones some of the women attempted to join the workers below and had to be restrained by force As each body was brought to the surface the women gathered about it with shrieks and prayers but the bodies were so charred and disfigured that the wives and mothers could not identify them until the workings can be opened the cause of the explosion wil I 1 remain unknown the officials of the company declare that safety lamps lamp S were used in every portion orr of the mine and that every precaution was N as taken talen to prevent accident coroner guilfoil hag has taken eh charge arge of the bodies and has ordered eighty coffins from denver thirty one victims of yesterdays explosion in the main mine of the colorado fuel and iron company at this place had been removed to the tile sut surface face this morning and while more are re being brought out at intervals it is is believed more than forty eight are still inside with dawn the full import of the disaster has broken upon the tile survia ors and from every quarter aid is being rushed to the scene rescuers worked all night and at daylight a fresh supply went in the men have penetrated as far as entry 8 A and are now working on 9 A |