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Show THE TALLEST MAN, B. M. 3 registering Days in August FARMINGTON The 29, 1958 JOURNAL-Ju- ly page 5 Local Jaycees take honors of y oungsters. The4 Cleat Big Dane Swede, It dil, '0 i.neetor (unpaid I, as he is also called, loves to Kaysville Kaysville Jaycees won two national nt!v mpo n'ed jus- - i ui t and fish m hn spare tune first i'l.tee of the six voter regis-t- i he place awards at the national c nvention held redo e to t had a chain utiou days will be held m uee tie peaie foi Layton "Haven m in h of it though m the last cently. The local club won top honors in Division One i the Septem-hto Aumi't, pnor City fit ui unken diitei go-- 1 liw Regis-tiath- u l 0 ycais, he comment'. lie (lor dubs in cities havin'? less than 1' coo population) Is lo.il t f ini' tin '0 mg pinnaiy tier non. hold will foith to for their youth welfare program ai. th of Mr Audi l '"ti i n an a. aKo been an enthu'ia'tu agents membership), and trap shooter. then- - sett lies between am nl ! o ini, "If ? u u' ink, goiter U and leadership personnel truming. d well Tall ilia m and pi oud, ' and 7, I'l and don't di it e ji m. on Augo-- t . if you di it e, Lavton gained a second place award in youth welMr, Anileisoii. His imtlur and m thtobei, piior to the don't t!ii an i a k . oil oi it e and .ft he him to wanted father and Hoy took first place awards in aviation, memfare ptnud i inner elee al ne Uon, dri IK, t gi oj land m the i link . of the fait that he was one ol t and on Oitonet w n ti imi un and leadership training and public relations. hail. and bership jail ihty lmpi C'seii Two wrtks ago, Andy filed the highest. he not him should that foi t!e otno of Noith tmialt upon Ki i uniL Mm. Ruhaid lump to hide his hiieht, but1 Lark l it jii Hi e of lb e. peai Mm. wear it ptoudlv. their p.ients, Mr. and i. !. tl. was t'oin m l.thi, a Maik Mwigan hate Keen Lay ton -- Layton First Waul Pinna' v Lark teacher, Kathy son if Janus M. and Ilannal My dad would give me a and Bluebird ten her Edith J.ukson, took 1!) girls to in the Uintah Bourne, Two Kelt ice- Fai mmgtoii T IPs a fatner, good swift kick ill the rear, if Salt Lake City for a tour of the temple gnoiuids. A a tin on dinnei A birthda staHonid hoi picnic at units t.M men, apai tiailur for Jiftv team, he thought I was bending Liberty Park was the next stop for the d Sunday by Bishop and Mrs group. welt dnteis mviiiit'ii m a His moth- - and say, straighten out.' f.ve veais ago. DeYaughn Jones at their home, h'liiM at the jumtion of High- - ei now sf with 1hen nd added, smiling, jtais mold,Lavbtes honoring Mrs. June' sister Kay tt ay' ol and State Stieet in the Aidii'.'ms ton. Shi s a young man, I was kind N OPEN HOUSE was held to permit friends and relatites Marks who is visit. ng from 1' ui mmgtnn Finlay at n a.m. a mum tor leail.er lmi'ie ol a sport and liked to wear jw.,' Yoi k. Othei New to w mh Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sandall the best on their Buffalo, One driver, E. Val Canilelar-Jy- i ai s and painted as a hobby. a derby hat, but they didn't l! wedding annnersarv. Mrs. Joe (Norma) Preeie guests were Mr. Fiantis Petei-soMr. and Mrs. Ira Moss and in, stationed with the Ail Force TI e Andii'ims aKo have a son,! last kept smashing Lisa Piitehett of Sait Lake at Lieat Fall-- , Montana, slowed Lt a is 11, a supt i mtendont lm them long. 709 Phone 'on Cary, Whittier, California, to go through trying and Mrs. Helen Bui luge his pr.ii model sedan for le-- i Ru t'n Id Oil Company will arnve August 1 to spend m six loot eight doorways. of ! family Farmington. out mg signs on a load Kaysville Mrs. Pearl . Hill a fiw weeks visiting with his chaige of the asphalt manu- The family of Mr. and Mrs. to fai t.mng )lant, who lives witln Finally, we a skeil Mi. Aruiei-an- y entei tamed at a family dinnei'two daughteis and their fam-partprojeit piepuimg X. Harold Moon piesented the at her home Sunday m die', Mr. ami Mrs. Udell Green, e move into noithbnund hi ' wife in Long Beat h. son if he has philosophy when the second lar, a Farmington Suet ament service and Mrs. Ned Beecher, "1 lived m l.elu until aftei of life that he would like to honor of Steven R. Hills thir-M- i. tiattic teenth birthday. Sunday evening. Talks were l'.ri7 model driven by John Per- high si hool g aduation, Fai "iingti n nuv pa's onto us. Mm. Mr. Moon, and given by il y light Jr, stationed at Hill ry i a b '. Then my family moved Dll, I have a lot of philo-bStephen. Maiy Lnn and BeviAir Fmic Base, Hashed into to Salt Lake City, so that 1 Lophn think the best a erly'. Patsy and Linda sang his back end. Mr. Wiight who could attend the I'nivei-it- y ot'one fm anyones life is four song. was knoikid unconscious, I ah, wneie 1 stinted out m short words live and let live, Marilyn Keyes of Kaystille lacerations of the foie-hea- d elcitnial i iigmeei mu, and then I enjoy people, enjoy visiting and Margaret Hall of Breston, and intei nal ihi't mjuiies. switi lied to bii'inc'S and to the 'with them. and l eld-- 1 moved to Kay w die whine 1 hey at Idaho were weekend gue-t- s to his lai was esti- LI'S Fmveisity. .Damage Willard have livid ever Mine, A the home of Nina Lund. $UMi and damage to at mated You may have gui ssed, "Big To them weic bum seven Dave and Leola Merrill and were invited to an open house ini' other i hule was estimated M.m" Aniiei son played basket-,ha- s this ', at the family k lnlilren, six of whom are Ji frK.nds ls . . . he Bv Mrs. Joan Elliott and M) ma Jeaneen 7it'l Miller Ave., had relatives July Sunday, Kaye as total. II. C. Palmer of the bull, was the talle't player in daughters eirmn Sandall. I.os his loHl-for Boise, Idaho on Mon- - home, 77 North Thud West, png: Phone wags Utah State Putiol visiting last weekend. They the Highway and his teams slate helped California; Mi'. Golden was the on a business trip. They in Kaysville, to heli the were Mr. and Mrs. Iester Jep-se- n longue. at the offmr. investigating and the University Orval weekend Lavton Ml'. the Malls eelebute their Toth vved-idea will be home Thursday. he let live live and During (Vella) Smith, and Janit and YMC ha i win W. San-Max mpion'h France-Mr. and ips. and Mrs. ; The James Ethering-to- Lael fiomdaughters, ) Moiton, was passed on to him by his Mrs. E. S. Hart id Pocatello, ding arum ei sai y. Idaho. Mr. Preston, Heres a he good one," and family, Vi.7 North Sherftom Sandall, all of Kaysville; Mrs. rNjaiir received gue'ts andmother. I'll never calcic Idaho has been a guest at the dalls Lloyd was home ill a few days says. "When playing basket- gi Keimit (Faye) (Cowley, Lay he said, my grandmother wood, joined Mr. and Mrs. Ray last week fiom his JQICj jy s nm home of her niece and nephew I could ball job at Hill of most my put Yal (Ceialdme) and I would he sitting near the Phillips for a day of swimming, Air Foiee Base Ilavis County lesulents pui-- t arm lone and Hoi ton Millei. Mis. was bin n De- - !t,irC al 4 the and through hoop, are Bountiful. Thue Hati h, at and water a based skiingm boating S217.S20 fue on winter evening Lavton. Hart is M years of age and savings it bonds during June, according il wasn't a toul in those days,I Neighhois would ionic m for Echo Dam. Making their home here in lone has taken her to Drapei Millis Staggie Sandall was born also 2 2 gi amk hildi u and didn't the touch you eat-grim. andi hililien. Mrs. Marvin i Drummonds Layton an Mr. and Mrs. Don a sewing session to wold men ed by Harold C. My g to visit relatives while she was March 27, 1"9, in South YVe- - 9 a number of baskets saved would slowly lock as fonner school chum, Miss La- - Gilmore, who have just rehere. Mrs. M I. Brockbunk ol her, Utah. They were married Steid, county than man, bung- from being made that way, Soon Pnel Seamons from Alhambra, turned from their honeymoon Salt Lake, a sister of lone's Tidy 2', P.mis, in Salt Lake City, ling the total for the year to hut one night, to my sad exdate to s'i7".,777 California, visited at the Di uni in California. Mrs. Gilmore is Davis has visited over the weekend w ith Following their marriage they I got my arm tanmond home, 7k7 Sherwood, for the l cached former Renee Melaney, .77.,'! pen cut of its 97s perience, the Millers. gled up in the net and hoop a few days. sales daughter of Mr. and Mrs. goal. Mrs. Robert Barker and two The heme of Walter and ErDa e Stavner and hung there until the basMr. and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Yme.' Claude Melaney, !HiT Sherwood children are visiting at the ket gave way. Cathy went fishing line Eliott this and family, 102 Daley, attended Drive. One night last week the w t ek ha- home of Mi. and Mrs. Van daughter past IT om school, he opened up a last week ut Velloivatone laik the annual Clarks family re- Melanevs had as their guests, Mrs. Barker is the While Barker. they were away, Mrs been a vciy active plait as buy ile shop m Salt Lake lm union at Lagoon on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Melaney, wife of the Van Barkers son his fii't businc's ventuie, and Staynei's father passed away. afternoon, July 2d. Weekend who were on their way to Sgt. Robert Barker who is sta-- ( The funeial foi Mr. Claude visitois from all over have been then tlneo yeais latei went to visitors at the Ames home wet Whitehall, Montana, after a vatinned with the Armed Foices Fleming was hi Id m Ogden on Mr and Mis, Ames parents, cation in California. enjoying their hospitality. Hi- - The F'our Stitches, have or- - California, where he met his in England, Mis Bui kef an Monday. Mr. anil Mrs. Earl Parkinson. Club. Each wile Kalhanne. childien just returned 'mi's liiotlioi and his wife. Rex ganied theii "She was on her way to vacaMrs. Ames sister, Mrs. Verd Spending a Club went The Workettes Monday' and Thui'day after- Texas to states fiom England. mil Flume Biay and f mr ihd-- l noon a Texan. She tion m Hatch, Utah, lecently marry Moiterisen two Black-mit- h and childien. on Fmk to meet the home of at who Canyon has been they Carolyn Barker never made it. 'Mrs. Ames brother, Mr. Dale w ei e Sgt and Mrs. Nile SawTin Mai jone night for a earn)) out. Inn have bein Rosenlund, their leadvisiting her sistei and broth- - FT iday who tall a Being evtn IP.ukirison and family. Tui-keplayid Mis yer and family, Jo and Ricky, y pait Presier, tor first year sewing. and Mis. 'Gills enjoyed the nights Kiays just letuimd fiom Captain in his meeting Mis. Audio son Ames aunt, Esther Rydalch 7)17 Kingston Ave. While there, William R. Nutter in Hawaii activities vveie Jana Stathis, wheie Mi, Biay has been dent of the i luh is Kay RosenLethal me was to Texall fiom St. Anthony, Idaho. Mi. they journeyed on to Bryce for the pa't month is expected Can.l Gardnei, Jeneil Rigby, seivmg with the aimed toices. lund. Kathy Ence is vice presi- as fiom hei home going in Michigan .Ames hi other, Everett Ames and Zions Canyons. While in ( i eer, and n Lome (atheiine Ball, hi dent, Rue, of fn home utound the othei Ei line's sister and seiretaiy 't and stopped m Fiesim, Calilm-niand family of Idaho Falls, Ida Hatch they stayed at the home and loan Baihaia Hawks Ellis, Kathy Martha and Maik Loosii oi tieasuier jrUsl, of Mr. Sawyers patents, Mi. to broth-a with ho vi'it i fust, was present. also is and Mi. Mice and Leonard Eldredge md Judith Sparks. Calif and daughter, also a niece leportei. I was at a dame. an Mrs. T. H. Sawyer. Katli.1. 8K9 J. Valeria Mi- -. Bill Il'gby went along as Cathy Kunki of Piovo, Two Varney, and daughter Barbara spent aiine was theie, also. She Donald Williams, son of Mr. As you wish to be tieated, see Ihive, will celebrate his birth Vla of last weekend at Bear Lake. I'hapeione, and Mis. Betty mi.sionaiv companions U'ked her brother, with w horn that you tieat another. What day July 81. The family plan and Mrs. William P. Williams, visitors at the homebws, their leader, aUo went. Elliotts, Eiic Sowe of Tooele was acquainted, to lntmduie.you do not like yourself, do not dinner and movie for the or-- i otkl Marva Ave., hail IS little Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand (Ire-lan- d of of Mr. and Mis. E. C. HedgePiiie and Goldingi la I.any to that tall fellow over To to another. friends to his third birthdav asion. y and family spent the first Met ill Holding of Calil. have peth were their son and daughter-intheie She never went to Tex-- ( olumhanus. Mr. and Mrs. Dean F. Lloyd, (party on July 28. Mr. and Mrs. Ed put of this week in Vellovv-.bee- n -law, weekend at the H Mrs. Joe (Norma) Ireece as, and the lancher with whom Phone 7(19 tone Bark. Elliotts. Hedgepeth of Salt Lake. out. Six 'Aa' Kaysville Mi. and Mis Mel (.(months later we were mail led. vin Manning and children and office last weekend at Yellowstone1, Andy lan a desk iluniduu' stoic m Fresno until National Park. Mr. and Mrs. (. W. Hum-m- , the beginning of Woild Wai I. hen he enlisted in the heavy aitdleiy. After schooling, he made an instructor on eltc-an- d their son and his family, THE ALL NEW JANTZEN LINE FOR FALL 1353 trical theory in Virginia. Mis. Farrell Humphreys. was lie A He too. tall I CO M F A It then, Miss Connie Yose and Mrs. rated his first nation-wid- e ALL MEMBERS THE FAMILY W. C. Yose of Big Piney, Wyowith a picture in publicity ming vveie weekend guests ot Colliers magazine holding a Mr. and Mis. Giant Cullnnoie. in h.' nbtACTuig(fO!Mn sergeant Mrs. Fern Brovin, Tulsa, WIST CHNWuptunii arms. Oklahoma, was a house gue-- t After the seivue, he t etui tied week of Mr and Mis. Far-itd- l (la-- t o California to 'ell automoHumph eys and family. biles, then went into ianciimr Mrs. Joe lv Preeie for (Norma) Headquarters m the San Joaquin Valley. Tin Phone 7(i!) Yndersons letumed to Utah in Bul-auAir and Mis. l Kaysville and "Bad Man beiame a 1982, Humphiits enteitained lm her aunt, Mis. Maigaret Baion ales topi esentntn e for Mi Con-no- n Company, selling insecand tit meie, Jeanette Ba on at (in ncr Thui'day evening at ticides and cattle mineral'. He the Hiay Cliff Lodge in Ogdtn, was making a sales call in Lay 9 r one day in IML A gioup Cany on. Mrs. June Humphries and if businessmen in one stole on which he i ailed wine discussMis. Mane Hatch vveie to a luidal and pci sniial ing the need foi a locker plant ai the community. One fellow 'bower in honor of Mms Shaioe looked over and up tow aid 1. Mi Daniel' in Faimmgton hi'U M and Mild, Theie is the man As Low As ' eek. 'hat could stait one. Andy went home, thought about it, v and was soon m the fiozen food usiness, where he has gained III rational i ecognition. Ilis plant was given the avvaid of mei it in 19 47 by Locker Y'Lonas (Tub VH'a national maga9 Holds Over .TOO Lbs. Kav'ville Ah'. Eail Tall Management, will lie hostess to memheis ol zine, for "highest mei itonou' the A'Lonas Club at her home services perfoimed by Layton No Sloopint? or Grop-inj- ;. The up and coming fashion Cold Stoiage m advancing the Wedne'day evening. highest standaid of linker plant in separates is the knitted wool operation am! m piomotmg the XU' t se of frozen foods as a betLath Shelf a (Juiek-Free- e ter mode of living. so trim and This shirt. one, Plate As dueitor, treasmer and president of the Utah Fiozen smart, Jantzen calls it Executive ood Locker Association, and 4-- H Many Other Models at director of the National Frozen Monev-sa- v intr Prices! (We predict Secretary. ood Linker Association, All. Kaysville The Little Cooks Ynder-o- n was instrumental in (Tub held their eighth meet-n- getting a lot of good legislaa great future for it!) July 17. They took a toui tion passed to protect the fioz-i- n SUMMER to Farmington. They touied Jan-khar- a food industiy. blend of imported wool CLEARANCE he county seat. The shenff of Countless on the photographs Farmington showed them his walls of his office tell the story sizes 9.98. and vicara. 32-4- 0 iff ice and the files. of his busy life during the the showed Harry Strong peiiod 1!M7 to 1970 when he Business partner, the . ttended gioup the court room. many locker assoeia-Mo- n TV i (inventions m 17 neigh-- I "Cobblestone tweed skirt, oring states as guest speaker. Portables And at home he was also 8 Table Models . aining himself a reputation sizes, 14.98. is Uncle Andy with the ohil-!reConsoles whom he was treating Lo-HoWestinghouse Laundromat Matching with a movie and party each Dryer 202 W. Golden Ave. year as school closed. The to Uncle Andy Parties continued Full Factory Warranty Layton, ltah 3MNIZEN until the Layton theatre Church Schedule IF IT'S WESTINGHOUSE YOU GAN HE SURE Rev. Donald L. Craig, Pastor by file. As many as IKK) children vveie counted at Phone 909-- J one such event. Sunday Services One year," he recalls, I 9:80 a.m Sunday School! decided to give each hoy and (classes for all), Wor- girl a nickel. You never saw 11.00 a.m. Morning so many nickels in your life. ship. i!.. TO p.m. They spent them all in my Christs Ambassastore and then I had them dors (Young People) back again to take care of." Ser7:80 p.m. Evangelistic The children used to make JUST WEST OF THE LIGHT vice. signs to bring to the party. Tuesday Service 7 240 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING COMPLETELY k pm piayei One said, Uncle Andy (ome' In Handy. lie still has a picmeeting. ture of that one and the large All are welcome. Katherine Rose Mi'. Sauna; Farmington Buigei'Ui anJ daughter Ltah Jane of Palmyra, New 1 i" k aie vis"ois at the home ofi t Mi'. Fui gerson's Mstti and Mr. and Mi' Alv n ( numbei la:i . Young lodd Morgan of Lav-tolias It.n a g t at the home of hi' gi amipait ms, Mi. 11' and Mis. linn si'ter Carrie has imii VI Mtim; r. am. her aunt and i.ik'i, Hy ( i o; I ( t i Fiom n-- 1 age 1 uw J ) I 1 i 1 ' n 11 ie-- . lai'm. . . j girls tour Temple Grounds i 1 -- 1 . iol-jdie- , West Kaysville news beat h 1 ! um-ftiuiti- in Fifty years of marriage y one-lan- i Marked by Sandalls ut Wasatch Heights 1 suf-jleie- il HIGHLIGHTS liv-le- ft Yn-d- San-igile- 1 Y n hond ioi-ge- t, - i land-moth- er from Skyline lt 2'4-wee- k g. Au-lbm- a, 1 - i Grestwood 1 i is JUST ARRIVED vh ih'as Rf ilA IK FOR OF iff WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES -- U SUMMER es REDUCTION fy si 9995 i SWEATER SHIRT 9.98 Clubs - Little Cooks Club g, on Westinahouse Assembly Of God $349.90 Priced n, sell! BRAILSFORD BIGGS DEPT. STORE Mid-wee- |