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Show nn r 141 S.-.- f:l?3i:;t U..-.- ays. CITY 1C, LI AH nrpn 2amd if1 ufe4M DAVIS COUNTY'S NEWEST NEWSPAPER LAYTON, UTAH, TFESDXY, I!. M. By Clair W. Hales did-Mister, j nt know they could stack, it so high, without it fa1!-- 1 Layton 1 33 Layton merchants pledge hai learned to get the well-know- n iiiK over. The youngster was XNDERSON OF LXY'ION most from life and from his height In developing a strong sense ot humor and b) following a policv of "live and let Ine with his fellow man. lie is in his and eountj for his active participation in civic work. (Ihoto hv Don Lund) rom-muni- Gifts for t) For talk-- 1 levy up in Farmington ;n.st movie kick-o- ff IA 2!t, 1958 NO. 37 I)uid King:. Democratic candidate lor the House ot Kept esentatives from the Second District, will pive the kev He address at the Democratic county convention Friday, August 1, m the countv courthouse. Special puests will he Frank T. Moss and Brigham Roberts who are declared candidates tor the ) M of F S. Senator. Onlv contest on the countv level which will be decided at the county convention is the one loi Justice of t sales event two-da- y Jl X "??& Vs the I Vac e m the South Precinct. Positions having three or more landid.ites will be voted on at the local convention, with the two iemam,ng candidates appealing on the lun-ot- f primary in Septembei The Republican convention on August it also at the Couit-hous- e promises a little exciteof three ment m the positions for which theie are 11101 e thice 01 contestants. Theie is a contest pending in the county convention foi com-i- j nnssioner, for legislative and for justice of the peace, all in the south part of the County. Theie will he candidates foi national offices as special guests at the convention, to Dick Stevenson, ounty chan man of the GOP. The state GOP Tally will be held Fuday, August 1, at 7 Lagoon. The state rally the dnection of the Republican Club of Utah, the Utah State Yroung Republicans and the Utah Federation of Womens Republican Clubs. Highlight of the evening will he remaiks from the Republican candidates for the United States Senate, Sen. Arthur Yr. Watkins, William Allen Lang Carvel Mattson. Gov. ge D. Clyde will extend official welcome to open ally OP delegates to the county convention in Farmington include: Allen Van Dyke, Mrs. Goldie Van Dyke, Lloyd Riley, Ron Wiseombe, Mrs. Richard Foerster, Eunice Van Orden, Pricilla Sutton, Donald D. Davis, Marelda H. Davis, Mathew (Continued on Page 5) t -- Layton merchants night at Davis Layton Drive-i- n Thursday, August 7, will he the hig kick A paits. At five feet twenty- downtown sales event. Some 23 one inches (that is how he likes. Fainnngton City council setjon last week. Members of the off for a big two-da- y to describe his ascent into the the ltiTs tax levy on Wednes- - it) council and Fainnngton businesses in Layton have already pledged prizes valupper atmosphere), Mr. Ander- - day night raising the levy 2 Lions (lul) weie pi esent foi ued at $5 or more each to he given away at the movie, son, a Layton business man, nulls over last year. The new tins event clothing, appliances, gasoline, inltv justice of peace and civic tax levy is Hi mills divided as The game aiea at the city including furniture, V follows. surance he expense, Contingent automatically policy, family dinners, and many others. leadei, says has now been black nulls; stieets and sidewalks, paik , Wldv f( UM,. Thetoppedk UucKs for each dooiwav Now on the list to support and contribute to the A "Just like a goose, always , mills; paiks and public p.op- - (J(inp th ,h; )a,k n Drive-iare Union Furniture Davis ejr merchants night have to pull my h to Fiom valued at $ Tri-StaLumi huchled la- -t veai's1 Company, Dr. Hal Marsell, optometrist ; 2 fund, guarantee He always enjoys telling ofPll,vement National K. ber First Bank, Dean, To., attorney; Roger Ll,ms nui, Fes(a c the humorous incident that uc- d Layton Auto Parts, J. C. Penney Co., Signal Cafe, Lay-to- n At a special meeting t he pi esent' the city with siiOn. curred in a Southern Utah comGG, Power Dick Cold Utah Adams Phillips Storage, Fainnngton tesidents have piopetty foimetly owned by munity several years ago, while Nate Claik in the cenlial east 'been using the chlot mated wa- - & Light, Barlow Realty, Simmons Realty, Mountain he was serving as piesident of Davis-Webaque- - States Fuel Supply Co., Mountain States Telephone the Utah Frozen Food Locker section of Fainnngton was re- tei fiom the zoned from agricultuial to res- - duct feu a few months now. Association: s Dept idential. .Just lately it has been neces- - Co., Mayfair Country Store, Brailsford-Bigg"1 went to Gunnison for an The Adams The new lights at the city sai y to use water fiom FaimMarket, Wayne's Store, Dipper, Super official visit with the fellow ball paik weie officially tuined ngton Canyon. P'oodtovvn, Fashion Cleaners, Ben Franklin Store, Lay-to- n who was operating a frozen food locker business there. Department Store, Days Beeline Service, Max He was busy selling candy to Ford, Preece Motor, Olsen Chevrolet, Wonder Bishop .some school children w hen I ILostest, Caka, Dr-viBread, County Glass, Manuels went inside. I stood aside to Hill Arctic Circle. Villa Cleaners, Beauty Parlor, wait and three youngsters in the store came over to where stores will he Friin sales these The special nays stood and asked how tall 9. 8 and and day Saturday, August I was. I told them I was five foot twenly-on- e inches, and one boy said, Ah, you're tall-er'- n that.' Nope, I replied, that's it. They got to figuring and thinking over what had said an decided I was ARE six feet nine inches high. One d freckled faced, That congratulations go to the Kaysville Volunyoung fellow looked up at me lor a long time, stepped back, teer Fire Department who made record Fly-i- n LOADING IP FOR THIRTY I) XY trio across nation are speed in getting looked up again and said, members of seminar) student group from Davis Count) to and shed the at the fire Fred Hennefcr fighting 'Gee, mister, I didn t think and other areas of I tah. Ken Sheffield, Kavsville, is servTht? county home it without so Monday evening. high, they piled ing as one of the two guides for the trip. (Reflex-Journit tailing over.' Voluminous billows of smoke and flames shooting 'the fbght' lme w viefnim Mr. Anderson has nevei into the air attracted literally hundreds of people to the bieakfast area foi the Hill being bom a tall one the scene. The crowding and milling of the onlookers AFB Aero Flub Fly-i- n bieak-greatl- y My height has nevei caused ,KdPn Municipal me any pioblems, except in hampered the work of the Fire Department fa.st at. Sunday morning, Au clothes, but rather it has helped and led city oflicials to remind people that following Airport, :n-Kist me to meet people and make the All fly-i- n Come and see what Kaysville Fire Truck is against the law. guests will be sen- Layton ft lends. After seeing me, they (l breakfast from s a. m. to m I've done to your bed, Mommy. We go along with the law prohibiting following don t feuget me for a long time sem-tavKentucky, Myrtle Beach,' Mis. Russell 0. Quintanna, Kaysville Seventy-tw- o It pioves embarrassing some- the first truck but, unfortunately, there was no one Davis South students from Carolina, Norfolk, Wash-'ii- s ir.aiv Marva Ave., Layton, RIIERE IS NOT ADE- - wdi cirive from the pi stan times, however, when people mound to enfoice the law. D (., Jamestown, Mt. thought her d ington, son, do not leinember me whom A model an plane h New Michael, was joking with her Vernon, Valley Forge, QUATE LAW ENFORCEMENT IN KAYSVILLE. i eniember. Y'oik, Fayette, Palmyia and the until smoke began pouring into time the the truck goes out on a hurry-u- p tl0V'. ,'11 1,e hli frVni ,n,a; As he said, his only pioblem pageant, Niagara Falls, Kirt-h- e living room where she was Jhe Ogden7 as a giant i3 in buying his call to fight a fire that may he only a grass fire getting, An' Fort Ohio, Municipal land, Wayne, be clothes, which must specially out of control or a major conflagration, the curiousjpoit will featuie all types of cago, Nauvoo, Caithage, Adam- - Firemen answered the call at made to fit. Mr. Andetsons oi ciuo are inviteu to can f Fn7ty-sevea11 ci aftj an1 civilian into and cars of their !mdltay the behind jump Liberty Jail, Rich- - 1 speed p.m. last Thursday and along just barely I can business caid reads, Omaha ried the burning mattiess and Independence, wear a 12 shoe, but 4's feel the department. Then children, young people, toddlers1'1 'Y11 bem untilVif1, mPUTh! patrol. after :i0 P- J. - phone1? fm. Davis r'ul,ltF, and the pioneer ti ail west. jbed clothes onto the fiont lawn. clutched by the hand all hurry along the streets to the'T)aAls C(,unty' sheriffs number Kaysville better.' KlvSrilteTand pa Three of the main Other than the bedding, the puiposes The ability to laugh is one tire and the traffic hazard would make the presidentltiol will assist in paiking pn Land insects make up an ap- - Munay. trips aie to assist youth in' only damage was slight bums of Hig Mans (one of the favutomobiles in that aiea .pieciahle percentage of the to he made seeing their Mormon hentage,'to the bed itself, and water and Anionr the orite nicknames applied to of the National Safety Council throw up his hands injvat,e m. the Thundii 'lainbow trouts diet in the sum- - w i he Kansasvtops phorror. City, Mammoth uppieuate the countiy in which smoke damage, his initials) most outstandmer' they live, and to develop an1 Mis. Quintana said her sk him w .lf pe, foim BUT, UNLESS THERE IS A LAW OFFICER !,n uaumf ing characteristics. for all peoples and youngster had evidently found appreciation to relate one of his humorU turn-,- ) AROUND, NO ONE IS GOING TO STOP THESE NAT- - loops, rolls, veitu-acieeds. some matches somewhere about ous exper, ernes from the past, URALLY udls and othei !11d ,A11 tr,ut ,an?, ca,"1'orous: 'the house. w INTERESTED SPECTATORS FROM such as the time, if was his on the ln tllelr famous Oosethat is, they Expenses for the entire trip' Fuemen answered a call AIINO A GKLAILK DANGER IHAN TIiL r IRE. lneuveis e othei fish or animals. kmt wedding night, and mx podiamond foima-o- f will end about August urday at J 15 pm. along Kays Y e have said that we think the time is past clue for licemen, all friends, threw 2() will he fiee for Linda k west of Verdeland Park, him into jail less than an Kaysville to have a law enforcement officer of the wheie children had started dry man, wmnei Dugway, equipped hour after he had been marwith uniform and car. We still see evidence of speech contest conducted by grass afire. The burned aiea ried and his 275 pounds will the LDS sennnai ies of the Salt was confin'd to a section every day speeding cars along the side rock and roll until tears tual vard' square aiea. stream down his face. He streets, cars and trucks driving through our Main enjoys life, every minute of Street as though they were on an open stretch of highit an ability few persons are way, local people following and nearly leading the fire able to gain. Annual Davis Stake Fathers nickBull Moose department on a call that might well cost a life. (anothei and Soils Outing will take place name) is owner of Layton Cold There are also lesser infractions that may not be danBv I). Keith Barnes, M.I). Farmington for cleaner Corn-A- ll at Farmington Flats August 1 Stoiage, loti West Gentile. His gerous to life and limb hut that make lit e not quite so and the unities. In V.i:5 partial ecognized 2. and great fill a civic accomplishments of our civilization be-- , age collection began in both as it could he here. pleasant 0 He to list. oigan-17long helped Schedu'e foi Fuday evening came realities because of some aieas. Inadequate as the sys-onWE HAVE SAID IT BEFORE AND E SIIAI I. the ( hamber of Commerce a campfire program at 'includes toms weie an eia of better dream. in Layton and seived as its CONTINUE TO SAY IT WE BE I IEVE KAYSVILLE s p.m , gioup singing, story tellAdditional Without exception, t h e s e sanitation began. to! NEEDS MORE fust president, was ADEQUATE LAW ENFORCEMENT! ing, musical numbers, quiz pro-gia- dieameis weie ridiculed by alines have been run but still Si the citv council in l'.l D, w 01 ked s world that the cities have far from piizes and tefieshments as finame chairman of the 1O11 there will that any plete sewei coveiage. morning compiehend Satuiday Gateway Distiict of Boy Scouts be a nature hike on turds and man could use above self m- ; for three years (IWiT-I'Cis 7 animals from until am. and teiest and personal profit ten oppoitunity is ripe for cariied out the duties of Daan Impiovement District De- fiom of skill a eiusade for cause games progressive Davis Comity commissioners, we believe you vis County American Red Cross outflow 111. velopment whereby on. a. men hide their Oidmaiy js finance chairman for two years; should act can Fe lay?el to accom-feieon a suggestion being presented dreams fearing to appear favorably has been a memhei of the The skill and event games anY future collection while the truly hig manlmodate 'include the bean guessing game, follows his vision American Legion for 25 years; to you this week by Kaysvilles city council reading: and supply complete system and fights Please be adxised that the Kaysville City Council at teaches the High Pne.sts class mail dn ing, golf putting, golf for its fulfillment. Too often treatment for ah human w astes THIS PHOTOGR XPH OF THE Kavsville Co-o- p store was in Layton LDS Fourth Ward; their regular meeting July 21, voted unanimously in dming, how and arrow, thiow the ch earner never sees tne " ithin its boundaries. in 1918. Washing windows are Arnold Barnes, Fae taken and has always been a good for stnkes, penny toss, hit the of the I)ais County Commission proceeding tc It shouldnt take courage on Sanders and Artell Linford (Mrs. Jim Fletcher). Mrs. Republican, sharing paity baby, hore shoe pitch, bar-Irthe Fletcher The Mr. both deceased. part of city and county ofare set and Barnes a sewer photoin district up this area. in the positions daits foi points, fliploll, ficials but sound thinking. The Mrs. a b was in Howard handed Itarr, Kasville, It is the quickest and most economical method of graph of county chairman, district per shoot and marble strike. Co-oin the builddevelopment is inevitable and of located was The Arnold. daughter and member of the bringing the proposed sanitary sewer district for Kayschairman, the cost will never be less. Two ing now being used by Bowmans Dry Goods, and was manstate central committee, a post ville, or three dollars a month over YYr. Barnes. Fruit and could You buv intermediate the Farmington, aged Heights thing by George ever) he has held for ten years. a bonding period will easily When in puisuit of piey. from corsets to hoarhound candy. This building replaced In addition to his own husi- - county area to a vote of the people, who would have co-o- p buy it. duck hawks may reach a speed p 1910. old the in and bank The building ness, and his busy life as a the final w ord in either accepting or rejecting the bond Health is Nature's Greatest locations at that time, the bank moving from the of between 17) and 2ihi miles (Continued on Page 5) issue at the time of its voting. Gift to Man Preserve It! north side to the corner. per hour. c 1 un-o- c v 1 1 te s 1 Davis Jeep Patrol SAYING... To 1 participate In Aero Club -- 1)a' al Seminary students touring ff Sets bed afire V. Eastern points of interest e, three-year-ol- 1 denu.n-tia-Eac- 111 Chi-sittin- g. ondi-ahma- n car-mon- d. ' 1 - Vp MeDinE 12.-7-- - i Davis Stake CRE-'co,k'ue- Sat-whi- foui-plan- New-Chee- s This Week s Old Photo iFathers Sons outing tasEI importance of dreamer wm::. 1 sew-valu- es es cb-ctc- jealous-avanciou- cora-could- nt dif-iBn- t's faor tie p co-o- ' nt |